Source code for dipy.reconst.qtdmri

from warnings import warn

import numpy as np
from scipy import special
from scipy.special import gamma, genlaguerre

from dipy.core.geometry import cart2sphere
from dipy.core.gradients import gradient_table_from_gradient_strength_bvecs
from dipy.reconst import mapmri
from dipy.reconst.cache import Cache
from dipy.reconst.multi_voxel import multi_voxel_fit

try:  # preferred scipy >= 0.14, required scipy >= 1.0
    from scipy.special import factorial
except ImportError:
    from scipy.misc import factorial
import random

from scipy.optimize import fmin_l_bfgs_b

import dipy.reconst.dti as dti
from dipy.reconst.shm import real_sh_descoteaux_from_index
from dipy.testing.decorators import warning_for_keywords
from dipy.utils.optpkg import optional_package

cvxpy, have_cvxpy, _ = optional_package("cvxpy", min_version="1.4.1")
plt, have_plt, _ = optional_package("matplotlib.pyplot")

[docs] class QtdmriModel(Cache): r"""The q$\tau$-dMRI model to analytically and continuously represent the q$\tau$ diffusion signal attenuation over diffusion sensitization q and diffusion time $\tau$. The model :footcite:p:`Fick2018` can be seen as an extension of the MAP-MRI basis :footcite:p:`Ozarslan2013` towards different diffusion times. The main idea is to model the diffusion signal over time and space as a linear combination of continuous functions, .. math:: :nowrap: \hat{E}(\textbf{q},\tau;\textbf{c}) = \sum_i^{N_{\textbf{q}}}\sum_k^{N_\tau} \textbf{c}_{ik} \,\Phi_i(\textbf{q})\,T_k(\tau) where $\Phi$ and $T$ are the spatial and temporal basis functions, $N_{\textbf{q}}$ and $N_\tau$ are the maximum spatial and temporal order, and $i,k$ are basis order iterators. The estimation of the coefficients $c_i$ can be regularized using either analytic Laplacian regularization, sparsity regularization using the l1-norm, or both to do a type of elastic net regularization. From the coefficients, there exists an analytical formula to estimate the ODF, RTOP, RTAP, RTPP, QIV and MSD, for any diffusion time. Parameters ---------- gtab : GradientTable, gradient directions and bvalues container class. The bvalues should be in the normal s/mm^2. big_delta and small_delta need to be given in seconds. radial_order : unsigned int, an even integer representing the spatial/radial order of the basis. time_order : unsigned int, an integer larger or equal than zero representing the time order of the basis. laplacian_regularization : bool, Regularize using the Laplacian of the qt-dMRI basis. laplacian_weighting: string or scalar, The string 'GCV' makes it use generalized cross-validation to find the regularization weight :footcite:p:`Craven1979`. A scalar sets the regularization weight to that value. l1_regularization : bool, Regularize by imposing sparsity in the coefficients using the l1-norm. l1_weighting : 'CV' or scalar, The string 'CV' makes it use five-fold cross-validation to find the regularization weight. A scalar sets the regularization weight to that value. cartesian : bool Whether to use the Cartesian or spherical implementation of the qt-dMRI basis, which we first explored in :footcite:p:`Fick2015`. anisotropic_scaling : bool Whether to use anisotropic scaling or isotropic scaling. This option can be used to test if the Cartesian implementation is equivalent with the spherical one when using the same scaling. normalization : bool Whether to normalize the basis functions such that their inner product is equal to one. Normalization is only necessary when imposing sparsity in the spherical basis if cartesian=False. constrain_q0 : bool whether to constrain the q0 point to unity along the tau-space. This is necessary to ensure that $E(0,\tau)=1$. bval_threshold : float the threshold b-value to be used, such that only data points below that threshold are used when estimating the scale factors. eigenvalue_threshold : float, Sets the minimum of the tensor eigenvalues in order to avoid stability problem. cvxpy_solver : str, optional cvxpy solver name. Optionally optimize the positivity constraint with a particular cvxpy solver. See for details. Default: None (cvxpy chooses its own solver) References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ @warning_for_keywords() def __init__( self, gtab, *, radial_order=6, time_order=2, laplacian_regularization=False, laplacian_weighting=0.2, l1_regularization=False, l1_weighting=0.1, cartesian=True, anisotropic_scaling=True, normalization=False, constrain_q0=True, bval_threshold=1e10, eigenvalue_threshold=1e-04, cvxpy_solver="CLARABEL", ): if radial_order % 2 or radial_order < 0: msg = "radial_order must be zero or an even positive integer." msg += f" radial_order {radial_order} was given." raise ValueError(msg) if time_order < 0: msg = "time_order must be larger or equal than zero integer." msg += f" time_order {time_order} was given." raise ValueError(msg) if not isinstance(laplacian_regularization, bool): msg = "laplacian_regularization must be True or False." msg += f" Input value was {laplacian_regularization}." raise ValueError(msg) if laplacian_regularization: msg = "laplacian_regularization weighting must be 'GCV' " msg += "or a float larger or equal than zero." msg += f" Input value was {laplacian_weighting}." if isinstance(laplacian_weighting, str): if laplacian_weighting != "GCV": raise ValueError(msg) elif isinstance(laplacian_weighting, float): if laplacian_weighting < 0: raise ValueError(msg) else: raise ValueError(msg) if not isinstance(l1_regularization, bool): msg = "l1_regularization must be True or False." msg += f" Input value was {l1_regularization}." raise ValueError(msg) if l1_regularization: msg = "l1_weighting weighting must be 'CV' " msg += "or a float larger or equal than zero." msg += f" Input value was {l1_weighting}." if isinstance(l1_weighting, str): if l1_weighting != "CV": raise ValueError(msg) elif isinstance(l1_weighting, float): if l1_weighting < 0: raise ValueError(msg) else: raise ValueError(msg) if not isinstance(cartesian, bool): msg = "cartesian must be True or False." msg += f" Input value was {cartesian}." raise ValueError(msg) if not isinstance(anisotropic_scaling, bool): msg = "anisotropic_scaling must be True or False." msg += f" Input value was {anisotropic_scaling}." raise ValueError(msg) if not isinstance(constrain_q0, bool): msg = "constrain_q0 must be True or False." msg += f" Input value was {constrain_q0}." raise ValueError(msg) if not isinstance(bval_threshold, float) or bval_threshold < 0: msg = "bval_threshold must be a positive float." msg += f" Input value was {bval_threshold}." raise ValueError(msg) if not isinstance(eigenvalue_threshold, float) or eigenvalue_threshold < 0: msg = "eigenvalue_threshold must be a positive float." msg += f" Input value was {eigenvalue_threshold}." raise ValueError(msg) if laplacian_regularization or l1_regularization: if not have_cvxpy: msg = "cvxpy must be installed for Laplacian or l1 " msg += "regularization." raise ImportError(msg) if cvxpy_solver is not None: if cvxpy_solver not in cvxpy.installed_solvers(): msg = f"Input `cvxpy_solver` was set to {cvxpy_solver}." msg += f" One of {', '.join(cvxpy.installed_solvers())}" msg += " was expected." raise ValueError(msg) if l1_regularization and not cartesian and not normalization: msg = "The non-Cartesian implementation must be normalized for the" msg += " l1-norm sparsity regularization to work. Set " msg += "normalization=True to proceed." raise ValueError(msg) self.gtab = gtab self.radial_order = radial_order self.time_order = time_order self.laplacian_regularization = laplacian_regularization self.laplacian_weighting = laplacian_weighting self.l1_regularization = l1_regularization self.l1_weighting = l1_weighting self.cartesian = cartesian self.anisotropic_scaling = anisotropic_scaling