"""Classes and functions for fitting the covariance tensor model of q-space
trajectory imaging (QTI) by :footcite:t:`Westin2016`.
.. footbibliography::
from warnings import warn
import numpy as np
from dipy.reconst.base import ReconstModel
from dipy.reconst.dti import auto_attr
from dipy.testing.decorators import warning_for_keywords
from dipy.utils.optpkg import optional_package
cp, have_cvxpy, _ = optional_package("cvxpy", min_version="1.4.1")
# XXX Eventually to be replaced with `reconst.dti.lower_triangular`
def from_3x3_to_6x1(T):
"""Convert symmetric 3 x 3 matrices into 6 x 1 vectors.
T : numpy.ndarray
An array of size (..., 3, 3).
V : numpy.ndarray
Converted vectors of size (..., 6, 1).
The conversion of a matrix into a vector is defined as
.. math::
\\mathbf{V} = \\begin{bmatrix}
T_{11} & T_{22} & T_{33} &
\\sqrt{2} T_{23} & \\sqrt{2} T_{13} & \\sqrt{2} T_{12}
if T.shape[-2::] != (3, 3):
raise ValueError("The shape of the input array must be (..., 3, 3).")
if not np.all(np.isclose(T, np.swapaxes(T, -1, -2))):
"All matrices converted to Voigt notation are not symmetric.", stacklevel=2
C = np.sqrt(2)
V = np.stack(
T[..., 0, 0],
T[..., 1, 1],
T[..., 2, 2],
C * T[..., 1, 2],
C * T[..., 0, 2],
C * T[..., 0, 1],
)[..., np.newaxis]
return V
def from_6x1_to_3x3(V):
"""Convert 6 x 1 vectors into symmetric 3 x 3 matrices.
V : numpy.ndarray
An array of size (..., 6, 1).
T : numpy.ndarray
Converted matrices of size (..., 3, 3).
The conversion of a matrix into a vector is defined as
.. math::
\\mathbf{V} = \\begin{bmatrix}
T_{11} & T_{22} & T_{33} &
\\sqrt{2} T_{23} & \\sqrt{2} T_{13} & \\sqrt{2} T_{12}
if V.shape[-2::] != (6, 1):
raise ValueError("The shape of the input array must be (..., 6, 1).")
C = 1 / np.sqrt(2)
T = np.array(
[V[..., 0, 0], C * V[..., 5, 0], C * V[..., 4, 0]],
[C * V[..., 5, 0], V[..., 1, 0], C * V[..., 3, 0]],
[C * V[..., 4, 0], C * V[..., 3, 0], V[..., 2, 0]],
T = np.moveaxis(T, (0, 1), (-2, -1))
return T
def from_6x6_to_21x1(T):
"""Convert symmetric 6 x 6 matrices into 21 x 1 vectors.
T : numpy.ndarray
An array of size (..., 6, 6).
V : numpy.ndarray
Converted vectors of size (..., 21, 1).
The conversion of a matrix into a vector is defined as
.. math::
\\mathbf{V} = & \\big[
T_{11} & T_{22} & T_{33} \\
& \\sqrt{2} T_{23} & \\sqrt{2} T_{13} & \\sqrt{2} T_{12} \\
& \\sqrt{2} T_{14} & \\sqrt{2} T_{15} & \\sqrt{2} T_{16} \\
& \\sqrt{2} T_{24} & \\sqrt{2} T_{25} & \\sqrt{2} T_{26} \\
& \\sqrt{2} T_{34} & \\sqrt{2} T_{35} & \\sqrt{2} T_{36} \\
& T_{44} & T_{55} & T_{66} \\
& \\sqrt{2} T_{45} & \\sqrt{2} T_{56} & \\sqrt{2} T_{46} \\big]^T
if T.shape[-2::] != (6, 6):
raise ValueError("The shape of the input array must be (..., 6, 6).")
