import numbers
from functools import reduce
from operator import mul
import numpy as np
MEGABYTE = 1024 * 1024
def is_array_sequence(obj):
"""Return True if `obj` is an array sequence."""
return obj.is_array_sequence
except AttributeError:
return False
def is_ndarray_of_int_or_bool(obj):
return isinstance(obj, np.ndarray) and (
np.issubdtype(obj.dtype, np.integer) or np.issubdtype(obj.dtype, np.bool_)
class _BuildCache:
def __init__(self, arr_seq, common_shape, dtype):
self.offsets = list(arr_seq._offsets)
self.lengths = list(arr_seq._lengths)
self.next_offset = arr_seq._get_next_offset()
self.bytes_per_buf = arr_seq._buffer_size * MEGABYTE
# Use the passed dtype only if null data array
self.dtype = dtype if arr_seq._data.size == 0 else arr_seq._data.dtype
if arr_seq.common_shape != () and common_shape != arr_seq.common_shape:
raise ValueError('All dimensions, except the first one, must match exactly')
self.common_shape = common_shape
n_in_row = reduce(mul, common_shape, 1)
bytes_per_row = n_in_row * dtype.itemsize
self.rows_per_buf = max(1, self.bytes_per_buf // bytes_per_row)
def update_seq(self, arr_seq):
arr_seq._offsets = np.array(self.offsets)
arr_seq._lengths = np.array(self.lengths)
def _define_operators(cls):
"""Decorator which adds support for some Python operators."""
def _wrap(cls, op, inplace=False, unary=False):
def fn_unary_op(self):
return self._op(op)
except SystemError as e:
message = (
'Numpy returned an uninformative error. It possibly should be '
"'Integers to negative integer powers are not allowed.' "
'See for details.'
raise ValueError(message) from e
def fn_binary_op(self, value):
return self._op(op, value, inplace=inplace)
except SystemError as e:
message = (
'Numpy returned an uninformative error. It possibly should be '
"'Integers to negative integer powers are not allowed.' "
'See for details.'
raise ValueError(message) from e
setattr(cls, op, fn_unary_op if unary else fn_binary_op)
fn = getattr(cls, op)
fn.__name__ = op
fn.__doc__ = getattr(np.ndarray, op).__doc__
for op in (
_wrap(cls, op=op, inplace=False)
_wrap(cls, op=f"__i{op.strip('_')}__", inplace=True)
for op in ('__eq__', '__ne__', '__lt__', '__le__', '__gt__', '__ge__'):
_wrap(cls, op)
for op in ('__neg__', '__abs__', '__invert__'):
_wrap(cls, op, unary=True)
return cls
class ArraySequence:
"""Sequence of ndarrays having variable first dimension sizes.
This is a container that can store multiple ndarrays where each ndarray
might have a different first dimension size but a *common* size for the
remaining dimensions.
More generally, an instance of :class:`ArraySequence` of length $N$ is
composed of $N$ ndarrays of shape $(d_1, d_2, ... d_D)$ where $d_1$
can vary in length between arrays but $(d_2, ..., d_D)$ have to be the
same for every ndarray.
def __init__(self, iterable=None, buffer_size=4):
"""Initialize array sequence instance
iterable : None or iterable or :class:`ArraySequence`, optional
If None, create an empty :class:`ArraySequence` object.
If iterable, create a :class:`ArraySequence` object initialized
from array-like objects yielded by the iterable.
If :class:`ArraySequence`, create a view (no memory is allocated).
For an actual copy use :meth:`.copy` instead.
buffer_size : float, optional
Size (in Mb) for memory allocation when `iterable` is a generator.
# Create new empty `ArraySequence` object.
self._is_view = False
self._data = np.array([])
self._offsets = np.array([], dtype=np.intp)
self._lengths = np.array([], dtype=np.intp)
self._buffer_size = buffer_size
self._build_cache = None
if iterable is None:
if is_array_sequence(iterable):
# Create a view.
self._data = iterable._data
self._offsets = iterable._offsets
self._lengths = iterable._lengths
self._is_view = True
def is_sliced_view(self):
return self._lengths.sum() != self._data.shape[0]
def is_array_sequence(self):
return True
def common_shape(self):
"""Matching shape of the elements in this array sequence."""
return self._data.shape[1:]
def total_nb_rows(self):
"""Total number of rows in this array sequence."""
return np.sum(self._lengths)
def get_data(self):
"""Returns a *copy* of the elements in this array sequence.