self.normalization = normalization self.constrain_q0 = constrain_q0 self.bval_threshold = bval_threshold self.eigenvalue_threshold = eigenvalue_threshold self.cvxpy_solver = cvxpy_solver if self.cartesian: self.ind_mat = qtdmri_index_matrix(radial_order, time_order) else: self.ind_mat = qtdmri_isotropic_index_matrix(radial_order, time_order) # precompute parts of laplacian regularization matrices self.part4_reg_mat_tau = part4_reg_matrix_tau(self.ind_mat, 1.0) self.part23_reg_mat_tau = part23_reg_matrix_tau(self.ind_mat, 1.0) self.part1_reg_mat_tau = part1_reg_matrix_tau(self.ind_mat, 1.0) if self.cartesian: self.S_mat, self.T_mat, self.U_mat = mapmri.mapmri_STU_reg_matrices( radial_order ) else: self.part1_uq_iso_precomp = ( mapmri.mapmri_isotropic_laplacian_reg_matrix_from_index_matrix( self.ind_mat[:, :3], 1.0 ) ) self.tenmodel = dti.TensorModel(gtab) @multi_voxel_fit def fit(self, data, **kwargs): bval_mask = self.gtab.bvals < self.bval_threshold data_norm = data / data[self.gtab.b0s_mask].mean() tau = self.gtab.tau bvecs = self.gtab.bvecs qvals = self.gtab.qvals b0s_mask = self.gtab.b0s_mask if self.cartesian: if self.anisotropic_scaling: us, ut, R = qtdmri_anisotropic_scaling( data_norm[bval_mask], qvals[bval_mask], bvecs[bval_mask], tau[bval_mask], ) tau_scaling = ut / us.mean() tau_scaled = tau * tau_scaling ut /= tau_scaling us = np.clip(us, self.eigenvalue_threshold, np.inf) q =, R) * qvals[:, None] M = _qtdmri_signal_matrix( self.radial_order, self.time_order, us, ut, q, tau_scaled, normalization=self.normalization, ) else: us, ut = qtdmri_isotropic_scaling(data_norm, qvals, tau) tau_scaling = ut / us tau_scaled = tau * tau_scaling ut /= tau_scaling R = np.eye(3) us = np.tile(us, 3) q = bvecs * qvals[:, None] M = _qtdmri_signal_matrix( self.radial_order, self.time_order, us, ut, q, tau_scaled, normalization=self.normalization, ) else: us, ut = qtdmri_isotropic_scaling(data_norm, qvals, tau) tau_scaling = ut / us tau_scaled = tau * tau_scaling ut /= tau_scaling R = np.eye(3) us = np.tile(us, 3) q = bvecs * qvals[:, None] M = _qtdmri_isotropic_signal_matrix( self.radial_order, self.time_order, us[0], ut, q, tau_scaled, normalization=self.normalization, ) b0_indices = np.arange(self.gtab.tau.shape[0])[self.gtab.b0s_mask] tau0_ordered = self.gtab.tau[b0_indices] unique_taus = np.unique(self.gtab.tau) first_tau_pos = [] for unique_tau in unique_taus: first_tau_pos.append(np.where(tau0_ordered == unique_tau)[0][0]) M0 = M[b0_indices[first_tau_pos]] lopt = 0.0 alpha = 0.0 if self.laplacian_regularization and not self.l1_regularization: if self.cartesian: laplacian_matrix = qtdmri_laplacian_reg_matrix( self.ind_mat, us, ut, S_mat=self.S_mat, T_mat=self.T_mat, U_mat=self.U_mat, part1_ut_precomp=self.part1_reg_mat_tau, part23_ut_precomp=self.part23_reg_mat_tau, part4_ut_precomp=self.part4_reg_mat_tau, normalization=self.normalization, ) else: laplacian_matrix = qtdmri_isotropic_laplacian_reg_matrix( self.ind_mat, us, ut, part1_uq_iso_precomp=self.part1_uq_iso_precomp, part1_ut_precomp=self.part1_reg_mat_tau, part23_ut_precomp=self.part23_reg_mat_tau, part4_ut_precomp=self.part4_reg_mat_tau, normalization=self.normalization, ) if self.laplacian_weighting == "GCV": try: lopt = generalized_crossvalidation(data_norm, M, laplacian_matrix) except BaseException: msg = "Laplacian GCV failed. lopt defaulted to 2e-4." warn(msg, stacklevel=2) lopt = 2e-4 elif np.isscalar(self.laplacian_weighting): lopt = self.laplacian_weighting c = cvxpy.Variable(M.shape[1]) design_matrix = cvxpy.Constant(M) @ c objective = cvxpy.Minimize( cvxpy.sum_squares(design_matrix - data_norm) + lopt * cvxpy.quad_form(c, laplacian_matrix) ) if self.constrain_q0: # just constraint first and last, otherwise the solver fails constraints = [M0[0] @ c == 1, M0[-1] @ c == 1] else: constraints = [] prob = cvxpy.Problem(objective, constraints) try: prob.solve(solver=self.cvxpy_solver, verbose=False) cvxpy_solution_optimal = prob.status == "optimal" qtdmri_coef = np.asarray(c.value).squeeze() except BaseException: qtdmri_coef = np.zeros(M.shape[1]) cvxpy_solution_optimal = False elif self.l1_regularization and not self.laplacian_regularization: if self.l1_weighting == "CV": alpha = l1_crossvalidation(b0s_mask, data_norm, M) elif np.isscalar(self.l1_weighting): alpha = self.l1_weighting c = cvxpy.Variable(M.shape[1]) design_matrix = cvxpy.Constant(M) @ c objective = cvxpy.Minimize( cvxpy.sum_squares(design_matrix - data_norm) + alpha * cvxpy.norm1(c) ) if self.constrain_q0: # just constraint first and last, otherwise the solver fails constraints = [M0[0] @ c == 1, M0[-1] @ c == 1] else: constraints = [] prob = cvxpy.Problem(objective, constraints) try: prob.solve(solver=self.cvxpy_solver, verbose=False) cvxpy_solution_optimal = prob.status == "optimal" qtdmri_coef = np.asarray(c.value).squeeze() except BaseException: qtdmri_coef = np.zeros(M.shape[1]) cvxpy_solution_optimal = False elif self.l1_regularization and self.laplacian_regularization: if self.cartesian: laplacian_matrix = qtdmri_laplacian_reg_matrix( self.ind_mat, us, ut, S_mat=self.S_mat, T_mat=self.T_mat, U_mat=self.U_mat, part1_ut_precomp=self.part1_reg_mat_tau, part23_ut_precomp=self.part23_reg_mat_tau, part4_ut_precomp=self.part4_reg_mat_tau, normalization=self.normalization, ) else: laplacian_matrix = qtdmri_isotropic_laplacian_reg_matrix( self.ind_mat, us, ut, part1_uq_iso_precomp=self.part1_uq_iso_precomp, part1_ut_precomp=self.part1_reg_mat_tau, part23_ut_precomp=self.part23_reg_mat_tau, part4_ut_precomp=self.part4_reg_mat_tau, normalization=self.normalization, ) if self.laplacian_weighting == "GCV": lopt = generalized_crossvalidation(data_norm, M, laplacian_matrix) elif np.isscalar(self.laplacian_weighting): lopt = self.laplacian_weighting if self.l1_weighting == "CV": alpha = elastic_crossvalidation( b0s_mask, data_norm, M, laplacian_matrix, lopt ) elif np.isscalar(self.l1_weighting): alpha = self.l1_weighting c = cvxpy.Variable(M.shape[1]) design_matrix = cvxpy.Constant(M) @ c objective = cvxpy.Minimize( cvxpy.sum_squares(design_matrix - data_norm) + alpha * cvxpy.norm1(c) + lopt * cvxpy.quad_form(c, laplacian_matrix) ) if self.constrain_q0: # just constraint first and last, otherwise the solver fails constraints = [M0[0] @ c == 1, M0[-1] @ c == 1] else: constraints = [] prob = cvxpy.Problem(objective, constraints) try: prob.solve(solver=self.cvxpy_solver, verbose=False) cvxpy_solution_optimal = prob.status == "optimal" qtdmri_coef = np.asarray(c.value).squeeze() except BaseException: qtdmri_coef = np.zeros(M.shape[1]) cvxpy_solution_optimal = False elif not self.l1_regularization and not self.laplacian_regularization: # just use least squares with the observation matrix pseudoInv = np.linalg.pinv(M) qtdmri_coef =, data_norm) # if cvxpy is used to constraint q0 without regularization the # solver often fails, so only first tau-position is manually # normalized. qtdmri_coef /=[0], qtdmri_coef) cvxpy_solution_optimal = None if cvxpy_solution_optimal is False: msg = "cvxpy optimization resulted in non-optimal solution. Check " msg += "cvxpy_solution_optimal attribute in fitted object to see " msg += "which voxels are affected." warn(msg, stacklevel=2) return QtdmriFit( self, qtdmri_coef, us, ut, tau_scaling, R, lopt, alpha, cvxpy_solution_optimal, )
[docs] class QtdmriFit: def __init__( self, model, qtdmri_coef, us, ut, tau_scaling, R, lopt, alpha, cvxpy_solution_optimal, ): """Calculates diffusion properties for a single voxel Parameters ---------- model : object, AnalyticalModel qtdmri_coef : 1d ndarray, qtdmri coefficients us : array, 3 x 1 spatial scaling factors ut : float temporal scaling factor tau_scaling : float, the temporal scaling that used to scale tau to the size of us R : 3x3 numpy array, tensor eigenvectors lopt : float, laplacian regularization weight alpha : float, the l1 regularization weight cvxpy_solution_optimal: bool, indicates whether the cvxpy coefficient estimation reach an optimal solution """ self.model = model self._qtdmri_coef = qtdmri_coef = us self.ut = ut self.tau_scaling = tau_scaling self.R = R self.lopt = lopt self.alpha = alpha self.cvxpy_solution_optimal = cvxpy_solution_optimal