if not np.all(np.isclose(T, np.swapaxes(T, -1, -2), equal_nan=True)):
"All matrices converted to Voigt notation are not symmetric.", stacklevel=2
C = np.sqrt(2)
V = np.stack(
T[..., 0, 0],
T[..., 1, 1],
T[..., 2, 2],
C * T[..., 1, 2],
C * T[..., 0, 2],
C * T[..., 0, 1],
C * T[..., 0, 3],
C * T[..., 0, 4],
C * T[..., 0, 5],
C * T[..., 1, 3],
C * T[..., 1, 4],
C * T[..., 1, 5],
C * T[..., 2, 3],
C * T[..., 2, 4],
C * T[..., 2, 5],
T[..., 3, 3],
T[..., 4, 4],
T[..., 5, 5],
C * T[..., 3, 4],
C * T[..., 4, 5],
C * T[..., 3, 5],
)[..., np.newaxis]
return V
def from_21x1_to_6x6(V):
"""Convert 21 x 1 vectors into symmetric 6 x 6 matrices.
V : numpy.ndarray
An array of size (..., 21, 1).
T : numpy.ndarray
Converted matrices of size (..., 6, 6).
The conversion of a matrix into a vector is defined as
.. math::
\\mathbf{V} = & \\big[
T_{11} & T_{22} & T_{33} \\
& \\sqrt{2} T_{23} & \\sqrt{2} T_{13} & \\sqrt{2} T_{12} \\
& \\sqrt{2} T_{14} & \\sqrt{2} T_{15} & \\sqrt{2} T_{16} \\
& \\sqrt{2} T_{24} & \\sqrt{2} T_{25} & \\sqrt{2} T_{26} \\
& \\sqrt{2} T_{34} & \\sqrt{2} T_{35} & \\sqrt{2} T_{36} \\
& T_{44} & T_{55} & T_{66} \\
& \\sqrt{2} T_{45} & \\sqrt{2} T_{56} & \\sqrt{2} T_{46} \\big]^T
if V.shape[-2::] != (21, 1):
raise ValueError("The shape of the input array must be (..., 21, 1).")
C = 1 / np.sqrt(2)
T = np.array(
V[..., 0, 0],
C * V[..., 5, 0],
C * V[..., 4, 0],
C * V[..., 6, 0],
C * V[..., 7, 0],
C * V[..., 8, 0],
C * V[..., 5, 0],
V[..., 1, 0],
C * V[..., 3, 0],
C * V[..., 9, 0],
C * V[..., 10, 0],
C * V[..., 11, 0],
C * V[..., 4, 0],
C * V[..., 3, 0],
V[..., 2, 0],
C * V[..., 12, 0],
C * V[..., 13, 0],
C * V[..., 14, 0],
C * V[..., 6, 0],
C * V[..., 9, 0],
C * V[..., 12, 0],
V[..., 15, 0],
C * V[..., 18, 0],
C * V[..., 20, 0],
C * V[..., 7, 0],
C * V[..., 10, 0],
C * V[..., 13, 0],
C * V[..., 18, 0],
V[..., 16, 0],
C * V[..., 19, 0],
C * V[..., 8, 0],
C * V[..., 11, 0],
C * V[..., 14, 0],
C * V[..., 20, 0],
C * V[..., 19, 0],
V[..., 17, 0],
T = np.moveaxis(T, (0, 1), (-2, -1))
return T
def cvxpy_1x6_to_3x3(V):
"""Convert a 1 x 6 vector into a symmetric 3 x 3 matrix.
V : numpy.ndarray
An array of size (1, 6).
T : cvxpy.bmat
Converted matrix of size (3, 3).
The conversion of a matrix into a vector is defined as
.. math::
\\mathbf{V} = \\begin{bmatrix}
T_{11} & T_{22} & T_{33} &
\\sqrt{2} T_{23} & \\sqrt{2} T_{13} & \\sqrt{2} T_{12}
if V.shape[0] == 6:
V = V.T
f = 1 / np.sqrt(2)
T = cp.bmat(
[V[0, 0], f * V[0, 5], f * V[0, 4]],
[f * V[0, 5], V[0, 1], f * V[0, 3]],
[f * V[0, 4], f * V[0, 3], V[0, 2]],
return T
def cvxpy_1x21_to_6x6(V):
"""Convert 1 x 21 vector into a symmetric 6 x 6 matrix.
