Source code for dipy.workflows.align

import logging
from os.path import join as pjoin
from warnings import warn

import nibabel as nib
import numpy as np

from dipy.align import affine_registration, motion_correction
from dipy.align.imaffine import AffineMap
from dipy.align.imwarp import DiffeomorphicMap, SymmetricDiffeomorphicRegistration
from dipy.align.metrics import CCMetric, EMMetric, SSDMetric
from dipy.align.reslice import reslice
from dipy.align.streamlinear import slr_with_qbx
from dipy.align.streamwarp import bundlewarp
from dipy.core.gradients import gradient_table, mask_non_weighted_bvals
from import read_bvals_bvecs
from import load_nifti, save_nifti, save_qa_metric
from dipy.tracking.streamline import set_number_of_points, transform_streamlines
from dipy.utils.optpkg import optional_package
from dipy.workflows.utils import handle_vol_idx
from dipy.workflows.workflow import Workflow

pd, have_pd, _ = optional_package("pandas")

[docs] def check_dimensions(static, moving): """Check the dimensions of the input images. Parameters ---------- static : 2D or 3D array the image to be used as reference during optimization. moving: 2D or 3D array the image to be used as "moving" during optimization. It is necessary to pre-align the moving image to ensure its domain lies inside the domain of the deformation fields. This is assumed to be accomplished by "pre-aligning" the moving image towards the static using an affine transformation given by the 'starting_affine' matrix. """ if len(static.shape) != len(moving.shape): raise ValueError( "Dimension mismatch: The input images must " "have same number of dimensions." ) if len(static.shape) > 3 and len(moving.shape) > 3: raise ValueError( "Dimension mismatch: One of the input should be 2D or 3D dimensions." )
[docs] class ResliceFlow(Workflow):
[docs] @classmethod def get_short_name(cls): return "reslice"
[docs] def run( self, input_files, new_vox_size, order=1, mode="constant", cval=0, num_processes=1, out_dir="", out_resliced="resliced.nii.gz", ): """Reslice data with new voxel resolution defined by ``new_vox_sz`` Parameters ---------- input_files : string Path to the input volumes. This path may contain wildcards to process multiple inputs at once. new_vox_size : variable float new voxel size. order : int, optional order of interpolation, from 0 to 5, for resampling/reslicing, 0 nearest interpolation, 1 trilinear etc.. if you don't want any smoothing 0 is the option you need. mode : string, optional Points outside the boundaries of the input are filled according to the given mode 'constant', 'nearest', 'reflect' or 'wrap'. cval : float, optional Value used for points outside the boundaries of the input if mode='constant'. num_processes : int, optional Split the calculation to a pool of children processes. This only applies to 4D `data` arrays. Default is 1. If < 0 the maximal number of cores minus ``num_processes + 1`` is used (enter -1 to use as many cores as possible). 0 raises an error. out_dir : string, optional Output directory. (default current directory) out_resliced : string, optional Name of the resliced dataset to be saved. """ io_it = self.get_io_iterator() for inputfile, outpfile in io_it: data, affine, vox_sz = load_nifti(inputfile, return_voxsize=True)"Processing {inputfile}") new_data, new_affine = reslice( data, affine, vox_sz, new_vox_size, order=order, mode=mode, cval=cval, num_processes=num_processes, ) save_nifti(outpfile, new_data, new_affine)"Resliced file save in {outpfile}")
[docs] class SlrWithQbxFlow(Workflow):
[docs] @classmethod def get_short_name(cls): return "slrwithqbx"
