Source code for dipy.tracking.utils

"""Various tools related to creating and working with streamlines.

This module provides tools for targeting streamlines using ROIs, for making
connectivity matrices from whole brain fiber tracking and some other tools that
allow streamlines to interact with image data.

Important Notes
Dipy uses affine matrices to represent the relationship between streamline
points, which are defined as points in a continuous 3d space, and image voxels,
which are typically arranged in a discrete 3d grid. Dipy uses a convention
similar to nifti files to interpret these affine matrices. This convention is
that the point at the center of voxel ``[i, j, k]`` is represented by the point
``[x, y, z]`` where ``[x, y, z, 1] = affine * [i, j, k, 1]``.  Also when the
phrase "voxel coordinates" is used, it is understood to be the same as ``affine
= eye(4)``.

As an example, let's take a 2d image where the affine is::

    [[1., 0., 0.],
     [0., 2., 0.],
     [0., 0., 1.]]

The pixels of an image with this affine would look something like::

    |   |   |   |
    | C |   |   |
    |   |   |   |
    |   |   |   |
    |   |   |   |
    |   |   |   |
    |   |   |   |
    |   |   |   |
    |   |   |   |

And the letters A-D represent the following points in
"real world coordinates"::

    A = [-.5, -1.]
    B = [ .5,  1.]
    C = [ 0.,  0.]
    D = [ 2.5,  5.]


from collections import defaultdict
from functools import wraps
from itertools import combinations
from warnings import warn

from nibabel.affines import apply_affine
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist

from dipy.core.geometry import dist_to_corner
from dipy.testing.decorators import warning_for_keywords
from dipy.tracking import metrics

# Import helper functions shared with vox2track
from dipy.tracking._utils import _mapping_to_voxel, _to_voxel_coordinates
from dipy.tracking.vox2track import _streamlines_in_mask

