"""Classes and functions for fitting ivim model"""
import warnings
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import differential_evolution, least_squares
from dipy.reconst.base import ReconstModel
from dipy.reconst.multi_voxel import multi_voxel_fit
from dipy.testing.decorators import warning_for_keywords
from dipy.utils.optpkg import optional_package
cvxpy, have_cvxpy, _ = optional_package("cvxpy", min_version="1.4.1")
# global variable for bounding least_squares in both models
BOUNDS = ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [np.inf, 0.2, 1.0, 1.0])
def ivim_prediction(params, gtab):
"""The Intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) model function.
params : array
An array of IVIM parameters - [S0, f, D_star, D].
gtab : GradientTable class instance
Gradient directions and bvalues.
S0 : float, optional
This has been added just for consistency with the existing
API. Unlike other models, IVIM predicts S0 and this is over written
by the S0 value in params.
S : array
An array containing the IVIM signal estimated using given parameters.
b = gtab.bvals
S0, f, D_star, D = params
S = S0 * (f * np.exp(-b * D_star) + (1 - f) * np.exp(-b * D))
return S
def _ivim_error(params, gtab, signal):
"""Error function to be used in fitting the IVIM model.
params : array
An array of IVIM parameters - [S0, f, D_star, D]
gtab : GradientTable class instance
Gradient directions and bvalues.
signal : array
Array containing the actual signal values.
residual : array
An array containing the difference between actual and estimated signal.
residual = signal - ivim_prediction(params, gtab)
return residual
def f_D_star_prediction(params, gtab, S0, D):
"""Function used to predict IVIM signal when S0 and D are known
by considering f and D_star as the unknown parameters.
params : array
The value of f and D_star.
gtab : GradientTable class instance
Gradient directions and bvalues.
S0 : float
The parameters S0 obtained from a linear fit.
D : float
The parameters D obtained from a linear fit.
S : array
An array containing the IVIM signal estimated using given parameters.
f, D_star = params
b = gtab.bvals
S = S0 * (f * np.exp(-b * D_star) + (1 - f) * np.exp(-b * D))
return S
def f_D_star_error(params, gtab, signal, S0, D):
"""Error function used to fit f and D_star keeping S0 and D fixed
params : array
The value of f and D_star.
gtab : GradientTable class instance
Gradient directions and bvalues.
signal : array
Array containing the actual signal values.
S0 : float
The parameters S0 obtained from a linear fit.
D : float
The parameters D obtained from a linear fit.
residual : array
An array containing the difference of actual and estimated signal.
f, D_star = params
return signal - f_D_star_prediction([f, D_star], gtab, S0, D)
def ivim_model_selector(gtab, *, fit_method="trr", **kwargs):
Selector function to switch between the 2-stage Trust-Region Reflective
based NLLS fitting method (also containing the linear fit): `trr` and the
Variable Projections based fitting method: `varpro`.
fit_method : string, optional
The value fit_method can either be 'trr' or 'varpro'.
default : trr
bounds_warning = "Bounds for this fit have been set from experiments "
bounds_warning += "and literature survey. To change the bounds, please "
bounds_warning += "input your bounds in model definition..."
if fit_method.lower() == "trr":
ivimmodel_trr = IvimModelTRR(gtab, **kwargs)
if "bounds" not in kwargs:
warnings.warn(bounds_warning, UserWarning, stacklevel=2)
return ivimmodel_trr
elif fit_method.lower() == "varpro":
ivimmodel_vp = IvimModelVP(gtab, **kwargs)
if "bounds" not in kwargs:
warnings.warn(bounds_warning, UserWarning, stacklevel=2)
return ivimmodel_vp
opt_msg = "The fit_method option chosen was not correct. "
opt_msg += "Using fit_method: TRR instead..."
warnings.warn(opt_msg, UserWarning, stacklevel=2)
return IvimModelTRR(gtab, **kwargs)
IvimModel = ivim_model_selector
class IvimModelTRR(ReconstModel):
"""Ivim model"""
def __init__(
x_scale=(1000.0, 0.1, 0.001, 0.0001),
Initialize an IVIM model.
