Source code for dipy.reconst.cti

"""Classes and functions for fitting the correlation tensor model"""

import numpy as np

from dipy.core.onetime import auto_attr
from dipy.reconst.base import ReconstModel
from dipy.reconst.dki import (
from dipy.reconst.dti import (
from dipy.reconst.multi_voxel import multi_voxel_fit
from dipy.reconst.utils import cti_design_matrix as design_matrix
from dipy.testing.decorators import warning_for_keywords

[docs] def from_qte_to_cti(C): """ Rescales the qte C elements to the C elements used in CTI. Parameters ---------- C: array(..., 21) Twenty-one elements of the covariance tensor in voigt notation plus some extra scaling factors. Returns ------- ccti: array(..., 21) Covariance Tensor Elements with no hidden factors. """ const = np.sqrt(2) ccti = np.zeros((21, 1)) ccti[0] = C[0] ccti[1] = C[1] ccti[2] = C[2] ccti[3] = C[3] / const ccti[4] = C[4] / const ccti[5] = C[5] / const ccti[6] = C[6] / 2 ccti[7] = C[7] / 2 ccti[8] = C[8] / 2 ccti[9] = C[9] / 2 ccti[10] = C[10] / 2 ccti[11] = C[11] / 2 ccti[12] = C[12] / 2 ccti[13] = C[13] / 2 ccti[14] = C[14] / 2 ccti[15] = C[15] / 2 ccti[16] = C[16] / 2 ccti[17] = C[17] / 2 ccti[18] = C[18] / (2 * const) ccti[19] = C[19] / (2 * const) ccti[20] = C[20] / (2 * const) return ccti
[docs] def multi_gaussian_k_from_c(ccti, MD): """ Computes the multiple Gaussian diffusion kurtosis tensor from the covariance tensor. Parameters ---------- ccti: array(..., 21) Covariance Tensor Elements with no hidden factors. MD : ndarray Mean Diffusivity (MD) of a diffusion tensor. Returns ------- K: array (..., 15) Fifteen elements of the kurtosis tensor """ K = np.zeros((15, 1)) K[0] = 3 * ccti[0] / (MD**2) K[1] = 3 * ccti[1] / (MD**2) K[2] = 3 * ccti[2] / (MD**2) K[3] = 3 * ccti[8] / (MD**2) K[4] = 3 * ccti[7] / (MD**2) K[5] = 3 * ccti[11] / (MD**2) K[6] = 3 * ccti[9] / (MD**2) K[7] = 3 * ccti[13] / (MD**2) K[8] = 3 * ccti[12] / (MD**2) K[9] = (ccti[5] + 2 * ccti[17]) / (MD**2) K[10] = (ccti[4] + 2 * ccti[16]) / (MD**2) K[11] = (ccti[3] + 2 * ccti[15]) / (MD**2) K[12] = (ccti[6] + 2 * ccti[19]) / (MD**2) K[13] = (ccti[10] + 2 * ccti[20]) / (MD**2) K[14] = (ccti[14] + 2 * ccti[18]) / (MD**2) return K
[docs] def split_cti_params(cti_params): r"""Splits CTI params into DTI, DKI, CTI portions. Extract the diffusion tensor eigenvalues, the diffusion tensor eigenvector matrix, and the 21 independent elements of the covariance tensor, and the 15 independent elements of the kurtosis tensor from the model parameters estimated from the CTI model Parameters ---------- cti_params: numpy.ndarray (..., 48) All parameters estimated from the correlation tensor model. Parameters are ordered as follows: 1. Three diffusion tensor's eigenvalues 2. Three lines of the eigenvector matrix each containing the first, second and third coordinates of the eigenvector 3. Fifteen elements of the kurtosis tensor 4. Twenty-One elements of the covariance tensor Returns ------- evals : array (..., 3) Eigenvalues from eigen decomposition of the tensor. evecs : array (..., 3) Associated eigenvectors from eigen decomposition of the tensor. Eigenvectors are columnar (e.g. evecs[:,j] is associated with evals[j]) kt : array (..., 15) Fifteen elements of the kurtosis tensor ct: array(..., 21) Twenty-one elements of the covariance tensor """ evals = cti_params[..., :3] evecs = cti_params[..., 3:12].reshape(cti_params.shape[:-1] + (3, 3)) kt = cti_params[..., 12:27] ct = cti_params[..., 27:48] return evals, evecs, kt, ct
