Source code for dipy.denoise.localpca

import copy
from warnings import warn

import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import eigh
from scipy.linalg.lapack import dgesvd as svd

from dipy.denoise.pca_noise_estimate import pca_noise_estimate
from dipy.testing.decorators import warning_for_keywords

[docs] def dimensionality_problem_message(arr, num_samples, spr): """Message about the number of samples being smaller than one less the dimensionality of the data to be denoised. Parameters ---------- arr : ndarray Data to be denoised. num_samples : int Number of samples. spr : int Suggested patch radius. Returns ------- str Message. """ return ( f"Number of samples {arr.shape[-1]} - 1 < Dimensionality " f"{num_samples}. This might have a performance impact. Increase p" f"atch_radius to {spr} to avoid this." )
def _pca_classifier(L, nvoxels): """Classifies which PCA eigenvalues are related to noise and estimates the noise variance Parameters ---------- L : array (n,) Array containing the PCA eigenvalues in ascending order. nvoxels : int Number of voxels used to compute L Returns ------- var : float Estimation of the noise variance ncomps : int Number of eigenvalues related to noise Notes ----- This is based on the algorithm described in :footcite:p:`Veraart2016c`. References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ # if num_samples - 1 (to correct for mean subtraction) is less than number # of features, discard the zero eigenvalues if L.size > nvoxels - 1: L = L[-(nvoxels - 1) :] # Note that the condition expressed in the while-loop is expressed in terms # of the variance of equation (12), not equation (11) as in # :footcite:p:`Veraart2016c`. Also, this code implements ascending # eigenvalues, unlike :footcite:p:`Veraart2016c`. var = np.mean(L) c = L.size - 1 r = L[c] - L[0] - 4 * np.sqrt((c + 1.0) / nvoxels) * var while r > 0: var = np.mean(L[:c]) c = c - 1 r = L[c] - L[0] - 4 * np.sqrt((c + 1.0) / nvoxels) * var ncomps = c + 1 return var, ncomps
[docs] def create_patch_radius_arr(arr, pr): """Create the patch radius array from the data to be denoised and the patch radius. Parameters ---------- arr : ndarray Data to be denoised. pr : int or ndarray Patch radius. Returns ------- patch_radius : ndarray Number of samples. """ patch_radius = copy.deepcopy(pr) if isinstance(patch_radius, int): patch_radius = np.ones(3, dtype=int) * patch_radius if len(patch_radius) != 3: raise ValueError("patch_radius should have length 3") else: patch_radius = np.asarray(patch_radius).astype(int) patch_radius[arr.shape[0:3] == np.ones(3)] = 0 # account for dim of size 1 return patch_radius
[docs] def compute_patch_size(patch_radius): """Compute patch size from the patch radius. it is twice the radius plus one. Parameters ---------- patch_radius : ndarray Patch radius. Returns ------- int Number of samples. """ return 2 * patch_radius + 1
[docs] def compute_num_samples(patch_size): """Compute the number of samples as the dot product of the elements. Parameters ---------- patch_size : ndarray Patch size. Returns ------- int Number of samples. """ return
[docs] def compute_suggested_patch_radius(arr, patch_size): """Compute the suggested patch radius. Parameters ---------- arr : ndarray Data to be denoised. patch_size : ndarray Patch size. Returns ------- int Suggested patch radius. """ tmp = np.sum(patch_size == 1) # count spatial dimensions with size 1 if tmp == 0: root = np.ceil(arr.shape[-1] ** (1.0 / 3)) # 3D if tmp == 1: root = np.ceil(arr.shape[-1] ** (1.0 / 2)) # 2D if tmp == 2: root = arr.shape[-1] # 1D root = root + 1 if (root % 2) == 0 else root # make odd return int((root - 1) / 2)