[docs] def density_map(streamlines, affine, vol_dims): """Count the number of unique streamlines that pass through each voxel. Parameters ---------- streamlines : iterable A sequence of streamlines. affine : array_like (4, 4) The mapping from voxel coordinates to streamline points. The voxel_to_rasmm matrix, typically from a NIFTI file. vol_dims : 3 ints The shape of the volume to be returned containing the streamlines counts Returns ------- image_volume : ndarray, shape=vol_dims The number of streamline points in each voxel of volume. Raises ------ IndexError When the points of the streamlines lie outside of the return volume. Notes ----- A streamline can pass through a voxel even if one of the points of the streamline does not lie in the voxel. For example a step from [0,0,0] to [0,0,2] passes through [0,0,1]. Consider subsegmenting the streamlines when the edges of the voxels are smaller than the steps of the streamlines. """ lin_T, offset = _mapping_to_voxel(affine) counts = np.zeros(vol_dims, "int") for sl in streamlines: inds = _to_voxel_coordinates(sl, lin_T, offset) i, j, k = inds.T # this takes advantage of the fact that numpy's += operator only # acts once even if there are repeats in inds counts[i, j, k] += 1 return counts
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def connectivity_matrix( streamlines, affine, label_volume, *, inclusive=False, symmetric=True, return_mapping=False, mapping_as_streamlines=False, ): """Count the streamlines that start and end at each label pair. Parameters ---------- streamlines : sequence A sequence of streamlines. affine : array_like (4, 4) The mapping from voxel coordinates to streamline coordinates. The voxel_to_rasmm matrix, typically from a NIFTI file. label_volume : ndarray An image volume with an integer data type, where the intensities in the volume map to anatomical structures. inclusive: bool Whether to analyze the entire streamline, as opposed to just the endpoints. False by default. symmetric : bool, True by default Symmetric means we don't distinguish between start and end points. If symmetric is True, ``matrix[i, j] == matrix[j, i]``. return_mapping : bool, False by default If True, a mapping is returned which maps matrix indices to streamlines. mapping_as_streamlines : bool, False by default If True voxel indices map to lists of streamline objects. Otherwise voxel indices map to lists of integers. Returns ------- matrix : ndarray The number of connection between each pair of regions in `label_volume`. mapping : defaultdict(list) ``mapping[i, j]`` returns all the streamlines that connect region `i` to region `j`. If `symmetric` is True mapping will only have one key for each start end pair such that if ``i < j`` mapping will have key ``(i, j)`` but not key ``(j, i)``. """ # Error checking on label_volume kind = label_volume.dtype.kind labels_positive = (kind == "u") or ((kind == "i") and (label_volume.min() >= 0)) valid_label_volume = labels_positive and label_volume.ndim == 3 if not valid_label_volume: raise ValueError( "label_volume must be a 3d integer array with" "non-negative label values" ) matrix = np.zeros( (np.max(label_volume) + 1, np.max(label_volume) + 1), dtype=np.int64 ) mapping = defaultdict(list) lin_T, offset = _mapping_to_voxel(affine) if inclusive: for i, sl in enumerate(streamlines): sl = _to_voxel_coordinates(sl, lin_T, offset) x, y, z = sl.T if symmetric: crossed_labels = np.unique(label_volume[x, y, z]) else: crossed_labels = np.unique(label_volume[x, y, z], return_index=True) crossed_labels = crossed_labels[0][np.argsort(crossed_labels[1])] for comb in combinations(crossed_labels, 2): matrix[comb] += 1 if return_mapping: if mapping_as_streamlines: mapping[comb].append(streamlines[i]) else: mapping[comb].append(i) else: streamlines_end = np.array([sl[0 :: len(sl) - 1] for sl in streamlines]) streamlines_end = _to_voxel_coordinates(streamlines_end, lin_T, offset) x, y, z = streamlines_end.T if symmetric: end_labels = np.sort(label_volume[x, y, z], axis=0) else: end_labels = label_volume[x, y, z], (end_labels[0].T, end_labels[1].T), 1) if return_mapping: if mapping_as_streamlines: for i, (a, b) in enumerate(end_labels.T): mapping[a, b].append(streamlines[i]) else: for i, (a, b) in enumerate(end_labels.T): mapping[a, b].append(i) if symmetric: matrix = np.maximum(matrix, matrix.T) if return_mapping: return (matrix, mapping) else: return matrix
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def ndbincount(x, *, weights=None, shape=None): """Like bincount, but for nd-indices. Parameters ---------- x : array_like (N, M) M indices to a an Nd-array weights : array_like (M,), optional Weights associated with indices shape : optional the shape of the output """ x = np.asarray(x) if shape is None: shape = x.max(1) + 1 x = np.ravel_multi_index(x, shape) out = np.bincount(x, weights, out.shape = shape return out
