import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import convolve
from scipy.special import gammainccinv
from dipy.testing.decorators import warning_for_keywords
from dipy.utils.deprecator import deprecated_params
def _inv_nchi_cdf(N, K, alpha):
"""Inverse CDF for the noncentral chi distribution.
See :footcite:t:`Koay2009b`, p.3 section 2.3.
.. footbibliography::
return gammainccinv(N * K, 1 - alpha) / K
# List of optimal quantile for PIESNO.
# Get optimal quantile for N if available, else use the median.
opt_quantile = {
1: 0.79681213002002,
2: 0.7306303027491917,
4: 0.6721952960782169,
8: 0.6254030432343569,
16: 0.5900487123737876,
32: 0.5641772300866416,
64: 0.5455611840489607,
128: 0.5322811923303339,
@deprecated_params("l", new_name="step", since="1.10.0", until="1.12.0")
def piesno(data, N, *, alpha=0.01, step=100, itermax=100, eps=1e-5, return_mask=False):
Probabilistic Identification and Estimation of Noise (PIESNO).
See :footcite:p:`Koay2009a` and :footcite:p:`Koay2009b` for further details
about the method.
data : ndarray
The magnitude signals to analyse. The last dimension must contain the
same realisation of the volume, such as dMRI or fMRI data.
N : int
The number of phase array coils of the MRI scanner.
If your scanner does a SENSE reconstruction, ALWAYS use N=1, as the
noise profile is always Rician.
If your scanner does a GRAPPA reconstruction, set N as the number
of phase array coils.
alpha : float
Probabilistic estimation threshold for the gamma function.
step : int
number of initial estimates for sigma to try.
itermax : int
Maximum number of iterations to execute if convergence
is not reached.
eps : float
Tolerance for the convergence criterion. Convergence is
reached if two subsequent estimates are smaller than eps.
return_mask : bool
If True, return a mask identifying all the pure noise voxel
that were found.
sigma : float
The estimated standard deviation of the gaussian noise.
mask : ndarray, optional
A boolean mask indicating the voxels identified as pure noise.
This function assumes two things : 1. The data has a noisy, non-masked
background and 2. The data is a repetition of the same measurements
along the last axis, i.e. dMRI or fMRI data, not structural data like
This function processes the data slice by slice, as originally designed in
the paper. Use it to get a slice by slice estimation of the noise, as in
spinal cord imaging for example.
.. footbibliography::
# This method works on a 2D array with repetitions as the third dimension,
# so process the dataset slice by slice.
if data.ndim < 3:
e_s = "This function only works on datasets of at least 3 dimensions."
raise ValueError(e_s)
if N in opt_quantile:
q = opt_quantile[N]
q = 0.5
# Initial estimation of sigma
initial_estimation = np.percentile(data, q * 100) / np.sqrt(
2 * _inv_nchi_cdf(N, 1, q)
if data.ndim == 4:
sigma = np.zeros(data.shape[-2], dtype=np.float32)
mask_noise = np.zeros(data.shape[:-1], dtype=bool)
for idx in range(data.shape[-2]):
sigma[idx], mask_noise[..., idx] = _piesno_3D(
data[..., idx, :],
sigma, mask_noise = _piesno_3D(
if return_mask:
return sigma, mask_noise
return sigma
@deprecated_params("l", new_name="step", since="1.10.0", until="1.12.0")
def _piesno_3D(
Probabilistic Identification and Estimation of Noise (PIESNO).
See :footcite:p:`Koay2009a` and :footcite:p:`Koay2009b` for further details
about the method.
This is the slice by slice version for working on a 4D array.
data : ndarray
The magnitude signals to analyse. The last dimension must contain the
same realisation of the volume, such as dMRI or fMRI data.
N : int
The number of phase array coils of the MRI scanner.
alpha : float, optional
Probabilistic estimation threshold for the gamma function.
step : int, optional
number of initial estimates for sigma to try.
itermax : int, optional
Maximum number of iterations to execute if convergence
is not reached.
eps : float, optional
Tolerance for the convergence criterion. Convergence is
reached if two subsequent estimates are smaller than eps.
return_mask : bool, optional
If True, return a mask identifying all the pure noise voxel
that were found.
initial_estimation : float, optional
Upper bound for the initial estimation of sigma. default : None,
which computes the optimal quantile for N.
sigma : float
The estimated standard deviation of the gaussian noise.
mask : ndarray
A boolean mask indicating the voxels identified as pure noise.