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def cti_prediction(cti_params, gtab1, gtab2, *, S0=1): """Predict a signal given correlation tensor imaging parameters. Parameters ---------- cti_params: numpy.ndarray (..., 48) All parameters estimated from the correlation tensor model. Parameters are ordered as follows: 1. Three diffusion tensor's eigenvalues 2. Three lines of the eigenvector matrix each containing the first, second and third coordinates of the eigenvector 3. Fifteen elements of the kurtosis tensor 4. Twenty-One elements of the covariance tensor gtab1: dipy.core.gradients.GradientTable A GradientTable class instance for first DDE diffusion epoch gtab2: dipy.core.gradients.GradientTable A GradientTable class instance for second DDE diffusion epoch S0 : float or ndarray, optional The non diffusion-weighted signal in every voxel, or across all voxels. Default: 1 Returns ------- S : ndarray Simulated signal based on the CTI model """ evals, evecs, kt, ct = split_cti_params(cti_params) A = design_matrix(gtab1, gtab2) fevals = evals.reshape((-1, evals.shape[-1])) fevecs = evecs.reshape((-1,) + evecs.shape[-2:]) fct = ct.reshape((-1, ct.shape[-1])) fkt = kt.reshape((-1, kt.shape[-1])) pred_sig = np.zeros((len(fevals), len(gtab1.bvals))) if isinstance(S0, np.ndarray): S0_vol = np.reshape(S0, (len(fevals))) else: S0_vol = S0 for v in range(len(pred_sig)): DT =[v], np.diag(fevals[v])), fevecs[v].T) dt = lower_triangular(DT) MD = (dt[0] + dt[2] + dt[5]) / 3 if isinstance(S0_vol, np.ndarray): this_S0 = S0_vol[v] else: this_S0 = S0_vol X = np.concatenate( (dt, fkt[v] * MD * MD, fct[v], np.array([-np.log(this_S0)])), axis=0 ) pred_sig[v] = np.exp(, X)) pred_sig = pred_sig.reshape(cti_params.shape[:-1] + (pred_sig.shape[-1],)) return pred_sig
[docs] class CorrelationTensorModel(ReconstModel): """Class for the Correlation Tensor Model""" def __init__(self, gtab1, gtab2, *args, fit_method="WLS", **kwargs): """Correlation Tensor Imaging Model. See :footcite:p:`NetoHenriques2020` for further details about the model. Parameters ---------- gtab1: dipy.core.gradients.GradientTable A GradientTable class instance for first DDE diffusion epoch gtab2: dipy.core.gradients.GradientTable A GradientTable class instance for second DDE diffusion epoch fit_method : str or callable, optional Fitting method. *args Variable length argument list passed to the :func:`fit` method. **kwargs Arbitrary keyword arguments passed to the :func:`fit` method. References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ self.gtab1 = gtab1 self.gtab2 = gtab2 self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs self.common_fit_method = not callable(fit_method) if self.common_fit_method: try: self.fit_method = common_fit_methods[fit_method] except KeyError as e: msg = '"' + str(fit_method) + '" is not a known fit method. The' msg += " fit method should either be a function or one of the" msg += " common fit methods." raise ValueError(msg) from e self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs self.min_signal = self.kwargs.pop("min_signal", None) if self.min_signal is None: self.min_signal = MIN_POSITIVE_SIGNAL elif self.min_signal <= 0: msg = "The `min_signal` key-word argument needs to be strictly" msg += " positive." raise ValueError(msg) self.design_matrix = design_matrix(self.gtab1, self.gtab2) self.inverse_design_matrix = np.linalg.pinv(self.design_matrix) tol = 1e-6 self.min_diffusivity = tol / -self.design_matrix.min() self.weights = fit_method in {"WLS", "WLLS", "UWLLS"} @multi_voxel_fit @warning_for_keywords() def fit(self, data, *, mask=None): """Fit method of the CTI model class. Parameters ---------- data : array 4D array of dMRI data. mask : array, optional A boolean array of the same shape as data.shape[-1]. It designates which coordinates in the data should be analyzed. """ data_thres = np.maximum(data, self.min_signal) params = self.fit_method( self.design_matrix, data_thres, self.inverse_design_matrix, weights=self.weights, *self.args, **self.kwargs, ) return CorrelationTensorFit(self, params)
