Source code for dipy.stats.analysis

import os

import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import map_coordinates
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
from scipy.spatial.distance import mahalanobis

from import save_buan_profiles_hdf5
from dipy.segment.clustering import QuickBundles
from dipy.segment.metricspeed import AveragePointwiseEuclideanMetric
from dipy.testing.decorators import warning_for_keywords
from dipy.tracking.streamline import (

[docs] def peak_values(bundle, peaks, dt, pname, bname, subject, group_id, ind, dir_name): """Peak_values function finds the generalized fractional anisotropy (gfa) and quantitative anisotropy (qa) values from peaks object (eg: csa) for every point on a streamline used while tracking and saves it in hd5 file. Parameters ---------- bundle : string Name of bundle being analyzed peaks : peaks contains peak directions and values dt : DataFrame DataFrame to be populated pname : string Name of the dti metric bname : string Name of bundle being analyzed. subject : string subject number as a string (e.g. 10001) group_id : integer which group subject belongs to 1 patient and 0 for control ind : integer list ind tells which disk number a point belong. dir_name : string path of output directory """ gfa = peaks.gfa anatomical_measures( bundle, gfa, dt, pname + "_gfa", bname, subject, group_id, ind, dir_name ) qa =[..., 0] anatomical_measures( bundle, qa, dt, pname + "_qa", bname, subject, group_id, ind, dir_name )
[docs] def anatomical_measures( bundle, metric, dt, pname, bname, subject, group_id, ind, dir_name ): """Calculates dti measure (eg: FA, MD) per point on streamlines and save it in hd5 file. Parameters ---------- bundle : string Name of bundle being analyzed metric : matrix of float values dti metric e.g. FA, MD dt : DataFrame DataFrame to be populated pname : string Name of the dti metric bname : string Name of bundle being analyzed. subject : string subject number as a string (e.g. 10001) group_id : integer which group subject belongs to 1 for patient and 0 control ind : integer list ind tells which disk number a point belong. dir_name : string path of output directory """ dt["streamline"] = [] dt["disk"] = [] dt["subject"] = [] dt[pname] = [] dt["group"] = [] values = map_coordinates(metric, bundle._data.T, order=1) dt["disk"].extend(ind[list(range(len(values)))] + 1) dt["subject"].extend([subject] * len(values)) dt["group"].extend([group_id] * len(values)) dt[pname].extend(values) for st_i in range(len(bundle)): st = bundle[st_i] dt["streamline"].extend([st_i] * len(st)) file_name = f"{bname}_{pname}" save_buan_profiles_hdf5(os.path.join(dir_name, file_name), dt)
[docs] def assignment_map(target_bundle, model_bundle, no_disks): """ Calculates assignment maps of the target bundle with reference to model bundle centroids. See :footcite:p:`Chandio2020a` for further details about the method. Parameters ---------- target_bundle : streamlines target bundle extracted from subject data in common space model_bundle : streamlines atlas bundle used as reference no_disks : integer, optional Number of disks used for dividing bundle into disks. Returns ------- indx : ndarray Assignment map of the target bundle streamline point indices to the model bundle centroid points. References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ mbundle_streamlines = set_number_of_points(model_bundle, nb_points=no_disks) metric = AveragePointwiseEuclideanMetric() qb = QuickBundles(threshold=85.0, metric=metric) clusters = qb.cluster(mbundle_streamlines) centroids = Streamlines(clusters.centroids) _, indx = cKDTree(centroids.get_data(), 1, copy_data=True).query( target_bundle.get_data(), k=1 ) return indx
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def gaussian_weights(bundle, *, n_points=100, return_mahalnobis=False, stat=np.mean): """ Calculate weights for each streamline/node in a bundle, based on a Mahalanobis distance from the core the bundle, at that node (mean, per default). Parameters ---------- bundle : Streamlines The streamlines to weight. n_points : int, optional The number of points to resample to. *If the `bundle` is an array, this input is ignored*. return_mahalanobis : bool, optional Whether to return the Mahalanobis distance instead of the weights. stat : callable, optional. The statistic used to calculate the central tendency of streamlines in each node. Can be one of {`np.mean`, `np.median`} or other functions that have similar API.