The IVIM model footcite:p:`LeBihan1988`, :footcite:p:`Federau2012`
assumes that biological tissue includes a volume fraction 'f' of water
flowing with a pseudo-diffusion coefficient D* and a fraction (1-f) of
static (diffusion only), intra and extracellular water, with a diffusion
coefficient D. In this model the echo attenuation of a signal in a
single voxel can be written as
.. math::
S(b) = S_0[f*e^{(-b*D\*)} + (1-f)e^{(-b*D)}]
where $S_0$, $f$, $D\*$ and $D$ are the IVIM parameters.
gtab : GradientTable class instance
Gradient directions and bvalues
split_b_D : float, optional
The b-value to split the data on for two-stage fit. This will be
used while estimating the value of D. The assumption is that at
higher b values the effects of perfusion is less and hence the
signal can be approximated as a mono-exponential decay.
split_b_S0 : float, optional
The b-value to split the data on for two-stage fit for estimation
of S0 and initial guess for D_star. The assumption here is that
at low bvalues the effects of perfusion are more.
bounds : tuple of arrays with 4 elements, optional
Bounds to constrain the fitted model parameters. This is only
supported for Scipy version > 0.17. When using a older Scipy
version, this function will raise an error if bounds are different
from None. This parameter is also used to fill nan values for out
of bounds parameters in the `IvimFit` class using the method
fill_na. default : ([0., 0., 0., 0.], [np.inf, .3, 1., 1.])
two_stage : bool
Argument to specify whether to perform a non-linear fitting of all
parameters after the linear fitting by splitting the data based on
bvalues. This gives more accurate parameters but takes more time.
The linear fit can be used to get a quick estimation of the
tol : float, optional
Tolerance for convergence of minimization.
x_scale : array-like, optional
Scaling for the parameters. This is passed to `least_squares` which
is only available for Scipy version > 0.17.
gtol : float, optional
Tolerance for termination by the norm of the gradient.
ftol : float, optional
Tolerance for termination by the change of the cost function.
eps : float, optional
Step size used for numerical approximation of the jacobian.
maxiter : int, optional
Maximum number of iterations to perform.
.. footbibliography::
if not np.any(gtab.b0s_mask):
e_s = "No measured signal at bvalue == 0."
e_s += "The IVIM model requires signal measured at 0 bvalue"
raise ValueError(e_s)
if gtab.b0_threshold > 0:
b0_s = "The IVIM model requires a measurement at b==0. As of "
b0_s += "version 0.15, the default b0_threshold for the "
b0_s += "GradientTable object is set to 50, so if you used the "
b0_s += "default settings to initialize the gtab input to the "
b0_s += "IVIM model, you may have provided a gtab with "
b0_s += "b0_threshold larger than 0. Please initialize the gtab "
b0_s += "input with b0_threshold=0"
raise ValueError(b0_s)
ReconstModel.__init__(self, gtab)
self.split_b_D = split_b_D
self.split_b_S0 = split_b_S0
self.bounds = bounds
self.two_stage = two_stage
self.tol = tol
self.options = {"gtol": gtol, "ftol": ftol, "eps": eps, "maxiter": maxiter}
self.x_scale = x_scale
self.bounds = bounds or BOUNDS
def fit(self, data, **kwargs):
"""Fit method of the IvimModelTRR class.
The fitting takes place in the following steps: Linear fitting for D
(bvals > `split_b_D` (default: 400)) and store S0_prime. Another linear
fit for S0 (bvals < split_b_S0 (default: 200)). Estimate f using
1 - S0_prime/S0. Use non-linear least squares to fit D_star and f.
We do a final non-linear fitting of all four parameters and select the
set of parameters which make sense physically. The criteria for
selecting a particular set of parameters is checking the
pseudo-perfusion fraction. If the fraction is more than `f_threshold`
(default: 25%), we will reject the solution obtained from non-linear
least squares fitting and consider only the linear fit.
data : array
The measured signal from one voxel. A multi voxel decorator
will be applied to this fit method to scale it and apply it
to multiple voxels.
IvimFit object
# Get S0_prime and D - parameters assuming a single exponential decay
# for signals for bvals greater than `split_b_D`
S0_prime, D = self.estimate_linear_fit(data, self.split_b_D, less_than=False)
# Get S0 and D_star_prime - parameters assuming a single exponential
# decay for for signals for bvals greater than `split_b_S0`.
S0, D_star_prime = self.estimate_linear_fit(
data, self.split_b_S0, less_than=True
# Estimate f
f_guess = 1 - S0_prime / S0
# Fit f and D_star using leastsq.
params_f_D_star = [f_guess, D_star_prime]
f, D_star = self.estimate_f_D_star(params_f_D_star, data, S0, D)
params_linear = np.array([S0, f, D_star, D])
# Fit parameters again if two_stage flag is set.
if self.two_stage:
params_two_stage = self._leastsq(data, params_linear)
bounds_violated = ~(
np.all(params_two_stage >= self.bounds[0])
and (np.all(params_two_stage <= self.bounds[1]))
if bounds_violated:
warningMsg = "Bounds are violated for leastsq fitting. "
warningMsg += "Returning parameters from linear fit"
warnings.warn(warningMsg, UserWarning, stacklevel=2)
return IvimFit(self, params_linear)
return IvimFit(self, params_two_stage)
return IvimFit(self, params_linear)
def estimate_linear_fit(self, data, split_b, *, less_than=True):
"""Estimate a linear fit by taking log of data.
