"""Functions for defining weights for iterative fitting methods."""
import numpy as np
def simple_cutoff(
residuals, log_residuals, pred_sig, design_matrix, leverages, C, cutoff
"""Define outliers based on the signal (rather than the log-signal).
residuals : ndarray
Residuals of the signal (observed signal - fitted signal).
log_residuals : ndarray
Residuals of the log signal (log observed signal - fitted log signal).
pred_sig : ndarray
The predicted signal, given a previous fit.
design_matrix : ndarray (g, ...)
Design matrix holding the covariants used to solve for the
regression coefficients.
leverages : ndarray
The leverages (diagonal of the 'hat matrix') of the fit.
C : float
Estimate of the standard deviation of the error.
cutoff : float, optional
Cut-off value for defining outliers based on fitting residuals.
Here the condition is::
|residuals| > cut_off x C x HAT_factor
where HAT_factor = sqrt(1 - leverages) adjusts for leverage effects.
leverages[np.isclose(leverages, 1.0)] = 0.99 # avoids rare issues
HAT_factor = np.sqrt(1 - leverages)
cond = np.abs(residuals) > +cutoff * C * HAT_factor
return cond
def two_eyes_cutoff(
residuals, log_residuals, pred_sig, design_matrix, leverages, C, cutoff
"""Define outliers with two-eyes approach.
see :footcite:p:`Collier2015` for more details.
residuals : ndarray
Residuals of the signal (observed signal - fitted signal).
log_residuals : ndarray
Residuals of the log signal (log observed signal - fitted log signal).
pred_sig : ndarray
The predicted signal, given a previous fit.
design_matrix : ndarray (g, ...)
Design matrix holding the covariants used to solve for the
regression coefficients.
leverages : ndarray
The leverages (diagonal of the 'hat matrix') of the fit.
C : float
Estimate of the standard deviation of the error.
cutoff : float, optional
Cut-off value for defining outliers based on fitting residuals,
see :footcite:p:`Collier2015` for the two-eyes approached used here.
.. footbibliography::
leverages[np.isclose(leverages, 1.0)] = 0.99 # avoids rare issues
HAT_factor = np.sqrt(1 - leverages)
cond = (residuals > +cutoff * C * HAT_factor) | (
log_residuals < -cutoff * C * HAT_factor / pred_sig
return cond
def weights_method_wls_m_est(
"""Calculate M-estimator weights for WLS model.
data : ndarray
The measured signal.
pred_sig : ndarray
The predicted signal, given a previous fit.
Has the same shape as data.
design_matrix : ndarray (g, ...)
Design matrix holding the covariants used to solve for the
regression coefficients.
leverages : ndarray
The leverages (diagonal of the 'hat matrix') of the fit.
idx : int
The current iteration number.
total_idx : int
The total number of iterations.
last_robust : ndarray
True for inlier indices and False for outlier indices. Must have the
same shape as data.
m_est : str, optional.
M-estimator weighting scheme to use. Currently,
'gm' (Geman-McClure) and 'cauchy' are provided.
cutoff : float, optional
Cut-off value for defining outliers based on fitting residuals.
Will be passed to the outlier_condition_func.
Typical example: ``|residuals| > cut_off x standard_deviation``
outlier_condition_func : callable, optional
A function with args and returns as follows::
is_an_outlier = outlier_condition_func(residuals, log_residuals,
pred_sig, design_matrix, leverages, C, cutoff)
Robust weights are calculated specifically for the WLS problem, i.e. the
usual form of the WLS problem is accounted for when defining these new
weights, see :footcite:p:`Collier2015`. On the second-to-last iteration,
OLS is performed without outliers. On the last iteration, WLS is performed
without outliers.
