Source code for dipy.workflows.segment

import logging
from time import time

import numpy as np

from import load_nifti, save_nifti
from import Space, StatefulTractogram
from import load_tractogram, save_tractogram
from dipy.segment.bundles import RecoBundles
from dipy.segment.mask import median_otsu
from dipy.tracking import Streamlines
from dipy.workflows.utils import handle_vol_idx
from dipy.workflows.workflow import Workflow

[docs] class MedianOtsuFlow(Workflow):
[docs] @classmethod def get_short_name(cls): return "medotsu"
[docs] def run( self, input_files, save_masked=False, median_radius=2, numpass=5, autocrop=False, vol_idx=None, dilate=None, finalize_mask=False, out_dir="", out_mask="brain_mask.nii.gz", out_masked="dwi_masked.nii.gz", ): """Workflow wrapping the median_otsu segmentation method. Applies median_otsu segmentation on each file found by 'globing' ``input_files`` and saves the results in a directory specified by ``out_dir``. Parameters ---------- input_files : string Path to the input volumes. This path may contain wildcards to process multiple inputs at once. save_masked : bool, optional Save mask. median_radius : int, optional Radius (in voxels) of the applied median filter. numpass : int, optional Number of pass of the median filter. autocrop : bool, optional If True, the masked input_volumes will also be cropped using the bounding box defined by the masked data. For example, if diffusion images are of 1x1x1 (mm^3) or higher resolution auto-cropping could reduce their size in memory and speed up some of the analysis. vol_idx : str, optional 1D array representing indices of ``axis=-1`` of a 4D `input_volume`. From the command line use something like '1,2,3-5,7'. This input is required for 4D volumes. dilate : int, optional number of iterations for binary dilation. finalize_mask : bool, optional Whether to remove potential holes or islands. Useful for solving minor errors. out_dir : string, optional Output directory. (default current directory) out_mask : string, optional Name of the mask volume to be saved. out_masked : string, optional Name of the masked volume to be saved. """ io_it = self.get_io_iterator() vol_idx = handle_vol_idx(vol_idx) for fpath, mask_out_path, masked_out_path in io_it:"Applying median_otsu segmentation on {fpath}") data, affine, img = load_nifti(fpath, return_img=True) masked_volume, mask_volume = median_otsu( data, vol_idx=vol_idx, median_radius=median_radius, numpass=numpass, autocrop=autocrop, dilate=dilate, finalize_mask=finalize_mask, ) save_nifti(mask_out_path, mask_volume.astype(np.float64), affine)"Mask saved as {mask_out_path}") if save_masked: save_nifti(masked_out_path, masked_volume, affine, hdr=img.header)"Masked volume saved as {masked_out_path}") return io_it
[docs] class RecoBundlesFlow(Workflow):
[docs] @classmethod def get_short_name(cls): return "recobundles"
[docs] def run( self, streamline_files, model_bundle_files, greater_than=50, less_than=1000000, no_slr=False, clust_thr=15.0, reduction_thr=15.0, reduction_distance="mdf", model_clust_thr=2.5, pruning_thr=8.0, pruning_distance="mdf", slr_metric="symmetric", slr_transform="similarity", slr_matrix="small", refine=False, r_reduction_thr=12.0, r_pruning_thr=6.0, no_r_slr=False, out_dir="", out_recognized_transf="recognized.trk", out_recognized_labels="labels.npy", ): """Recognize bundles See :footcite:p:`Garyfallidis2018` and :footcite:p:`Chandio2020a` for further details about the method. Parameters ---------- streamline_files : string The path of streamline files where you want to recognize bundles. model_bundle_files : string The path of model bundle files. greater_than : int, optional Keep streamlines that have length greater than this value in mm. less_than : int, optional Keep streamlines have length less than this value in mm. no_slr : bool, optional Don't enable local Streamline-based Linear Registration. clust_thr : float, optional MDF distance threshold for all streamlines. reduction_thr : float, optional Reduce search space by (mm). reduction_distance : string, optional Reduction distance type can be mdf or mam. model_clust_thr : float, optional MDF distance threshold for the model bundles. pruning_thr : float, optional Pruning after matching. pruning_distance : string, optional Pruning distance type can be mdf or mam. slr_metric : string, optional Options are None, symmetric, asymmetric or diagonal. slr_transform : string, optional Transformation