V : numpy.ndarray
An array of size (1, 21).
T : cvxpy.bmat
Converted matrices of size (6, 6).
The conversion of a matrix into a vector is defined as
.. math::
\\mathbf{V} = & \\big[
T_{11} & T_{22} & T_{33} \\
& \\sqrt{2} T_{23} & \\sqrt{2} T_{13} & \\sqrt{2} T_{12} \\
& \\sqrt{2} T_{14} & \\sqrt{2} T_{15} & \\sqrt{2} T_{16} \\
& \\sqrt{2} T_{24} & \\sqrt{2} T_{25} & \\sqrt{2} T_{26} \\
& \\sqrt{2} T_{34} & \\sqrt{2} T_{35} & \\sqrt{2} T_{36} \\
& T_{44} & T_{55} & T_{66} \\
& \\sqrt{2} T_{45} & \\sqrt{2} T_{56} & \\sqrt{2} T_{46} \\big]^T
if V.shape[0] == 21:
V = V.T
f = 1 / np.sqrt(2)
T = cp.bmat(
[V[0, 0], f * V[0, 5], f * V[0, 4], f * V[0, 6], f * V[0, 7], f * V[0, 8]],
f * V[0, 5],
V[0, 1],
f * V[0, 3],
f * V[0, 9],
f * V[0, 10],
f * V[0, 11],
f * V[0, 4],
f * V[0, 3],
V[0, 2],
f * V[0, 12],
f * V[0, 13],
f * V[0, 14],
f * V[0, 6],
f * V[0, 9],
f * V[0, 12],
V[0, 15],
f * V[0, 18],
f * V[0, 20],
f * V[0, 7],
f * V[0, 10],
f * V[0, 13],
f * V[0, 18],
V[0, 16],
f * V[0, 19],
f * V[0, 8],
f * V[0, 11],
f * V[0, 14],
f * V[0, 20],
f * V[0, 19],
V[0, 17],
return T
# These tensors are used in the calculation of the QTI parameters
e_iso = np.eye(3) / 3
E_iso = np.eye(6) / 3
E_bulk = from_3x3_to_6x1(e_iso) @ from_3x3_to_6x1(e_iso).T
E_shear = E_iso - E_bulk
E_tsym = E_bulk + 0.4 * E_shear
def dtd_covariance(DTD):
"""Calculate covariance of a diffusion tensor distribution (DTD).
DTD : numpy.ndarray
Diffusion tensor distribution of shape (number of tensors, 3, 3) or
(number of tensors, 6, 1).
C : numpy.ndarray
Covariance tensor of shape (6, 6).
The covariance tensor is calculated according to the following equation and
converted into a rank-2 tensor :footcite:p:`Westin2016`:
.. math::
\\mathbb{C} = \\langle \\mathbf{D} \\otimes \\mathbf{D} \\rangle -
\\langle \\mathbf{D} \\rangle \\otimes \\langle \\mathbf{D}
.. footbibliography::
dims = DTD.shape
if len(dims) != 3 or (dims[1:3] != (3, 3) and dims[1:3] != (6, 1)):
raise ValueError(
"The shape of DTD must be (number of tensors, 3, 3) or (number of "
+ "tensors, 6, 1)."
if dims[1:3] == (3, 3):
DTD = from_3x3_to_6x1(DTD)
D = np.mean(DTD, axis=0)
C = np.mean(DTD @ np.swapaxes(DTD, -2, -1), axis=0) - D @ np.swapaxes(D, -2, -1)
return C
def qti_signal(gtab, D, C, *, S0=1):
"""Generate signals using the covariance tensor signal representation.
gtab : dipy.core.gradients.GradientTable
Gradient table with b-tensors.
D : numpy.ndarray
Diffusion tensors of shape (..., 3, 3), (..., 6, 1), or (..., 6).
C : numpy.ndarray
Covariance tensors of shape (..., 6, 6), (..., 21, 1), or (..., 21).