To modify the data on this array sequence, one can use
in-place mathematical operators (e.g., `seq += ...`) or the use
assignment operator (i.e, `seq[...] = value`).
return self.copy()._data
def _check_shape(self, arrseq):
"""Check whether this array sequence is compatible with another."""
msg = 'cannot perform operation - array sequences have different'
if len(self._lengths) != len(arrseq._lengths):
msg += f' lengths: {len(self._lengths)} vs. {len(arrseq._lengths)}.'
raise ValueError(msg)
if self.total_nb_rows != arrseq.total_nb_rows:
msg += f' amount of data: {self.total_nb_rows} vs. {arrseq.total_nb_rows}.'
raise ValueError(msg)
if self.common_shape != arrseq.common_shape:
msg += f' common shape: {self.common_shape} vs. {arrseq.common_shape}.'
raise ValueError(msg)
return True
def _get_next_offset(self):
"""Offset in ``self._data`` at which to write next rowelement"""
if len(self._offsets) == 0:
return 0
imax = np.argmax(self._offsets)
return self._offsets[imax] + self._lengths[imax]
def append(self, element, cache_build=False):
"""Appends `element` to this array sequence.
Append can be a lot faster if it knows that it is appending several
elements instead of a single element. In that case it can cache the
parameters it uses between append operations, in a "build cache". To
tell append to do this, use ``cache_build=True``. If you use
``cache_build=True``, you need to finalize the append operations with
element : ndarray
Element to append. The shape must match already inserted elements
shape except for the first dimension.
cache_build : {False, True}
Whether to save the build cache from this append routine. If True,
append can assume it is the only player updating `self`, and the
caller must finalize `self` after all append operations, with
If you need to add multiple elements you should consider
element = np.asarray(element)
if element.size == 0:
el_shape = element.shape
n_items, common_shape = el_shape[0], el_shape[1:]
build_cache = self._build_cache
in_cached_build = build_cache is not None
if not in_cached_build: # One shot append, not part of sequence
build_cache = _BuildCache(self, common_shape, element.dtype)
next_offset = build_cache.next_offset
req_rows = next_offset + n_items
if self._data.shape[0] < req_rows:
self._resize_data_to(req_rows, build_cache)
self._data[next_offset:req_rows] = element
build_cache.next_offset = req_rows
if in_cached_build:
if cache_build:
self._build_cache = build_cache
def finalize_append(self):
"""Finalize process of appending several elements to `self`
:meth:`append` can be a lot faster if it knows that it is appending
several elements instead of a single element. To tell the append
method this is the case, use ``cache_build=True``. This method
finalizes the series of append operations after a call to
:meth:`append` with ``cache_build=True``.
if self._build_cache is None:
self._build_cache = None
def _resize_data_to(self, n_rows, build_cache):
"""Resize data array if required"""
# Calculate new data shape, rounding up to nearest buffer size
n_bufs = np.ceil(n_rows / build_cache.rows_per_buf)
extended_n_rows = int(n_bufs * build_cache.rows_per_buf)
new_shape = (extended_n_rows,) + build_cache.common_shape
if self._data.size == 0:
self._data = np.empty(new_shape, dtype=build_cache.dtype)
except ValueError:
self._data = self._data.copy()
self._data.resize(new_shape, refcheck=False)
def shrink_data(self):
self._data.resize((self._get_next_offset(),) + self.common_shape, refcheck=False)
def extend(self, elements):
"""Appends all `elements` to this array sequence.
elements : iterable of ndarrays or :class:`ArraySequence` object
If iterable of ndarrays, each ndarray will be concatenated along
the first dimension then appended to the data of this
If :class:`ArraySequence` object, its data are simply appended to
the data of this ArraySequence.
The shape of the elements to be added must match the one of the data of
this :class:`ArraySequence` except for the first dimension.
# If possible try pre-allocating memory.
iter_len = len(elements)
except TypeError:
else: # We do know the iterable length
if iter_len == 0:
e0 = np.asarray(elements[0])
n_elements = np.sum([len(e) for e in elements])
self._build_cache = _BuildCache(self, e0.shape[1:], e0.dtype)
self._resize_data_to(self._get_next_offset() + n_elements, self._build_cache)
for e in elements:
self.append(e, cache_build=True)
def copy(self):
"""Creates a copy of this :class:`ArraySequence` object.
seq_copy : :class:`ArraySequence` instance
Copy of `self`.