[docs] def run( self, static_files, moving_files, x0="affine", rm_small_clusters=50, qbx_thr=(40, 30, 20, 15), num_threads=None, greater_than=50, less_than=250, nb_pts=20, progressive=True, out_dir="", out_moved="moved.trk", out_affine="affine.txt", out_stat_centroids="static_centroids.trk", out_moving_centroids="moving_centroids.trk", out_moved_centroids="moved_centroids.trk", ): """Streamline-based linear registration. For efficiency we apply the registration on cluster centroids and remove small clusters. See :footcite:p:`Garyfallidis2014b`, :footcite:p:`Garyfallidis2015`, :footcite:p:`Garyfallidis2018` for further details. Parameters ---------- static_files : string List of reference/fixed bundle tractograms. moving_files : string List of target bundle tractograms that will be moved/registered to match the static bundles. x0 : string, optional rigid, similarity or affine transformation model. rm_small_clusters : int, optional Remove clusters that have less than `rm_small_clusters`. qbx_thr : variable int, optional Thresholds for QuickBundlesX. num_threads : int, optional Number of threads to be used for OpenMP parallelization. If None (default) the value of OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable is used if it is set, otherwise all available threads are used. If < 0 the maximal number of threads minus $|num_threads + 1|$ is used (enter -1 to use as many threads as possible). 0 raises an error. Only metrics using OpenMP will use this variable. greater_than : int, optional Keep streamlines that have length greater than this value. less_than : int, optional Keep streamlines have length less than this value. nb_pts : int, optional Number of points for discretizing each streamline. progressive : boolean, optional True to enable progressive registration. out_dir : string, optional Output directory. (default current directory) out_moved : string, optional Filename of moved tractogram. out_affine : string, optional Filename of affine for SLR transformation. out_stat_centroids : string, optional Filename of static centroids. out_moving_centroids : string, optional Filename of moving centroids. out_moved_centroids : string, optional Filename of moved centroids. Notes ----- The order of operations is the following. First short or long streamlines are removed. Second the tractogram or a random selection of the tractogram is clustered with QuickBundlesX. Then SLR :footcite:p:`Garyfallidis2015` is applied. References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ io_it = self.get_io_iterator()"QuickBundlesX clustering is in use")"QBX thresholds {qbx_thr}") for ( static_file, moving_file, out_moved_file, out_affine_file, static_centroids_file, moving_centroids_file, moved_centroids_file, ) in io_it:"Loading static file {static_file}")"Loading moving file {moving_file}") static_obj = nib.streamlines.load(static_file) moving_obj = nib.streamlines.load(moving_file) static, static_header = static_obj.streamlines, static_obj.header moving, moving_header = moving_obj.streamlines, moving_obj.header moved, affine, centroids_static, centroids_moving = slr_with_qbx( static, moving, x0=x0, rm_small_clusters=rm_small_clusters, greater_than=greater_than, less_than=less_than, qbx_thr=qbx_thr, )"Saving output file {out_moved_file}") new_tractogram = nib.streamlines.Tractogram( moved, affine_to_rasmm=np.eye(4) ), out_moved_file, header=moving_header)"Saving output file {out_affine_file}") np.savetxt(out_affine_file, affine)"Saving output file {static_centroids_file}") new_tractogram = nib.streamlines.Tractogram( centroids_static, affine_to_rasmm=np.eye(4) ) new_tractogram, static_centroids_file, header=static_header )"Saving output file {moving_centroids_file}") new_tractogram = nib.streamlines.Tractogram( centroids_moving, affine_to_rasmm=np.eye(4) ) new_tractogram, moving_centroids_file, header=moving_header ) centroids_moved = transform_streamlines(centroids_moving, affine)"Saving output file {moved_centroids_file}") new_tractogram = nib.streamlines.Tractogram( centroids_moved, affine_to_rasmm=np.eye(4) ) new_tractogram, moved_centroids_file, header=moving_header )
[docs] class ImageRegistrationFlow(Workflow): """ The registration workflow allows the user to use only one type of registration (such as center of mass or rigid body registration only). Alternatively, a registration can be done in a progressive manner. For example, using affine registration with progressive set to 'True' will involve center of mass, translation, rigid body and full affine registration. Whereas, when progressive is False the registration will include only center of mass and affine registration. The progressive registration will be slower but will improve the quality. This can be controlled by using the progressive flag (True by default). """