S0 : numpy.ndarray, optional
Signal magnitudes without diffusion-weighting. Must be a single number
or an array of same shape as D and C without the last two dimensions.
S : numpy.ndarray
Simulated signals.
The signal is generated according to
.. math::
S = S_0 \\exp \\left(- \\mathbf{b} : \\langle \\mathbf{D} \\rangle
+ \\frac{1}{2}(\\mathbf{b} \\otimes \\mathbf{b}) : \\mathbb{C}
# Validate input and convert to Voigt notation if necessary
if gtab.btens is None:
raise ValueError("QTI requires b-tensors to be defined in the gradient table.")
if D.shape[-2::] != (6, 1):
if D.shape[-2::] == (3, 3):
D = from_3x3_to_6x1(D)
elif D.shape[-1] == 6:
D = D[..., np.newaxis]
raise ValueError(
"The shape of D must be (..., 3, 3), (..., 6, 1) or (..., 6)."
if C.shape[-2::] != (21, 1):
if C.shape[-2::] == (6, 6):
C = from_6x6_to_21x1(C)
elif C.shape[-1] == 21:
C = C[..., np.newaxis]
raise ValueError(
"The shape of C must be (..., 6, 6), (..., 21, 1), or (..., 21)."
if D.shape[0:-2] != C.shape[0:-2]:
raise ValueError("The shapes of C and D are not compatible")
if not isinstance(S0, (int, float)):
if S0.shape != (1,) and S0.shape != D.shape[0:-2]:
raise ValueError(
"S0 must be a single number or an array of the same shape "
+ " compatible with D and C."
# Generate signals
S = np.zeros(D.shape[0:-2] + (gtab.btens.shape[0],))
for i, bten in enumerate(gtab.btens):
b = from_3x3_to_6x1(bten)
b_sq = from_6x6_to_21x1(b @ np.swapaxes(b, -2, -1))
S[..., i] = (
* np.exp(-np.swapaxes(b, -2, -1) @ D + 0.5 * np.swapaxes(b_sq, -2, -1) @ C)[
..., 0, 0
return S
def design_matrix(btens):
"""Calculate the design matrix from the b-tensors.
btens : numpy.ndarray
An array of b-tensors of shape (number of acquisitions, 3, 3).
X : numpy.ndarray
Design matrix.
The design matrix is generated according to
.. math::
X = \\begin{pmatrix} 1 & -\\mathbf{b}_1^T & \\frac{1}{2}(
\\otimes\\mathbf{b}_1)^T \\ \\vdots & \\vdots & \\vdots \\ 1 &
-\\mathbf{b}_n^T & \\frac{1}{2}(\\mathbf{b}_n\\otimes
X = np.zeros((btens.shape[0], 28))
for i, bten in enumerate(btens):
b = from_3x3_to_6x1(bten)
b_sq = from_6x6_to_21x1(b @ b.T)
X[i] = np.concatenate(([1], (-b.T)[0, :], (0.5 * b_sq.T)[0, :]))
return X
def _ols_fit(data, mask, X, *, step=int(1e4)):
"""Estimate the model parameters using ordinary least squares.
data : numpy.ndarray
Array of shape (..., number of acquisitions).
mask : numpy.ndarray
Boolean array with the same shape as the data array of a single
X : numpy.ndarray
Design matrix of shape (number of acquisitions, 28).
step : int, optional
The number of voxels over which the fit is calculated simultaneously.
params : numpy.ndarray
Array of shape (..., 28) containing the estimated model parameters.
Element 0 is the natural logarithm of the estimated signal without
diffusion-weighting, elements 1-6 are the estimated diffusion tensor
elements in Voigt notation, and elements 7-27 are the estimated
covariance tensor elements in Voigt notation.