[docs] def reduce_labels(label_volume): """Reduce an array of labels to the integers from 0 to n with smallest possible n. Examples -------- >>> labels = np.array([[1, 3, 9], ... [1, 3, 8], ... [1, 3, 7]]) >>> new_labels, lookup = reduce_labels(labels) >>> lookup array([1, 3, 7, 8, 9]) >>> new_labels #doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([[0, 1, 4], [0, 1, 3], [0, 1, 2]]...) >>> (lookup[new_labels] == labels).all() True """ lookup_table = np.unique(label_volume) label_volume = lookup_table.searchsorted(label_volume) return label_volume, lookup_table
[docs] def subsegment(streamlines, max_segment_length): """Split the segments of the streamlines into small segments. Replaces each segment of each of the streamlines with the smallest possible number of equally sized smaller segments such that no segment is longer than max_segment_length. Among other things, this can useful for getting streamline counts on a grid that is smaller than the length of the streamline segments. Parameters ---------- streamlines : sequence of ndarrays The streamlines to be subsegmented. max_segment_length : float The longest allowable segment length. Returns ------- output_streamlines : generator A set of streamlines. Notes ----- Segments of 0 length are removed. If unchanged Examples -------- >>> streamlines = [np.array([[0,0,0],[2,0,0],[5,0,0]])] >>> list(subsegment(streamlines, 3.)) [array([[ 0., 0., 0.], [ 2., 0., 0.], [ 5., 0., 0.]])] >>> list(subsegment(streamlines, 1)) [array([[ 0., 0., 0.], [ 1., 0., 0.], [ 2., 0., 0.], [ 3., 0., 0.], [ 4., 0., 0.], [ 5., 0., 0.]])] >>> list(subsegment(streamlines, 1.6)) [array([[ 0. , 0. , 0. ], [ 1. , 0. , 0. ], [ 2. , 0. , 0. ], [ 3.5, 0. , 0. ], [ 5. , 0. , 0. ]])] """ for sl in streamlines: diff = sl[1:] - sl[:-1] dist = np.sqrt((diff * diff).sum(-1)) num_segments = np.ceil(dist / max_segment_length).astype("int") output_sl = np.empty((num_segments.sum() + 1, 3), "float") output_sl[0] = sl[0] count = 1 for ii in range(len(num_segments)): ns = num_segments[ii] if ns == 1: output_sl[count] = sl[ii + 1] count += 1 elif ns > 1: small_d = diff[ii] / ns point = sl[ii] for _ in range(ns): point = point + small_d output_sl[count] = point count += 1 elif ns == 0: pass # repeated point else: # this should never happen because ns should be a positive # int assert ns >= 0 yield output_sl
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def seeds_from_mask(mask, affine, *, density=(1, 1, 1)): """Create seeds for fiber tracking from a binary mask. Seeds points are placed evenly distributed in all voxels of ``mask`` which are ``True``. Parameters ---------- mask : binary 3d array_like A binary array specifying where to place the seeds for fiber tracking. affine : array, (4, 4) The mapping between voxel indices and the point space for seeds. The voxel_to_rasmm matrix, typically from a NIFTI file. A seed point at the center the voxel ``[i, j, k]`` will be represented as ``[x, y, z]`` where ``[x, y, z, 1] ==, [i, j, k , 1])``. density : int or array_like (3,) Specifies the number of seeds to place along each dimension. A ``density`` of `2` is the same as ``[2, 2, 2]`` and will result in a total of 8 seeds per voxel. See Also -------- random_seeds_from_mask Raises ------ ValueError When ``mask`` is not a three-dimensional array Examples -------- >>> mask = np.zeros((3,3,3), 'bool') >>> mask[0,0,0] = 1 >>> seeds_from_mask(mask, np.eye(4), density=[1,1,1]) array([[ 0., 0., 0.]]) """ mask = np.asarray(mask, dtype=bool) if mask.ndim < 1: mask = np.reshape(mask, (3,)) if mask.ndim != 3: raise ValueError("mask cannot be more than 3d") density = np.asarray(density, int) if density.size == 1: d = density density = np.empty(3, dtype=int) density.fill(d) elif density.shape != (3,): raise ValueError("density should be in integer array of shape (3,)") # Grid of points between -.5 and .5, centered at 0, with given density grid = np.mgrid[0 : density[0], 0 : density[1], 0 : density[2]] grid = grid.T.reshape((-1, 3)) grid = grid / density grid += 0.5 / density - 0.5 where = np.argwhere(mask) # Add the grid of points to each voxel in mask seeds = where[:, np.newaxis, :] + grid[np.newaxis, :, :] seeds = seeds.reshape((-1, 3)) # Apply the spatial transform if seeds.any(): # Use affine to move seeds into real world coordinates seeds =, affine[:3, :3].T) seeds += affine[:3, 3] return seeds