[docs] def run( self, static_image_files, moving_image_files, transform="affine", nbins=32, sampling_prop=None, metric="mi", level_iters=(10000, 1000, 100), sigmas=(3.0, 1.0, 0.0), factors=(4, 2, 1), progressive=True, save_metric=False, static_vol_idx=None, moving_vol_idx=None, out_dir="", out_moved="moved.nii.gz", out_affine="affine.txt", out_quality="quality_metric.txt", ): """ Parameters ---------- static_image_files : string Path to the static image file. moving_image_files : string Path to the moving image file. transform : string, optional ``'com'``: center of mass; ``'trans'``: translation; ``'rigid'``: rigid body; ``'rigid_isoscaling'``: rigid body + isotropic scaling, ``'rigid_scaling'``: rigid body + scaling; ``'affine'``: full affine including translation, rotation, shearing and scaling. nbins : int, optional Number of bins to discretize the joint and marginal PDF. sampling_prop : int, optional Number ([0-100]) of voxels for calculating the PDF. None implies all voxels. metric : string, optional Similarity metric for gathering mutual information. level_iters : variable int, optional The number of iterations at each scale of the scale space. `level_iters[0]` corresponds to the coarsest scale, `level_iters[-1]` the finest, where n is the length of the sequence. sigmas : variable floats, optional Custom smoothing parameter to build the scale space (one parameter for each scale). factors : variable floats, optional Custom scale factors to build the scale space (one factor for each scale). progressive : boolean, optional Enable/Disable the progressive registration. save_metric : boolean, optional If true, quality assessment metric are saved in 'quality_metric.txt'. static_vol_idx : str, optional 1D array representing indices of ``axis=-1`` of a 4D `static` input volume. From the command line use something like `3 4 5 6`. From script use something like `[3, 4, 5, 6]`. This input is required for 4D volumes. moving_vol_idx : str, optional 1D array representing indices of ``axis=-1`` of a 4D `moving` input volume. From the command line use something like `3 4 5 6`. From script use something like `[3, 4, 5, 6]`. This input is required for 4D volumes. out_dir : string, optional Directory to save the transformed image and the affine matrix (default current directory). out_moved : string, optional Name for the saved transformed image. out_affine : string, optional Name for the saved affine matrix. out_quality : string, optional Name of the file containing the saved quality metric. """ io_it = self.get_io_iterator() transform = transform.lower() metric = metric.upper() if metric != "MI": raise ValueError( "Invalid similarity metric: Please provide a" "valid metric." ) if progressive: pipeline_opt = { "com": ["center_of_mass"], "trans": ["center_of_mass", "translation"], "rigid": ["center_of_mass", "translation", "rigid"], "rigid_isoscaling": [ "center_of_mass", "translation", "rigid_isoscaling", ], "rigid_scaling": ["center_of_mass", "translation", "rigid_scaling"], "affine": ["center_of_mass", "translation", "rigid", "affine"], } else: pipeline_opt = { "com": ["center_of_mass"], "trans": ["center_of_mass", "translation"], "rigid": ["center_of_mass", "rigid"], "rigid_isoscaling": ["center_of_mass", "rigid_isoscaling"], "rigid_scaling": ["center_of_mass", "rigid_scaling"], "affine": ["center_of_mass", "affine"], } static_vol_idx = handle_vol_idx(static_vol_idx) moving_vol_idx = handle_vol_idx(moving_vol_idx) pipeline = pipeline_opt.get(transform) if pipeline is None: raise ValueError( "Invalid transformation:" " Please see program's help" " for allowed values of" " transformation." ) for static_img, mov_img, moved_file, affine_matrix_file, qual_val_file in io_it: # Load the data from the input files and store into objects. static, static_grid2world = load_nifti(static_img) moving, moving_grid2world = load_nifti(mov_img) if static_vol_idx is not None: static = static[..., static_vol_idx].mean(axis=-1) if moving_vol_idx is not None: moving = moving[..., moving_vol_idx].mean(axis=-1) check_dimensions(static, moving) starting_affine = None # If only center of mass is selected do not return metric if pipeline == ["center_of_mass"]: moved_image, affine_matrix = affine_registration( moving, static, moving_affine=moving_grid2world, static_affine=static_grid2world, pipeline=pipeline, starting_affine=starting_affine, metric=metric, level_iters=level_iters, sigmas=sigmas, factors=factors, nbins=nbins, sampling_proportion=sampling_prop, ) else: moved_image, affine_matrix, xopt, fopt = affine_registration( moving, static, moving_affine=moving_grid2world, static_affine=static_grid2world, pipeline=pipeline, starting_affine=starting_affine, metric=metric, level_iters=level_iters, sigmas=sigmas, factors=factors, ret_metric=True, nbins=nbins, sampling_proportion=sampling_prop, ) """ Saving the moved image file and the affine matrix. """"Optimal parameters: {str(xopt)}")"Similarity metric: {str(fopt)}") if save_metric: save_qa_metric(qual_val_file, xopt, fopt) save_nifti(moved_file, moved_image, static_grid2world) np.savetxt(affine_matrix_file, affine_matrix)
[docs] class ApplyTransformFlow(Workflow):
[docs] def run( self, static_image_files, moving_image_files, transform_map_file, transform_type="affine", out_dir="", out_file="transformed.nii.gz", ): """ Parameters ---------- static_image_files : string Path of the static image file. moving_image_files : string Path of the moving image(s). It can be a single image or a folder containing multiple images. transform_map_file : string For the affine case, it should be a text(``*.txt``) file containing the affine matrix. For the diffeomorphic case, it should be a nifti file containing the mapping displacement field in each voxel with this shape (x, y, z, 3, 2). transform_type : string, optional Select the transformation type to apply between 'affine' or 'diffeomorphic'. out_dir : string, optional Directory to save the transformed files (default current directory). out_file : string, optional Name of the transformed file. It is recommended to use the flag --mix-names to prevent the output files from being overwritten. """ if transform_type.lower() not in ["affine", "diffeomorphic"]: raise ValueError( "Invalid transformation type: Please" " provide a valid transform like 'affine'" " or 'diffeomorphic'" ) io = self.get_io_iterator() for static_image_file, moving_image_file, transform_file, out_file in io: # Loading the image data from the input files into object. static_image, static_grid2world = load_nifti(static_image_file) moving_image, moving_grid2world = load_nifti(moving_image_file) # Doing a sanity check for validating the dimensions of the input # images. if static_image.ndim > moving_image.ndim: static_image = static_image[..., 0] if static_image.ndim < moving_image.ndim: moving_image_full = moving_image moving_image = moving_image[..., 0] else: moving_image_full = None check_dimensions(static_image, moving_image) if transform_type.lower() == "affine": # Loading the affine matrix. affine_matrix = np.loadtxt(transform_file) # Setting up the affine transformation object. mapping = AffineMap( affine=affine_matrix, domain_grid_shape=static_image.shape, domain_grid2world=static_grid2world, codomain_grid_shape=moving_image.shape, codomain_grid2world=moving_grid2world, ) elif transform_type.lower() == "diffeomorphic": # Loading the diffeomorphic map. disp_data, disp_affine = load_nifti(transform_file) mapping = DiffeomorphicMap( 3, disp_data.shape[:3], disp_grid2world=np.linalg.inv(disp_affine), domain_shape=static_image.shape, domain_grid2world=static_grid2world, codomain_shape=moving_image.shape, codomain_grid2world=moving_grid2world, ) mapping.forward = disp_data[..., 0] mapping.backward = disp_data[..., 1] mapping.is_inverse = True # Transforming the image if moving_image_full is None: transformed = mapping.transform(moving_image) else: transformed = np.concatenate( [ mapping.transform(moving_image)[..., None] for moving_image in moving_image_full ], axis=-1, ) save_nifti(out_file, transformed, affine=static_grid2world)
[docs] class SynRegistrationFlow(Workflow):
