Visualization tools for 2D projections of 3D functions on the sphere, such as
import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate as interp
import dipy.core.geometry as geo
from dipy.testing.decorators import doctest_skip_parser, warning_for_keywords
from dipy.utils.optpkg import optional_package
matplotlib, has_mpl, setup_module = optional_package("matplotlib")
plt, _, _ = optional_package("matplotlib.pyplot")
mpl_tri, _, _ = optional_package("matplotlib.tri")
bm, has_basemap, _ = optional_package("mpl_toolkits.basemap")
def sph_project(
"""Draw a signal on a 2D projection of the sphere.
vertices : (N,3) ndarray
Unit vector points of the sphere
val : (N) ndarray
Function values.
ax : mpl axis, optional
If specified, draw onto this existing axis instead.
vmin : float, optional
Minimum value to cut the z.
vmax : float, optional
Minimum value to cut the z.
cmap : matplotlib.colors.Colormap, optional
cbar : bool, optional
Whether to add the color-bar to the figure.
tri : bool, optional
Whether to display the plot triangulated as a pseudo-color plot.
boundary : bool, optional
Whether to draw the boundary around the projection in a black line.
ax : axis
Matplotlib figure axis
>>> from dipy.data import default_sphere
>>> verts = default_sphere.vertices
>>> _ax = sph_project(verts.T, np.random.rand(len(verts.T))) # skip if not has_basemap
""" # noqa: E501
if ax is None:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
fig = plt.subplots(1)
if cmap is None:
cmap = matplotlib.cm.hot
basemap_args.setdefault("projection", "ortho")
basemap_args.setdefault("lat_0", 0)
basemap_args.setdefault("lon_0", 0)
basemap_args.setdefault("resolution", "c")
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
m = Basemap(**basemap_args)
if boundary:
# Rotate the coordinate system so that you are looking from the north pole:
verts_rot = np.array(np.dot(np.array([[0, 0, -1], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0]]), vertices))
# To get the orthographic projection, when the first coordinate is
# positive:
neg_idx = np.where(verts_rot[0] > 0)
# rotate the entire b-vector around to point in the other direction:
verts_rot[:, neg_idx] *= -1
_, theta, phi = geo.cart2sphere(verts_rot[0], verts_rot[1], verts_rot[2])
lat, lon = geo.sph2latlon(theta, phi)
x, y = m(lon, lat)
my_min = np.nanmin(val)
if vmin is not None:
my_min = vmin
my_max = np.nanmax(val)
if vmax is not None:
my_max = vmax
if tri:
m.pcolor(x, y, val, vmin=my_min, vmax=my_max, tri=True, cmap=cmap)
cmap_data = cmap._segmentdata
red_interp, blue_interp, green_interp = (
np.array(cmap_data[gun])[:, 0], np.array(cmap_data[gun])[:, 1]
for gun in ["red", "blue", "green"]
r = (val - my_min) / float(my_max - my_min)
# Enforce the maximum and minimum boundaries, if there are values
# outside those boundaries:
r[r < 0] = 0
r[r > 1] = 1
for this_x, this_y, this_r in zip(x, y, r):
red = red_interp(this_r)
blue = blue_interp(this_r)
green = green_interp(this_r)
m.plot(this_x, this_y, "o", c=[red.item(), green.item(), blue.item()])
if cbar:
mappable = matplotlib.cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=cmap)
mappable.set_array([my_min, my_max])
# setup colorbar axes instance.
pos = ax.get_position()
ell, b, w, h = pos.bounds
# setup colorbar axes
cax = fig.add_axes([ell + w + 0.075, b, 0.05, h], frameon=False)
fig.colorbar(mappable, cax=cax) # draw colorbar
return ax