` Returns ------- w : array of shape (n_streamlines, n_points) Weights for each node in each streamline, calculated as its relative inverse of the Mahalanobis distance, relative to the distribution of coordinates at that node position across streamlines. """ # Resample to same length for each streamline: bundle = set_number_of_points(bundle, nb_points=n_points) # This is the output w = np.zeros((len(bundle), n_points)) # If there's only one fiber here, it gets the entire weighting: if len(bundle) == 1: if return_mahalnobis: return np.array([np.nan]) else: return np.array([1]) for node in range(n_points): # This should come back as a 3D covariance matrix with the spatial # variance covariance of this node across the different streamlines # This is a 3-by-3 array: node_coords = bundle._data[node::n_points] c = np.cov(node_coords.T, ddof=0) # Reorganize as an upper diagonal matrix for expected Mahalanobis # input: c = np.array( [[c[0, 0], c[0, 1], c[0, 2]], [0, c[1, 1], c[1, 2]], [0, 0, c[2, 2]]] ) # Calculate the mean or median of this node as well # delta = node_coords - np.mean(node_coords, 0) m = stat(node_coords, 0) # Weights are the inverse of the Mahalanobis distance for fn in range(len(bundle)): # In the special case where all the streamlines have the exact same # coordinate in this node, the covariance matrix is all zeros, so # we can't calculate the Mahalanobis distance, we will instead give # each streamline an identical weight, equal to the number of # streamlines: if np.allclose(c, 0): w[:, node] = len(bundle) break # Otherwise, go ahead and calculate Mahalanobis for node on # fiber[fn]: w[fn, node] = mahalanobis(node_coords[fn], m, np.linalg.inv(c)) if return_mahalnobis: return w # weighting is inverse to the distance (the further you are, the less you # should be weighted) w = 1 / w # Normalize before returning, so that the weights in each node sum to 1: return w / np.sum(w, 0)
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def afq_profile( data, bundle, affine, *, n_points=100, profile_stat=np.average, orient_by=None, weights=None, **weights_kwarg, ): """ Calculates a summarized profile of data for a bundle or tract along its length. Follows the approach outlined in :footcite:p:`Yeatman2012`. Parameters ---------- data : 3D volume The statistic to sample with the streamlines. bundle : StreamLines class instance The collection of streamlines (possibly already resampled into an array for each to have the same length) with which we are resampling. See Note below about orienting the streamlines. affine : array_like (4, 4) The mapping from voxel coordinates to streamline points. The voxel_to_rasmm matrix, typically from a NIFTI file. n_points: int, optional The number of points to sample along the bundle. Default: 100. orient_by: streamline, optional A streamline to use as a standard to orient all of the streamlines in the bundle according to. weights : 1D array or 2D array or callable, optional Weight each streamline (1D) or each node (2D) when calculating the tract-profiles. Must sum to 1 across streamlines (in each node if relevant). If callable, this is a function that calculates weights. profile_stat : callable, optional The statistic used to average the profile across streamlines. If weights is not None, this must take weights as a keyword argument. The default, np.average, is the same as np.mean but takes weights as a keyword argument. weights_kwarg : key-word arguments Additional key-word arguments to pass to the weight-calculating function. Only to be used if weights is a callable. Returns ------- ndarray : a 1D array with the profile of `data` along the length of `bundle` Notes ----- Before providing a bundle as input to this function, you will need to make sure that the streamlines in the bundle are all oriented in the same orientation relative to the bundle (use :func:`orient_by_streamline`). References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ if orient_by is not None: bundle = orient_by_streamline(bundle, orient_by) if affine is None: affine = np.eye(4) if len(bundle) == 0: raise ValueError("The bundle contains no streamlines") # Resample each streamline to the same number of points: fgarray = set_number_of_points(bundle, nb_points=n_points) # Extract the values values = np.array(values_from_volume(data, fgarray, affine)) if weights is not None: if callable(weights): weights = weights(bundle, **weights_kwarg) else: # We check that weights *always sum to 1 across streamlines*: if not np.allclose(np.sum(weights, 0), np.ones(n_points)): raise ValueError( "The sum of weights across streamlines", " must be equal to 1" ) return profile_stat(values, weights=weights, axis=0) else: return profile_stat(values, axis=0)