We do not simply deepcopy this object because we have a chance to use
less memory. For example, if the array sequence being copied is the
result of a slicing operation on an array sequence.
seq = self.__class__()
total_lengths = np.sum(self._lengths)
seq._data = np.empty((total_lengths,) + self._data.shape[1:], dtype=self._data.dtype)
next_offset = 0
offsets = []
for offset, length in zip(self._offsets, self._lengths):
chunk = self._data[offset : offset + length]
seq._data[next_offset : next_offset + length] = chunk
next_offset += length
seq._offsets = np.asarray(offsets)
seq._lengths = self._lengths.copy()
return seq
def __getitem__(self, idx):
"""Get sequence(s) through standard or advanced numpy indexing.
idx : int or slice or list or ndarray
If int, index of the element to retrieve.
If slice, use slicing to retrieve elements.
If list, indices of the elements to retrieve.
If ndarray with dtype int, indices of the elements to retrieve.
If ndarray with dtype bool, only retrieve selected elements.
ndarray or :class:`ArraySequence`
If `idx` is an int, returns the selected sequence.
Otherwise, returns a :class:`ArraySequence` object which is a view
of the selected sequences.
if isinstance(idx, (numbers.Integral, np.integer)):
start = self._offsets[idx]
return self._data[start : start + self._lengths[idx]]
seq = self.__class__()
seq._is_view = True
if isinstance(idx, tuple):
off_idx = idx[0]
seq._data = self._data.__getitem__((slice(None),) + idx[1:])
off_idx = idx
seq._data = self._data
if isinstance(off_idx, slice): # Standard list slicing
seq._offsets = self._offsets[off_idx]
seq._lengths = self._lengths[off_idx]
return seq
if isinstance(off_idx, (list, range)) or is_ndarray_of_int_or_bool(off_idx):
# Fancy indexing
seq._offsets = self._offsets[off_idx]
seq._lengths = self._lengths[off_idx]
return seq
raise TypeError(
'Index must be either an int, a slice, a list of int'
' or a ndarray of bool! Not ' + str(type(idx))
def __setitem__(self, idx, elements):
"""Set sequence(s) through standard or advanced numpy indexing.
idx : int or slice or list or ndarray
If int, index of the element to retrieve.
If slice, use slicing to retrieve elements.
If list, indices of the elements to retrieve.
If ndarray with dtype int, indices of the elements to retrieve.
If ndarray with dtype bool, only retrieve selected elements.
elements: ndarray or :class:`ArraySequence`
Data that will overwrite selected sequences.
If `idx` is an int, `elements` is expected to be a ndarray.
Otherwise, `elements` is expected a :class:`ArraySequence` object.
if isinstance(idx, (numbers.Integral, np.integer)):
start = self._offsets[idx]
self._data[start : start + self._lengths[idx]] = elements
if isinstance(idx, tuple):
off_idx = idx[0]
data = self._data.__getitem__((slice(None),) + idx[1:])
off_idx = idx
data = self._data
if isinstance(off_idx, slice): # Standard list slicing
offsets = self._offsets[off_idx]
lengths = self._lengths[off_idx]
elif isinstance(off_idx, (list, range)) or is_ndarray_of_int_or_bool(off_idx):
# Fancy indexing
offsets = self._offsets[off_idx]
lengths = self._lengths[off_idx]
raise TypeError(
'Index must be either an int, a slice, a list of int'
' or a ndarray of bool! Not ' + str(type(idx))
if is_array_sequence(elements):
if len(lengths) != len(elements):
msg = f'Trying to set {len(lengths)} sequences with {len(elements)} sequences.'
raise ValueError(msg)
if sum(lengths) != elements.total_nb_rows:
msg = f'Trying to set {sum(lengths)} points with {elements.total_nb_rows} points.'
raise ValueError(msg)
for o1, l1, o2, l2 in zip(offsets, lengths, elements._offsets, elements._lengths):
data[o1 : o1 + l1] = elements._data[o2 : o2 + l2]
elif isinstance(elements, numbers.Number):
for o1, l1 in zip(offsets, lengths):
data[o1 : o1 + l1] = elements
else: # Try to iterate over it.
for o1, l1, element in zip(offsets, lengths, elements):
data[o1 : o1 + l1] = element
def _op(self, op, value=None, inplace=False):
"""Applies some operator to this arraysequence.
