Source code for dipy.align._public


Registration API: simplified API for registration of MRI data and of


from functools import partial
import numbers
import re
from warnings import warn

import nibabel as nib
import numpy as np

from dipy.align.imaffine import (
from dipy.align.imwarp import DiffeomorphicMap, SymmetricDiffeomorphicRegistration
from dipy.align.metrics import CCMetric, EMMetric, SSDMetric
from dipy.align.streamlinear import StreamlineLinearRegistration
from dipy.align.transforms import (
import dipy.core.gradients as dpg
import as dpd
from import load_nifti, save_nifti
from import load_trk
from import read_img_arr_or_path
from dipy.testing.decorators import warning_for_keywords
from dipy.tracking.streamline import set_number_of_points
from dipy.tracking.utils import transform_tracking_output

__all__ = [

# Global dicts for choosing metrics for registration:
syn_metric_dict = {"CC": CCMetric, "EM": EMMetric, "SSD": SSDMetric}

affine_metric_dict = {"MI": MutualInformationMetric}

def _handle_pipeline_inputs(
    moving, static, *, static_affine=None, moving_affine=None, starting_affine=None
    Helper function to prepare inputs for pipeline functions

    moving, static: Either as a 3D/4D array or as a nifti image object, or as
        a string containing the full path to a nifti file.

    static_affine, moving_affine: 2D arrays.
        The array associated with the static/moving images.

    starting_affine : 2D array, optional.
        This is the registration matrix that is inherited from previous steps
        in the pipeline. Default: 4-by-4 identity matrix.
    static, static_affine = read_img_arr_or_path(static, affine=static_affine)
    moving, moving_affine = read_img_arr_or_path(moving, affine=moving_affine)
    if starting_affine is None:
        starting_affine = np.eye(4)

