Source code for dipy.segment.tissue

import numpy as np

from dipy.segment.mrf import ConstantObservationModel, IteratedConditionalModes
from dipy.sims.voxel import add_noise
from dipy.testing.decorators import warning_for_keywords
from dipy.utils.optpkg import optional_package

sklearn, has_sklearn, _ = optional_package("sklearn")
linear_model, _, _ = optional_package("sklearn.linear_model")

[docs] class TissueClassifierHMRF: """ This class contains the methods for tissue classification using the Markov Random Fields modeling approach. """ @warning_for_keywords() def __init__(self, *, save_history=False, verbose=True): self.save_history = save_history self.segmentations = [] self.pves = [] self.energies = [] self.energies_sum = [] self.verbose = verbose
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def classify(self, image, nclasses, beta, *, tolerance=1e-05, max_iter=100): """ This method uses the Maximum a posteriori - Markov Random Field approach for segmentation by using the Iterative Conditional Modes and Expectation Maximization to estimate the parameters. Parameters ---------- image : ndarray, 3D structural image. nclasses : int, Number of desired classes. beta : float, Smoothing parameter, the higher this number the smoother the output will be. tolerance: float, optional Value that defines the percentage of change tolerated to prevent the ICM loop to stop. Default is 1e-05. If you want tolerance check to be disabled put 'tolerance = 0'. max_iter : int, optional Fixed number of desired iterations. Default is 100. This parameter defines the maximum number of iterations the algorithm will perform. The loop may terminate early if the change in energy sum between iterations falls below the threshold defined by `tolerance`. However, if `tolerance` is explicitly set to 0, this early stopping mechanism is disabled, and the algorithm will run for the specified number of iterations unless another stopping criterion is met. Returns ------- initial_segmentation : ndarray, 3D segmented image with all tissue types specified in nclasses. final_segmentation : ndarray, 3D final refined segmentation containing all tissue types. PVE : ndarray, 3D probability map of each tissue type. """ nclasses += 1 # One extra class for the background energy_sum = [1e-05] com = ConstantObservationModel() icm = IteratedConditionalModes() if image.max() > 1: image = np.interp(image, [0, image.max()], [0.0, 1.0]) mu, sigmasq = com.initialize_param_uniform(image, nclasses) p = np.argsort(mu) mu = mu[p] sigmasq = sigmasq[p] neglogl = com.negloglikelihood(image, mu, sigmasq, nclasses) seg_init = icm.initialize_maximum_likelihood(neglogl) mu, sigmasq = com.seg_stats(image, seg_init, nclasses) zero = np.zeros_like(image) + 0.001 zero_noise = add_noise(zero, 10000, 1, noise_type="gaussian") image_gauss = np.where(image == 0, zero_noise, image) final_segmentation = np.empty_like(image) initial_segmentation = seg_init for i in range(max_iter): if self.verbose: print(f">> Iteration: {i}") PLN = icm.prob_neighborhood(seg_init, beta, nclasses) PVE = com.prob_image(image_gauss, nclasses, mu, sigmasq, PLN) mu_upd, sigmasq_upd = com.update_param(image_gauss, PVE, mu, nclasses) ind = np.argsort(mu_upd) mu_upd = mu_upd[ind] sigmasq_upd = sigmasq_upd[ind] negll = com.negloglikelihood(image_gauss, mu_upd, sigmasq_upd, nclasses) final_segmentation, energy = icm.icm_ising(negll, beta, seg_init) energy_sum.append(energy[energy > -np.inf].sum()) if self.save_history: self.segmentations.append(final_segmentation) self.pves.append(PVE) self.energies.append(energy) self.energies_sum.append(energy_sum[-1]) if tolerance > 0 and i > 5: e_sum = np.asarray(energy_sum) tol = tolerance * (np.amax(e_sum) - np.amin(e_sum)) e_end = e_sum[-5:] test_dist = np.abs(np.amax(e_end) - np.amin(e_end)) if test_dist < tol: break seg_init = final_segmentation mu = mu_upd sigmasq = sigmasq_upd PVE = PVE[..., 1:] return initial_segmentation, final_segmentation, PVE