This handles both unary and binary operators with a scalar or another
array sequence. Operations are performed directly on the underlying
data, or a copy of it, which depends on the value of `inplace`.
op : str
Name of the Python operator (e.g., `"__add__"`).
value : scalar or :class:`ArraySequence`, optional
If None, the operator is assumed to be unary.
Otherwise, that value is used in the binary operation.
inplace: bool, optional
If False, the operation is done on a copy of this array sequence.
Otherwise, this array sequence gets modified directly.
seq = self if inplace else self.copy()
if is_array_sequence(value) and seq._check_shape(value):
elements = zip(
# Change seq.dtype to match the operation resulting type.
o0, l0, o1, l1, o2, l2 = next(elements)
tmp = getattr(self._data[o1 : o1 + l1], op)(value._data[o2 : o2 + l2])
seq._data = seq._data.astype(tmp.dtype)
seq._data[o0 : o0 + l0] = tmp
for o0, l0, o1, l1, o2, l2 in elements:
seq._data[o0 : o0 + l0] = getattr(self._data[o1 : o1 + l1], op)(
value._data[o2 : o2 + l2]
args = [] if value is None else [value] # Dealing with unary and binary ops.
elements = zip(seq._offsets, seq._lengths, self._offsets, self._lengths)
# Change seq.dtype to match the operation resulting type.
o0, l0, o1, l1 = next(elements)
tmp = getattr(self._data[o1 : o1 + l1], op)(*args)
seq._data = seq._data.astype(tmp.dtype)
seq._data[o0 : o0 + l0] = tmp
for o0, l0, o1, l1 in elements:
seq._data[o0 : o0 + l0] = getattr(self._data[o1 : o1 + l1], op)(*args)
return seq
def __iter__(self):
if len(self._lengths) != len(self._offsets):
raise ValueError(
'ArraySequence object corrupted: len(self._lengths) != len(self._offsets)'
for offset, lengths in zip(self._offsets, self._lengths):
yield self._data[offset : offset + lengths]
def __len__(self):
return len(self._offsets)
def __repr__(self):
if len(self) > np.get_printoptions()['threshold']:
# Show only the first and last edgeitems.
edgeitems = np.get_printoptions()['edgeitems']
data = str(list(self[:edgeitems]))[:-1]
data += ', ..., '
data += str(list(self[-edgeitems:]))[1:]
data = str(list(self))
return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({data})'
def save(self, filename):
"""Saves this :class:`ArraySequence` object to a .npz file."""
np.savez(filename, data=self._data, offsets=self._offsets, lengths=self._lengths)
def load(cls, filename):
"""Loads a :class:`ArraySequence` object from a .npz file."""
content = np.load(filename)
seq = cls()
seq._data = content['data']
seq._offsets = content['offsets']
seq._lengths = content['lengths']
return seq
def create_arraysequences_from_generator(gen, n, buffer_sizes=None):
"""Creates :class:`ArraySequence` objects from a generator yielding tuples
gen : generator
Generator yielding a size `n` tuple containing the values to put in the
array sequences.
n : int
Number of :class:`ArraySequences` object to create.
buffer_sizes : list of float, optional
Sizes (in Mb) for each ArraySequence's buffer.
if buffer_sizes is None:
buffer_sizes = [4] * n
seqs = [ArraySequence(buffer_size=size) for size in buffer_sizes]
for data in gen:
for i, seq in enumerate(seqs):
if data[i].nbytes > 0:
seq.append(data[i], cache_build=True)
for seq in seqs:
return seqs
def concatenate(seqs, axis):
"""Concatenates multiple :class:`ArraySequence` objects along an axis.
seqs: iterable of :class:`ArraySequence` objects
Sequences to concatenate.
axis : int
Axis along which the sequences will be concatenated.
new_seq: :class:`ArraySequence` object
New :class:`ArraySequence` object which is the result of
concatenating multiple sequences along the given axis.
new_seq = seqs[0].copy()
if axis == 0:
# This is the same as an extend.
for seq in seqs[1:]:
return new_seq
new_seq._data = np.concatenate([seq._data for seq in seqs], axis=axis)
return new_seq