params = np.zeros((np.prod(mask.shape), 28)) * np.nan
data_masked = data[mask]
size = len(data_masked)
X_inv = np.linalg.pinv(X.T @ X) # Independent of data
if step >= size: # Fit over all data simultaneously
S = np.log(data_masked)[..., np.newaxis]
params_masked = (X_inv @ X.T @ S)[..., 0]
else: # Iterate over data
params_masked = np.zeros((size, 28))
for i in range(0, size, step):
S = np.log(data_masked[i : i + step])[..., np.newaxis]
params_masked[i : i + step] = (X_inv @ X.T @ S)[..., 0]
params[np.where(mask.ravel())] = params_masked
params = params.reshape((mask.shape + (28,)))
return params
def _wls_fit(data, mask, X, *, step=int(1e4)):
"""Estimate the model parameters using weighted least squares with the
signal magnitudes as weights.
data : numpy.ndarray
Array of shape (..., number of acquisitions).
mask : numpy.ndarray
Array with the same shape as the data array of a single acquisition.
X : numpy.ndarray
Design matrix of shape (number of acquisitions, 28).
step : int, optional
The number of voxels over which the fit is calculated simultaneously.
params : numpy.ndarray
Array of shape (..., 28) containing the estimated model parameters.
Element 0 is the natural logarithm of the estimated signal without
diffusion-weighting, elements 1-6 are the estimated diffusion tensor
elements in Voigt notation, and elements 7-27 are the estimated
covariance tensor elements in Voigt notation.
params = np.zeros((np.prod(mask.shape), 28)) * np.nan
data_masked = data[mask]
size = len(data_masked)
if step >= size: # Fit over all data simultaneously
S = np.log(data_masked)[..., np.newaxis]
C = data_masked[:, np.newaxis, :]
B = X.T * C
A = np.linalg.pinv(B @ X)
params_masked = (A @ B @ S)[..., 0]
else: # Iterate over data
params_masked = np.zeros((size, 28))
for i in range(0, size, step):
S = np.log(data_masked[i : i + step])[..., np.newaxis]
C = data_masked[i : i + step][:, np.newaxis, :]
B = X.T * C
A = np.linalg.pinv(B @ X)
params_masked[i : i + step] = (A @ B @ S)[..., 0]
params[np.where(mask.ravel())] = params_masked
params = params.reshape((mask.shape + (28,)))
return params
def _sdpdc_fit(data, mask, X, cvxpy_solver):
"""Estimate the model parameters using Semidefinite Programming (SDP),
while enforcing positivity constraints on the D and C tensors (SDPdc).
See :footcite:p:`Herberthson2021` for further details about the method.
data : numpy.ndarray
Array of shape (..., number of acquisitions).
mask : numpy.ndarray
Array with the same shape as the data array of a single acquisition.
X : numpy.ndarray
Design matrix of shape (number of acquisitions, 28).
cvxpy_solver: string, required
The name of the SDP solver to be used. Default: 'SCS'
params : numpy.ndarray
Array of shape (..., 28) containing the estimated model parameters.
Element 0 is the natural logarithm of the estimated signal without
diffusion-weighting, elements 1-6 are the estimated diffusion tensor
elements in Voigt notation, and elements 7-27 are the estimated
covariance tensor elements in Voigt notation.
.. footbibliography::
if not have_cvxpy:
raise ImportError("CVXPY package needed to enforce constraints")
if cvxpy_solver not in cp.installed_solvers():
raise ValueError("The selected solver is not available")
params = np.zeros((np.prod(mask.shape), 28)) * np.nan
data_masked = data[mask]
size, nvols = data_masked.shape
scale = np.maximum(np.max(data_masked, axis=1, keepdims=True), 1)
data_masked = data_masked / scale
data_masked[data_masked < 0] = 0
log_data = np.log(data_masked)
params_masked = np.zeros((size, 28))
x = cp.Variable((28, 1))
y = cp.Parameter((nvols, 1))
A = cp.Parameter((nvols, 28))
dc = cvxpy_1x6_to_3x3(x[1:7])
cc = cvxpy_1x21_to_6x6(x[7:])
constraints = [dc >> 0, cc >> 0]
objective = cp.Minimize(cp.norm(A @ x - y))
prob = cp.Problem(objective, constraints)
unconstrained = cp.Problem(objective)
for i in range(0, size, 1):
vox_data = data_masked[i : i + 1, :].T
vox_log_data = log_data[i : i + 1, :].T
vox_log_data[np.isinf(vox_log_data)] = 0
y.value = vox_data * vox_log_data
A.value = vox_data * X
prob.solve(solver=cvxpy_solver, verbose=False)
m = x.value
except Exception:
msg = "Constrained optimization failed, attempting unconstrained"
msg += " optimization."