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def random_seeds_from_mask( mask, affine, *, seeds_count=1, seed_count_per_voxel=True, random_seed=None ): """Create randomly placed seeds for fiber tracking from a binary mask. Seeds points are placed randomly distributed in voxels of ``mask`` which are ``True``. If ``seed_count_per_voxel`` is ``True``, this function is similar to ``seeds_from_mask()``, with the difference that instead of evenly distributing the seeds, it randomly places the seeds within the voxels specified by the ``mask``. Parameters ---------- mask : binary 3d array_like A binary array specifying where to place the seeds for fiber tracking. affine : array, (4, 4) The mapping between voxel indices and the point space for seeds. The voxel_to_rasmm matrix, typically from a NIFTI file. A seed point at the center the voxel ``[i, j, k]`` will be represented as ``[x, y, z]`` where ``[x, y, z, 1] ==, [i, j, k , 1])``. seeds_count : int The number of seeds to generate. If ``seed_count_per_voxel`` is True, specifies the number of seeds to place in each voxel. Otherwise, specifies the total number of seeds to place in the mask. seed_count_per_voxel: bool If True, seeds_count is per voxel, else seeds_count is the total number of seeds. random_seed : int The seed for the random seed generator (numpy.random.Generator). See Also -------- seeds_from_mask Raises ------ ValueError When ``mask`` is not a three-dimensional array Examples -------- >>> mask = np.zeros((3,3,3), 'bool') >>> mask[0,0,0] = 1 >>> random_seeds_from_mask(mask, np.eye(4), seeds_count=1, ... seed_count_per_voxel=True, random_seed=1) array([[-0.23838787, -0.20150886, 0.31422574]]) >>> random_seeds_from_mask(mask, np.eye(4), seeds_count=6, ... seed_count_per_voxel=True, random_seed=1) array([[-0.23838787, -0.20150886, 0.31422574], [-0.41435083, -0.26318949, 0.30127447], [ 0.44305611, 0.01132755, 0.47624371], [ 0.30500292, 0.30794079, 0.01532556], [ 0.03816435, -0.15672913, -0.13093276], [ 0.12509547, 0.3972138 , 0.27568569]]) >>> mask[0,1,2] = 1 >>> random_seeds_from_mask(mask, np.eye(4), ... seeds_count=2, seed_count_per_voxel=True, random_seed=1) array([[ 0.30500292, 1.30794079, 2.01532556], [-0.23838787, -0.20150886, 0.31422574], [ 0.3702492 , 0.78681721, 2.10314815], [-0.41435083, -0.26318949, 0.30127447]]) """ mask = np.asarray(mask, dtype=bool) if mask.ndim < 1: mask = np.reshape(mask, (3,)) if mask.ndim != 3: raise ValueError("mask cannot be more than 3d") # Randomize the voxels rng = np.random.default_rng(random_seed) shape = mask.shape mask = mask.flatten() indices = np.arange(len(mask)) rng.shuffle(indices) where = [np.unravel_index(i, shape) for i in indices if mask[i] == 1] num_voxels = len(where) if not seed_count_per_voxel: # Generate enough seeds per voxel seeds_per_voxel = seeds_count // num_voxels + 1 else: seeds_per_voxel = seeds_count seeds = [] for i in range(1, seeds_per_voxel + 1): for s in where: # Set the random seed with the current seed, the current value of # seeds per voxel and the global random seed. if random_seed is not None: s_random_seed = hash((np.sum(s) + 1) * i + random_seed) % (2**32 - 1) rng = np.random.default_rng(s_random_seed) # Generate random triplet grid = rng.random(3) seed = s + grid - 0.5 seeds.append(seed) seeds = np.asarray(seeds) if not seed_count_per_voxel: # Select the requested amount seeds = seeds[:seeds_count] # Apply the spatial transform if seeds.any(): # Use affine to move seeds into real world coordinates seeds =, affine[:3, :3].T) seeds += affine[:3, 3] return seeds
def _with_initialize(generator): """Allow one to write a generator with initialization code. All code up to the first yield is run as soon as the generator function is called and the first yield value is ignored. """ @wraps(generator) def helper(*args, **kwargs): gen = generator(*args, **kwargs) next(gen) return gen return helper
[docs] @_with_initialize @warning_for_keywords() def target(streamlines, affine, target_mask, *, include=True): """Filter streamlines based on whether or not they pass through an ROI. Parameters ---------- streamlines : iterable A sequence of streamlines. Each streamline should be a (N, 3) array, where N is the length of the streamline. affine : array (4, 4) The mapping between voxel indices and the point space for seeds. The voxel_to_rasmm matrix, typically from a NIFTI file. target_mask : array-like A mask used as a target. Non-zero values are considered to be within the target region. include : bool, default True If True, streamlines passing through `target_mask` are kept. If False, the streamlines not passing through `target_mask` are kept. Returns ------- streamlines : generator A sequence of streamlines that pass through `target_mask`. Raises ------ ValueError When the points of the streamlines lie outside of the `target_mask`. See Also -------- density_map """ target_mask = np.array(target_mask, dtype=bool, copy=True) lin_T, offset = _mapping_to_voxel(affine) yield # End of initialization for sl in streamlines: try: ind = _to_voxel_coordinates(sl, lin_T, offset) i, j, k = ind.T state = target_mask[i, j, k] except IndexError as e: raise ValueError("streamlines points are outside of target_mask") from e if state.any() == include: yield sl