    return static, static_affine, moving, moving_affine, starting_affine

[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def syn_registration( moving, static, *, moving_affine=None, static_affine=None, step_length=0.25, metric="CC", dim=3, level_iters=None, prealign=None, **metric_kwargs, ): """Register a 2D/3D source image (moving) to a 2D/3D target image (static). Parameters ---------- moving, static : array or nib.Nifti1Image or str. Either as a 2D/3D array or as a nifti image object, or as a string containing the full path to a nifti file. moving_affine, static_affine : 4x4 array, optional. Must be provided for `data` provided as an array. If provided together with Nifti1Image or str `data`, this input will over-ride the affine that is stored in the `data` input. Default: use the affine stored in `data`. metric : string, optional The metric to be optimized. One of `CC`, `EM`, `SSD`, Default: 'CC' => CCMetric. dim: int (either 2 or 3), optional The dimensions of the image domain. Default: 3 level_iters : list of int, optional the number of iterations at each level of the Gaussian Pyramid (the length of the list defines the number of pyramid levels to be used). Default: [10, 10, 5]. metric_kwargs : dict, optional Parameters for initialization of the metric object. If not provided, uses the default settings of each metric. Returns ------- warped_moving : ndarray The data in `moving`, warped towards the `static` data. forward : ndarray (..., 3) The vector field describing the forward warping from the source to the target. backward : ndarray (..., 3) The vector field describing the backward warping from the target to the source. """ level_iters = level_iters or [10, 10, 5] static, static_affine, moving, moving_affine, _ = _handle_pipeline_inputs( moving, static, moving_affine=moving_affine, static_affine=static_affine, starting_affine=None, ) use_metric = syn_metric_dict[metric.upper()](dim, **metric_kwargs) sdr = SymmetricDiffeomorphicRegistration( use_metric, level_iters=level_iters, step_length=step_length ) mapping = sdr.optimize( static, moving, static_grid2world=static_affine, moving_grid2world=moving_affine, prealign=prealign, ) warped_moving = mapping.transform(moving) return warped_moving, mapping
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def register_dwi_to_template( dwi, gtab, *, dwi_affine=None, template=None, template_affine=None, reg_method="syn", **reg_kwargs, ): """Register DWI data to a template through the B0 volumes. Parameters ---------- dwi : 4D array, nifti image or str Containing the DWI data, or full path to a nifti file with DWI. gtab : GradientTable or sequence of strings The gradients associated with the DWI data, or a sequence with (fbval, fbvec), full paths to bvals and bvecs files. dwi_affine : 4x4 array, optional An affine transformation associated with the DWI. Required if data is provided as an array. If provided together with nifti/path, will over-ride the affine that is in the nifti. template : 3D array, nifti image or str Containing the data for the template, or full path to a nifti file with the template data. template_affine : 4x4 array, optional An affine transformation associated with the template. Required if data is provided as an array. If provided together with nifti/path, will over-ride the affine that is in the nifti. reg_method : str, One of "syn" or "aff", which designates which registration method is used. Either syn, which uses the :func:`syn_registration` function or :func:`affine_registration` function. Default: "syn". reg_kwargs : key-word arguments for :func:`syn_registration` or :func:`affine_registration` Returns ------- warped_b0 : ndarray b0 volume warped to the template. mapping : DiffeomorphicMap or ndarray If reg_method is "syn", a DiffeomorphicMap class instance that can be used to transform between the two spaces. Otherwise, if reg_method is "aff", a 4x4 matrix encoding the affine transform. Notes ----- This function assumes that the DWI data is already internally registered. See :func:`register_dwi_series`. """ dwi_data, dwi_affine = read_img_arr_or_path(dwi, affine=dwi_affine) if template is None: template = dpd.read_mni_template() template_data, template_affine = read_img_arr_or_path( template, affine=template_affine ) if not isinstance(gtab, dpg.GradientTable): if isinstance(gtab, (list, tuple)) and len(gtab) == 2: bvals, bvecs = gtab gtab = dpg.gradient_table(bvals, bvecs=bvecs) else: raise ValueError( "gtab should be a GradientTable object or a tuple of (bvals, bvecs)" ) mean_b0 = np.mean(dwi_data[..., gtab.b0s_mask], -1) if reg_method.lower() == "syn": warped_b0, mapping = syn_registration( mean_b0, template_data, moving_affine=dwi_affine, static_affine=template_affine, **reg_kwargs, ) elif reg_method.lower() == "aff": warped_b0, mapping = affine_registration( mean_b0, template_data, moving_affine=dwi_affine, static_affine=template_affine, **reg_kwargs, ) else: raise ValueError( f"reg_method should be one of 'aff' or 'syn', but you provided {reg_method}" ) return warped_b0, mapping