[docs] def run( self, static_image_files, moving_image_files, prealign_file="", inv_static=False, level_iters=(10, 10, 5), metric="cc", mopt_sigma_diff=2.0, mopt_radius=4, mopt_smooth=0.0, mopt_inner_iter=0, mopt_q_levels=256, mopt_double_gradient=True, mopt_step_type="", step_length=0.25, ss_sigma_factor=0.2, opt_tol=1e-5, inv_iter=20, inv_tol=1e-3, out_dir="", out_warped="warped_moved.nii.gz", out_inv_static="inc_static.nii.gz", out_field="displacement_field.nii.gz", ): """ Parameters ---------- static_image_files : string Path of the static image file. moving_image_files : string Path to the moving image file. prealign_file : string, optional The text file containing pre alignment information via an affine matrix. inv_static : boolean, optional Apply the inverse mapping to the static image. level_iters : variable int, optional The number of iterations at each level of the gaussian pyramid. metric : string, optional The metric to be used. metric available: cc (Cross Correlation), ssd (Sum Squared Difference), em (Expectation-Maximization). mopt_sigma_diff : float, optional Metric option applied on Cross correlation (CC). The standard deviation of the Gaussian smoothing kernel to be applied to the update field at each iteration. mopt_radius : int, optional Metric option applied on Cross correlation (CC). the radius of the squared (cubic) neighborhood at each voxel to be considered to compute the cross correlation. mopt_smooth : float, optional Metric option applied on Sum Squared Difference (SSD) and Expectation Maximization (EM). Smoothness parameter, the larger the value the smoother the deformation field. (default 1.0 for EM, 4.0 for SSD) mopt_inner_iter : int, optional Metric option applied on Sum Squared Difference (SSD) and Expectation Maximization (EM). This is number of iterations to be performed at each level of the multi-resolution Gauss-Seidel optimization algorithm (this is not the number of steps per Gaussian Pyramid level, that parameter must be set for the optimizer, not the metric). Default 5 for EM, 10 for SSD. mopt_q_levels : int, optional Metric option applied on Expectation Maximization (EM). Number of quantization levels (Default: 256 for EM) mopt_double_gradient : bool, optional Metric option applied on Expectation Maximization (EM). if True, the gradient of the expected static image under the moving modality will be added to the gradient of the moving image, similarly, the gradient of the expected moving image under the static modality will be added to the gradient of the static image. mopt_step_type : string, optional Metric option applied on Sum Squared Difference (SSD) and Expectation Maximization (EM). The optimization schedule to be used in the multi-resolution Gauss-Seidel optimization algorithm (not used if Demons Step is selected). Possible value: ('gauss_newton', 'demons'). default: 'gauss_newton' for EM, 'demons' for SSD. step_length : float, optional the length of the maximum displacement vector of the update displacement field at each iteration. ss_sigma_factor : float, optional parameter of the scale-space smoothing kernel. For example, the std. dev. of the kernel will be factor*(2^i) in the isotropic case where i = 0, 1, ..., n_scales is the scale. opt_tol : float, optional the optimization will stop when the estimated derivative of the energy profile w.r.t. time falls below this threshold. inv_iter : int, optional the number of iterations to be performed by the displacement field inversion algorithm. inv_tol : float, optional the displacement field inversion algorithm will stop iterating when the inversion error falls below this threshold. out_dir : string, optional Directory to save the transformed files (default current directory). out_warped : string, optional Name of the warped file. out_inv_static : string, optional Name of the file to save the static image after applying the inverse mapping. out_field : string, optional Name of the file to save the diffeomorphic map. """ io_it = self.get_io_iterator() metric = metric.lower() if metric not in ["ssd", "cc", "em"]: raise ValueError( "Invalid similarity metric: Please" " provide a valid metric like 'ssd', 'cc', 'em'" )"Starting Diffeomorphic Registration")"Using {metric.upper()} Metric") # Init parameter if they are not setup init_param = { "ssd": { "mopt_smooth": 4.0, "mopt_inner_iter": 10, "mopt_step_type": "demons", }, "em": { "mopt_smooth": 1.0, "mopt_inner_iter": 