[docs] def qtdmri_to_mapmri_coef(self, tau): """This function converts the qtdmri coefficients to mapmri coefficients for a given tau. Defined in :footcite:p:`Fick2018`, the conversion is performed by a matrix multiplication that evaluates the time-depenent part of the basis and multiplies it with the coefficients, after which coefficients with the same spatial orders are summed up, resulting in mapmri coefficients. Parameters ---------- tau : float diffusion time (big_delta - small_delta / 3.) in seconds References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ if self.model.cartesian: II = self.model.cache_get("qtdmri_to_mapmri_matrix", key=tau) if II is None: II = qtdmri_to_mapmri_matrix( self.model.radial_order, self.model.time_order, self.ut, self.tau_scaling * tau, ) self.model.cache_set("qtdmri_to_mapmri_matrix", tau, II) else: II = self.model.cache_get("qtdmri_isotropic_to_mapmri_matrix", key=tau) if II is None: II = qtdmri_isotropic_to_mapmri_matrix( self.model.radial_order, self.model.time_order, self.ut, self.tau_scaling * tau, ) self.model.cache_set("qtdmri_isotropic_to_mapmri_matrix", tau, II) mapmri_coef =, self._qtdmri_coef) return mapmri_coef
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def sparsity_abs(self, *, threshold=0.99): """As a measure of sparsity, calculates the number of largest coefficients needed to absolute sum up to 99% of the total absolute sum of all coefficients""" if not 0.0 < threshold < 1.0: msg = "sparsity threshold must be between zero and one" raise ValueError(msg) total_weight = np.sum(abs(self._qtdmri_coef)) absolute_normalized_coef_array = ( np.sort(abs(self._qtdmri_coef))[::-1] / total_weight ) current_weight = 0.0 counter = 0 while current_weight < threshold: current_weight += absolute_normalized_coef_array[counter] counter += 1 return counter
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def sparsity_density(self, *, threshold=0.99): """As a measure of sparsity, calculates the number of largest coefficients needed to squared sum up to 99% of the total squared sum of all coefficients""" if not 0.0 < threshold < 1.0: msg = "sparsity threshold must be between zero and one" raise ValueError(msg) total_weight = np.sum(self._qtdmri_coef**2) squared_normalized_coef_array = ( np.sort(self._qtdmri_coef**2)[::-1] / total_weight ) current_weight = 0.0 counter = 0 while current_weight < threshold: current_weight += squared_normalized_coef_array[counter] counter += 1 return counter
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def odf(self, sphere, tau, *, s=2): r"""Calculates the analytical Orientation Distribution Function (ODF) for a given diffusion time tau from the signal. See :footcite:p:`Ozarslan2013` Eq. (32). The qtdmri coefficients are first converted to mapmri coefficients following :footcite:p:`Fick2018`. Parameters ---------- sphere : dipy sphere object sphere object with vertice orientations to compute the ODF on. tau : float diffusion time (big_delta - small_delta / 3.) in seconds s : unsigned int radial moment of the ODF References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ mapmri_coef = self.qtdmri_to_mapmri_coef(tau) if self.model.cartesian: v_ = sphere.vertices v =, self.R) I_s = mapmri.mapmri_odf_matrix(self.model.radial_order,, s, v) odf =, mapmri_coef) else: II = self.model.cache_get("ODF_matrix", key=(sphere, s)) if II is None: II = mapmri.mapmri_isotropic_odf_matrix( self.model.radial_order, 1, s, sphere.vertices ) self.model.cache_set("ODF_matrix", (sphere, s), II) odf =[0] ** s *, mapmri_coef) return odf
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def odf_sh(self, tau, *, s=2): r"""Calculates the real analytical odf for a given discrete sphere. Computes the design matrix of the ODF for the given sphere vertices and radial moment :footcite:p:`Ozarslan2013` eq. (32). The radial moment s acts as a sharpening method. The analytical equation for the spherical ODF basis is given in :footcite:p:`Fick2016b` eq. (C8). The qtdmri coefficients are first converted to mapmri coefficients following :footcite:p:`Fick2018`. Parameters ---------- tau : float diffusion time (big_delta - small_delta / 3.) in seconds s : unsigned int radial moment of the ODF References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ mapmri_coef = self.qtdmri_to_mapmri_coef(tau) if self.model.cartesian: msg = "odf in spherical harmonics not yet implemented for " msg += "cartesian implementation" raise ValueError(msg) II = self.model.cache_get("ODF_sh_matrix", key=(self.model.radial_order, s)) if II is None: II = mapmri.mapmri_isotropic_odf_sh_matrix(self.model.radial_order, 1, s) self.model.cache_set("ODF_sh_matrix", (self.model.radial_order, s), II) odf =[0] ** s *, mapmri_coef) return odf
[docs] def rtpp(self, tau): r"""Calculates the analytical return to the plane probability (RTPP) for a given diffusion time tau. See :footcite:p:`Ozarslan2013` eq. (42). The analytical formula for the isotropic MAP-MRI basis was derived in :footcite:p:`Fick2016b` eq. (C11). The qtdmri coefficients are first converted to mapmri coefficients following :footcite:p:`Fick2018`. Parameters ---------- tau : float diffusion time (big_delta - small_delta / 3.) in seconds References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ mapmri_coef = self.qtdmri_to_mapmri_coef(tau) if self.model.cartesian: ind_mat = mapmri.mapmri_index_matrix(self.model.radial_order) Bm = mapmri.b_mat(ind_mat) sel = Bm > 0.0 # select only relevant coefficients const = 1 / (np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) *[0]) ind_sum = (-1.0) ** (ind_mat[sel, 0] / 2.0) rtpp_vec = const * Bm[sel] * ind_sum * mapmri_coef[sel] rtpp = rtpp_vec.sum() return rtpp else: ind_mat = mapmri.mapmri_isotropic_index_matrix(self.model.radial_order) rtpp_vec = np.zeros(int(ind_mat.shape[0])) count = 0 for n in range(0, self.model.radial_order + 1, 2): for j in range(1, 2 + n // 2): ll = n + 2 - 2 * j const = (-1 / 2.0) ** (ll / 2) / np.sqrt(np.pi) matsum = 0 for k in range(0, j): matsum += ( (-1) ** k * mapmri.binomialfloat(j + ll - 0.5, j - k - 1) * gamma(ll / 2 + k + 1 / 2.0) / (factorial(k) * 0.5 ** (ll / 2 + 1 / 2.0 + k)) ) for _ in range(-ll, ll + 1): rtpp_vec[count] = const * matsum count += 1 direction = np.array(self.R[:, 0], ndmin=2) r, theta, phi = cart2sphere( direction[:, 0], direction[:, 1], direction[:, 2] ) rtpp = ( mapmri_coef * (1 /[0]) * rtpp_vec * real_sh_descoteaux_from_index( ind_mat[:, 2], ind_mat[:, 1], theta, phi ) ) return rtpp.sum()
[docs] def rtap(self, tau): r"""Calculates the analytical return to the axis probability (RTAP) for a given diffusion time tau. See :footcite:p:`Ozarslan2013` eq. (40, 44a). The analytical formula for the isotropic MAP-MRI basis was derived in :footcite:p:`Fick2016b` eq. (C11). The qtdmri coefficients are first converted to mapmri coefficients following :footcite:p:`Fick2018`. Parameters ---------- tau : float diffusion time (big_delta - small_delta / 3.) in seconds References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ mapmri_coef = self.qtdmri_to_mapmri_coef(tau) if self.model.cartesian: ind_mat = mapmri.mapmri_index_matrix(self.model.radial_order) Bm = mapmri.b_mat(ind_mat) sel = Bm > 0.0 # select only relevant coefficients const = 1 / (2 * np.pi *[1:])) ind_sum = (-1.0) ** (np.sum(ind_mat[sel, 1:], axis=1) / 2.0) rtap_vec = const * Bm[sel] * ind_sum * mapmri_coef[sel] rtap = np.sum(rtap_vec) else: ind_mat = mapmri.mapmri_isotropic_index_matrix(self.model.radial_order) rtap_vec = np.zeros(int(ind_mat.shape[0])) count = 0 for n in range(0, self.model.radial_order + 1, 2): for j in range(1, 2 + n // 2): ll = n + 2 - 2 * j kappa = ((-1) ** (j - 1) * 2.0 ** (-(ll + 3) / 2.0)) / np.pi matsum = 0 for k in range(0, j): matsum += ( (-1) ** k * mapmri.binomialfloat(j + ll - 0.5, j - k - 1) * gamma((ll + 1) / 2.0 + k) ) / (factorial(k) * 0.5 ** ((ll + 1) / 2.0 + k)) for _ in range(-ll, ll + 1): rtap_vec[count] = kappa * matsum count += 1 rtap_vec *= 2 direction = np.array(self.R[:, 0], ndmin=2) r, theta, phi = cart2sphere( direction[:, 0], direction[:, 1], direction[:, 2] ) rtap_vec = ( mapmri_coef * (1 /[0] ** 2) * rtap_vec * real_sh_descoteaux_from_index( ind_mat[:, 2], ind_mat[:, 1], theta, phi ) ) rtap = rtap_vec.sum() return rtap