[docs] @_with_initialize @warning_for_keywords() def target_line_based(streamlines, affine, target_mask, *, include=True): """Filter streamlines based on whether or not they pass through a ROI, using a line-based algorithm. Mostly used as a replacement of `target` for compressed streamlines. This function never returns single-point streamlines, whatever the value of `include`. See :footcite:`Bresenham1965` and :footcite:p:`Houde2015` for further details about the method. Parameters ---------- streamlines : iterable A sequence of streamlines. Each streamline should be a (N, 3) array, where N is the length of the streamline. affine : array (4, 4) The mapping between voxel indices and the point space for seeds. The voxel_to_rasmm matrix, typically from a NIFTI file. target_mask : array-like A mask used as a target. Non-zero values are considered to be within the target region. include : bool, default True If True, streamlines passing through `target_mask` are kept. If False, the streamlines not passing through `target_mask` are kept. Returns ------- streamlines : generator A sequence of streamlines that pass through `target_mask`. References ---------- .. footbibliography:: See Also -------- dipy.tracking.utils.density_map dipy.tracking.streamline.compress_streamlines """ target_mask = np.array(target_mask, dtype=np.uint8, copy=True) lin_T, offset = _mapping_to_voxel(affine) streamline_index = _streamlines_in_mask(streamlines, target_mask, lin_T, offset) yield # End of initialization for idx in np.where(streamline_index == [0, 1][include])[0]: yield streamlines[idx]
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def streamline_near_roi(streamline, roi_coords, tol, *, mode="any"): """Is a streamline near an ROI. Implements the inner loops of the :func:`near_roi` function. Parameters ---------- streamline : array, shape (N, 3) A single streamline roi_coords : array, shape (M, 3) ROI coordinates transformed to the streamline coordinate frame. tol : float Distance (in the units of the streamlines, usually mm). If any coordinate in the streamline is within this distance from the center of any voxel in the ROI, this function returns True. mode : string One of {"any", "all", "either_end", "both_end"}, where return True if: "any" : any point is within tol from ROI. "all" : all points are within tol from ROI. "either_end" : either of the end-points is within tol from ROI "both_end" : both end points are within tol from ROI. Returns ------- out : boolean """ if not np.any(streamline): return False if len(roi_coords) == 0: return False if mode in ("any", "all"): s = streamline elif mode in ("either_end", "both_end"): # 'end' modes, use a streamline with 2 nodes: s = np.vstack([streamline[0], streamline[-1]]) else: e_s = "For determining relationship to an array, you can use " e_s += "one of the following modes: 'any', 'all', 'both_end'," e_s += f"'either_end', but you entered: {mode}." raise ValueError(e_s) dist = cdist(s, roi_coords, "euclidean") if mode in ("any", "either_end"): return np.min(dist) <= tol else: return np.all(np.min(dist, -1) <= tol)
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def near_roi(streamlines, affine, region_of_interest, *, tol=None, mode="any"): """Provide filtering criteria for a set of streamlines based on whether they fall within a tolerance distance from an ROI. Parameters ---------- streamlines : list or generator A sequence of streamlines. Each streamline should be a (N, 3) array, where N is the length of the streamline. affine : array (4, 4) The mapping between voxel indices and the point space for seeds. The voxel_to_rasmm matrix, typically from a NIFTI file. region_of_interest : ndarray A mask used as a target. Non-zero values are considered to be within the target region. tol : float Distance (in the units of the streamlines, usually mm). If any coordinate in the streamline is within this distance from the center of any voxel in the ROI, the filtering criterion is set to True for this streamline, otherwise False. Defaults to the distance between the center of each voxel and the corner of the voxel. mode : string, optional One of {"any", "all", "either_end", "both_end"}, where return True if: "any" : any point is within tol from ROI. Default. "all" : all points are within tol from ROI. "either_end" : either of the end-points is within tol from ROI "both_end" : both end points are within tol from ROI. Returns ------- 1D array of boolean dtype, shape (len(streamlines), ) This contains `True` for indices corresponding to each streamline that passes within a tolerance distance from the target ROI, `False` otherwise. """ dtc = dist_to_corner(affine) if