Source code for dipy.reconst.cross_validation

Cross-validation analysis of diffusion models.

import numpy as np

import dipy.core.gradients as gt
from dipy.testing.decorators import warning_for_keywords

[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def coeff_of_determination(data, model, *, axis=-1): r"""Calculate the coefficient of determination for a model prediction, relative to data. Parameters ---------- data : ndarray The data model : ndarray The predictions of a model for this data. Same shape as the data. axis: int, optional The axis along which different samples are laid out. Returns ------- COD : ndarray The coefficient of determination. This has shape `data.shape[:-1]` Notes ----- See: The coefficient of determination is calculated as: .. math:: R^2 = 100 * (1 - \frac{SSE}{SSD}) where SSE is the sum of the squared error between the model and the data (sum of the squared residuals) and SSD is the sum of the squares of the deviations of the data from the mean of the data (variance * N). """ residuals = data - model ss_err = np.sum(residuals**2, axis=axis) demeaned_data = data - np.mean(data, axis=axis)[..., np.newaxis] ss_tot = np.sum(demeaned_data**2, axis=axis) # Don't divide by 0: if np.all(ss_tot == 0.0): return np.nan return 100 * (1 - (ss_err / ss_tot))
[docs] def kfold_xval(model, data, folds, *model_args, **model_kwargs): """Perform k-fold cross-validation. It generates out-of-sample predictions for each measurement. See :footcite:p:`Rokem2014` for further details about the method. Parameters ---------- model : Model class instance The type of the model to use for prediction. The corresponding Fit object must have a `predict` function implemented One of the following: `reconst.dti.TensorModel` or `reconst.csdeconv.ConstrainedSphericalDeconvModel`. data : ndarray Diffusion MRI data acquired with the GradientTable of the model. Shape will typically be `(x, y, z, b)` where `xyz` are spatial dimensions and b is the number of bvals/bvecs in the GradientTable. folds : int The number of divisions to apply to the data model_args : list Additional arguments to the model initialization model_kwargs : dict Additional key-word arguments to the model initialization. If contains the kwarg `mask`, this will be used as a key-word argument to the `fit` method of the model object, rather than being used in the initialization of the model object Notes ----- This function assumes that a prediction API is implemented in the Model class for which prediction is conducted. That is, the Fit object that gets generated upon fitting the model needs to have a `predict` method, which receives a GradientTable class instance as input and produces a predicted signal as output. It also assumes that the model object has `bval` and `bvec` attributes holding b-values and corresponding unit vectors. References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ _ = model_kwargs.pop("rng", np.random.default_rng()) # This should always be there, if the model inherits from # dipy.reconst.base.ReconstModel: gtab = model.gtab data_b = data[..., ~gtab.b0s_mask] div_by_folds = np.mod(data_b.shape[-1], folds) # Make sure that an equal number of samples get left out in each fold: if div_by_folds != 0: msg = "The number of folds must divide the diffusion-weighted " msg += "data equally, but " msg = f"np.mod({data_b.shape[-1]}, {folds}) is {div_by_folds}" raise ValueError(msg) data_0 = data[..., gtab.b0s_mask] S0 = np.mean(data_0, -1) n_in_fold = data_b.shape[-1] / folds prediction = np.zeros(data.shape) # We are going to leave out some randomly chosen samples in each iteration: order = np.random.permutation(data_b.shape[-1]) nz_bval = gtab.bvals[~gtab.b0s_mask] nz_bvec = gtab.bvecs[~gtab.b0s_mask] # Pop the mask, if there is one, out here for use in every fold: mask = model_kwargs.pop("mask", None) gtgt = gt.gradient_table # Shorthand for k in range(folds): fold_mask = np.ones(data_b.shape[-1], dtype=bool) fold_idx = order[int(k * n_in_fold) : int((k + 1) * n_in_fold)] fold_mask[fold_idx] = False this_data = np.concatenate([data_0, data_b[..., fold_mask]], -1) this_gtab = gtgt( np.hstack([gtab.bvals[gtab.b0s_mask], nz_bval[fold_mask]]), bvecs=np.concatenate([gtab.bvecs[gtab.b0s_mask], nz_bvec[fold_mask]]), ) left_out_gtab = gtgt( np.hstack([gtab.bvals[gtab.b0s_mask], nz_bval[~fold_mask]]), bvecs=np.concatenate([gtab.bvecs[gtab.b0s_mask], nz_bvec[~fold_mask]]), ) this_model = model.__class__(this_gtab, *model_args, **model_kwargs) this_fit =, mask=mask) if not hasattr(this_fit, "predict"): err_str = f"Models of type: {this_model.__class__} " err_str += "do not have an implementation of model prediction" err_str += " and do not support cross-validation" raise ValueError(err_str) this_predict = S0[..., None] * this_fit.predict(gtab=left_out_gtab, S0=1) idx_to_assign = np.where(~gtab.b0s_mask)[0][~fold_mask] prediction[..., idx_to_assign] = this_predict[..., np.sum(gtab.b0s_mask) :] # For the b0 measurements prediction[..., gtab.b0s_mask] = S0[..., None] return prediction