warn(msg, stacklevel=2)
m = x.value
except Exception:
msg = "Unconstrained optimization failed,"
msg += " returning zero array."
warn(msg, stacklevel=2)
m = np.zeros(x.shape)
params_masked[i : i + 1, :] = m.T
params_masked[:, 0] += np.log(scale[:, 0])
params[np.where(mask.ravel())] = params_masked
params = params.reshape((mask.shape + (28,)))
return params
class QtiModel(ReconstModel):
def __init__(self, gtab, *, fit_method="WLS", cvxpy_solver="SCS"):
"""Covariance tensor model of q-space trajectory imaging.
See :footcite:t:`Westin2016` for further details about the model.
gtab : dipy.core.gradients.GradientTable
Gradient table with b-tensors.
fit_method : str, optional
Must be one of the following:
- 'OLS' for ordinary least squares :func:`qti._ols_fit`
- 'WLS' for weighted least squares :func:`qti._wls_fit`
- 'SDPDc' for semidefinite programming with positivity constraints
applied :footcite:p:`Herberthson2021` :func:`qti._sdpdc_fit`
cvxpy_solver: str, optionals
solver for the SDP formulation. default: 'SCS'
.. footbibliography::
ReconstModel.__init__(self, gtab)
if self.gtab.btens is None:
raise ValueError(
"QTI requires b-tensors to be defined in the gradient table."
self.X = design_matrix(self.gtab.btens)
rank = np.linalg.matrix_rank(self.X.T @ self.X)
if rank < 28:
"The combination of the b-tensor shapes, sizes, and "
+ "orientations does not enable all elements of the covariance "
+ f"tensor to be estimated (rank(X.T @ X) = {rank} < 28).",
self.fit_method = common_fit_methods[fit_method]
except KeyError as e:
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid value ({fit_method}) for 'fit_method'."
+ " Options: 'OLS', 'WLS', 'SDPdc'."
) from e
self.cvxpy_solver = cvxpy_solver
self.fit_method_name = fit_method
def fit(self, data, *, mask=None):
"""Fit QTI to data.
data : numpy.ndarray
Array of shape (..., number of acquisitions).
mask : numpy.ndarray, optional
Array with the same shape as the data array of a single acquisition.
qtifit : dipy.reconst.qti.QtiFit
The fitted model.
if mask is None:
mask = np.ones(data.shape[:-1], dtype=bool)
if mask.shape != data.shape[:-1]:
raise ValueError("Mask is not the same shape as data.")
mask = np.asarray(mask, dtype=bool)
if self.fit_method_name == "SDPdc":
params = self.fit_method(data, mask, self.X, self.cvxpy_solver)
params = self.fit_method(data, mask, self.X)
return QtiFit(params)
def predict(self, params):
"""Generate signals from this model class instance and given parameters.
params : numpy.ndarray
Array of shape (..., 28) containing the model parameters. Element 0
is the natural logarithm of the signal without diffusion-weighting,
elements 1-6 are the diffusion tensor elements in Voigt notation,
and elements 7-27 are the covariance tensor elements in Voigt
S : numpy.ndarray
S0 = np.exp(params[..., 0])
D = params[..., 1:7, np.newaxis]
C = params[..., 7::, np.newaxis]
S = qti_signal(self.gtab, D, C, S0=S0)
return S
class QtiFit:
def __init__(self, params):
"""Fitted QTI model.
params : numpy.ndarray
Array of shape (..., 28) containing the model parameters. Element 0
is the natural logarithm of the signal without diffusion-weighting,
elements 1-6 are the diffusion tensor elements in Voigt notation,
and elements 7-27 are the covariance tensor elements in Voigt
self.params = params
def predict(self, gtab):
"""Generate signals from this model fit and a given gradient table.
gtab : dipy.core.gradients.GradientTable
Gradient table with b-tensors.
