Diffusion Imaging In Python - Documentation#

DIPY is the paragon 3D/4D+ imaging library in Python. Contains generic methods for spatial normalization, signal processing, machine learning, statistical analysis and visualization of medical images. Additionally, it contains specialized methods for computational anatomy including diffusion, perfusion and structural imaging.

DIPY is part of the NiPy ecosystem.


DIPY 1.8.0 is now available. New features include:

  • Python 3.12.0 support.

  • Cython 3.0.0 compatibility.

  • Migrated to Meson build system. Setuptools is no more.

  • EVAC+ novel DL-based brain extraction method added.

  • Parallel Transport Tractography (PTT) 10X faster.

  • Many Horizon updates. Fast overlays of many images.

  • New Correlation Tensor Imaging (CTI) method added.

  • Improved warnings for optional dependencies.

  • Large documentation update. New theme/design integration.

  • Closed 197 issues and merged 130 pull requests.

DIPY 1.7.0 is now available. New features include:

  • NF: BundleWarp - Streamline-based nonlinear registration method for bundles added.

  • NF: DKI+ - Diffusion Kurtosis modeling with advanced constraints added.

  • NF: Synb0 - Synthetic b0 creation added using deep learning added.

  • NF: New Parallel Transport Tractography (PTT) added.

  • NF: Fast Streamline Search algorithm added.

  • NF: New denoising methods based on 1D CNN added.

  • Handle Asymmetric Spherical Functions.

  • Large update of DIPY Horizon features.

  • Multiple Workflows updated

  • Large codebase cleaning.

  • Large documentation update. Integration of Sphinx-Gallery.

  • Closed 53 issues and merged 34 pull requests.

See Older Highlights.


See some of our Past Announcements


We acknowledge support from the following organizations:

  • The department of Intelligent Systems Engineering of Indiana University.

  • The National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering, NIH.

  • The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, through the University of Washington eScience Institute Data Science Environment.

  • Google supported DIPY through the Google Summer of Code Program during Summer 2015, 2016 and 2018.

  • The International Neuroinformatics Coordination Facility.