Source code for dipy.align

import numpy as np

floating = np.float32

[docs] class Bunch: def __init__(self, **kwds): r"""A 'bunch' of values (a replacement of Enum) This is a temporary replacement of Enum, which is not available on all versions of Python 2 """ self.__dict__.update(kwds)
VerbosityLevels = Bunch(NONE=0, STATUS=1, DIAGNOSE=2, DEBUG=3) r""" VerbosityLevels This enum defines the four levels of verbosity we use in the align module. NONE : do not print anything STATUS : print information about the current status of the algorithm DIAGNOSE : print high level information of the components involved in the registration that can be used to detect a failing component. DEBUG : print as much information as possible to isolate the cause of a bug. """ from dipy.align._public import ( affine, affine_registration, center_of_mass, motion_correction, read_mapping, register_dwi_series, register_dwi_to_template, # noqa register_series, resample, rigid, rigid_isoscaling, rigid_scaling, streamline_registration, syn_registration, translation, write_mapping, ) __all__ = [ "syn_registration", "register_dwi_to_template", "write_mapping", "read_mapping", "resample", "center_of_mass", "translation", "rigid_isoscaling", "rigid_scaling", "rigid", "affine", "motion_correction", "affine_registration", "register_series", "register_dwi_series", "streamline_registration", ]