[docs] def rtop(self, tau): r"""Calculates the analytical return to the origin probability (RTOP) for a given diffusion time tau. See :footcite:p:`Ozarslan2013` eq. (36, 43). The analytical formula for the isotropic MAP-MRI basis was derived in :footcite:p:`Fick2016b` eq. (C11). The qtdmri coefficients are first converted to mapmri coefficients following :footcite:p:`Fick2018`. Parameters ---------- tau : float diffusion time (big_delta - small_delta / 3.) in seconds References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ mapmri_coef = self.qtdmri_to_mapmri_coef(tau) if self.model.cartesian: ind_mat = mapmri.mapmri_index_matrix(self.model.radial_order) Bm = mapmri.b_mat(ind_mat) const = 1 / (np.sqrt(8 * np.pi**3) * ind_sum = (-1.0) ** (np.sum(ind_mat, axis=1) / 2) rtop_vec = const * ind_sum * Bm * mapmri_coef rtop = rtop_vec.sum() else: ind_mat = mapmri.mapmri_isotropic_index_matrix(self.model.radial_order) Bm = mapmri.b_mat_isotropic(ind_mat) const = 1 / (2 * np.sqrt(2.0) * np.pi ** (3 / 2.0)) rtop_vec = const * (-1.0) ** (ind_mat[:, 0] - 1) * Bm rtop = (1 /[0] ** 3) * rtop_vec * mapmri_coef rtop = rtop.sum() return rtop
[docs] def msd(self, tau): r"""Calculates the analytical Mean Squared Displacement (MSD) for a given diffusion time tau. It is defined as the Laplacian of the origin of the estimated signal :footcite:t:`Cheng2012`. The analytical formula for the MAP-MRI basis was derived in :footcite:p:`Fick2016b` eq. (C13, D1). The qtdmri coefficients are first converted to mapmri coefficients following :footcite:p:`Fick2018`. Parameters ---------- tau : float diffusion time (big_delta - small_delta / 3.) in seconds References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ mapmri_coef = self.qtdmri_to_mapmri_coef(tau) mu = if self.model.cartesian: ind_mat = mapmri.mapmri_index_matrix(self.model.radial_order) Bm = mapmri.b_mat(ind_mat) sel = Bm > 0.0 # select only relevant coefficients ind_sum = np.sum(ind_mat[sel], axis=1) nx, ny, nz = ind_mat[sel].T numerator = ( (-1) ** (0.5 * (-ind_sum)) * np.pi ** (3 / 2.0) * ( (1 + 2 * nx) * mu[0] ** 2 + (1 + 2 * ny) * mu[1] ** 2 + (1 + 2 * nz) * mu[2] ** 2 ) ) denominator = ( np.sqrt( 2.0 ** (-ind_sum) * factorial(nx) * factorial(ny) * factorial(nz) ) * gamma(0.5 - 0.5 * nx) * gamma(0.5 - 0.5 * ny) * gamma(0.5 - 0.5 * nz) ) msd_vec = mapmri_coef[sel] * (numerator / denominator) msd = msd_vec.sum() else: ind_mat = mapmri.mapmri_isotropic_index_matrix(self.model.radial_order) Bm = mapmri.b_mat_isotropic(ind_mat) sel = Bm > 0.0 # select only relevant coefficients msd_vec = (4 * ind_mat[sel, 0] - 1) * Bm[sel] msd =[0] ** 2 * msd_vec * mapmri_coef[sel] msd = msd.sum() return msd
[docs] def qiv(self, tau): r"""Calculates the analytical Q-space Inverse Variance (QIV) for given diffusion time tau. It is defined as the inverse of the Laplacian of the origin of the estimated propagator :footcite:p:`Hosseinbor2013` eq. (22). The analytical formula for the MAP-MRI basis was derived in :footcite:p:`Fick2016b` eq. (C14, D2). The qtdmri coefficients are first converted to mapmri coefficients following :footcite:t:`Fick2018`. Parameters ---------- tau : float diffusion time (big_delta - small_delta / 3.) in seconds References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ mapmri_coef = self.qtdmri_to_mapmri_coef(tau) ux, uy, uz = if self.model.cartesian: ind_mat = mapmri.mapmri_index_matrix(self.model.radial_order) Bm = mapmri.b_mat(ind_mat) sel = Bm > 0 # select only relevant coefficients nx, ny, nz = ind_mat[sel].T numerator = ( 8 * np.pi**2 * (ux * uy * uz) ** 3 * np.sqrt(factorial(nx) * factorial(ny) * factorial(nz)) * gamma(0.5 - 0.5 * nx) * gamma(0.5 - 0.5 * ny) * gamma(0.5 - 0.5 * nz) ) denominator = np.sqrt(2.0 ** (-1 + nx + ny + nz)) * ( (1 + 2 * nx) * uy**2 * uz**2 + ux**2 * ((1 + 2 * nz) * uy**2 + (1 + 2 * ny) * uz**2) ) qiv_vec = mapmri_coef[sel] * (numerator / denominator) qiv = qiv_vec.sum() else: ind_mat = mapmri.mapmri_isotropic_index_matrix(self.model.radial_order) Bm = mapmri.b_mat_isotropic(ind_mat) sel = Bm > 0.0 # select only relevant coefficients j = ind_mat[sel, 0] qiv_vec = (8 * (-1.0) ** (1 - j) * np.sqrt(2) * np.pi ** (7 / 2.0)) / ( (4.0 * j - 1) * Bm[sel] ) qiv = ux**5 * qiv_vec * mapmri_coef[sel] qiv = qiv.sum() return qiv
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def fitted_signal(self, *, gtab=None): """Recovers the fitted signal for the given gradient table. If no gradient table is given it recovers the signal for the gtab of the model object. """ if gtab is None: E = self.predict(self.model.gtab) else: E = self.predict(gtab) return E
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def predict(self, qvals_or_gtab, *, S0=1.0): """Recovers the reconstructed signal for any qvalue array or gradient table. """ tau_scaling = self.tau_scaling if isinstance(qvals_or_gtab, np.ndarray): q = qvals_or_gtab[:, :3] tau = qvals_or_gtab[:, 3] * tau_scaling else: gtab = qvals_or_gtab qvals = gtab.qvals tau = gtab.tau * tau_scaling q = qvals[:, None] * gtab.bvecs if self.model.cartesian: if self.model.anisotropic_scaling: q_rot =, self.R) M = _qtdmri_signal_matrix( self.model.radial_order, self.model.time_order,, self.ut, q_rot, tau, normalization=self.model.normalization, ) else: M = _qtdmri_signal_matrix( self.model.radial_order, self.model.time_order,, self.ut, q, tau, normalization=self.model.normalization, ) else: M = _qtdmri_isotropic_signal_matrix( self.model.radial_order, self.model.time_order,[0], self.ut, q, tau, normalization=self.model.normalization, ) E = S0 *, self._qtdmri_coef) return E
[docs] def norm_of_laplacian_signal(self): """Calculates the norm of the laplacian of the fitted signal. This information could be useful to assess if the extrapolation of the fitted signal contains spurious oscillations. A high laplacian norm may indicate that these are present, and any q-space indices that use integrals of the signal may be corrupted (e.g. RTOP, RTAP, RTPP, QIV). In contrast to :footcite:t:`Fick2016b`, the Laplacian now describes oscillations in the 4-dimensional qt-signal :footcite:p:`Fick2018`. See :footcite:p:`Fick2016b` for a definition of the metric. References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ if self.model.cartesian: lap_matrix = qtdmri_laplacian_reg_matrix( self.model.ind_mat,, self.ut, S_mat=self.model.S_mat, T_mat=self.model.T_mat, U_mat=self.model.U_mat, part1_ut_precomp=self.model.part1_reg_mat_tau, part23_ut_precomp=self.model.part23_reg_mat_tau, part4_ut_precomp=self.model.part4_reg_mat_tau, normalization=self.model.normalization, ) else: lap_matrix = qtdmri_isotropic_laplacian_reg_matrix( self.model.ind_mat,, self.ut, part1_uq_iso_precomp=self.model.part1_uq_iso_precomp, part1_ut_precomp=self.model.part1_reg_mat_tau, part23_ut_precomp=self.model.part23_reg_mat_tau, part4_ut_precomp=self.model.part4_reg_mat_tau, normalization=self.model.normalization, ) norm_laplacian = self._qtdmri_coef,, lap_matrix) ) return norm_laplacian
