Source code for dipy.workflows.base

import argparse
import inspect

from dipy.workflows.docstring_parser import NumpyDocString

[docs] def get_args_default(func): sig_object = inspect.signature(func) params = sig_object.parameters.values() names = [ for param in params if != "self"] defaults = [ param.default for param in params if param.default is not inspect._empty ] return names, defaults
[docs] def none_or_dtype(dtype): """Check None presence before type casting.""" local_type = dtype def inner(value): if value in ["None", "none"]: return "None" return local_type(value) return inner
[docs] class IntrospectiveArgumentParser(argparse.ArgumentParser): def __init__( self, prog=None, usage=None, description=None, epilog=None, parents=(), formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, prefix_chars="-", fromfile_prefix_chars=None, argument_default=None, conflict_handler="resolve", add_help=True, ): """Augmenting the argument parser to allow automatic creation of arguments from workflows Parameters ---------- prog : None The name of the program. (default: sys.argv[0]) usage : None A usage message. (default: auto-generated from arguments) description : str A description of what the program does. epilog : str Text following the argument descriptions. parents : list Parsers whose arguments should be copied into this one. formatter_class : obj HelpFormatter class for printing help messages. prefix_chars : str Characters that prefix optional arguments. fromfile_prefix_chars : None Characters that prefix files containing additional arguments. argument_default : None The default value for all arguments. conflict_handler : str String indicating how to handle conflicts. add_help : bool Add a -h/-help option. """ iap = IntrospectiveArgumentParser if epilog is None: epilog = ( "References: \n" "Garyfallidis, E., M. Brett, B. Amirbekian, A. Rokem," " S. Van Der Walt, M. Descoteaux, and I. Nimmo-Smith. Dipy, a" " library for the analysis of diffusion MRI data. Frontiers" " in Neuroinformatics, 1-18, 2014." ) super(iap, self).__init__( prog=prog, usage=usage, description=description, epilog=epilog, parents=parents, formatter_class=formatter_class, prefix_chars=prefix_chars, fromfile_prefix_chars=fromfile_prefix_chars, argument_default=argument_default, conflict_handler=conflict_handler, add_help=add_help, ) self.doc = None
[docs] def add_workflow(self, workflow): """Take a workflow object and use introspection to extract the parameters, types and docstrings of its run method. Then add these parameters to the current arparser's own params to parse. If the workflow is of type combined_workflow, the optional input parameters of its sub workflows will also be added. Parameters ---------- workflow : dipy.workflows.workflow.Workflow Workflow from which to infer parameters. Returns ------- sub_flow_optionals : dictionary of all sub workflow optional parameters """ doc = inspect.getdoc( npds = NumpyDocString(doc) self.doc = npds["Parameters"] self.description = ( f"{' '.join(npds['Summary'])}\n\n{' '.join(npds['Extended Summary'])}" ) if npds["References"]: ref_text = [text or "\n" for text in npds["References"]] ref_idx = self.epilog.find("References: \n") + len("References: \n") self.epilog = ( f"{self.epilog[:ref_idx]}{''.join(ref_text)}\n\n{self.epilog[ref_idx:]}" ) self._output_params = [ param for param in npds["Parameters"] if "out_" in param[0] ] self._positional_params = [ param for param in npds["Parameters"] if "optional" not in param[1] and "out_" not in param[0] ] self._optional_params = [ param for param in npds["Parameters"] if "optional" in param[1] ] args, defaults = get_args_default( output_args = self.add_argument_group("output arguments(optional)") len_args = len(args) len_defaults = len(defaults) nb_positional_variable = 0 if len_args != len(self.doc): raise ValueError( self.prog + ": Number of parameters in the " "doc string and run method does not match. " "Please ensure that the number of parameters " "in the run method is same as the doc string." ) for i, arg in enumerate(args): prefix = "" is_optional = i >= len_args - len_defaults if is_optional: prefix = "--" typestr = self.doc[i][1] dtype, isnarg = self._select_dtype(typestr) help_msg = " ".join(self.doc[i][2]) _args = [f"{prefix}{arg}"] _kwargs = {"help": help_msg, "type": dtype, "action": "store"} if is_optional: _kwargs["metavar"] = dtype.