tol is None: tol = dtc elif tol < dtc: w_s = "Tolerance input provided would create gaps in your" w_s += f" inclusion ROI. Setting to: {dtc}" warn(w_s, stacklevel=2) tol = dtc roi_coords = np.array(np.where(region_of_interest)).T x_roi_coords = apply_affine(affine, roi_coords) # If it's already a list, we can save time by pre-allocating the output if isinstance(streamlines, list): out = np.zeros(len(streamlines), dtype=bool) for ii, sl in enumerate(streamlines): out[ii] = streamline_near_roi(sl, x_roi_coords, tol=tol, mode=mode) return out # If it's a generator, we'll need to generate the output into a list else: out = [] for sl in streamlines: out.append(streamline_near_roi(sl, x_roi_coords, tol=tol, mode=mode)) return np.array(out, dtype=bool)
[docs] def length(streamlines): """Calculate the lengths of many streamlines in a bundle. Parameters ---------- streamlines : list Each item in the list is an array with 3D coordinates of a streamline. Returns ------- Iterator object which then computes the length of each streamline in the bundle, upon iteration. """ return map(metrics.length, streamlines)
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def unique_rows(in_array, *, dtype="f4"): """Find the unique rows in an array. Parameters ---------- in_array: ndarray The array for which the unique rows should be found dtype: str, optional This determines the intermediate representation used for the values. Should at least preserve the values of the input array. Returns ------- u_return: ndarray Array with the unique rows of the original array. """ # Sort input array order = np.lexsort(in_array.T) # Apply sort and compare neighbors x = in_array[order] diff_x = np.ones(len(x), dtype=bool) diff_x[1:] = (x[1:] != x[:-1]).any(-1) # Reverse sort and return unique rows un_order = order.argsort() diff_in_array = diff_x[un_order] return in_array[diff_in_array]
[docs] @_with_initialize @warning_for_keywords() def transform_tracking_output(tracking_output, affine, *, save_seeds=False): """Apply a linear transformation, given by affine, to streamlines. Parameters ---------- tracking_output : Streamlines generator Either streamlines (list, ArraySequence) or a tuple with streamlines and seeds together affine : array (4, 4) The mapping between voxel indices and the point space for seeds. The voxel_to_rasmm matrix, typically from a NIFTI file. save_seeds : bool, optional If set, seeds associated to streamlines will be also moved and returned Returns ------- streamlines : generator A generator for the sequence of transformed streamlines. If save_seeds is True, also return a generator for the transformed seeds. """ lin_T = affine[:3, :3].T.copy() offset = affine[:3, 3].copy() yield # End of initialization if save_seeds: for sl, seed in tracking_output: yield, lin_T) + offset,, lin_T) + offset else: for sl in tracking_output: yield, lin_T) + offset
[docs] def reduce_rois(rois, include): """Reduce multiple ROIs to one inclusion and one exclusion ROI. Parameters ---------- rois : list or ndarray A list of 3D arrays, each with shape (x, y, z) corresponding to the shape of the brain volume, or a 4D array with shape (n_rois, x, y, z). Non-zeros in each volume are considered to be within the region. include : array or list A list or 1D array of boolean marking inclusion or exclusion criteria. Returns ------- include_roi : boolean 3D array An array marking the inclusion mask. exclude_roi : boolean 3D array An array marking the exclusion mask Notes ----- The include_roi and exclude_roi can be used to perform the operation: "(A or B or ...) and not (X or Y or ...)", where A, B are inclusion regions and X, Y are exclusion regions. """ # throw warning if non bool roi detected if not np.all([irois.dtype == bool for irois in rois]): warn( "Non-boolean input mask detected. Treating all nonzeros as True.", stacklevel=2, ) include_roi = np.zeros(rois[0].shape, dtype=bool) exclude_roi = np.zeros(rois[0].shape, dtype=bool) for i in range(len(rois)): if include[i]: include_roi |= rois[i] != 0 else: exclude_roi |= rois[i] != 0 return include_roi, exclude_roi
def _min_at(a, index, value): index = np.asarray(index) sort_keys = [value] + list(index) order = np.lexsort(sort_keys) index = index[:, order] value = value[order] uniq = np.ones(index.shape[1], dtype=bool) uniq[1:] = (index[:, 1:] != index[:, :-1]).any(axis=0) index = index[:, uniq] value = value[uniq] a[tuple(index)] = np.minimum(a[tuple(index)], value) try: minimum_at = except AttributeError: minimum_at = _min_at