[docs] def pdf(self, rt_points): """Diffusion propagator on a given set of real points. if the array r_points is non writeable, then intermediate results are cached for faster recalculation """ tau_scaling = self.tau_scaling rt_points_ = rt_points * np.r_[1, 1, 1, tau_scaling] if self.model.cartesian: K = _qtdmri_eap_matrix( self.model.radial_order, self.model.time_order,, self.ut, rt_points_, normalization=self.model.normalization, ) else: K = _qtdmri_isotropic_eap_matrix( self.model.radial_order, self.model.time_order,[0], self.ut, rt_points_, normalization=self.model.normalization, ) eap =, self._qtdmri_coef) return eap
def _qtdmri_to_mapmri_matrix(radial_order, time_order, ut, tau, isotropic): """Generate the matrix that maps the spherical qtdmri coefficients to MAP-MRI coefficients. The conversion is done by only evaluating the time basis for a diffusion time tau and summing up coefficients with the same spatial basis orders :footcite:p:`Fick2018`. Parameters ---------- radial_order : unsigned int, an even integer representing the spatial/radial order of the basis. time_order : unsigned int, an integer larger or equal than zero representing the time order of the basis. ut : float temporal scaling factor tau : float diffusion time (big_delta - small_delta / 3.) in seconds isotropic : bool `True` if the case is isotropic. References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ if isotropic: mapmri_ind_mat = mapmri.mapmri_isotropic_index_matrix(radial_order) qtdmri_ind_mat = qtdmri_isotropic_index_matrix(radial_order, time_order) else: mapmri_ind_mat = mapmri.mapmri_index_matrix(radial_order) qtdmri_ind_mat = qtdmri_index_matrix(radial_order, time_order) n_elem_mapmri = int(mapmri_ind_mat.shape[0]) n_elem_qtdmri = int(qtdmri_ind_mat.shape[0]) temporal_storage = np.zeros(time_order + 1) for o in range(time_order + 1): temporal_storage[o] = temporal_basis(o, ut, tau) counter = 0 mapmri_mat = np.zeros((n_elem_mapmri, n_elem_qtdmri)) for j, ll, m, o in qtdmri_ind_mat: index_overlap = np.all( [ j == mapmri_ind_mat[:, 0], ll == mapmri_ind_mat[:, 1], m == mapmri_ind_mat[:, 2], ], 0, ) mapmri_mat[:, counter] = temporal_storage[o] * index_overlap counter += 1 return mapmri_mat
[docs] def qtdmri_to_mapmri_matrix(radial_order, time_order, ut, tau): """Generate the matrix that maps the qtdmri coefficients to MAP-MRI coefficients for the anisotropic case. The conversion is done by only evaluating the time basis for a diffusion time tau and summing up coefficients with the same spatial basis orders :footcite:p:`Fick2018`. Parameters ---------- radial_order : unsigned int, an even integer representing the spatial/radial order of the basis. time_order : unsigned int, an integer larger or equal than zero representing the time order of the basis. ut : float temporal scaling factor tau : float diffusion time (big_delta - small_delta / 3.) in seconds References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ return _qtdmri_to_mapmri_matrix(radial_order, time_order, ut, tau, False)
[docs] def qtdmri_isotropic_to_mapmri_matrix(radial_order, time_order, ut, tau): """Generate the matrix that maps the spherical qtdmri coefficients to MAP-MRI coefficients for the isotropic case. The conversion is done by only evaluating the time basis for a diffusion time tau and summing up coefficients with the same spatial basis orders :footcite:p:`Fick2018`. Parameters ---------- radial_order : unsigned int, an even integer representing the spatial/radial order of the basis. time_order : unsigned int, an integer larger or equal than zero representing the time order of the basis. ut : float temporal scaling factor tau : float diffusion time (big_delta - small_delta / 3.) in seconds References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ return _qtdmri_to_mapmri_matrix(radial_order, time_order, ut, tau, True)
[docs] def qtdmri_temporal_normalization(ut): """Normalization factor for the temporal basis""" return np.sqrt(ut)
[docs] def qtdmri_mapmri_normalization(mu): """Normalization factor for Cartesian MAP-MRI basis. The scaling is the same for every basis function depending only on the spatial scaling mu. """ sqrtC = np.sqrt(8 * * np.pi ** (3.0 / 4.0) return sqrtC
[docs] def qtdmri_mapmri_isotropic_normalization(j, ell, u0): """Normalization factor for Spherical MAP-MRI basis. The normalization for a basis function with orders [j,l,m] depends only on orders j,l and the isotropic scale factor. """ sqrtC = (2 * np.pi) ** (3.0 / 2.0) * np.sqrt( 2**ell * u0**3 * gamma(j) / gamma(j + ell + 1.0 / 2.0) ) return sqrtC
@warning_for_keywords() def _qtdmri_signal_matrix( radial_order, time_order, us, ut, q, tau, *, normalization=False ): """Function to generate the qtdmri signal basis.""" M = qtdmri_signal_matrix(radial_order, time_order, us, ut, q, tau) if normalization: sqrtC = qtdmri_mapmri_normalization(us) sqrtut = qtdmri_temporal_normalization(ut) sqrtCut = sqrtC * sqrtut M *= sqrtCut return M
[docs] def qtdmri_signal_matrix(radial_order, time_order, us, ut, q, tau): r"""Constructs the design matrix as a product of 3 separated radial, angular and temporal design matrices. It precomputes the relevant basis orders for each one and finally puts them together according to the index matrix """ ind_mat = qtdmri_index_matrix(radial_order, time_order) n_dat = int(q.shape[0]) n_elem = int(ind_mat.shape[0]) qx, qy, qz = q.T mux, muy, muz = us temporal_storage = np.zeros((n_dat, time_order + 1)) for o in range(time_order + 1): temporal_storage[:, o] = temporal_basis(o, ut, tau) Qx_storage = np.array(np.zeros((n_dat, radial_order + 1 + 4)), dtype=complex) Qy_storage = np.array(np.zeros((n_dat, radial_order + 1 + 4)), dtype=complex) Qz_storage = np.array(np.zeros((n_dat, radial_order + 1 + 4)), dtype=complex) for n in range(radial_order + 1 + 4): Qx_storage[:, n] = mapmri.mapmri_phi_1d(n, qx, mux) Qy_storage[:, n] = mapmri.mapmri_phi_1d(n, qy, muy) Qz_storage[:, n] = mapmri.mapmri_phi_1d(n, qz, muz) counter = 0 Q = np.zeros((n_dat, n_elem)) for nx, ny, nz, o in ind_mat: Q[:, counter] = ( np.real(Qx_storage[:, nx] * Qy_storage[:, ny] * Qz_storage[:, nz]) * temporal_storage[:, o] ) counter += 1 return Q
[docs] def qtdmri_eap_matrix(radial_order, time_order, us, ut, grid): r"""Constructs the design matrix as a product of 3 separated radial, angular and temporal design matrices. It precomputes the relevant basis orders for each one and finally puts them together according to the index matrix """ ind_mat = qtdmri_index_matrix(radial_order, time_order) rx, ry, rz, tau = grid.T n_dat = int(rx.shape[0]) n_elem = int(ind_mat.shape[0]) mux, muy, muz = us temporal_storage = np.zeros((n_dat, time_order + 1)) for o in range(time_order + 1): temporal_storage[:, o] = temporal_basis(o, ut, tau) Kx_storage = np.zeros((n_dat, radial_order + 1)) Ky_storage = np.zeros((n_dat, radial_order + 1)) Kz_storage = np.zeros((n_dat, radial_order + 1)) for n in range(radial_order + 1): Kx_storage[:, n] = mapmri.mapmri_psi_1d(n, rx, mux) Ky_storage[:, n] = mapmri.mapmri_psi_1d(n, ry, muy) Kz_storage[:, n] = mapmri.mapmri_psi_1d(n, rz, muz) counter = 0 K = np.zeros((n_dat, n_elem)) for nx, ny, nz, o in ind_mat: K[:, counter] = ( Kx_storage[:, nx] * Ky_storage[:, ny] * Kz_storage[:, nz] * temporal_storage[:, o] ) counter += 1 return K
@warning_for_keywords() def _qtdmri_isotropic_signal_matrix( radial_order, time_order, us, ut, q, tau, *, normalization=False ): M = qtdmri_isotropic_signal_matrix(radial_order, time_order, us, ut, q, tau) if normalization: ind_mat = qtdmri_isotropic_index_matrix(radial_order, time_order) j, ll = ind_mat[:, :2].T sqrtut = qtdmri_temporal_normalization(ut) sqrtC = qtdmri_mapmri_isotropic_normalization(j, ll, us) sqrtCut = sqrtC * sqrtut M = M * sqrtCut[None, :] return M