__name__ if dtype is bool: _kwargs["action"] = "store_true" default_ = {arg: False} self.set_defaults(**default_) del _kwargs["type"] del _kwargs["metavar"] elif dtype is bool: _kwargs["type"] = int _kwargs["choices"] = [0, 1] if dtype is tuple: _kwargs["type"] = str if isnarg: if is_optional: _kwargs["nargs"] = "*" else: _kwargs["nargs"] = "+" nb_positional_variable += 1 if "out_" in arg: output_args.add_argument(*_args, **_kwargs) else: if _kwargs["action"] != "store_true": _kwargs["type"] = none_or_dtype(_kwargs["type"]) self.add_argument(*_args, **_kwargs) if nb_positional_variable > 1: raise ValueError( self.prog + " : All positional arguments present" " are gathered into a list. It does not make" "much sense to have more than one positional" " argument with 'variable string' as dtype." " Please, ensure that 'variable (type)'" " appears only once as a positional argument." ) return self.add_sub_flow_args(workflow.get_sub_runs())
[docs] def add_sub_flow_args(self, sub_flows): """Take an array of workflow objects and use introspection to extract the parameters, types and docstrings of their run method. Only the optional input parameters are extracted for these as they are treated as sub workflows. Parameters ---------- sub_flows : array of dipy.workflows.workflow.Workflow Workflows to inspect. Returns ------- sub_flow_optionals : dictionary of all sub workflow optional parameters """ sub_flow_optionals = {} for name, flow, short_name in sub_flows: sub_flow_optionals[name] = {} doc = inspect.getdoc(flow) npds = NumpyDocString(doc) _doc = npds["Parameters"] args, defaults = get_args_default(flow) len_args = len(args) len_defaults = len(defaults) flow_args = self.add_argument_group(f"{name} arguments(optional)") for i, arg_name in enumerate(args): is_not_optionnal = i < len_args - len_defaults if "out_" in arg_name or is_not_optionnal: continue arg_name = f"{short_name}.{arg_name}" sub_flow_optionals[name][arg_name] = None prefix = "--" typestr = _doc[i][1] dtype, isnarg = self._select_dtype(typestr) help_msg = "".join(_doc[i][2]) _args = [f"{prefix}{arg_name}"] _kwargs = { "help": help_msg, "type": dtype, "action": "store", "metavar": dtype.__name__, } if dtype is bool: _kwargs["action"] = "store_true" default_ = {arg_name: False} self.set_defaults(**default_) del _kwargs["type"] del _kwargs["metavar"] elif dtype is bool: _kwargs["type"] = int _kwargs["choices"] = [0, 1] if dtype is tuple: _kwargs["type"] = str if isnarg: _kwargs["nargs"] = "*" if _kwargs["action"] != "store_true": _kwargs["type"] = none_or_dtype(_kwargs["type"]) flow_args.add_argument(*_args, **_kwargs) return sub_flow_optionals
def _select_dtype(self, text): """Analyses a docstring parameter line and returns the good argparser type. Parameters ---------- text : string Parameter text line to inspect. Returns ------- arg_type : The type found by inspecting the text line. is_nargs : Whether or not this argument is nargs (arparse's multiple values argument) """ text = text.lower() nargs_str = "variable" is_nargs = nargs_str in text arg_type = None if "str" in text: arg_type = str if "int" in text: arg_type = int if "float" in text: arg_type = float if "bool" in text: arg_type = bool if "tuple" in text: arg_type = tuple return arg_type, is_nargs
[docs] def get_flow_args(self, args=None, namespace=None): """Return the parsed arguments as a dictionary that will be used as a workflow's run method arguments. """ ns_args = self.parse_args(args, namespace) dct = vars(ns_args) res = {k: v for k, v in dct.items() if v is not None} res.update({k: None for k, v in res.items() if v == "None"}) return res
[docs] def update_argument(self, *args, **kargs): self.add_argument(*args, **kargs)
[docs] def show_argument(self, dest): for act in self._actions[1:]: if act.dest == dest: print(act)
[docs] def add_epilogue(self): pass
[docs] def add_description(self): pass
@property def output_parameters(self): return self._output_params @property def positional_parameters(self): return self._positional_params @property def optional_parameters(self): return self._optional_params