Source code for dipy.viz.streamline

import warnings

from dipy.testing.decorators import warning_for_keywords
from dipy.utils.optpkg import optional_package

plt, have_plt, _ = optional_package("matplotlib.pyplot")
fury, has_fury, _ = optional_package("fury", min_version="0.10.0")
if has_fury:
    from dipy.viz import actor, window

sagittal_deprecation_warning_msg = (
    "The view argument value `sagital` is deprecated and "  # codespell:ignore sagital
    "its support will be removed in a future version. Please, use `sagittal` instead."

[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def show_bundles( bundles, *, interactive=True, view="sagittal", colors=None, linewidth=0.3, save_as=None, ): """Render bundles to visualize them interactively or save them into a png. The function allows to just render the bundles in an interactive plot or to export them into a png file. Parameters ---------- bundles : list Bundles to be rendered. interactive : boolean, optional If True a 3D interactive rendering is created. Default is True. view : str, optional Viewing angle. Supported options: 'sagittal', 'axial' and 'coronal'. colors : list, optional Colors to be used for each bundle. If None default colors are used. linewidth : float, optional Width of each rendered streamline. Default is 0.3. save_as : str, optional If not None rendered scene is stored in a png file with that name. Default is None. """ if view == "sagital": # codespell:ignore sagital warnings.warn( sagittal_deprecation_warning_msg, category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) view = "sagittal" scene = window.Scene() scene.SetBackground(1.0, 1, 1) for i, bundle in enumerate(bundles): if colors is None: lines_actor = actor.streamtube(bundle, linewidth=linewidth) else: lines_actor = actor.streamtube( bundle, linewidth=linewidth, colors=colors[i] ) if view == "sagittal": lines_actor.RotateX(-90) lines_actor.RotateZ(90) elif view == "axial": pass elif view == "coronal": lines_actor.RotateX(-90) else: raise ValueError( "Invalid view argument value. Use 'sagittal', 'axial' or 'coronal'." ) scene.add(lines_actor) if interactive: if save_as is not None: window.record(scene=scene, n_frames=1, out_path=save_as, size=(900, 900))
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def viz_two_bundles(b1, b2, fname, *, c1=(1, 0, 0), c2=(0, 1, 0), interactive=False): """Render and plot two bundles to visualize them. Parameters ---------- b1 : Streamlines Bundle one to be rendered. b2 : Streamlines Bundle two to be rendered. fname: str Rendered scene is stored in a png file with that name. C1 : tuple, optional Color to be used for first bundle. Default red. C2 : tuple, optional Color to be used for second bundle. Default green. interactive : boolean, optional If True a 3D interactive rendering is created. Default is True. """ ren = window.Scene() ren.SetBackground(1, 1, 1) actor1 = actor.line(b1, colors=c1) actor1.GetProperty().SetEdgeVisibility(1) actor1.GetProperty().SetRenderLinesAsTubes(1) actor1.GetProperty().SetLineWidth(6) actor1.GetProperty().SetOpacity(1) actor1.RotateX(-70) actor1.RotateZ(90) ren.add(actor1) actor2 = actor.line(b2, colors=c2) actor2.GetProperty().SetEdgeVisibility(1) actor2.GetProperty().SetRenderLinesAsTubes(1) actor2.GetProperty().SetLineWidth(6) actor2.GetProperty().SetOpacity(1) actor2.RotateX(-70) actor2.RotateZ(90) ren.add(actor2) if interactive: window.record(scene=ren, n_frames=1, out_path=fname, size=(1200, 1200)) if interactive: im = plt.imread(fname) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) plt.imshow(im)
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def viz_vector_field( points_aligned, directions, colors, offsets, fname, *, bundle=None, interactive=False, ): """Render and plot vector field. Parameters ---------- points_aligned : List List containing starting positions of vectors. directions : List List containing unitary directions of vectors. colors : List List containing colors for each vector. offsets : List List containing vector field modules. fname: str Rendered scene is stored in a png file with that name. bundle : Streamlines, optional Bundle to be rendered with vector field (Default None). interactive : boolean, optional If True a 3D interactive rendering is created. Default is True. """ scene = window.Scene() scene.SetBackground(1.0, 1, 1) arrows = actor.arrow(points_aligned, directions, colors, scales=offsets) arrows.RotateX(-70) arrows.RotateZ(90) scene.add(arrows) if bundle: actor1 = actor.line(bundle, colors=(0, 0, 1)) actor1.RotateX(-70) actor1.RotateZ(90) scene.add(actor1) if interactive: window.record(scene=scene, n_frames=1, out_path=fname, size=(1200, 1200)) if interactive: im = plt.imread(fname) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) plt.imshow(im)
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def viz_displacement_mag(bundle, offsets, fname, *, interactive=False): """Render and plot displacement magnitude over the bundle. Parameters ---------- bundle : Streamlines, Bundle to be rendered. offsets : List List containing displacement magnitdues per point on the bundle. fname: str Rendered scene is stored in a png file with that name. interactive : boolean, optional If True a 3D interactive rendering is created. Default is True. """ scene = window.Scene() hue = (0.1, 0.9) hue = (0.9, 0.3) saturation = (0.5, 1) scene.background((1, 1, 1)) lut_cmap = actor.colormap_lookup_table( scale_range=(offsets.min(), offsets.max()), hue_range=hue, saturation_range=saturation, ) stream_actor = actor.line( bundle, colors=offsets, linewidth=7, lookup_colormap=lut_cmap ) stream_actor.RotateX(-70) stream_actor.RotateZ(90) scene.add(stream_actor) bar = actor.scalar_bar(lookup_table=lut_cmap) scene.add(bar) if interactive: window.record(scene=scene, n_frames=1, out_path=fname, size=(2000, 1500)) if interactive: im = plt.imread(fname) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) plt.imshow(im)