[docs] def write_mapping(mapping, fname): """Write out a syn registration mapping to a nifti file. Parameters ---------- mapping : DiffeomorphicMap Registration mapping derived from :func:`syn_registration` fname : str Full path to the nifti file storing the mapping Notes ----- The data in the file is organized with shape (X, Y, Z, 3, 2), such that the forward mapping in each voxel is in `data[i, j, k, :, 0]` and the backward mapping in each voxel is in `data[i, j, k, :, 1]`. """ mapping_data = np.array([mapping.forward.T, mapping.backward.T]).T save_nifti(fname, mapping_data, mapping.codomain_world2grid)
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def read_mapping(disp, domain_img, codomain_img, *, prealign=None): """Read a syn registration mapping from a nifti file. Parameters ---------- disp : str or Nifti1Image A file of image containing the mapping displacement field in each voxel Shape (x, y, z, 3, 2) domain_img : str or Nifti1Image codomain_img : str or Nifti1Image Returns ------- A :class:`DiffeomorphicMap` object. Notes ----- See :func:`write_mapping` for the data format expected. """ if isinstance(disp, str): disp_data, disp_affine = load_nifti(disp) if isinstance(domain_img, str): domain_img = nib.load(domain_img) if isinstance(codomain_img, str): codomain_img = nib.load(codomain_img) mapping = DiffeomorphicMap( dim=3, disp_shape=disp_data.shape[:3], disp_grid2world=np.linalg.inv(disp_affine), domain_shape=domain_img.shape[:3], domain_grid2world=domain_img.affine, codomain_shape=codomain_img.shape, codomain_grid2world=codomain_img.affine, prealign=prealign, ) mapping.forward = disp_data[..., 0] mapping.backward = disp_data[..., 1] mapping.is_inverse = True return mapping
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def resample( moving, static, *, moving_affine=None, static_affine=None, between_affine=None ): """Resample an image (moving) from one space to another (static). Parameters ---------- moving : array, nifti image or str Containing the data for the moving object, or full path to a nifti file with the moving data. static : array, nifti image or str Containing the data for the static object, or full path to a nifti file with the moving data. moving_affine : 4x4 array, optional An affine transformation associated with the moving object. Required if data is provided as an array. If provided together with nifti/path, will over-ride the affine that is in the nifti. static_affine : 4x4 array, optional An affine transformation associated with the static object. Required if data is provided as an array. If provided together with nifti/path, will over-ride the affine that is in the nifti. between_affine: 4x4 array, optional If an additional affine is needed between the two spaces. Default: identity (no additional registration). Returns ------- A Nifti1Image class instance with the data from the moving object resampled into the space of the static object. """ static, static_affine, moving, moving_affine, between_affine = ( _handle_pipeline_inputs( moving, static, moving_affine=moving_affine, static_affine=static_affine, starting_affine=between_affine, ) ) affine_map = AffineMap( between_affine, domain_grid_shape=static.shape, domain_grid2world=static_affine, codomain_grid_shape=moving.shape, codomain_grid2world=moving_affine, ) resampled = affine_map.transform(moving) return nib.Nifti1Image(resampled, static_affine)
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def affine_registration( moving, static, *, moving_affine=None, static_affine=None, pipeline=None, starting_affine=None, metric="MI", level_iters=None, sigmas=None, factors=None, ret_metric=False, moving_mask=None, static_mask=None, **metric_kwargs, ): """ Find the affine transformation between two 3D images. Alternatively, find the combination of several linear transformations. Parameters ---------- moving : array, nifti image or str Containing the data for the moving object, or full path to a nifti file with the moving data. static : array, nifti image or str Containing the data for the static object, or full path to a nifti file with the moving data. moving_affine : 4x4 array, optional An affine transformation associated with the moving object. Required if data is provided as an array. If provided together with nifti/path, will over-ride the affine that is in the nifti. static_affine : 4x4 array, optional An affine transformation associated with the static object. Required if data is provided as an array. If provided together