data : array
An array containing the data to be fit
split_b : float
The b value to split the data
less_than : bool
If True, splitting occurs for bvalues less than split_b
S0 : float
The estimated S0 value. (intercept)
D : float
The estimated value of D.
if less_than:
bvals_split = self.gtab.bvals[self.gtab.bvals <= split_b]
D, neg_log_S0 = np.polyfit(
bvals_split, -np.log(data[self.gtab.bvals <= split_b]), 1
bvals_split = self.gtab.bvals[self.gtab.bvals >= split_b]
D, neg_log_S0 = np.polyfit(
bvals_split, -np.log(data[self.gtab.bvals >= split_b]), 1
S0 = np.exp(-neg_log_S0)
return S0, D
def estimate_f_D_star(self, params_f_D_star, data, S0, D):
"""Estimate f and D_star using the values of all the other parameters
obtained from a linear fit.
params_f_D_star: array
An array containing the value of f and D_star.
data : array
Array containing the actual signal values.
S0 : float
The parameters S0 obtained from a linear fit.
D : float
The parameters D obtained from a linear fit.
f : float
Perfusion fraction estimated from the fit.
D_star :
The value of D_star estimated from the fit.
gtol = self.options["gtol"]
ftol = self.options["ftol"]
xtol = self.tol
maxfev = self.options["maxiter"]
res = least_squares(
bounds=((0.0, 0.0), (self.bounds[1][1], self.bounds[1][2])),
args=(self.gtab, data, S0, D),
f, D_star = res.x
return f, D_star
except ValueError:
warningMsg = "x0 obtained from linear fitting is not feasible"
warningMsg += " as initial guess for leastsq while estimating "
warningMsg += "f and D_star. Using parameters from the "
warningMsg += "linear fit."
warnings.warn(warningMsg, UserWarning, stacklevel=2)
f, D_star = params_f_D_star
return f, D_star
def predict(self, ivim_params, gtab, *, S0=1.0):
Predict a signal for this IvimModel class instance given parameters.
ivim_params : array
The ivim parameters as an array [S0, f, D_star and D]
gtab : GradientTable class instance
Gradient directions and bvalues.
S0 : float, optional
This has been added just for consistency with the existing
API. Unlike other models, IVIM predicts S0 and this is over written
by the S0 value in params.
ivim_signal : array
The predicted IVIM signal using given parameters.
return ivim_prediction(ivim_params, gtab)
def _leastsq(self, data, x0):
"""Use leastsq to find ivim_params
data : array, (len(bvals))
An array containing the signal from a voxel.
If the data was a 3D image of 10x10x10 grid with 21 bvalues,
the multi_voxel decorator will run the single voxel fitting
on all the 1000 voxels to get the parameters in
IvimFit.model_paramters. The shape of the parameter array
will be (data[:-1], 4).
x0 : array
Initial guesses for the parameters S0, f, D_star and D
calculated using a linear fitting.
x0 : array
Estimates of the parameters S0, f, D_star and D.
gtol = self.options["gtol"]
ftol = self.options["ftol"]
xtol = self.tol
maxfev = self.options["maxiter"]
bounds = self.bounds
res = least_squares(
args=(self.gtab, data),
ivim_params = res.x
if np.all(np.isnan(ivim_params)):
return np.array([-1, -1, -1, -1])
return ivim_params
except ValueError:
warningMsg = "x0 is unfeasible for leastsq fitting."
warningMsg += " Returning x0 values from the linear fit."
warnings.warn(warningMsg, UserWarning, stacklevel=2)
return x0
class IvimModelVP(ReconstModel):
def __init__(self, gtab, *, bounds=None, maxiter=10, xtol=1e-8):
r"""Initialize an IvimModelVP class.
See :footcite:p:`LeBihan1988`, :footcite:p:`Federau2012` and
:footcite:p:`Fadnavis2019` for further details about the model.
