import numpy as np
from dipy.testing.decorators import warning_for_keywords
from dipy.utils.optpkg import optional_package
matplotlib, has_mpl, setup_module = optional_package("matplotlib")
plt, _, _ = optional_package("matplotlib.pyplot")
def _tile_plot(imgs, titles, **kwargs):
Helper function
# Create a new figure and plot the three images
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, len(imgs))
for ii, a in enumerate(ax):
a.imshow(imgs[ii], **kwargs)
return fig
def simple_plot(file_name, title, x, y, xlabel, ylabel):
"""Saves the simple plot with given x and y values
file_name : string
file name for saving the plot
title : string
title of the plot
x : integer list
x-axis values to be plotted
y : integer list
y-axis values to be plotted
xlabel : string
label for x-axis
ylable : string
label for y-axis
plt.plot(x, y)
axes = plt.gca()
axes.set_ylim([0, 4])
def overlay_images(
img0, img1, *, title0="", title_mid="", title1="", fname=None, **fig_kwargs
r"""Plot two images one on top of the other using red and green channels.
Creates a figure containing three images: the first image to the left
plotted on the red channel of a color image, the second to the right
plotted on the green channel of a color image and the two given images on
top of each other using the red channel for the first image and the green
channel for the second one. It is assumed that both images have the same
shape. The intended use of this function is to visually assess the quality
of a registration result.
img0 : array, shape(R, C)
the image to be plotted on the red channel, to the left of the figure
img1 : array, shape(R, C)
the image to be plotted on the green channel, to the right of the
title0 : string, optional
the title to be written on top of the image to the left. By default, no
title is displayed.
title_mid : string, optional
the title to be written on top of the middle image. By default, no
title is displayed.
title1 : string, optional
the title to be written on top of the image to the right. By default,
no title is displayed.
fname : string, optional
the file name to write the resulting figure. If None (default), the
image is not saved.
fig_kwargs : dict
Extra parameters for saving figure, e.g. `dpi=300`.
# Normalize the input images to [0,255]
img0 = 255 * ((img0 - img0.min()) / (img0.max() - img0.min()))
img1 = 255 * ((img1 - img1.min()) / (img1.max() - img1.min()))
# Create the color images
img0_red = np.zeros(shape=img0.shape + (3,), dtype=np.uint8)
img1_green = np.zeros(shape=img0.shape + (3,), dtype=np.uint8)
overlay = np.zeros(shape=img0.shape + (3,), dtype=np.uint8)
# Copy the normalized intensities into the appropriate channels of the
# color images
img0_red[..., 0] = img0
img1_green[..., 1] = img1
overlay[..., 0] = img0
overlay[..., 1] = img1
fig = _tile_plot([img0_red, overlay, img1_green], [title0, title_mid, title1])
# If a file name was given, save the figure
if fname is not None:
fig.savefig(fname, bbox_inches="tight", **fig_kwargs)
return fig
def draw_lattice_2d(nrows, ncols, delta):
r"""Create a regular lattice of nrows x ncols squares.
Creates an image (2D array) of a regular lattice of nrows x ncols squares.
The size of each square is delta x delta pixels (not counting the
separation lines). The lines are one pixel width.
nrows : int
the number of squares to be drawn vertically
ncols : int
the number of squares to be drawn horizontally
delta : int
the size of each square of the grid. Each square is delta x delta
lattice : array, shape (R, C)
the image (2D array) of the segular lattice. The shape (R, C) of the
array is given by
R = 1 + (delta + 1) * nrows
C = 1 + (delta + 1) * ncols
lattice = np.ndarray(
(1 + (delta + 1) * nrows, 1 + (delta + 1) * ncols), dtype=np.float64
# Fill the lattice with "white"
lattice[...] = 127
# Draw the horizontal lines in "black"
for i in range(nrows + 1):
lattice[i * (delta + 1), :] = 0
# Draw the vertical lines in "black"
for j in range(ncols + 1):
lattice[:, j * (delta + 1)] = 0
return lattice
def plot_2d_diffeomorphic_map(
r"""Draw the effect of warping a regular lattice by a diffeomorphic map.
Draws a diffeomorphic map by showing the effect of the deformation on a
regular grid. The resulting figure contains two images: the direct
transformation is plotted to the left, and the inverse transformation is
plotted to the right.
mapping : DiffeomorphicMap object
the diffeomorphic map to be drawn
delta : int, optional
the size (in pixels) of the squares of the regular lattice to be used
to plot the warping effects. Each square will be delta x delta pixels.