[docs] def qtdmri_isotropic_signal_matrix(radial_order, time_order, us, ut, q, tau): ind_mat = qtdmri_isotropic_index_matrix(radial_order, time_order) qvals, theta, phi = cart2sphere(q[:, 0], q[:, 1], q[:, 2]) n_dat = int(qvals.shape[0]) n_elem = int(ind_mat.shape[0]) num_j = int(np.max(ind_mat[:, 0])) num_o = int(time_order + 1) num_l = int(radial_order // 2 + 1) num_m = int(radial_order * 2 + 1) # Radial Basis radial_storage = np.zeros([num_j, num_l, n_dat]) for j in range(1, num_j + 1): for ll in range(0, radial_order + 1, 2): radial_storage[j - 1, ll // 2, :] = radial_basis_opt(j, ll, us, qvals) # Angular Basis angular_storage = np.zeros([num_l, num_m, n_dat]) for ll in range(0, radial_order + 1, 2): for m in range(-ll, ll + 1): angular_storage[ll // 2, m + ll, :] = angular_basis_opt( ll, m, qvals, theta, phi ) # Temporal Basis temporal_storage = np.zeros([num_o + 1, n_dat]) for o in range(0, num_o + 1): temporal_storage[o, :] = temporal_basis(o, ut, tau) # Construct full design matrix M = np.zeros((n_dat, n_elem)) counter = 0 for j, ll, m, o in ind_mat: M[:, counter] = ( radial_storage[j - 1, ll // 2, :] * angular_storage[ll // 2, m + ll, :] * temporal_storage[o, :] ) counter += 1 return M
@warning_for_keywords() def _qtdmri_eap_matrix(radial_order, time_order, us, ut, grid, *, normalization=False): sqrtCut = 1.0 if normalization: sqrtC = qtdmri_mapmri_normalization(us) sqrtut = qtdmri_temporal_normalization(ut) sqrtCut = sqrtC * sqrtut K_tau = qtdmri_eap_matrix(radial_order, time_order, us, ut, grid) * sqrtCut return K_tau @warning_for_keywords() def _qtdmri_isotropic_eap_matrix( radial_order, time_order, us, ut, grid, *, normalization=False ): K = qtdmri_isotropic_eap_matrix(radial_order, time_order, us, ut, grid) if normalization: ind_mat = qtdmri_isotropic_index_matrix(radial_order, time_order) j, ll = ind_mat[:, :2].T sqrtut = qtdmri_temporal_normalization(ut) sqrtC = qtdmri_mapmri_isotropic_normalization(j, ll, us) sqrtCut = sqrtC * sqrtut K = K * sqrtCut[None, :] return K
[docs] def qtdmri_isotropic_eap_matrix(radial_order, time_order, us, ut, grid): r"""Constructs the design matrix as a product of 3 separated radial, angular and temporal design matrices. It precomputes the relevant basis orders for each one and finally puts them together according to the index matrix """ rx, ry, rz, tau = grid.T R, theta, phi = cart2sphere(rx, ry, rz) theta[np.isnan(theta)] = 0 ind_mat = qtdmri_isotropic_index_matrix(radial_order, time_order) n_dat = int(R.shape[0]) n_elem = int(ind_mat.shape[0]) num_j = int(np.max(ind_mat[:, 0])) num_o = int(time_order + 1) num_l = int(radial_order / 2 + 1) num_m = int(radial_order * 2 + 1) # Radial Basis radial_storage = np.zeros([num_j, num_l, n_dat]) for j in range(1, num_j + 1): for ll in range(0, radial_order + 1, 2): radial_storage[j - 1, ll // 2, :] = radial_basis_EAP_opt(j, ll, us, R) # Angular Basis angular_storage = np.zeros([num_j, num_l, num_m, n_dat]) for j in range(1, num_j + 1): for ll in range(0, radial_order + 1, 2): for m in range(-ll, ll + 1): angular_storage[j - 1, ll // 2, m + ll, :] = angular_basis_EAP_opt( j, ll, m, R, theta, phi ) # Temporal Basis temporal_storage = np.zeros([num_o + 1, n_dat]) for o in range(0, num_o + 1): temporal_storage[o, :] = temporal_basis(o, ut, tau) # Construct full design matrix M = np.zeros((n_dat, n_elem)) counter = 0 for j, ll, m, o in ind_mat: M[:, counter] = ( radial_storage[j - 1, ll // 2, :] * angular_storage[j - 1, ll // 2, m + ll, :] * temporal_storage[o, :] ) counter += 1 return M
[docs] def radial_basis_opt(j, ell, us, q): """Spatial basis dependent on spatial scaling factor us""" const = ( us**ell * np.exp(-2 * np.pi**2 * us**2 * q**2) * genlaguerre(j - 1, ell + 0.5)(4 * np.pi**2 * us**2 * q**2) ) return const
[docs] def angular_basis_opt(ell, m, q, theta, phi): """Angular basis independent of spatial scaling factor us. Though it includes q, it is independent of the data and can be precomputed. """ const = ( (-1) ** (ell / 2) * np.sqrt(4.0 * np.pi) * (2 * np.pi**2 * q**2) ** (ell / 2) * real_sh_descoteaux_from_index(m, ell, theta, phi) ) return const
[docs] def radial_basis_EAP_opt(j, ell, us, r): radial_part = ( (us**3) ** (-1) / (us**2) ** (ell / 2) * np.exp(-(r**2) / (2 * us**2)) * genlaguerre(j - 1, ell + 0.5)(r**2 / us**2) ) return radial_part
[docs] def angular_basis_EAP_opt(j, ell, m, r, theta, phi): angular_part = ( (-1) ** (j - 1) * (np.sqrt(2) * np.pi) ** (-1) * (r**2 / 2) ** (ell / 2) * real_sh_descoteaux_from_index(m, ell, theta, phi) ) return angular_part
[docs] def temporal_basis(o, ut, tau): """Temporal basis dependent on temporal scaling factor ut""" const = np.exp(-ut * tau / 2.0) * special.laguerre(o)(ut * tau) return const
[docs] def qtdmri_index_matrix(radial_order, time_order): """Computes the SHORE basis order indices according to [1].""" index_matrix = [] for n in range(0, radial_order + 1, 2): for i in range(0, n + 1): for j in range(0, n - i + 1): for o in range(0, time_order + 1): index_matrix.append([n - i - j, j, i, o]) return np.array(index_matrix)
[docs] def qtdmri_isotropic_index_matrix(radial_order, time_order): """Computes the SHORE basis order indices according to [1].""" index_matrix = [] for n in range(0, radial_order + 1, 2): for j in range(1, 2 + n // 2): ll = n + 2 - 2 * j for m in range(-ll, ll + 1): for o in range(0, time_order + 1): index_matrix.append([j, ll, m, o]) return np.array(index_matrix)
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def qtdmri_laplacian_reg_matrix( ind_mat, us, ut, *, S_mat=None, T_mat=None, U_mat=None, part1_ut_precomp=None, part23_ut_precomp=None, part4_ut_precomp=None, normalization=False, ): """Computes the cartesian qt-dMRI Laplacian regularization matrix. If given, uses precomputed matrices for temporal and spatial regularization matrices to speed up computation. Follows the formulation of Appendix B in :footcite:p:`Fick2018`. References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ if S_mat is None or T_mat is None or U_mat is None: radial_order = ind_mat[:, :3].max() S_mat, T_mat, U_mat = mapmri.mapmri_STU_reg_matrices(radial_order) part1_us = mapmri.mapmri_laplacian_reg_matrix( ind_mat[:, :3], us, S_mat, T_mat, U_mat ) part23_us = part23_reg_matrix_q(ind_mat, U_mat, T_mat, us) part4_us = part4_reg_matrix_q(ind_mat, U_mat, us) if part1_ut_precomp is None: part1_ut = part1_reg_matrix_tau(ind_mat, ut) else: part1_ut = part1_ut_precomp / ut if part23_ut_precomp is None: part23_ut = part23_reg_matrix_tau(ind_mat, ut) else: part23_ut = part23_ut_precomp * ut if part4_ut_precomp is None: part4_ut = part4_reg_matrix_tau(ind_mat, ut) else: part4_ut = part4_ut_precomp * ut**3 regularization_matrix = ( part1_us * part1_ut + part23_us * part23_ut + part4_us * part4_ut ) if normalization: temporal_normalization = qtdmri_temporal_normalization(ut) ** 2 spatial_normalization = qtdmri_mapmri_normalization(us) ** 2 regularization_matrix *= temporal_normalization * spatial_normalization return regularization_matrix
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def qtdmri_isotropic_laplacian_reg_matrix( ind_mat, us, ut, *, part1_uq_iso_precomp=None, part1_ut_precomp=None, part23_ut_precomp=None, part4_ut_precomp=None, normalization=False, ): """Computes the spherical qt-dMRI Laplacian regularization matrix. If given, uses precomputed matrices for temporal and spatial regularization matrices to speed up computation. Follows the formulation of Appendix C in :footcite:p:`Fick2018`. References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ if part1_uq_iso_precomp is None: part1_us = mapmri.mapmri_isotropic_laplacian_reg_matrix_from_index_matrix( ind_mat[:, :3], us[0] ) else: part1_us = part1_uq_iso_precomp * us[0] if part1_ut_precomp is None: part1_ut = part1_reg_matrix_tau(ind_mat, ut) else: part1_ut = part1_ut_precomp / ut if part23_ut_precomp is None: part23_ut = part23_reg_matrix_tau(ind_mat, ut) else: part23_ut = part23_ut_precomp * ut if part4_ut_precomp is None: part4_ut = part4_reg_matrix_tau(ind_mat, ut) else: part4_ut = part4_ut_precomp * ut**3 part23_us = part23_iso_reg_matrix_q(ind_mat, us[0]) part4_us = part4_iso_reg_matrix_q(ind_mat, us[0]) regularization_matrix = ( part1_us * part1_ut + part23_us * part23_ut + part4_us * part4_ut ) if normalization: temporal_normalization = qtdmri_temporal_normalization(ut) ** 2 j, ll = ind_mat[:, :2].T pre_spatial_norm = qtdmri_mapmri_isotropic_normalization(j, ll, us[0]) spatial_normalization = np.outer(pre_spatial_norm, pre_spatial_norm) regularization_matrix *= temporal_normalization * spatial_normalization return regularization_matrix