The IVIM model assumes that biological tissue includes a volume
fraction 'f' of water flowing with a pseudo-diffusion coefficient
D* and a fraction (1-f: treated as a separate fraction in the variable
projection method) of static (diffusion only), intra and
extracellular water, with a diffusion coefficient D. In this model
the echo attenuation of a signal in a single voxel can be written as
.. math::
S(b) = S_0*[f*e^{(-b*D\*)} + (1-f)e^{(-b*D)}]
where $S_0$, $f$, $D\*$ and $D$ are the IVIM parameters.
maxiter: int, optional
Maximum number of iterations for the Differential Evolution in
xtol : float, optional
Tolerance for convergence of minimization.
.. footbibliography::
self.maxiter = maxiter
self.xtol = xtol
self.bvals = gtab.bvals
self.yhat_perfusion = np.zeros(self.bvals.shape[0])
self.yhat_diffusion = np.zeros(self.bvals.shape[0])
self.exp_phi1 = np.zeros((self.bvals.shape[0], 2))
self.bounds = bounds or (BOUNDS[0][1:], BOUNDS[1][1:])
def fit(self, data, bounds_de=None, **kwargs):
r"""Fit method of the IvimModelVP model class
MicroLearn framework (VarPro) :footcite:p:`Fadnavis2019`.
The VarPro computes the IVIM parameters using the MIX approach.
This algorithm uses three different optimizers. It starts with a
differential evolution algorithm and fits the parameters in the
power of exponentials. Then the fitted parameters in the first step are
utilized to make a linear convex problem. Using a convex optimization,
the volume fractions are determined. Then the last step is non linear
least square fitting on all the parameters. The results of the first
and second step are utilized as the initial values for the last step
of the algorithm. (see :footcite:p:`Fadnavis2019` and
:footcite:p:`Farooq2016` for a comparison and a thorough discussion).
.. footbibliography::
data_max = data.max()
data = data / data_max
b = self.bvals
# Setting up the bounds for differential_evolution
bounds_de = np.array([(0.005, 0.01), (10**-4, 0.001)])
# Optimizer #1: Differential Evolution
res_one = differential_evolution(
x = res_one.x
phi = self.phi(x)
# Optimizer #2: Convex Optimizer
f = self.cvx_fit(data, phi)
x_f = self.x_and_f_to_x_f(x, f)
# Setting up the bounds for least_squares
bounds = self.bounds
# Optimizer #3: Nonlinear-Least Squares
res = least_squares(
self.nlls_cost, x_f, bounds=bounds, xtol=self.xtol, args=(data,)
result = res.x
f_est = result[0]
D_star_est = result[1]
D_est = result[2]
S0 = data / (f_est * np.exp(-b * D_star_est) + (1 - f_est) * np.exp(-b * D_est))
S0_est = S0 * data_max
# final result containing the four fit parameters: S0, f, D* and D
result = np.insert(result, 0, np.mean(S0_est), axis=0)
return IvimFit(self, result)
def stoc_search_cost(self, x, signal):
Cost function for differential evolution algorithm. Performs a
stochastic search for the non-linear parameters 'x'. The objective
function is calculated in the :func: `ivim_mix_cost_one`. The function
constructs the parameters using :func: `phi`.
x : array
input from the Differential Evolution optimizer.
signal : array
The signal values measured for this model.
:func: `ivim_mix_cost_one`
phi = self.phi(x)
return self.ivim_mix_cost_one(phi, signal)
def ivim_mix_cost_one(self, phi, signal):
Constructs the objective for the :func: `stoc_search_cost`.
First calculates the Moore-Penrose inverse of the input `phi` and takes
a dot product with the measured signal. The result obtained is again
multiplied with `phi` to complete the projection of the variable into
a transformed space. (see :footcite:p:`Fadnavis2019` and
:footcite:p:`Farooq2016` for thorough discussion on Variable Projections
and relevant cost functions).
phi : array
Returns an array calculated from :func: `Phi`.
signal : array
The signal values measured for this model.
(signal - S)^T(signal - S)
to make cost function for Differential Evolution algorithm:
.. math::
(signal - S)^T(signal - S)
.. footbibliography::
# Moore-Penrose
phi_mp = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(np.dot(phi.T, phi)), phi.T)
f = np.dot(phi_mp, signal)
yhat = np.dot(phi, f) # - sigma
return np.dot((signal - yhat).T, signal - yhat)
def cvx_fit(self, signal, phi):
Performs the constrained search for the linear parameters `f` after
the estimation of `x` is done. Estimation of the linear parameters `f`
is a constrained linear least-squares optimization problem solved by
using a convex optimizer from cvxpy. The IVIM equation contains two
parameters that depend on the same volume fraction. Both are estimated
as separately in the convex optimizer.