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def path_length(streamlines, affine, aoi, *, fill_value=-1): """Compute the shortest path, along any streamline, between aoi and each voxel. Parameters ---------- streamlines : seq of (N, 3) arrays A sequence of streamlines, path length is given in mm along the curve of the streamline. aoi : array, 3d A mask (binary array) of voxels from which to start computing distance. affine : array (4, 4) The mapping between voxel indices and the point space for seeds. The voxel_to_rasmm matrix, typically from a NIFTI file. fill_value : float The value of voxel in the path length map that are not connected to the aoi. Returns ------- plm : array Same shape as aoi. The minimum distance between every point and aoi along the path of a streamline. """ aoi = np.asarray(aoi, dtype=bool) # path length map plm = np.empty(aoi.shape, dtype=float) plm[:] = np.inf lin_T, offset = _mapping_to_voxel(affine) for sl in streamlines: seg_ind = _to_voxel_coordinates(sl, lin_T, offset) i, j, k = seg_ind.T # Get where streamlines passes through aoi breaks = aoi[i, j, k] # Where streamline passes aoi, dist is zero i, j, k = seg_ind[breaks].T plm[i, j, k] = 0 # If a streamline crosses aoi >1, re-start counting distance for each for seg in _as_segments(sl, breaks): i, j, k = _to_voxel_coordinates(seg[1:], lin_T, offset).T # Get the distance, in mm, between streamline points segment_length = np.sqrt(((seg[1:] - seg[:-1]) ** 2).sum(1)) dist = segment_length.cumsum() # Updates path length map with shorter distances minimum_at(plm, (i, j, k), dist) if fill_value != np.inf: plm = np.where(plm == np.inf, fill_value, plm) return plm
def _part_segments(streamline, break_points): segments = np.split(streamline, break_points.nonzero()[0]) # Skip first segment, all points before first break # first segment is empty when break_points[0] == 0 segments = segments[1:] for each in segments: if len(each) > 1: yield each def _as_segments(streamline, break_points): for seg in _part_segments(streamline, break_points): yield seg for seg in _part_segments(streamline[::-1], break_points[::-1]): yield seg
[docs] def max_angle_from_curvature(min_radius_curvature, step_size): """Get the maximum deviation angle from the minimum radius curvature. See :footcite:p:`Tournier2012` for further details about the method. Parameters ---------- min_radius_curvature: float Minimum radius of curvature in mm. step_size: float The tracking step size in mm. Returns ------- max_angle: float The maximum deviation angle in radian, given the radius curvature and the step size. References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ max_angle = 2.0 * np.arcsin(step_size / (2.0 * min_radius_curvature)) if np.isnan(max_angle) or max_angle > np.pi / 2 or max_angle <= 0: w_msg = "The max_angle found is outside the interval [0 ; pi/2]." w_msg += "max_angle will be set to the default value pi/2" warn(w_msg, stacklevel=2) max_angle = np.pi / 2.0 return max_angle
[docs] def min_radius_curvature_from_angle(max_angle, step_size): """Get minimum radius of curvature from a deviation angle. See :footcite:p:`Tournier2012` for further details about the method. Parameters ---------- max_angle: float The maximum deviation angle in radian. theta should be between [0 - pi/2] otherwise default will be pi/2. step_size: float The tracking step size in mm. Returns ------- min_radius_curvature: float Minimum radius of curvature in mm, given the maximum deviation angle theta and the step size. References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ if np.isnan(max_angle) or max_angle > np.pi / 2 or max_angle <= 0: w_msg = "The max_angle found is outside the interval [0 ; pi/2]." w_msg += "max_angle will be set to the default value pi/2" warn(w_msg, stacklevel=2) max_angle = np.pi / 2.0 min_radius_curvature = step_size / 2 / np.sin(max_angle / 2) return min_radius_curvature
[docs] def seeds_directions_pairs(positions, peaks, *, max_cross=-1): """ Pair each seed to the corresponding peaks. If multiple peaks are available the seed is repeated for each. Parameters ---------- positions : array, (N, 3) Coordinates of the N positions. peaks : array (N, M, 3) Peaks at each position max_cross : int, optional The maximum number of direction to track from each seed in crossing voxels. By default all voxel peaks are used. Returns ------- seeds : array (K, 3) directions : array (K, 3) """ if ( not len(positions.shape) == 2 or not len(peaks.shape) == 3 or not positions.shape[0] == peaks.shape[0] or not positions.shape[1] == 3 or not peaks.shape[2] == 3 or not peaks.shape[1] > 0 ): raise ValueError( "The array shapes of the positions and peaks should" " be (N,3) and (N,M,3), respectively." ) seeds = [] directions = [] for i, s in enumerate(positions): voxel_dirs_norm = np.linalg.norm(peaks[i, :, :], axis=1) voxel_dirs = ( peaks[i, voxel_dirs_norm > 0, :] / voxel_dirs_norm[voxel_dirs_norm > 0, np.newaxis] ) for d in voxel_dirs[:max_cross, :]: seeds.append(s) directions.append(d) return np.array(seeds), np.array(directions)