By default, the size will be 10 pixels.
fname : string, optional
the name of the file the figure will be written to. If None (default),
the figure will not be saved to disk.
direct_grid_shape : tuple, shape (2,), optional
the shape of the grid image after being deformed by the direct
transformation. By default, the shape of the deformed grid is the
same as the grid of the displacement field, which is by default
equal to the shape of the fixed image. In other words, the resulting
deformed grid (deformed by the direct transformation) will normally
have the same shape as the fixed image.
direct_grid2world : array, shape (3, 3), optional
the affine transformation mapping the direct grid's coordinates to
physical space. By default, this transformation will correspond to
the image-to-world transformation corresponding to the default
direct_grid_shape (in general, if users specify a direct_grid_shape,
they should also specify direct_grid2world).
inverse_grid_shape : tuple, shape (2,), optional
the shape of the grid image after being deformed by the inverse
transformation. By default, the shape of the deformed grid under the
inverse transform is the same as the image used as "moving" when
the diffeomorphic map was generated by a registration algorithm
(so it corresponds to the effect of warping the static image towards
the moving).
inverse_grid2world : array, shape (3, 3), optional
the affine transformation mapping inverse grid's coordinates to
physical space. By default, this transformation will correspond to
the image-to-world transformation corresponding to the default
inverse_grid_shape (in general, if users specify an inverse_grid_shape,
they should also specify inverse_grid2world).
show_figure : bool, optional
if True (default), the deformed grids will be plotted using matplotlib,
else the grids are just returned
fig_kwargs : dict
Extra parameters for saving figure, e.g. `dpi=300`.
warped_forward : array
Image with the grid showing the effect of transforming the moving image to
the static image. The shape will be `direct_grid_shape` if specified,
otherwise the shape of the static image.
warped_backward : array
Image with the grid showing the effect of transforming the static image to
the moving image. Shape will be `inverse_grid_shape` if specified,
otherwise the shape of the moving image.
The default value for the affine transformation is "-1" to handle the case
in which the user provides "None" as input meaning "identity". If we used
None as default, we wouldn't know if the user specifically wants to use
the identity (specifically passing None) or if it was left unspecified,
meaning to use the appropriate default matrix.
if mapping.is_inverse:
# By default, direct_grid_shape is the codomain grid
if direct_grid_shape is None:
direct_grid_shape = mapping.codomain_shape
if direct_grid2world == -1:
direct_grid2world = mapping.codomain_grid2world
# By default, the inverse grid is the domain grid
if inverse_grid_shape is None:
inverse_grid_shape = mapping.domain_shape
if inverse_grid2world == -1:
inverse_grid2world = mapping.domain_grid2world
# Now by default, direct_grid_shape is the mapping's input grid
if direct_grid_shape is None:
direct_grid_shape = mapping.domain_shape
if direct_grid2world == -1:
direct_grid2world = mapping.domain_grid2world
# By default, the output grid is the mapping's domain grid
if inverse_grid_shape is None:
inverse_grid_shape = mapping.codomain_shape
if inverse_grid2world == -1:
inverse_grid2world = mapping.codomain_grid2world
# The world-to-image (image = drawn lattice on the output grid)
# transformation is the inverse of the output affine
world_to_image = None
if inverse_grid2world is not None:
world_to_image = np.linalg.inv(inverse_grid2world)
# Draw the squares on the output grid
lattice_out = draw_lattice_2d(
(inverse_grid_shape[0] + delta) // (delta + 1),
(inverse_grid_shape[1] + delta) // (delta + 1),
lattice_out = lattice_out[0 : inverse_grid_shape[0], 0 : inverse_grid_shape[1]]
# Warp in the forward direction (sampling it on the input grid)
warped_forward = mapping.transform(
# Now, the world-to-image (image = drawn lattice on the input grid)
# transformation is the inverse of the input affine
world_to_image = None
if direct_grid2world is not None:
world_to_image = np.linalg.inv(direct_grid2world)
# Draw the squares on the input grid
lattice_in = draw_lattice_2d(
(direct_grid_shape[0] + delta) // (delta + 1),
(direct_grid_shape[1] + delta) // (delta + 1),
lattice_in = lattice_in[0 : direct_grid_shape[0], 0 : direct_grid_shape[1]]
# Warp in the backward direction (sampling it on the output grid)
warped_backward = mapping.transform_inverse(
# Now plot the grids
if show_figure:
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1).set_axis_off()
plt.title("Direct transform")
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2).set_axis_off()
plt.title("Inverse transform")
# Finally, save the figure to disk
if fname is not None:
plt.savefig(fname, bbox_inches="tight", **fig_kwargs)
# Return the deformed grids
return warped_forward, warped_backward
def plot_slices(V, *, slice_indices=None, fname=None, **fig_kwargs):
r"""Plot 3 slices from the given volume: 1 sagittal, 1 coronal and 1 axial
Creates a figure showing the axial, coronal and sagittal slices at the
requested positions of the given volume. The requested slices are specified
by slice_indices.