5, "mopt_step_type": "gauss_newton", }, } mopt_smooth = ( mopt_smooth if mopt_smooth or metric == "cc" else init_param[metric]["mopt_smooth"] ) mopt_inner_iter = ( mopt_inner_iter if mopt_inner_iter or metric == "cc" else init_param[metric]["mopt_inner_iter"] ) # If using the 'cc' metric, force the `mopt_step_type` parameter to an # empty value since the 'cc' metric does not use it; for the rest of # the metrics, the `step_type` parameter will be initialized to their # corresponding default values in `init_param`. if metric == "cc": mopt_step_type = "" for ( static_file, moving_file, owarped_file, oinv_static_file, omap_file, ) in io_it:"Loading static file {static_file}")"Loading moving file {moving_file}") # Loading the image data from the input files into object. static_image, static_grid2world = load_nifti(static_file) moving_image, moving_grid2world = load_nifti(moving_file) # Sanity check for the input image dimensions. check_dimensions(static_image, moving_image) # Loading the affine matrix. prealign = np.loadtxt(prealign_file) if prealign_file else None # Note that `step_type` is initialized to the default value in # `init_param` for the metric that was not specified as a # parameter or if the `mopt_step_type` is empty. l_metric = { "ssd": SSDMetric( static_image.ndim, smooth=mopt_smooth, inner_iter=mopt_inner_iter, step_type=mopt_step_type if (mopt_step_type and mopt_step_type.strip()) and metric == "ssd" else init_param["ssd"]["mopt_step_type"], ), "cc": CCMetric( static_image.ndim, sigma_diff=mopt_sigma_diff, radius=mopt_radius ), "em": EMMetric( static_image.ndim, smooth=mopt_smooth, inner_iter=mopt_inner_iter, step_type=mopt_step_type if (mopt_step_type and mopt_step_type.strip()) and metric == "em" else init_param["em"]["mopt_step_type"], q_levels=mopt_q_levels, double_gradient=mopt_double_gradient, ), } current_metric = l_metric.get(metric.lower()) sdr = SymmetricDiffeomorphicRegistration( metric=current_metric, level_iters=level_iters, step_length=step_length, ss_sigma_factor=ss_sigma_factor, opt_tol=opt_tol, inv_iter=inv_iter, inv_tol=inv_tol, ) mapping = sdr.optimize( static_image, moving_image, static_grid2world=static_grid2world, moving_grid2world=moving_grid2world, prealign=prealign, ) mapping_data = np.array([mapping.forward.T, mapping.backward.T]).T warped_moving = mapping.transform(moving_image) mapping.is_inverse = True inv_static = mapping.transform(static_image) # Saving"Saving warped {owarped_file}") save_nifti(owarped_file, warped_moving, static_grid2world)"Saving inverse transformes static {oinv_static_file}") save_nifti(oinv_static_file, inv_static, static_grid2world)"Saving Diffeomorphic map {omap_file}") save_nifti(omap_file, mapping_data, mapping.codomain_world2grid)
[docs] class MotionCorrectionFlow(Workflow): """ The Motion Correction workflow allows the user to align between-volumes DWI dataset. """
[docs] def run( self, input_files, bvalues_files, bvectors_files, b0_threshold=50, bvecs_tol=0.01, out_dir="", out_moved="moved.nii.gz", out_affine="affine.txt", ): """ Parameters ---------- input_files : string Path to the input volumes. This path may contain wildcards to process multiple inputs at once. bvalues_files : string Path to the bvalues files. This path may contain wildcards to use multiple bvalues files at once. bvectors_files : string Path to the bvectors files. This path may contain wildcards to use multiple bvectors files at once. b0_threshold : float, optional Threshold used to find b0 volumes. bvecs_tol : float, optional Threshold used to check that norm(bvec) = 1 +/- bvecs_tol b-vectors are unit vectors out_dir : string, optional Directory to save the transformed image and the affine matrix (default current directory). out_moved : string, optional Name for the saved transformed image. out_affine : string, optional Name for the saved affine matrix. """ io_it = self.get_io_iterator() for dwi, bval, bvec, omoved, oafffine in io_it: # Load the data from the input files and store into objects."Loading {dwi}") data, affine = load_nifti(dwi) bvals, bvecs = read_bvals_bvecs(bval, bvec) # If all b-values are smaller or equal to the b0 threshold, it is # assumed that no thresholding is requested if