phi : array
Returns an array calculated from :func: `phi`.
signal : array
The signal values measured for this model.
f1, f2 (volume fractions)
cost function for differential evolution algorithm:
.. math::
minimize(norm((signal)- (phi*f)))
# Create four scalar optimization variables.
f = cvxpy.Variable(2)
# Constraints have been set similar to the MIX paper's
# Supplementary Note 2: Synthetic Data Experiments, experiment 2
constraints = [
cvxpy.sum(f) == 1,
f[0] >= 0.011,
f[1] >= 0.011,
f[0] <= self.bounds[1][0],
f[1] <= 0.89,
# Form objective.
obj = cvxpy.Minimize(cvxpy.sum(cvxpy.square(phi @ f - signal)))
# Form and solve problem.
prob = cvxpy.Problem(obj, constraints)
prob.solve() # Returns the optimal value.
return np.array(f.value)
def nlls_cost(self, x_f, signal):
Cost function for the least square problem. The cost function is used
in the Least Squares function of SciPy in :func: `fit`. It guarantees
that stopping point of the algorithm is at least a stationary point
with reduction in the number of iterations required by the
differential evolution optimizer.
x_f : array
Contains the parameters 'x' and 'f' combines in the same array.
signal : array
The signal values measured for this model.
sum{(signal - phi*f)^2}
cost function for the least square problem.
.. math::
sum{(signal - phi*f)^2}
x, f = self.x_f_to_x_and_f(x_f)
f1 = np.array([f, 1 - f])
phi = self.phi(x)
return np.sum((np.dot(phi, f1) - signal) ** 2)
def x_f_to_x_and_f(self, x_f):
Splits the array of parameters in x_f to 'x' and 'f' for performing
a search on the both of them independently using the Trust Region
x_f : array
Combined array of parameters 'x' and 'f' parameters.
x, f : array
Split parameters into two separate arrays
x = np.zeros(2)
f = x_f[0]
x = x_f[1:3]
return x, f
def x_and_f_to_x_f(self, x, f):
Combines the array of parameters 'x' and 'f' into x_f for performing
NLLS on the final stage of optimization.
x, f : array
Split parameters into two separate arrays
x_f : array
Combined array of parameters 'x' and 'f' parameters.
x_f = np.zeros(3)
x_f[0] = f[0]
x_f[1:3] = x
return x_f
def phi(self, x):
Creates a structure for the combining the diffusion and pseudo-
diffusion by multiplying with the bvals and then exponentiating each of
the two components for fitting as per the IVIM- two compartment model.
x : array
input from the Differential Evolution optimizer.
exp_phi1 : array
Combined array of parameters perfusion/pseudo-diffusion
and diffusion parameters.
self.yhat_perfusion = self.bvals * x[0]
self.yhat_diffusion = self.bvals * x[1]
self.exp_phi1[:, 0] = np.exp(-self.yhat_perfusion)
self.exp_phi1[:, 1] = np.exp(-self.yhat_diffusion)
return self.exp_phi1
class IvimFit:
def __init__(self, model, model_params):
"""Initialize a IvimFit class instance.
model : Model class
model_params : array
The parameters of the model. In this case it is an
array of ivim parameters. If the fitting is done
for multi_voxel data, the multi_voxel decorator will
run the fitting on all the voxels and model_params
will be an array of the dimensions (data[:-1], 4),
i.e., there will be 4 parameters for each of the voxels.
self.model = model
self.model_params = model_params
def __getitem__(self, index):
model_params = self.model_params
N = model_params.ndim
if type(index) is not tuple:
index = (index,)
elif len(index) >= model_params.ndim:
raise IndexError("IndexError: invalid index")
index = index + (slice(None),) * (N - len(index))
return type(self)(self.model, model_params[index])
def S0_predicted(self):
return self.model_params[..., 0]
def perfusion_fraction(self):
return self.model_params[..., 1]
def D_star(self):
return self.model_params[..., 2]
def D(self):
return self.model_params[..., 3]
def shape(self):
return self.model_params.shape[:-1]
def predict(self, gtab, *, S0=1.0):
"""Given a model fit, predict the signal.
gtab : GradientTable class instance
Gradient directions and bvalues
S0 : float
S0 value here is not necessary and will not be used to predict the
signal. It has been added to conform to the structure of the
predict method in multi_voxel which requires a keyword argument S0.
signal : array
The signal values predicted for this model using its parameters.
return ivim_prediction(self.model_params, gtab)