This function assumes two things : 1. The data has a noisy, non-masked
background and 2. The data is a repetition of the same measurements
along the last axis, i.e. dMRI or fMRI data, not structural data like
.. footbibliography::
if np.all(data == 0):
if return_mask:
return 0, np.zeros(data.shape[:-1], dtype=bool)
return 0
if N in opt_quantile:
q = opt_quantile[N]
q = 0.5
denom = np.sqrt(2 * _inv_nchi_cdf(N, 1, q))
if initial_estimation is None:
m = np.percentile(data, q * 100) / denom
m = initial_estimation
phi = np.arange(1, step + 1) * m / step
K = data.shape[-1]
sum_m2 = np.sum(data.astype(np.float32) ** 2, axis=2)
sigma_prev = 0
sigma = m
prev_idx = 0
mask = np.zeros(data.shape[:-1], dtype=bool)
lambda_minus = _inv_nchi_cdf(N, K, alpha / 2)
lambda_plus = _inv_nchi_cdf(N, K, 1 - alpha / 2)
for sigma_init in phi:
s = sum_m2 / (2 * K * sigma_init**2)
found_idx = np.sum(
np.logical_and(lambda_minus <= s, s <= lambda_plus), dtype=np.int16
if found_idx > prev_idx:
sigma = sigma_init
prev_idx = found_idx
for _ in range(itermax):
if np.abs(sigma - sigma_prev) < eps:
s = sum_m2 / (2 * K * sigma**2)
mask[...] = np.logical_and(lambda_minus <= s, s <= lambda_plus)
omega = data[mask, :]
# If no point meets the criterion, exit
if omega.size == 0:
sigma_prev = sigma
# Numpy percentile must range in 0 to 100, hence q*100
sigma = np.percentile(omega, q * 100) / denom
if return_mask:
return sigma, mask
return sigma
def estimate_sigma(arr, *, disable_background_masking=False, N=0):
"""Standard deviation estimation from local patches
arr : 3D or 4D ndarray
The array to be estimated
disable_background_masking : bool, optional
If True, uses all voxels for the estimation, otherwise, only non-zeros
voxels are used. Useful if the background is masked by the scanner.
N : int, optional
Number of coils of the receiver array. Use N = 1 in case of a SENSE
reconstruction (Philips scanners) or the number of coils for a GRAPPA
reconstruction (Siemens and GE). Use 0 to disable the correction factor,
as for example if the noise is Gaussian distributed. See
:footcite:p:`Koay2006a` for more information.
sigma : ndarray
standard deviation of the noise, one estimation per volume.
This function is the same as manually taking the standard deviation of the
background and gives one value for the whole 3D array.
It also includes the coil-dependent correction factor from
:footcite:t:`Koay2006a` (see equation 18 in :footcite:p:`Koay2006a`) with
theta = 0. Since this function was introduced in :footcite:p:`Coupe2008` for
T1 imaging, it is expected to perform ok on diffusion MRI data, but might
oversmooth some regions and leave others un-denoised for spatially varying
noise profiles. Consider using :func:`piesno` to estimate sigma instead if
visual inaccuracies are apparent in the denoised result.
.. footbibliography::
k = np.zeros((3, 3, 3), dtype=np.int8)
k[0, 1, 1] = 1
k[2, 1, 1] = 1
k[1, 0, 1] = 1
k[1, 2, 1] = 1
k[1, 1, 0] = 1
k[1, 1, 2] = 1
# Precomputed factor from Koay 2006, this corrects the bias of magnitude
# image
correction_factor = {
0: 1, # No correction
1: 0.42920367320510366,
4: 0.4834941393603609,
6: 0.4891759468548269,
8: 0.49195420135894175,
12: 0.4946862482541263,
16: 0.4960339908122364,
20: 0.4968365823718557,
24: 0.49736907650825657,
32: 0.49803177052530145,
64: 0.49901964176235936,
if N in correction_factor:
factor = correction_factor[N]
raise ValueError(
f"N = {N} is not supported! Please choose amongst "
if arr.ndim == 3:
sigma = np.zeros(1, dtype=np.float32)
arr = arr[..., None]
elif arr.ndim == 4:
sigma = np.zeros(arr.shape[-1], dtype=np.float32)
raise ValueError("Array shape is not supported!", arr.shape)
if disable_background_masking:
mask = arr[..., 0].astype(bool)
mask = np.ones_like(arr[..., 0], dtype=bool)
conv_out = np.zeros(arr[..., 0].shape, dtype=np.float64)
for i in range(sigma.size):
convolve(arr[..., i], k, output=conv_out)
mean_block = np.sqrt(6 / 7) * (arr[..., i] - 1 / 6 * conv_out)
sigma[i] = np.sqrt(np.mean(mean_block[mask] ** 2) / factor)
return sigma