[docs] def part23_reg_matrix_q(ind_mat, U_mat, T_mat, us): """Partial cartesian spatial Laplacian regularization matrix. The implementation follows the second line of Eq. (B2) in :footcite:p:`Fick2018`. References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ ux, uy, uz = us x, y, z, _ = ind_mat.T n_elem = int(ind_mat.shape[0]) LR = np.zeros((n_elem, n_elem)) for i in range(n_elem): for k in range(i, n_elem): val = 0 if x[i] == x[k] and y[i] == y[k]: val += ( (uz / (ux * uy)) * U_mat[x[i], x[k]] * U_mat[y[i], y[k]] * T_mat[z[i], z[k]] ) if x[i] == x[k] and z[i] == z[k]: val += ( (uy / (ux * uz)) * U_mat[x[i], x[k]] * T_mat[y[i], y[k]] * U_mat[z[i], z[k]] ) if y[i] == y[k] and z[i] == z[k]: val += ( (ux / (uy * uz)) * T_mat[x[i], x[k]] * U_mat[y[i], y[k]] * U_mat[z[i], z[k]] ) LR[i, k] = LR[k, i] = val return LR
[docs] def part23_iso_reg_matrix_q(ind_mat, us): """Partial spherical spatial Laplacian regularization matrix. The implementation follows the equation below Eq. (C4) in :footcite:p:`Fick2018`. References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ n_elem = int(ind_mat.shape[0]) LR = np.zeros((n_elem, n_elem)) for i in range(n_elem): for k in range(i, n_elem): if ind_mat[i, 1] == ind_mat[k, 1] and ind_mat[i, 2] == ind_mat[k, 2]: ji = ind_mat[i, 0] jk = ind_mat[k, 0] ll = ind_mat[i, 1] if ji == (jk + 1): LR[i, k] = LR[k, i] = ( 2.0 ** (-ll) * -gamma(3 / 2.0 + jk + ll) / gamma(jk) ) elif ji == jk: LR[i, k] = LR[k, i] = ( 2.0 ** (-(ll + 1)) * (1 - 4 * ji - 2 * ll) * gamma(1 / 2.0 + ji + ll) / gamma(ji) ) elif ji == (jk - 1): LR[i, k] = LR[k, i] = ( 2.0 ** (-ll) * -gamma(3 / 2.0 + ji + ll) / gamma(ji) ) return LR / us
[docs] def part4_reg_matrix_q(ind_mat, U_mat, us): """Partial cartesian spatial Laplacian regularization matrix. The implementation follows equation Eq. (B2) in :footcite:p:`Fick2018`. References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ ux, uy, uz = us x, y, z, _ = ind_mat.T n_elem = int(ind_mat.shape[0]) LR = np.zeros((n_elem, n_elem)) for i in range(n_elem): for k in range(i, n_elem): if x[i] == x[k] and y[i] == y[k] and z[i] == z[k]: LR[i, k] = LR[k, i] = ( (1.0 / (ux * uy * uz)) * U_mat[x[i], x[k]] * U_mat[y[i], y[k]] * U_mat[z[i], z[k]] ) return LR
[docs] def part4_iso_reg_matrix_q(ind_mat, us): """Partial spherical spatial Laplacian regularization matrix. The implementation follows the equation below Eq. (C4) in :footcite:p:`Fick2018`. References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ n_elem = int(ind_mat.shape[0]) LR = np.zeros((n_elem, n_elem)) for i in range(n_elem): for k in range(i, n_elem): if ( ind_mat[i, 0] == ind_mat[k, 0] and ind_mat[i, 1] == ind_mat[k, 1] and ind_mat[i, 2] == ind_mat[k, 2] ): ji = ind_mat[i, 0] ll = ind_mat[i, 1] LR[i, k] = LR[k, i] = ( 2.0 ** (-(ll + 2)) * gamma(1 / 2.0 + ji + ll) / (np.pi**2 * gamma(ji)) ) return LR / us**3
[docs] def part1_reg_matrix_tau(ind_mat, ut): """Partial temporal Laplacian regularization matrix. The implementation follows Appendix B in :footcite:p:`Fick2018`. References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ n_elem = int(ind_mat.shape[0]) LD = np.zeros((n_elem, n_elem)) for i in range(n_elem): for k in range(i, n_elem): oi = ind_mat[i, 3] ok = ind_mat[k, 3] if oi == ok: LD[i, k] = LD[k, i] = 1.0 / ut return LD
[docs] def part23_reg_matrix_tau(ind_mat, ut): """Partial temporal Laplacian regularization matrix. The implementation follows Appendix B in :footcite:p:`Fick2018`. References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ n_elem = int(ind_mat.shape[0]) LD = np.zeros((n_elem, n_elem)) for i in range(n_elem): for k in range(i, n_elem): oi = ind_mat[i, 3] ok = ind_mat[k, 3] if oi == ok: LD[i, k] = LD[k, i] = 1 / 2.0 else: LD[i, k] = LD[k, i] = np.abs(oi - ok) return ut * LD
[docs] def part4_reg_matrix_tau(ind_mat, ut): """Partial temporal Laplacian regularization matrix. The implementation follows Appendix B in :footcite:p:`Fick2018`. References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ n_elem = int(ind_mat.shape[0]) LD = np.zeros((n_elem, n_elem)) for i in range(n_elem): for k in range(i, n_elem): oi = ind_mat[i, 3] ok = ind_mat[k, 3] sum1 = 0 for p in range(1, min([ok, oi]) + 1 + 1): sum1 += (oi - p) * (ok - p) * H(min([oi, ok]) - p) sum2 = 0 for p in range(0, min(ok - 2, oi - 1) + 1): sum2 += p sum3 = 0 for p in range(0, min(ok - 1, oi - 2) + 1): sum3 += p LD[i, k] = LD[k, i] = ( 0.25 * np.abs(oi - ok) + (1 / 16.0) *, ok) + min([oi, ok]) + sum1 + H(oi - 1) * H(ok - 1) * ( oi + ok - 2 + sum2 + sum3 + H(abs(oi - ok) - 1) * (abs(oi - ok) - 1) * min([ok - 1, oi - 1]) ) ) return LD * ut**3
[docs] def H(value): """Step function of H(x)=1 if x>=0 and zero otherwise. Used for the temporal laplacian matrix.""" if value >= 0: return 1 return 0
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def generalized_crossvalidation(data, M, LR, *, startpoint=5e-4): r"""Generalized Cross Validation Function. See :footcite:p:`Craven1979` for further details about the method. References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ startpoint = 1e-4 MMt =, M) K = len(data) input_stuff = (data, M, MMt, K, LR) bounds = ((1e-5, 1),) res = fmin_l_bfgs_b( GCV_cost_function, startpoint, args=(input_stuff,), approx_grad=True, bounds=bounds, disp=False, pgtol=1e-10, factr=10.0, ) return res[0][0]
[docs] def GCV_cost_function(weight, arguments): r"""Generalized Cross Validation Function that is iterated. See :footcite:p:`Craven1979` for further details about the method. References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ data, M, MMt, K, LR = arguments S =, np.linalg.pinv(MMt + weight * LR)), M.T) trS = np.trace(S) normyytilde = np.linalg.norm(data -, data), 2) gcv_value = normyytilde / (K - trS) return gcv_value
[docs] def qtdmri_isotropic_scaling(data, q, tau): """Constructs design matrix for fitting an exponential to the diffusion time points. """ dataclip = np.clip(data, 1e-05, 1.0) logE = -np.log(dataclip) logE_q = logE / (2 * np.pi**2) logE_tau = logE * 2 B_q = np.array([q * q]) inv_B_q = np.linalg.pinv(B_q) B_tau = np.array([tau]) inv_B_tau = np.linalg.pinv(B_tau) us = np.sqrt(, inv_B_q)).item() ut =, inv_B_tau).item() return us, ut
[docs] def qtdmri_anisotropic_scaling(data, q, bvecs, tau): """Constructs design matrix for fitting an exponential to the diffusion time points. """ dataclip = np.clip(data, 1e-05, 10e10) logE = -np.log(dataclip) logE_q = logE / (2 * np.pi**2) logE_tau = logE * 2 B_q = design_matrix_spatial(bvecs, q) inv_B_q = np.linalg.pinv(B_q) A =, logE_q) evals, R = dti.decompose_tensor(dti.from_lower_triangular(A)) us = np.sqrt(evals) B_tau = np.array([tau]) inv_B_tau = np.linalg.pinv(B_tau) ut =, inv_B_tau).item() return us, ut, R