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def genpca( arr, *, sigma=None, mask=None, patch_radius=2, pca_method="eig", tau_factor=None, return_sigma=False, out_dtype=None, suppress_warning=False, ): r"""General function to perform PCA-based denoising of diffusion datasets. Parameters ---------- arr : 4D array Array of data to be denoised. The dimensions are (X, Y, Z, N), where N are the diffusion gradient directions. The first 3 dimension must have size >= 2 * patch_radius + 1 or size = 1. sigma : float or 3D array, optional Standard deviation of the noise estimated from the data. If no sigma is given, this will be estimated based on random matrix theory :footcite:p:`Veraart2016b`, :footcite:p:`Veraart2016c`. mask : 3D boolean array, optional A mask with voxels that are true inside the brain and false outside of it. The function denoises within the true part and returns zeros outside of those voxels. patch_radius : int or 1D array, optional The radius of the local patch to be taken around each voxel (in voxels). E.g. patch_radius=2 gives 5x5x5 patches. pca_method : 'eig' or 'svd', optional Use either eigenvalue decomposition (eig) or singular value decomposition (svd) for principal component analysis. The default method is 'eig' which is faster. However, occasionally 'svd' might be more accurate. tau_factor : float, optional Thresholding of PCA eigenvalues is done by nulling out eigenvalues that are smaller than: .. math:: \tau = (\tau_{factor} \sigma)^2 $\tau_{factor}$ can be set to a predefined values (e.g. $\tau_{factor} = 2.3$ :footcite:p:`Manjon2013`), or automatically calculated using random matrix theory (in case that $\tau_{factor}$ is set to None). return_sigma : bool, optional If true, the Standard deviation of the noise will be returned. out_dtype : str or dtype, optional The dtype for the output array. Default: output has the same dtype as the input. suppress_warning : bool, optional If true, suppress warning caused by patch_size < arr.shape[-1]. Returns ------- denoised_arr : 4D array This is the denoised array of the same size as that of the input data, clipped to non-negative values. References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ if mask is None: # If mask is not specified, use the whole volume mask = np.ones_like(arr, dtype=bool)[..., 0] if out_dtype is None: out_dtype = arr.dtype # We retain float64 precision, iff the input is in this precision: if arr.dtype == np.float64: calc_dtype = np.float64 # Otherwise, we'll calculate things in float32 (saving memory) else: calc_dtype = np.float32 if not arr.ndim == 4: raise ValueError("PCA denoising can only be performed on 4D arrays.", arr.shape) if pca_method.lower() == "svd": is_svd = True elif pca_method.lower() == "eig": is_svd = False else: raise ValueError("pca_method should be either 'eig' or 'svd'") patch_radius_arr = create_patch_radius_arr(arr, patch_radius) patch_size = compute_patch_size(patch_radius_arr) ash = arr.shape[0:3] if np.any((ash != np.ones(3)) * (ash < patch_size)): raise ValueError("Array 'arr' is incorrect shape") num_samples = compute_num_samples(patch_size) if num_samples == 1: raise ValueError( "Cannot have only 1 sample,\ please increase patch_radius." ) # account for mean subtraction by testing #samples - 1 if (num_samples - 1) < arr.shape[-1] and not suppress_warning: spr = compute_suggested_patch_radius(arr, patch_size) warn( dimensionality_problem_message(arr, num_samples, spr), UserWarning, stacklevel=2, ) if isinstance(sigma, np.ndarray): var = sigma**2 if not sigma.shape == arr.shape[:-1]: e_s = "You provided a sigma array with a shape" e_s += f"{sigma.shape} for data with" e_s += f"shape {arr.shape}. Please provide a sigma array" e_s += " that matches the spatial dimensions of the data." raise ValueError(e_s) elif isinstance(sigma, (int, float)): var = sigma**2 * np.ones(arr.shape[:-1]) dim = arr.shape[-1] if tau_factor is None: tau_factor = 1 + np.sqrt(dim / num_samples) theta = np.zeros(arr.shape, dtype=calc_dtype) thetax = np.zeros(arr.shape, dtype=calc_dtype) if return_sigma is True and sigma is None: var = np.zeros(arr.shape[:-1], dtype=calc_dtype) thetavar = np.zeros(arr.shape[:-1], dtype=calc_dtype) # loop around and find the 3D patch for each direction at each pixel for k in range(patch_radius_arr[2], arr.shape[2] - patch_radius_arr[2]): for j in range(patch_radius_arr[1], arr.shape[1] - patch_radius_arr[1]): for i in range(patch_radius_arr[0], arr.shape[0] - patch_radius_arr[0]): # Shorthand for indexing variables: if not mask[i, j, k]: continue ix1 = i - patch_radius_arr[0] ix2 = i + patch_radius_arr[0] + 1 jx1 = j - patch_radius_arr[1] jx2 = j + patch_radius_arr[1] + 1 kx1 = k - patch_radius_arr[2] kx2 = k + patch_radius_arr[2] + 1 X = arr[ix1:ix2, jx1:jx2, kx1:kx2].reshape(num_samples, dim) # compute the mean M = np.mean(X, axis=0) # Upcast the dtype for precision in the SVD X = X - M if is_svd: # PCA using an SVD svd_args = [1, 0] U, S, Vt = svd(X, *svd_args)[:3] # Items in S are the eigenvalues, but in ascending order # We invert the order (=> descending), square and normalize # \lambda_i = s_i^2 / n d = S[::-1] ** 2 / X.shape[0] # Rows of Vt are eigenvectors, but also in ascending # eigenvalue order: W = Vt[::-1].T else: # PCA using an Eigenvalue decomposition C = np.transpose(X).dot(X) C = C / X.shape[0] [d, W] = eigh(C) if sigma is None: # Random matrix theory this_var, _ = _pca_classifier(d, num_samples) else: # Predefined variance this_var = var[i, j, k] # Threshold by tau: tau = tau_factor**2 * this_var # Update ncomps according to tau_factor ncomps = np.sum(d < tau) W[:, :ncomps] = 0 # This is equations 1 and 2 in Manjon 2013: Xest = + M Xest = Xest.reshape(patch_size[0], patch_size[1], patch_size[2], dim) # This is equation 3 in Manjon 2013: this_theta = 1.0 / (1.0 + dim - ncomps) theta[ix1:ix2, jx1:jx2, kx1:kx2] += this_theta thetax[ix1:ix2, jx1:jx2, kx1:kx2] += Xest * this_theta if return_sigma is True and sigma is None: var[ix1:ix2, jx1:jx2, kx1:kx2] += this_var * this_theta thetavar[ix1:ix2, jx1:jx2, kx1:kx2] += this_theta denoised_arr = thetax / theta denoised_arr.clip(min=0, out=denoised_arr) denoised_arr[mask == 0] = 0 if return_sigma is True: if sigma is None: var = var / thetavar var[mask == 0] = 0 return denoised_arr.astype(out_dtype), np.sqrt(var) else: return denoised_arr.astype(out_dtype), sigma else: return denoised_arr.astype(out_dtype)
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def localpca( arr, *, sigma=None, mask=None, patch_radius=2, gtab=None, patch_radius_sigma=1, pca_method="eig", tau_factor=2.3, return_sigma=False, correct_bias=True, out_dtype=None, suppress_warning=False, ): r"""Performs local PCA denoising. The method follows the algorithm in :footcite:t:`Manjon2013`. Parameters ---------- arr : 4D array Array of data to be denoised. The dimensions are (X, Y, Z, N), where N are the diffusion gradient directions. sigma : float or 3D array, optional Standard deviation of the noise estimated from the data. If not given, calculate using method in :footcite:t:`Manjon2013`. mask : 3D boolean array, optional A mask with voxels that are true inside the brain and false outside of it. The function denoises within the true part and returns zeros outside of those voxels. patch_radius : int or 1D array, optional The radius of the local patch to be taken around each voxel (in voxels). E.g. patch_radius=2 gives 5x5x5 patches. gtab: gradient table object (optional if sigma is provided) gradient information for the data gives us the bvals and bvecs of diffusion data, which is needed to calculate noise level if sigma is not provided. patch_radius_sigma : int, optional The radius of the local patch to be taken around each voxel (in voxels) for estimating sigma. E.g. patch_radius_sigma=2 gives 5x5x5 patches. pca_method : 'eig' or 'svd', optional Use either