import math
import numpy as np
from dipy.core import wavelet
def adaptive_soft_matching(ima, fimau, fimao, sigma):
r"""Adaptive Soft Coefficient Matching
Combines two filtered 3D-images at different resolutions and the original
image. Returns the resulting combined image.
ima : ndarray
Original (unfiltered) image
fimau : 3D double array,
filtered image with optimized non-local means using a small block
(suggested:3x3), which corresponds to a "high resolution" filter.
fimao : 3D double array,
filtered image with optimized non-local means using a small block
(suggested:5x5), which corresponds to a "low resolution" filter.
sigma : the estimated standard deviation of the Gaussian random variables
that explain the rician noise. Note: In :footcite:p:`Coupe2012` the
rician noise was simulated as sqrt((f+x)^2 + (y)^2) where f is
the pixel value and x and y are independent realizations of a
random variable with Normal distribution, with mean=0 and
standard deviation=h
fima : 3D double array
output denoised array which is of the same shape as that of
the input
.. footbibliography::
s = fimau.shape
p = [int(2 ** math.ceil(math.log2(s[i]))) for i in range(3)]
pad1 = np.zeros((p[0], p[1], p[2]))
pad2 = np.zeros((p[0], p[1], p[2]))
pad3 = np.zeros((p[0], p[1], p[2]))
pad1[: s[0], : s[1], : s[2]] = fimau[:, :, :]
pad2[: s[0], : s[1], : s[2]] = fimao[:, :, :]
pad3[: s[0], : s[1], : s[2]] = ima[:, :, :]
af = np.array(
[0, -0.01122679215254],
[0, 0.01122679215254],
[-0.08838834764832, 0.08838834764832],
[0.08838834764832, 0.08838834764832],
[0.69587998903400, -0.69587998903400],
[0.69587998903400, 0.69587998903400],
[0.08838834764832, -0.08838834764832],
[-0.08838834764832, -0.08838834764832],
[0.01122679215254, 0],
[0.01122679215254, 0],
sf = np.array(af[::-1, :])
w1 = wavelet.dwt3D(pad1, 1, af)
w2 = wavelet.dwt3D(pad2, 1, af)
w3 = wavelet.dwt3D(pad3, 1, af)
for i in range(7):
tmp = np.array(w3[0][i])
tmp = tmp[: (s[0] // 2), : (s[1] // 2), : (s[2] // 2)]
sigY = np.std(tmp, ddof=1)
sigX = (sigY * sigY) - sigma * sigma
if sigX < 0:
T = abs(w3[0][i]).max()
T = (sigma * sigma) / (sigX**0.5)
w3[0][i] = abs(w3[0][i])
dist = np.array(w3[0][i]) - T
dist = np.exp(-0.01 * dist)
dist = 1.0 / (1 + dist)
w3[0][i] = dist * w1[0][i] + (1 - dist) * w2[0][i]
w3[1] = w1[1]
fima = wavelet.idwt3D(w3, 1, sf)
fima = fima[: s[0], : s[1], : s[2]]
return fima