allowed. translation, rigid, similarity or scaling. slr_matrix : string, optional Options are 'nano', 'tiny', 'small', 'medium', 'large', 'huge'. refine : bool, optional Enable refine recognized bundle. r_reduction_thr : float, optional Refine reduce search space by (mm). r_pruning_thr : float, optional Refine pruning after matching. no_r_slr : bool, optional Don't enable Refine local Streamline-based Linear Registration. out_dir : string, optional Output directory. (default current directory) out_recognized_transf : string, optional Recognized bundle in the space of the model bundle. out_recognized_labels : string, optional Indices of recognized bundle in the original tractogram. References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ slr = not no_slr r_slr = not no_r_slr bounds = [ (-30, 30), (-30, 30), (-30, 30), (-45, 45), (-45, 45), (-45, 45), (0.8, 1.2), (0.8, 1.2), (0.8, 1.2), ] slr_matrix = slr_matrix.lower() if slr_matrix == "nano": slr_select = (100, 100) if slr_matrix == "tiny": slr_select = (250, 250) if slr_matrix == "small": slr_select = (400, 400) if slr_matrix == "medium": slr_select = (600, 600) if slr_matrix == "large": slr_select = (800, 800) if slr_matrix == "huge": slr_select = (1200, 1200) slr_transform = slr_transform.lower() if slr_transform == "translation": bounds = bounds[:3] if slr_transform == "rigid": bounds = bounds[:6] if slr_transform == "similarity": bounds = bounds[:7] if slr_transform == "scaling": bounds = bounds[:9]"### RecoBundles ###") io_it = self.get_io_iterator() t = time() input_obj = load_tractogram(streamline_files, "same", bbox_valid_check=False) streamlines = input_obj.streamlines" Loading time {time() - t:0.3f} sec") rb = RecoBundles(streamlines, greater_than=greater_than, less_than=less_than) for _, mb, out_rec, out_labels in io_it: t = time() model_bundle = load_tractogram( mb, "same", bbox_valid_check=False ).streamlines" Loading time {time() - t:0.3f} sec")"model file = ") recognized_bundle, labels = rb.recognize( model_bundle, model_clust_thr=model_clust_thr, reduction_thr=reduction_thr, reduction_distance=reduction_distance, pruning_thr=pruning_thr, pruning_distance=pruning_distance, slr=slr, slr_metric=slr_metric, slr_x0=slr_transform, slr_bounds=bounds, slr_select=slr_select, slr_method="L-BFGS-B", ) if refine: if len(recognized_bundle) > 1: # affine x0 = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1, 0, 0, 0]) affine_bounds = [ (-30, 30), (-30, 30), (-30, 30), (-45, 45), (-45, 45), (-45, 45), (0.8, 1.2), (0.8, 1.2), (0.8, 1.2), (-10, 10), (-10, 10), (-10, 10), ] recognized_bundle, labels = rb.refine( model_bundle, recognized_bundle, model_clust_thr=model_clust_thr, reduction_thr=r_reduction_thr, reduction_distance=reduction_distance, pruning_thr=r_pruning_thr, pruning_distance=pruning_distance, slr=r_slr, slr_metric=slr_metric, slr_x0=x0, slr_bounds=affine_bounds, slr_select=slr_select, slr_method="L-BFGS-B", ) if len(labels) > 0: ba, bmd = rb.evaluate_results( model_bundle, recognized_bundle, slr_select )"Bundle adjacency Metric {ba}")"Bundle Min Distance Metric {bmd}") new_tractogram = StatefulTractogram( recognized_bundle, streamline_files, Space.RASMM ) save_tractogram(new_tractogram, out_rec, bbox_valid_check=False)"Saving output files ..."), np.array(labels))
[docs] class LabelsBundlesFlow(Workflow):
[docs] @classmethod def get_short_name(cls): return "labelsbundles"
[docs] def run( self, streamline_files, labels_files, out_dir="", out_bundle="recognized_orig.trk", ): """Extract bundles using existing indices (labels) See :footcite:p:`Garyfallidis2018` for further details about the method. Parameters ---------- streamline_files : string The path of streamline files where you want to recognize bundles. labels_files : string The path of model bundle files. out_dir : string, optional Output directory. (default current directory) out_bundle : string, optional Recognized bundle in the space of the model bundle. References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """"### Labels to Bundles ###") io_it = self.get_io_iterator() for f_steamlines, f_labels, out_bundle in io_it: sft = load_tractogram(f_steamlines, "same", bbox_valid_check=False) streamlines = sft.streamlines location = np.load(f_labels) if len(location) < 1: bundle = Streamlines([]) else: bundle = streamlines[location]"Saving output files ...") new_sft = StatefulTractogram(bundle, sft, Space.RASMM) save_tractogram(new_sft, out_bundle, bbox_valid_check=False)