S : numpy.ndarray
if gtab.btens is None:
raise ValueError(
"QTI requires b-tensors to be defined in the gradient table."
S0 = self.S0_hat
D = self.params[..., 1:7, np.newaxis]
C = self.params[..., 7::, np.newaxis]
S = qti_signal(gtab, D, C, S0=S0)
return S
def S0_hat(self):
"""Estimated signal without diffusion-weighting.
S0 : numpy.ndarray
S0 = np.exp(self.params[..., 0])
return S0
def md(self):
"""Mean diffusivity.
md : numpy.ndarray
Mean diffusivity is calculated as
.. math::
\\text{MD} = \\langle \\mathbf{D} \\rangle :
md = np.matmul(self.params[..., np.newaxis, 1:7], from_3x3_to_6x1(e_iso))[
..., 0, 0
return md
def v_md(self):
"""Variance of microscopic mean diffusivities.
v_md : numpy.ndarray
Variance of microscopic mean diffusivities is calculated as
.. math::
V_\\text{MD} = \\mathbb{C} : \\mathbb{E}_\\text{bulk}
v_md = np.matmul(self.params[..., np.newaxis, 7::], from_6x6_to_21x1(E_bulk))[
..., 0, 0
return v_md
def v_shear(self):
"""Shear variance.
v_shear : numpy.ndarray
Shear variance is calculated as
.. math::
V_\\text{shear} = \\mathbb{C} : \\mathbb{E}_\\text{shear}
v_shear = np.matmul(
self.params[..., np.newaxis, 7::], from_6x6_to_21x1(E_shear)
)[..., 0, 0]
return v_shear
def v_iso(self):
"""Total isotropic variance.
v_iso : numpy.ndarray
Total isotropic variance is calculated as
.. math::
V_\\text{iso} = \\mathbb{C} : \\mathbb{E}_\\text{iso}
v_iso = np.matmul(self.params[..., np.newaxis, 7::], from_6x6_to_21x1(E_iso))[
..., 0, 0
return v_iso
def d_sq(self):
"""Diffusion tensor's outer product with itself.
d_sq : numpy.ndarray
d_sq = np.matmul(
self.params[..., 1:7, np.newaxis], self.params[..., np.newaxis, 1:7]
return d_sq
def mean_d_sq(self):
"""Average of microscopic diffusion tensors' outer products with
mean_d_sq : numpy.ndarray
Average of microscopic diffusion tensors' outer products with
themselves is calculated as
.. math::
\\langle \\mathbf{D} \\otimes \\mathbf{D} \\rangle =
\\mathbb{C} +
\\langle \\mathbf{D} \\rangle \\otimes \\langle \\mathbf{D}
mean_d_sq = from_21x1_to_6x6(self.params[..., 7::, np.newaxis]) + self.d_sq
return mean_d_sq
def c_md(self):
"""Normalized variance of mean diffusivities.
c_md : numpy.ndarray
Normalized variance of microscopic mean diffusivities is calculated as
.. math::
C_\\text{MD} = \\frac{\\mathbb{C} : \\mathbb{E}_\\text{bulk}}
{\\langle \\mathbf{D} \\otimes \\mathbf{D} \\rangle :
c_md = (
/ np.matmul(
np.swapaxes(from_6x6_to_21x1(self.mean_d_sq), -1, -2),
)[..., 0, 0]
return c_md
def c_mu(self):
"""Normalized microscopic anisotropy.
c_mu : numpy.ndarray
Normalized microscopic anisotropy is calculated as
.. math::
C_\\mu = \\frac{3}{2} \\frac{\\langle \\mathbf{D} \\otimes
\\rangle : \\mathbb{E}_\\text{shear}}{\\langle \\mathbf{D}
\\mathbf{D} \\rangle : \\mathbb{E}_\\text{iso}}
c_mu = (
* np.matmul(
np.swapaxes(from_6x6_to_21x1(self.mean_d_sq), -1, -2),
/ np.matmul(
np.swapaxes(from_6x6_to_21x1(self.mean_d_sq), -1, -2),
)[..., 0, 0]
return c_mu
def ufa(self):
"""Microscopic fractional anisotropy.