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def predict(self, cti_params, *, S0=1): """Predict a signal for the CTI model class instance given parameters Parameters ---------- cti_params: numpy.ndarray (..., 48) All parameters estimated from the correlation tensor model. Parameters are ordered as follows: 1. Three diffusion tensor's eigenvalues 2. Three lines of the eigenvector matrix each containing the first, second and third coordinates of the eigenvector 3. Fifteen elements of the kurtosis tensor 4. Twenty-One elements of the covariance tensor gtab1: dipy.core.gradients.GradientTable A GradientTable class instance for first DDE diffusion epoch gtab2: dipy.core.gradients.GradientTable A GradientTable class instance for second DDE diffusion epoch S0 : float or ndarray, optional The non diffusion-weighted signal in every voxel, or across all voxels. Returns ------- S : numpy.ndarray Predicted signal based on the CTI model """ return cti_prediction(cti_params, self.gtab1, self.gtab2, S0=S0)
[docs] class CorrelationTensorFit(DiffusionKurtosisFit): """Class for fitting the Correlation Tensor Model""" def __init__(self, model, model_params): """Initialize a CorrelationTensorFit class instance. Parameters ---------- model : CorrelationTensorModel Class instance Class instance containing the Correlation Tensor Model for the fit model_params : ndarray (x, y, z, 48) or (n, 48) All parameters estimated from the diffusion kurtosis model. Parameters are ordered as follows: 1) Three diffusion tensor's eigenvalues 2) Three lines of the eigenvector matrix each containing the first, second and third coordinates of the eigenvector 3) Fifteen elements of the kurtosis tensor 4) Twenty One elements of the covariance tensor """ DiffusionKurtosisFit.__init__(self, model, model_params) @property def ct(self): """ Returns the 21 independent elements of the covariance tensor as an array """ return self.model_params[..., 27:48]
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def predict(self, gtab1, gtab2, *, S0=1): """Given a CTI model fit, predict the signal on the vertices of a gradient table Parameters ---------- gtab1: dipy.core.gradients.GradientTable A GradientTable class instance for first DDE diffusion epoch gtab2: dipy.core.gradients.GradientTable A GradientTable class instance for second DDE diffusion epoch S0 : float or ndarray, optional The non diffusion-weighted signal in every voxel, or across all voxels. Default: 1 Returns ------- S : numpy.ndarray Predicted signal based on the CTI model """ return cti_prediction(self.model_params, gtab1, gtab2, S0=S0)
@property def K_aniso(self): r"""Returns the anisotropic Source of Kurtosis ($K_{aniso}$) Notes ----- The $K_{aniso}$ is defined as :footcite:p:`NetoHenriques2020`: .. math:: \[K_{aniso} = \frac{6}{5} \cdot \frac{\langle V_{\lambda}(D_c) \rangle}{\overline{D}^2}\] where $K_{aniso}$ is the anisotropic kurtosis, $\langle V_{\lambda}(D_c) \rangle$ represents the mean of the variance of eigenvalues of the diffusion tensor, $\overline{D}$ is the mean of the diffusion tensor. References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ C = self.ct D = self.quadratic_form Variance = ( 2 / 9 * ( C[..., 0] + D[..., 0, 0] ** 2 + C[..., 1] + D[..., 1, 1] ** 2 + C[..., 2] + D[..., 2, 2] ** 2 - C[..., 5] - D[..., 0, 0] * D[..., 1, 1] - C[..., 4] - D[..., 0, 0] * D[..., 2, 2] - C[..., 3] - D[..., 1, 1] * D[..., 2, 2] + 3 * ( C[..., 17] + D[..., 0, 1] ** 2 + C[..., 16] + D[..., 0, 2] ** 2 + C[..., 15] + D[..., 1, 2] ** 2 ) ) ) mean_D = np.trace(D) / 3 if mean_D == 0: K_aniso = 0 else: K_aniso = (6 / 5) * (Variance / (mean_D**2)) return K_aniso @property def K_iso(self): r"""Returns the isotropic Source of Kurtosis ($K_{iso}$) Notes ----- The $K_{iso}$ is defined as : .. math:: K_{\text{iso}} = 3 \cdot \frac{V(\overline{D}^c)}{\overline{D}^2} where: $K_{\text{iso}}$ is the isotropic kurtosis, $V({\overline{D}^c})$ represents the variance of the diffusion tensor raised to the power $c$, $\overline{D}$ is the mean of the diffusion tensor. """ C = self.ct mean_D = Variance = ( 1 / 9 * ( C[..., 0] + C[..., 1] + C[..., 2] + 2 * C[..., 5] + 2 * C[..., 4] + 2 * C[..., 3] ) ) if mean_D == 0: K_iso = 0 else: K_iso = 3 * (Variance / (mean_D**2)) return K_iso