.. footbibliography::
# check if M-estimator is valid (defined in this function)
if m_est not in ["gm", "cauchy"]:
raise ValueError("unknown M-estimator choice")
# min 4 iters: (1) WLS (2) WLS with M-weights (3) clean OLS (3) clean WLS
if total_idx < 4:
raise ValueError("require 4+ iterations")
p, N = design_matrix.shape[-1], data.shape[-1]
if N <= p:
raise ValueError("Fewer data points than parameters.")
factor = 1.4826 * np.sqrt(N / (N - p))
# handle potential zeros
# calculate quantities needed for C and w
log_pred_sig = np.log(pred_sig)
residuals = data - pred_sig
log_data = np.log(data)
log_residuals = log_data - log_pred_sig
z = pred_sig * log_residuals
# IRLLS paper eq9 corrected (weights for log_residuals^2 are pred_sig^2)
C = (
* np.median(np.abs(z - np.median(z, axis=-1)[..., None]), axis=-1)[..., None]
C[C == 0] = np.nanmedian(C) # C could be 0, if all signals = min_signal
# NOTE: if more M-estimators are added, please update the docs!
if m_est == "gm":
w = (C / pred_sig) ** 2 / ((C / pred_sig) ** 2 + log_residuals**2) ** 2
if m_est == "cauchy":
w = C**2 / ((C / pred_sig) ** 2 + log_residuals**2)
robust = None
if idx == total_idx - 1: # OLS without outliers
cond = outlier_condition_func(
residuals, log_residuals, pred_sig, design_matrix, leverages, C, cutoff
robust = np.logical_not(cond)
w[~robust] = 0.0
w[robust] = 1.0
if idx == total_idx: # WLS without outliers
robust = last_robust
w[~robust] = 0.0
w[robust] = pred_sig[robust == 1] ** 2
w[np.isinf(w)] = 0
w[np.isnan(w)] = 0
return w, robust
def weights_method_nlls_m_est(
"""Calculate M-estimator weights for NLLS model.
data : ndarray
The measured signal.
pred_sig : ndarray
The predicted signal, given a previous fit.
Has the same shape as data.
design_matrix : ndarray (g, ...)
Design matrix holding the covariants used to solve for the
regression coefficients.
leverages : ndarray
The leverages (diagonal of the 'hat matrix') of the fit.
idx : int
The current iteration number.
total_idx : int
The total number of iterations.
last_robust : ndarray
True for inlier indices and False for outlier indices. Must have the
same shape as data.
m_est : str, optional.
M-estimator weighting scheme to use. Currently,
'gm' (Geman-McClure) and 'cauchy' are provided.
cutoff : float, optional
Cut-off value for defining outliers based on fitting residuals.
Will be passed to the outlier_condition_func.
Typical example: ``|residuals| > cut_off x standard_deviation``
outlier_condition_func : callable, optional
A function with args and returns as follows::
is_an_outlier = outlier_condition_func(residuals, log_residuals,
pred_sig, design_matrix, leverages, C, cutoff)
Robust weights are calculated specifically for the NLLS problem.
On the last iteration, NLLS is performed without outliers.
# check if M-estimator is valid (defined in this function)
if m_est not in ["gm", "cauchy"]:
raise ValueError("unknown M-estimator choice")
# min 3 iters: (1) NLLS (2) NLLS with M-weights (3) clean NLLS
if total_idx < 3:
raise ValueError("require 3+ iterations")
p, N = design_matrix.shape[-1], data.shape[-1]
if N <= p:
raise ValueError("Fewer data points than parameters.")
factor = 1.4826 * np.sqrt(N / (N - p))
# handle potential zeros
# calculate quantities needed for C and w
log_pred_sig = np.log(pred_sig)
residuals = data - pred_sig
log_data = np.log(data)
log_residuals = log_data - log_pred_sig
C = (
* np.median(np.abs(residuals - np.median(residuals)[..., None]), axis=-1)[
..., None
C[C == 0] = np.nanmedian(C) # C could be 0, if all signals = min_signal
# NOTE: if more M-estimators are added, please update the docs!
if m_est == "gm":
w = C**2 / (C**2 + residuals**2) ** 2
if m_est == "cauchy":
w = C**2 / (C**2 + residuals**2)
robust = None
if idx == total_idx:
cond = outlier_condition_func(
residuals, log_residuals, pred_sig, design_matrix, leverages, C, cutoff
robust = np.logical_not(cond)
w[~robust] = 0.0
w[robust] = 1.0
w[np.isinf(w)] = 0
w[np.isnan(w)] = 0
return w, robust