[docs] def design_matrix_spatial(bvecs, qvals): """Constructs design matrix for DTI weighted least squares or least squares fitting. (Basser et al., 1994a) Parameters ---------- bvecs : array (N x 3) unit b-vectors of the acquisition. qvals : array (N,) corresponding q-values in 1/mm Returns ------- design_matrix : array (g,7) Design matrix or B matrix assuming Gaussian distributed tensor model design_matrix[j, :] = (Bxx, Byy, Bzz, Bxy, Bxz, Byz, dummy) """ B = np.zeros((bvecs.shape[0], 6)) B[:, 0] = bvecs[:, 0] * bvecs[:, 0] * 1.0 * qvals**2 # Bxx B[:, 1] = bvecs[:, 0] * bvecs[:, 1] * 2.0 * qvals**2 # Bxy B[:, 2] = bvecs[:, 1] * bvecs[:, 1] * 1.0 * qvals**2 # Byy B[:, 3] = bvecs[:, 0] * bvecs[:, 2] * 2.0 * qvals**2 # Bxz B[:, 4] = bvecs[:, 1] * bvecs[:, 2] * 2.0 * qvals**2 # Byz B[:, 5] = bvecs[:, 2] * bvecs[:, 2] * 1.0 * qvals**2 # Bzz return B
[docs] def create_rt_space_grid( grid_size_r, max_radius_r, grid_size_tau, min_radius_tau, max_radius_tau ): """Generates EAP grid (for potential positivity constraint).""" tau_list = np.linspace(min_radius_tau, max_radius_tau, grid_size_tau) constraint_grid_tau = np.c_[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] for tau in tau_list: constraint_grid = mapmri.create_rspace(grid_size_r, max_radius_r) constraint_grid_tau = np.vstack( [ constraint_grid_tau, np.c_[constraint_grid, np.zeros(constraint_grid.shape[0]) + tau], ] ) return constraint_grid_tau[1:]
[docs] def qtdmri_number_of_coefficients(radial_order, time_order): """Computes the total number of coefficients of the qtdmri basis given a radial and temporal order. See equation given below Eq (9) in :footcite:t:`Fick2018`. References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ F = np.floor(radial_order / 2.0) Msym = (F + 1) * (F + 2) * (4 * F + 3) / 6 M_total = Msym * (time_order + 1) return M_total
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def l1_crossvalidation(b0s_mask, E, M, *, weight_array=None): """cross-validation function to find the optimal weight of alpha for sparsity regularization""" if weight_array is None: weight_array = np.linspace(0, 0.4, 21) dwi_mask = ~b0s_mask b0_mask = b0s_mask dwi_indices = np.arange(E.shape[0])[dwi_mask] b0_indices = np.arange(E.shape[0])[b0_mask] random.shuffle(dwi_indices) sub0 = dwi_indices[0::5] sub1 = dwi_indices[1::5] sub2 = dwi_indices[2::5] sub3 = dwi_indices[3::5] sub4 = dwi_indices[4::5] test0 = np.hstack((b0_indices, sub1, sub2, sub3, sub4)) test1 = np.hstack((b0_indices, sub0, sub2, sub3, sub4)) test2 = np.hstack((b0_indices, sub0, sub1, sub3, sub4)) test3 = np.hstack((b0_indices, sub0, sub1, sub2, sub4)) test4 = np.hstack((b0_indices, sub0, sub1, sub2, sub3)) cv_list = ( (sub0, test0), (sub1, test1), (sub2, test2), (sub3, test3), (sub4, test4), ) errorlist = np.zeros((5, 21)) errorlist[:, 0] = 100.0 optimal_alpha_sub = np.zeros(5) for i, (sub, test) in enumerate(cv_list): counter = 1 cv_old = errorlist[i, 0] cv_new = errorlist[i, 0] while cv_old >= cv_new and counter < weight_array.shape[0]: alpha = weight_array[counter] c = cvxpy.Variable(M.shape[1]) design_matrix = cvxpy.Constant(M[test]) @ c recovered_signal = cvxpy.Constant(M[sub]) @ c data = cvxpy.Constant(E[test]) objective = cvxpy.Minimize( cvxpy.sum_squares(design_matrix - data) + alpha * cvxpy.norm1(c) ) constraints = [] prob = cvxpy.Problem(objective, constraints) prob.solve(solver="CLARABEL", verbose=False) errorlist[i, counter] = np.mean( (E[sub] - np.asarray(recovered_signal.value).squeeze()) ** 2 ) cv_old = errorlist[i, counter - 1] cv_new = errorlist[i, counter] counter += 1 optimal_alpha_sub[i] = weight_array[counter - 1] optimal_alpha = optimal_alpha_sub.mean() return optimal_alpha
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def elastic_crossvalidation(b0s_mask, E, M, L, lopt, *, weight_array=None): """cross-validation function to find the optimal weight of alpha for sparsity regularization when also Laplacian regularization is used.""" if weight_array is None: weight_array = np.linspace(0, 0.2, 21) dwi_mask = ~b0s_mask b0_mask = b0s_mask dwi_indices = np.arange(E.shape[0])[dwi_mask] b0_indices = np.arange(E.shape[0])[b0_mask] random.shuffle(dwi_indices) sub0 = dwi_indices[0::5] sub1 = dwi_indices[1::5] sub2 = dwi_indices[2::5] sub3 = dwi_indices[3::5] sub4 = dwi_indices[4::5] test0 = np.hstack((b0_indices, sub1, sub2, sub3, sub4)) test1 = np.hstack((b0_indices, sub0, sub2, sub3, sub4)) test2 = np.hstack((b0_indices, sub0, sub1, sub3, sub4)) test3 = np.hstack((b0_indices, sub0, sub1, sub2, sub4)) test4 = np.hstack((b0_indices, sub0, sub1, sub2, sub3)) cv_list = ( (sub0, test0), (sub1, test1), (sub2, test2), (sub3, test3), (sub4, test4), ) errorlist = np.zeros((5, 21)) errorlist[:, 0] = 100.0 optimal_alpha_sub = np.zeros(5) for i, (sub, test) in enumerate(cv_list): counter = 1 cv_old = errorlist[i, 0] cv_new = errorlist[i, 0] c = cvxpy.Variable(M.shape[1]) design_matrix = cvxpy.Constant(M[test]) @ c recovered_signal = cvxpy.Constant(M[sub]) @ c data = cvxpy.Constant(E[test]) constraints = [] while cv_old >= cv_new and counter < weight_array.shape[0]: alpha = weight_array[counter] objective = cvxpy.Minimize( cvxpy.sum_squares(design_matrix - data) + alpha * cvxpy.norm1(c) + lopt * cvxpy.quad_form(c, L) ) prob = cvxpy.Problem(objective, constraints) prob.solve(solver="CLARABEL", verbose=False) errorlist[i, counter] = np.mean( (E[sub] - np.asarray(recovered_signal.value).squeeze()) ** 2 ) cv_old = errorlist[i, counter - 1] cv_new = errorlist[i, counter] counter += 1 optimal_alpha_sub[i] = weight_array[counter - 1] optimal_alpha = optimal_alpha_sub.mean() return optimal_alpha
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def visualise_gradient_table_G_Delta_rainbow( gtab, *, big_delta_start=None, big_delta_end=None, G_start=None, G_end=None, bval_isolines=np.r_[0, 250, 1000, 2500, 5000, 7500, 10000, 14000], alpha_shading=0.6, ): """This function visualizes a q-tau acquisition scheme as a function of gradient strength and pulse separation (big_delta). It represents every measurements at its G and big_delta position regardless of b-vector, with a background of b-value isolines for reference. It assumes there is only one unique pulse length (small_delta) in the acquisition scheme. Parameters ---------- gtab : GradientTable object constructed gradient table with big_delta and small_delta given as inputs. big_delta_start : float, optional minimum big_delta that is plotted in seconds big_delta_end : float, optional maximum big_delta that is plotted in seconds G_start : float, optional minimum gradient strength that is plotted in T/m G_end : float, optional maximum gradient strength that is plotted in T/m bval_isolines : array, optional array of bvalue isolines that are plotted in the background alpha_shading : float between [0-1] optional shading of the bvalue colors in the background """ Delta = gtab.big_delta # in seconds delta = gtab.small_delta # in seconds G = gtab.gradient_strength * 1e3 # in SI units T/m if len(np.unique(delta)) > 1: msg = "This acquisition has multiple small_delta values. " msg += "This visualization assumes there is only one small_delta." raise ValueError(msg) if big_delta_start is None: big_delta_start = 0.005 if big_delta_end is None: big_delta_end = Delta.max() + 0.004 if G_start is None: G_start = 0.0 if G_end is None: G_end = G.max() + 0.05 Delta_ = np.linspace(big_delta_start, big_delta_end, 50) G_ = np.linspace(G_start, G_end, 50) Delta_grid, G_grid = np.meshgrid(Delta_, G_) dummy_bvecs = np.tile([0, 0, 1], (len(G_grid.ravel()), 1)) gtab_grid = gradient_table_from_gradient_strength_bvecs( G_grid.ravel() / 1e3, dummy_bvecs, Delta_grid.ravel(), delta[0] ) bvals_ = gtab_grid.bvals.reshape(G_grid.shape) plt.contourf( Delta_, G_, bvals_, levels=bval_isolines, cmap="rainbow", alpha=alpha_shading ) cb = plt.colorbar(spacing="proportional") plt.scatter(Delta, G, c="k", s=25) plt.xlim(big_delta_start, big_delta_end) plt.ylim(G_start, G_end) cb.set_label("b-value ($s$/$mm^2$)", fontsize=18) plt.xlabel(r"Pulse Separation $\Delta$ [sec]", fontsize=18) plt.ylabel("Gradient Strength [T/m]", fontsize=18) return None