eigenvalue decomposition (eig) or singular value decomposition (svd) for principal component analysis. The default method is 'eig' which is faster. However, occasionally 'svd' might be more accurate. tau_factor : float, optional Thresholding of PCA eigenvalues is done by nulling out eigenvalues that are smaller than: .. math:: \tau = (\tau_{factor} \sigma)^2 \tau_{factor} can be change to adjust the relationship between the noise standard deviation and the threshold \tau. If \tau_{factor} is set to None, it will be automatically calculated using the Marcenko-Pastur distribution :footcite:p:`Veraart2016c`. Default: 2.3 according to :footcite:t:`Manjon2013`. return_sigma : bool, optional If true, a noise standard deviation estimate based on the Marcenko-Pastur distribution is returned :footcite:p:`Veraart2016c`. correct_bias : bool, optional Whether to correct for bias due to Rician noise. This is an implementation of equation 8 in :footcite:p:`Manjon2013`. out_dtype : str or dtype, optional The dtype for the output array. Default: output has the same dtype as the input. suppress_warning : bool, optional If true, suppress warning caused by patch_size < arr.shape[-1]. Returns ------- denoised_arr : 4D array This is the denoised array of the same size as that of the input data, clipped to non-negative values References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ # check gtab is given, if sigma is not given if sigma is None and gtab is None: raise ValueError("gtab must be provided if sigma is not given") # calculate sigma if sigma is None: sigma = pca_noise_estimate( arr, gtab, correct_bias=correct_bias, patch_radius=patch_radius_sigma, images_as_samples=True, ) return genpca( arr, sigma=sigma, mask=mask, patch_radius=patch_radius, pca_method=pca_method, tau_factor=tau_factor, return_sigma=return_sigma, out_dtype=out_dtype, suppress_warning=suppress_warning, )
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def mppca( arr, *, mask=None, patch_radius=2, pca_method="eig", return_sigma=False, out_dtype=None, suppress_warning=False, ): r"""Performs PCA-based denoising using the Marcenko-Pastur distribution. See :footcite:p:`Veraart2016c` for further details about the method. Parameters ---------- arr : 4D array Array of data to be denoised. The dimensions are (X, Y, Z, N), where N are the diffusion gradient directions. mask : 3D boolean array, optional A mask with voxels that are true inside the brain and false outside of it. The function denoises within the true part and returns zeros outside of those voxels. patch_radius : int or 1D array, optional The radius of the local patch to be taken around each voxel (in voxels). E.g. patch_radius=2 gives 5x5x5 patches. pca_method : 'eig' or 'svd', optional Use either eigenvalue decomposition (eig) or singular value decomposition (svd) for principal component analysis. The default method is 'eig' which is faster. However, occasionally 'svd' might be more accurate. return_sigma : bool, optional If true, a noise standard deviation estimate based on the Marcenko-Pastur distribution is returned :footcite:p:`Veraart2016b`. out_dtype : str or dtype, optional The dtype for the output array. Default: output has the same dtype as the input. suppress_warning : bool, optional If true, suppress warning caused by patch_size < arr.shape[-1]. Returns ------- denoised_arr : 4D array This is the denoised array of the same size as that of the input data, clipped to non-negative values sigma : 3D array (when return_sigma=True) Estimate of the spatial varying standard deviation of the noise References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ return genpca( arr, sigma=None, mask=mask, patch_radius=patch_radius, pca_method=pca_method, tau_factor=None, return_sigma=return_sigma, out_dtype=out_dtype, suppress_warning=suppress_warning, )