with nifti/path, will over-ride the affine that is in the nifti. pipeline : list of str, optional Sequence of transforms to use in the gradual fitting. Default: gradual fit of the full affine (executed from left to right): ``["center_of_mass", "translation", "rigid", "affine"]`` Alternatively, any other combination of the following registration methods might be used: center_of_mass, translation, rigid, rigid_isoscaling, rigid_scaling and affine. starting_affine: 4x4 array, optional Initial guess for the transformation between the spaces. Default: identity. metric : str, optional. Currently only supports 'MI' for MutualInformationMetric. level_iters : sequence, optional AffineRegistration key-word argument: the number of iterations at each scale of the scale space. `level_iters[0]` corresponds to the coarsest scale, `level_iters[-1]` the finest, where n is the length of the sequence. By default, a 3-level scale space with iterations sequence equal to [10000, 1000, 100] will be used. sigmas : sequence of floats, optional AffineRegistration key-word argument: custom smoothing parameter to build the scale space (one parameter for each scale). By default, the sequence of sigmas will be [3, 1, 0]. factors : sequence of floats, optional AffineRegistration key-word argument: custom scale factors to build the scale space (one factor for each scale). By default, the sequence of factors will be [4, 2, 1]. ret_metric : boolean, optional Set it to True to return the value of the optimized coefficients and the optimization quality metric. moving_mask : array, shape (S', R', C') or (R', C'), optional moving image mask that defines which pixels in the moving image are used to calculate the mutual information. static_mask : array, shape (S, R, C) or (R, C), optional static image mask that defines which pixels in the static image are used to calculate the mutual information. nbins : int, optional MutualInformationMetric key-word argument: the number of bins to be used for computing the intensity histograms. The default is 32. sampling_proportion : None or float in interval (0, 1], optional MutualInformationMetric key-word argument: There are two types of sampling: dense and sparse. Dense sampling uses all voxels for estimating the (joint and marginal) intensity histograms, while sparse sampling uses a subset of them. If `sampling_proportion` is None, then dense sampling is used. If `sampling_proportion` is a floating point value in (0,1] then sparse sampling is used, where `sampling_proportion` specifies the proportion of voxels to be used. The default is None (dense sampling). Returns ------- resampled : array with moving data resampled to the static space after computing the affine transformation. final_affine : the affine 4x4 associated with the transformation. xopt : the value of the optimized coefficients. fopt : the value of the optimization quality metric. Notes ----- Performs a gradual registration between the two inputs, using a pipeline that gradually approximates the final registration. If the final default step (`affine`) is omitted, the resulting affine may not have all 12 degrees of freedom adjusted. """ pipeline = pipeline or ["center_of_mass", "translation", "rigid", "affine"] level_iters = level_iters or [10000, 1000, 100] sigmas = sigmas or [3, 1, 0.0] factors = factors or [4, 2, 1] starting_was_supplied = starting_affine is not None static, static_affine, moving, moving_affine, starting_affine = ( _handle_pipeline_inputs( moving, static, moving_affine=moving_affine, static_affine=static_affine, starting_affine=starting_affine, ) ) # Define the Affine registration object we'll use with the chosen metric. # For now, there is only one metric (mutual information) use_metric = affine_metric_dict[metric](**metric_kwargs) affreg = AffineRegistration( metric=use_metric, level_iters=level_iters, sigmas=sigmas, factors=factors ) # Convert pipeline to sanitized list of str pipeline = list(pipeline) for fi, func in enumerate(pipeline): if callable(func): for key, val in _METHOD_DICT.items(): if func is val[0]: # if they passed the callable equiv. pipeline[fi] = func = key break if not isinstance(func, str) or func not in _METHOD_DICT: raise ValueError( f"pipeline[{fi}] must be one of " f"{list(_METHOD_DICT)}, got {func!r}" ) if pipeline == ["center_of_mass"] and ret_metric: raise ValueError( "center of mass registration cannot return any quality metric." ) # Go through the selected transformation: for func in pipeline: if func == "center_of_mass": if starting_affine is not None and starting_was_supplied: wm = "starting_affine overwritten by center_of_mass transform" warn(wm, UserWarning, stacklevel=2) # multiply images by masks for transform_centers_of_mass static_masked, moving_masked = static, moving