V : array, shape (S, R, C)
the 3D volume to extract the slices from
slice_indices : array, shape (3,), optional
the indices of the sagittal (slice_indices[0]), coronal
and axial (slice_indices[2]) slices to be displayed. If None, the
middle slices along each direction are displayed.
fname : string, optional
the name of the file to save the figure to. If None (default), the
figure is not saved to disk.
fig_kwargs : dict
Extra parameters for saving figure, e.g. `dpi=300`.
if slice_indices is None:
slice_indices = np.array(V.shape) // 2
# Normalize the intensities to [0, 255]
V = np.asarray(V, dtype=np.float64)
V = 255 * (V - V.min()) / (V.max() - V.min())
# Extract the middle slices
axial = np.asarray(V[:, :, slice_indices[2]]).astype(np.uint8).T
coronal = np.asarray(V[:, slice_indices[1], :]).astype(np.uint8).T
sagittal = np.asarray(V[slice_indices[0], :, :]).astype(np.uint8).T
fig = _tile_plot(
[axial, coronal, sagittal],
["Axial", "Coronal", "Sagittal"],,
# Save the figure if requested
if fname is not None:
fig.savefig(fname, bbox_inches="tight", **fig_kwargs)
return fig
def overlay_slices(
r"""Plot three overlaid slices from the given volumes.
Creates a figure containing three images: the gray scale k-th slice of
the first volume (L) to the left, where k=slice_index, the k-th slice of
the second volume (R) to the right and the k-th slices of the two given
images on top of each other using the red channel for the first volume and
the green channel for the second one. It is assumed that both volumes have
the same shape. The intended use of this function is to visually assess the
quality of a registration result.
L : array, shape (S, R, C)
the first volume to extract the slice from plotted to the left
R : array, shape (S, R, C)
the second volume to extract the slice from, plotted to the right
slice_index : int, optional
the index of the slices (along the axis given by slice_type) to be
overlaid. If None, the slice along the specified axis is used
slice_type : int, optional
the type of slice to be extracted:
0=sagittal, 1=coronal (default), 2=axial.
ltitle : string, optional
the string to be written as the title of the left image. By default,
no title is displayed.
rtitle : string, optional
the string to be written as the title of the right image. By default,
no title is displayed.
fname : string, optional
the name of the file to write the image to. If None (default), the
figure is not saved to disk.
fig_kwargs: extra parameters for saving figure, e.g. `dpi=300`.
# Normalize the intensities to [0,255]
sh = L.shape
L = np.asarray(L, dtype=np.float64)
R = np.asarray(R, dtype=np.float64)
L = 255 * (L - L.min()) / (L.max() - L.min())
R = 255 * (R - R.min()) / (R.max() - R.min())
# Create the color image to draw the overlapped slices into, and extract
# the slices (note the transpositions)
if slice_type == 0:
if slice_index is None:
slice_index = sh[0] // 2
colorImage = np.zeros(shape=(sh[2], sh[1], 3), dtype=np.uint8)
ll = np.asarray(L[slice_index, :, :]).astype(np.uint8).T
rr = np.asarray(R[slice_index, :, :]).astype(np.uint8).T
elif slice_type == 1:
if slice_index is None:
slice_index = sh[1] // 2
colorImage = np.zeros(shape=(sh[2], sh[0], 3), dtype=np.uint8)
ll = np.asarray(L[:, slice_index, :]).astype(np.uint8).T
rr = np.asarray(R[:, slice_index, :]).astype(np.uint8).T
elif slice_type == 2:
if slice_index is None:
slice_index = sh[2] // 2
colorImage = np.zeros(shape=(sh[1], sh[0], 3), dtype=np.uint8)
ll = np.asarray(L[:, :, slice_index]).astype(np.uint8).T
rr = np.asarray(R[:, :, slice_index]).astype(np.uint8).T
print("Slice type must be 0, 1 or 2.")
# Draw the intensity images to the appropriate channels of the color image
# The "(ll > ll[0, 0])" condition is just an attempt to eliminate the
# background when its intensity is not exactly zero (the [0,0] corner is
# usually background)
colorImage[..., 0] = ll * (ll > ll[0, 0])
colorImage[..., 1] = rr * (rr > rr[0, 0])
fig = _tile_plot(
[ll, colorImage, rr],
[ltitle, "Overlay", rtitle],,
# Save the figure to disk, if requested
if fname is not None:
fig.savefig(fname, bbox_inches="tight", **fig_kwargs)
return fig