[docs] def compute_directional_average( data, bvals, *, s0_map=None, masks=None, b0_mask=None, b0_threshold=50, low_signal_threshold=50, ): """ Compute the mean signal for each unique b-value shell and fit a linear model. Parameters ---------- data : ndarray The diffusion MRI data. bvals : ndarray The b-values corresponding to the diffusion data. s0_map : ndarray, optional Precomputed mean signal map for b=0 images. masks : ndarray, optional Precomputed masks for each unique b-value shell. b0_mask : ndarray, optional Precomputed mask for b=0 images. b0_threshold : float, optional The intensity threshold for a b=0 image. low_signal_threshold : float, optional The threshold below which a voxel is considered to have low signal. Returns ------- P : float The slope of the linear model. V : float The intercept of the linear model. """ if b0_mask is None: b0_mask = bvals < b0_threshold if masks is None: unique_bvals = np.unique(bvals) masks = bvals[:, np.newaxis] == unique_bvals[np.newaxis, 1:] if s0_map is None: s0_map = data[..., b0_mask].mean(axis=-1) if s0_map < low_signal_threshold: return 0, 0 # Calculate the mean for each mask means = np.sum(data[:, np.newaxis] * masks, axis=0) / np.sum(masks, axis=0) # Normalize by s0, avoiding division by zero by adding 0.01 for stable division s_bvals = means / (s0_map[..., np.newaxis] + 0.01) # Avoid log(0) by adding 0.001 for stable linear regression fit s_bvals[s_bvals == 0] = 0.001 s_log = y = np.log(s_bvals) xb = -np.log(np.arange(1, s_log.shape[-1] + 1)) # Reshape xb for linear regression X = xb.reshape(-1, 1) # Fit linear model model = linear_model.LinearRegression(), y) P = model.coef_[0] V = model.intercept_ return P, V
[docs] def dam_classifier( data, bvals, wm_threshold, *, b0_threshold=50, low_signal_threshold=50 ): """Computes the P-map (fitting slope) on data to extract white and grey matter. See :footcite:p:`Cheng2020` for further details about the method. Parameters ---------- data : ndarray The diffusion MRI data. bvals : ndarray The b-values corresponding to the diffusion data. wm_threshold : float The threshold below which a voxel is considered white matter. b0_threshold : float, optional The intensity threshold for a b=0 image. low_signal_threshold : float, optional The threshold below which a voxel is considered to have low signal. Returns ------- wm_mask : ndarray A binary mask for white matter. gm_mask : ndarray A binary mask for grey matter. References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ # Precompute unique b-values, masks, and b=0 mask unique_bvals = np.unique(bvals) if len(unique_bvals) <= 2: raise ValueError("Insufficient unique b-values for fitting.") b0_mask = bvals < b0_threshold masks = bvals[:, np.newaxis] == unique_bvals[np.newaxis, 1:] # Precompute s0 (mean signal for b=0) s0_map = data[..., b0_mask].mean(axis=-1) # If the mean signal for b=0 is too low, set those voxels to 0 for both P and V valid_voxels = s0_map >= low_signal_threshold P_map = np.zeros(data.shape[:-1]) for idx in range(data.shape[0] * data.shape[1] * data.shape[2]): i, j, k = np.unravel_index(idx, P_map.shape) if valid_voxels[i, j, k]: P, _ = compute_directional_average( data[i, j, k, :], bvals, masks=masks, b0_mask=b0_mask, s0_map=s0_map[i, j, k], low_signal_threshold=low_signal_threshold, ) P_map[i, j, k] = P # Adding a small slope threshold for P_map to avoid 0 sloped background voxels wm_mask = (P_map <= wm_threshold) & (P_map > 0.01) # Grey matter has a higher P value than white matter gm_mask = P_map > wm_threshold return wm_mask, gm_mask