if static_mask is not None: static_masked = static * static_mask if moving_mask is not None: moving_masked = moving * moving_mask transform = transform_centers_of_mass( static_masked, static_affine, moving_masked, moving_affine ) starting_affine = transform.affine else: transform = _METHOD_DICT[func][1]() xform, xopt, fopt = affreg.optimize( static, moving, transform, None, static_grid2world=static_affine, moving_grid2world=moving_affine, starting_affine=starting_affine, ret_metric=True, static_mask=static_mask, moving_mask=moving_mask, ) starting_affine = xform.affine # Copy the final affine into a final variable final_affine = starting_affine.copy() # After doing all that, resample once at the end: affine_map = AffineMap( final_affine, domain_grid_shape=static.shape, domain_grid2world=static_affine, codomain_grid_shape=moving.shape, codomain_grid2world=moving_affine, ) resampled = affine_map.transform(moving) # Return the optimization metric only if requested if ret_metric: return resampled, final_affine, xopt, fopt return resampled, final_affine
center_of_mass = partial(affine_registration, pipeline=["center_of_mass"]) center_of_mass.__doc__ = ( "Implements a center of mass transform. Based on `affine_registration()`." ) translation = partial(affine_registration, pipeline=["translation"]) translation.__doc__ = ( "Implements a translation transform. Based on `affine_registration()`." ) rigid = partial(affine_registration, pipeline=["rigid"]) rigid.__doc__ = "Implements a rigid transform. Based on `affine_registration()`." rigid_isoscaling = partial(affine_registration, pipeline=["rigid_isoscaling"]) rigid_isoscaling.__doc__ = ( "Implements a rigid isoscaling transform. Based on `affine_registration()`." ) rigid_scaling = partial(affine_registration, pipeline=["rigid_scaling"]) rigid_scaling.__doc__ = ( "Implements a rigid scaling transform. Based on `affine_registration()`." ) affine = partial(affine_registration, pipeline=["affine"]) affine.__doc__ = "Implements an affine transform. Based on `affine_registration()`." _METHOD_DICT = { # mapping from str key -> (callable, class) tuple "center_of_mass": (center_of_mass, None), "translation": (translation, TranslationTransform3D), "rigid_isoscaling": (rigid_isoscaling, RigidIsoScalingTransform3D), "rigid_scaling": (rigid_scaling, RigidScalingTransform3D), "rigid": (rigid, RigidTransform3D), "affine": (affine, AffineTransform3D), }
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def register_series( series, ref, *, pipeline=None, series_affine=None, ref_affine=None, static_mask=None ): """Register a series to a reference image. Parameters ---------- series : 4D array or nib.Nifti1Image class instance or str The data is 4D with the last dimension separating different 3D volumes ref : int or 3D array or nib.Nifti1Image class instance or str If this is an int, this is the index of the reference image within the series. Otherwise it is an array of data to register with (associated with a `ref_affine` required) or a nifti img or full path to a file containing one. pipeline : sequence, optional Sequence of transforms to do for each volume in the series. Default: (executed from left to right): `[center_of_mass, translation, rigid, affine]` series_affine, ref_affine : 4x4 arrays, optional. The affine. If provided, this input will over-ride the affine provided together with the nifti img or file. static_mask : array, shape (S, R, C) or (R, C), optional static image mask that defines which pixels in the static image are used to calculate the mutual information. Returns ------- xformed, affines : 4D array with transformed data and a (4,4,n) array with 4x4 matrices associated with each of the volumes of the input moving data that was used to transform it into register with the static data. """ pipeline = pipeline or ["center_of_mass", "translation", "rigid", "affine"] series, series_affine = read_img_arr_or_path(series, affine=series_affine) if isinstance(ref, numbers.Number): ref_as_idx = ref idxer = np.zeros(series.shape[-1]).astype(bool) idxer[ref] = True ref = series[..., idxer].squeeze() ref_affine = series_affine else: ref_as_idx = False ref, ref_affine = read_img_arr_or_path(ref, affine=ref_affine) if len(ref.shape) != 3: raise ValueError( "The reference image should be a single volume", " or the index of one or more volumes", ) xformed = np.zeros(series.shape) affines = np.zeros((4, 4, series.shape[-1])) for ii in range(series.shape[-1]): this_moving = series[..., ii] if isinstance(ref_as_idx, numbers.Number) and ii == ref_as_idx: # This is the reference! No need to move and the xform is I(4): xformed[..., ii] = this_moving affines[..., ii] = np.eye(4) else: transformed, reg_affine = affine_registration( this_moving, ref, moving_affine=series_affine, static_affine=ref_affine, pipeline=pipeline, static_mask=static_mask, ) xformed[..., ii] = transformed affines[..., ii] = reg_affine return xformed, affines