[docs] @auto_attr def K_total(self): r""" Returns the total excess kurtosis. Notes ----- $K_{total}$ is defined as: .. math:: \[\Psi = \frac{2}{5} \cdot \frac{D_{11}^2 + D_{22}^2 + D_{33}^2 + 2D_{12}^2 + 2D_{13}^2 + 2D_{23}^2{\overline{D}^2} - \frac{6}{5} \] \[{\overline{W}} = \frac{1}{5} \cdot (W_{1111} + W_{2222} + W_{3333} + 2W_{1122} + 2W_{1133} + 2W_{2233})\ ] where $\Psi$ is a variable representing a part of the total excess kurtosis, $D_{ij}$ are elements of the diffusion tensor, $\overline{D}$ is the mean of the diffusion tensor. $\overline{W}$ is the mean kurtosis, $W_{ijkl}$ are elements of the kurtosis tensor. """ mean_K = self.mkt() D = self.quadratic_form mean_D = if mean_D == 0: psi = 0 else: psi = 2 / 5 * ( ( D[..., 0, 0] ** 2 + D[..., 1, 1] ** 2 + D[..., 2, 2] ** 2 + 2 * D[..., 0, 1] ** 2 + 2 * D[..., 0, 2] ** 2 + D[..., 1, 2] ** 2 ) / (mean_D**2) ) - (6 / 5) return mean_K + psi
@property def K_micro(self): r"""Returns Microscopic Source of Kurtosis.""" K_total = self.K_total K_aniso = self.K_aniso K_iso = self.K_iso micro_K = K_total - K_aniso - K_iso return micro_K
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def params_to_cti_params(result, *, min_diffusivity=0): # Extracting the diffusion tensor parameters from solution DT_elements = result[:6] evals, evecs = decompose_tensor( from_lower_triangular(DT_elements), min_diffusivity=min_diffusivity ) # Extracting kurtosis tensor parameters from solution MD_square = evals.mean(0) ** 2 KT_elements = result[6:21] / MD_square if MD_square else 0.0 * result[6:21] # Extracting correlation tensor parameters from solution CT_elements = result[21:42] # Write output cti_params = np.concatenate( (evals, evecs[0], evecs[1], evecs[2], KT_elements, CT_elements), axis=0 ) return cti_params
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def ls_fit_cti( design_matrix, data, inverse_design_matrix, *, weights=True, min_diffusivity=0 ): r"""Compute the diffusion kurtosis and covariance tensors using an ordinary or weighted linear least squares approach Parameters ---------- design_matrix : array (g, 43) Design matrix holding the covariants used to solve for the regression coefficients. data : array (g) Data or response variables holding the data. inverse_design_matrix : array (43, g) Inverse of the design matrix. weights : bool, optional Parameter indicating whether weights are used. min_diffusivity : float, optional Because negative eigenvalues are not physical and small eigenvalues, much smaller than the diffusion weighting, cause quite a lot of noise in metrics such as fa, diffusivity values smaller than `min_diffusivity` are replaced with `min_diffusivity`. Returns ------- cti_params : array (48) All parameters estimated from the diffusion kurtosis model for all N voxels. Parameters are ordered as follows: 1) Three diffusion tensor eigenvalues. 2) Three blocks of three elements, containing the first second and third coordinates of the diffusion tensor eigenvectors. 3) Fifteen elements of the kurtosis tensor. 4) Twenty One elements of the covariance tensor. """ A = design_matrix y = np.log(data) result =, y) if weights: W = np.diag(np.exp(2 *, result))) AT_W =, W) inv_AT_W_A = np.linalg.pinv(, A)) AT_W_LS =, y) result =, AT_W_LS) cti_params = params_to_cti_params(result, min_diffusivity=min_diffusivity) return cti_params
common_fit_methods = { "WLS": ls_fit_cti, "OLS": ls_fit_cti, "UWLLS": ls_fit_cti, "ULLS": ls_fit_cti, "WLLS": ls_fit_cti, "OLLS": ls_fit_cti, }