any(mask_non_weighted_bvals(bvals, b0_threshold)): if b0_threshold < bvals.min(): warn( f"b0_threshold (value: {b0_threshold}) is too low, " "increase your b0_threshold. It should be higher than the " f"lowest b0 value ({bvals.min()}).", stacklevel=2, ) gtab = gradient_table( bvals, bvecs=bvecs, b0_threshold=b0_threshold, atol=bvecs_tol ) reg_img, reg_affines = motion_correction( data=data, gtab=gtab, affine=affine ) # Saving the corrected image file save_nifti(omoved, reg_img.get_fdata(), affine) # Write the affine matrix array to disk with open(oafffine, "w") as outfile: outfile.write(f"# Array shape: {reg_affines.shape}\n") for affine_slice in reg_affines: np.savetxt(outfile, affine_slice, fmt="%-7.2f") outfile.write("# New slice\n")
[docs] class BundleWarpFlow(Workflow):
[docs] @classmethod def get_short_name(cls): return "bundlewarp"
[docs] def run( self, static_file, moving_file, dist=None, alpha=0.3, beta=20, max_iter=15, affine=True, out_dir="", out_linear_moved="linearly_moved.trk", out_nonlinear_moved="nonlinearly_moved.trk", out_warp_transform="warp_transform.npy", out_warp_kernel="warp_kernel.npy", out_dist="distance_matrix.npy", out_matched_pairs="matched_pairs.npy", ): """BundleWarp: streamline-based nonlinear registration. BundleWarp :footcite:p:`Chandio2023` is a nonrigid registration method for deformable registration of white matter tracts. Parameters ---------- static_file : string Path to the static (reference) .trk file. moving_file : string Path to the moving (target to be registered) .trk file. dist : string, optional Path to the precalculated distance matrix file. alpha : float, optional Represents the trade-off between regularizing the deformation and having points match very closely. Lower value of alpha means high deformations. It is represented with λ in BundleWarp paper. NOTE: setting alpha<=0.01 will result in highly deformable registration that could extremely modify the original anatomy of the moving bundle. beta : int, optional Represents the strength of the interaction between points Gaussian kernel size. max_iter : int, optional Maximum number of iterations for deformation process in ml-CPD method. affine : boolean, optional If False, use rigid registration as starting point. (default True) out_dir : string, optional Output directory. (default current directory) out_linear_moved : string, optional Filename of linearly moved bundle. out_nonlinear_moved : string, optional Filename of nonlinearly moved (warped) bundle. out_warp_transform : string, optional Filename of warp transformations generated by BundleWarp. out_warp_kernel : string, optional Filename of regularization gaussian kernel generated by BundleWarp. out_dist : string, optional Filename of MDF distance matrix. out_matched_pairs : string, optional Filename of matched pairs; streamline correspondences between two bundles. References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """"Loading static file {static_file}")"Loading moving file {moving_file}") static_obj = nib.streamlines.load(static_file) moving_obj = nib.streamlines.load(moving_file) static, _ = static_obj.streamlines, static_obj.header moving, moving_header = moving_obj.streamlines, moving_obj.header static = set_number_of_points(static, nb_points=20) moving = set_number_of_points(moving, nb_points=20) deformed_bundle, affine_bundle, dists, mp, warp = bundlewarp( static, moving, dist=dist, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, max_iter=max_iter, affine=affine, )"Saving output file {out_linear_moved}") new_tractogram = nib.streamlines.Tractogram( affine_bundle, affine_to_rasmm=np.eye(4) ) new_tractogram, pjoin(out_dir, out_linear_moved), header=moving_header )"Saving output file {out_nonlinear_moved}") new_tractogram = nib.streamlines.Tractogram( deformed_bundle, affine_to_rasmm=np.eye(4) ) new_tractogram, pjoin(out_dir, out_nonlinear_moved), header=moving_header )"Saving output file {out_warp_transform}"), out_warp_transform), np.array(warp["transforms"]))"Saving output file {out_warp_kernel}"), out_warp_kernel), np.array(warp["gaussian_kernel"]))"Saving output file {out_dist}"), out_dist), dist)"Saving output file {out_matched_pairs}"), out_matched_pairs), mp)