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def register_dwi_series( data, gtab, *, affine=None, b0_ref=0, pipeline=None, static_mask=None ): """Register a DWI series to the mean of the B0 images in that series. all first registered to the first B0 volume Parameters ---------- data : 4D array or nibabel Nifti1Image class instance or str Diffusion data. Either as a 4D array or as a nifti image object, or as a string containing the full path to a nifti file. gtab : a GradientTable class instance or tuple of strings If provided as a tuple of strings, these are assumed to be full paths to the bvals and bvecs files (in that order). affine : 4x4 array, optional. Must be provided for `data` provided as an array. If provided together with Nifti1Image or str `data`, this input will over-ride the affine that is stored in the `data` input. Default: use the affine stored in `data`. b0_ref : int, optional. Which b0 volume to use as reference. Default: 0 pipeline : list of callables, optional. The transformations to perform in sequence (from left to right): Default: ``[center_of_mass, translation, rigid, affine]`` static_mask : array, shape (S, R, C) or (R, C), optional static image mask that defines which pixels in the static image are used to calculate the mutual information. Returns ------- xform_img, affine_array: a Nifti1Image containing the registered data and using the affine of the original data and a list containing the affine transforms associated with each of the """ pipeline = pipeline or ["center_of_mass", "translation", "rigid", "affine"] data, affine = read_img_arr_or_path(data, affine=affine) if isinstance(gtab, gtab = dpg.gradient_table(*gtab) if np.sum(gtab.b0s_mask) > 1: # First, register the b0s into one image and average: b0_img = nib.Nifti1Image(data[..., gtab.b0s_mask], affine) trans_b0, b0_affines = register_series( b0_img, ref=b0_ref, pipeline=pipeline, static_mask=static_mask ) ref_data = np.mean(trans_b0, -1, keepdims=True) else: # There's only one b0 and we register everything to it trans_b0 = ref_data = data[..., gtab.b0s_mask] b0_affines = np.eye(4)[..., np.newaxis] # Construct a series out of the DWI and the registered mean B0: moving_data = data[..., ~gtab.b0s_mask] series_arr = np.concatenate([ref_data, moving_data], -1) series = nib.Nifti1Image(series_arr, affine) xformed, affines = register_series( series, ref=0, pipeline=pipeline, static_mask=static_mask ) # Cut out the part pertaining to that first volume: affines = affines[..., 1:] xformed = xformed[..., 1:] affine_array = np.zeros((4, 4, data.shape[-1])) affine_array[..., gtab.b0s_mask] = b0_affines affine_array[..., ~gtab.b0s_mask] = affines data_array = np.zeros(data.shape) data_array[..., gtab.b0s_mask] = trans_b0 data_array[..., ~gtab.b0s_mask] = xformed return nib.Nifti1Image(data_array, affine), affine_array
motion_correction = partial( register_dwi_series, pipeline=["center_of_mass", "translation", "rigid", "affine"] ) motion_correction.__doc__ = re.sub( "Register.*?volume", "Apply a motion " "correction to a DWI dataset " "(Between-Volumes Motion correction)", register_dwi_series.__doc__, flags=re.DOTALL, )
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def streamline_registration(moving, static, *, n_points=100, native_resampled=False): """Register two collections of streamlines ('bundles') to each other. Parameters ---------- moving, static : lists of 3 by n, or str The two bundles to be registered. Given either as lists of arrays with 3D coordinates, or strings containing full paths to these files. n_points : int, optional How many points to resample to. Default: 100. native_resampled : bool, optional Whether to return the moving bundle in the original space, but resampled in the static space to n_points. Returns ------- aligned : list Streamlines from the moving group, moved to be closely matched to the static group. matrix : array (4, 4) The affine transformation that takes us from 'moving' to 'static' """ # Load the streamlines, if you were given a file-name if isinstance(moving, str): moving = load_trk(moving, "same", bbox_valid_check=False).streamlines if isinstance(static, str): static = load_trk(static, "same", bbox_valid_check=False).streamlines srr = StreamlineLinearRegistration() srm = srr.optimize( static=set_number_of_points(static, nb_points=n_points), moving=set_number_of_points(moving, nb_points=n_points), ) aligned = srm.transform(moving) if native_resampled: aligned = set_number_of_points(aligned, nb_points=n_points) aligned = transform_tracking_output(aligned, np.linalg.inv(srm.matrix)) return aligned, srm.matrix