ufa : numpy.ndarray
Microscopic fractional anisotropy is calculated as
.. math::
\\mu\\text{FA} = \\sqrt{C_\\mu}
ufa = np.sqrt(self.c_mu)
return ufa
def c_m(self):
"""Normalized macroscopic anisotropy.
c_m : numpy.ndarray
Normalized macroscopic anisotropy is calculated as
.. math::
C_\\text{M} = \\frac{3}{2} \\frac{\\langle \\mathbf{D} \\rangle
\\otimes \\langle \\mathbf{D} \\rangle :
{\\langle \\mathbf{D} \\rangle \\otimes \\langle \\mathbf{D}
\\rangle :
c_m = (
* np.matmul(
np.swapaxes(from_6x6_to_21x1(self.d_sq), -1, -2),
/ np.matmul(
np.swapaxes(from_6x6_to_21x1(self.d_sq), -1, -2),
)[..., 0, 0]
return c_m
def fa(self):
"""Fractional anisotropy.
fa : numpy.ndarray
Fractional anisotropy is calculated as
.. math::
\\text{FA} = \\sqrt{C_\\text{M}}
fa = np.sqrt(self.c_m)
return fa
def c_c(self):
"""Microscopic orientation coherence.
c_c : numpy.ndarray
Microscopic orientation coherence is calculated as
.. math::
C_c = \\frac{C_\\text{M}}{C_\\mu}
c_c = self.c_m / self.c_mu
return c_c
def mk(self):
"""Mean kurtosis.
mk : numpy.ndarray
Mean kurtosis is calculated as
.. math::
\\text{MK} = K_\\text{bulk} + K_\\text{shear}
mk = self.k_bulk + self.k_shear
return mk
def k_bulk(self):
"""Bulk kurtosis.
k_bulk : numpy.ndarray
Bulk kurtosis is calculated as
.. math::
K_\\text{bulk} = 3 \\frac{\\mathbb{C} :
{\\langle \\mathbf{D} \\rangle \\otimes \\langle \\mathbf{D}
\\rangle : \\mathbb{E}_\\text{bulk}}
k_bulk = (
* np.matmul(self.params[..., np.newaxis, 7::], from_6x6_to_21x1(E_bulk))
/ np.matmul(
np.swapaxes(from_6x6_to_21x1(self.d_sq), -1, -2),
)[..., 0, 0]
return k_bulk
def k_shear(self):
"""Shear kurtosis.
k_shear : numpy.ndarray
Shear kurtosis is calculated as
.. math::
K_\\text{shear} = \\frac{6}{5} \\frac{\\mathbb{C} :
\\mathbb{E}_\\text{shear}}{\\langle \\mathbf{D} \\rangle
\\langle \\mathbf{D} \\rangle : \\mathbb{E}_\\text{bulk}}
k_shear = (
/ 5
* np.matmul(self.params[..., np.newaxis, 7::], from_6x6_to_21x1(E_shear))
/ np.matmul(
np.swapaxes(from_6x6_to_21x1(self.d_sq), -1, -2),
)[..., 0, 0]
return k_shear
def k_mu(self):
"""Microscopic kurtosis.
k_mu : numpy.ndarray
Microscopic kurtosis is calculated as
.. math::
K_\\mu = \\frac{6}{5} \\frac{\\langle \\mathbf{D} \\otimes
\\rangle : \\mathbb{E}_\\text{shear}}{\\langle \\mathbf{D}
\\otimes \\langle \\mathbf{D} \\rangle :
k_mu = (
/ 5
* np.matmul(
np.swapaxes(from_6x6_to_21x1(self.mean_d_sq), -1, -2),
/ np.matmul(
np.swapaxes(from_6x6_to_21x1(self.d_sq), -1, -2),
)[..., 0, 0]
return k_mu
common_fit_methods = {"OLS": _ols_fit, "WLS": _wls_fit, "SDPdc": _sdpdc_fit}