Source code for dipy.align.imaffine

"""Affine image registration module consisting of the following classes:

AffineMap: encapsulates the necessary information to perform affine
    transforms between two domains, defined by a `static` and a `moving`
    image. The `domain` of the transform is the set of points in the
    `static` image's grid, and the `codomain` is the set of points in
    the `moving` image. When we call the `transform` method, `AffineMap`
    maps each point `x` of the domain (`static` grid) to the codomain
    (`moving` grid) and interpolates the `moving` image at that point
    to obtain the intensity value to be placed at `x` in the resulting
    grid. The `transform_inverse` method performs the opposite operation
    mapping points in the codomain to points in the domain.

ParzenJointHistogram: computes the marginal and joint distributions of
    intensities of a pair of images, using Parzen windows
    :footcite:p:`Parzen1962` with a cubic spline kernel, as proposed by
    :footcite:t:`Mattes2003`. It also computes the gradient of the joint
    histogram w.r.t. the parameters of a given transform.

MutualInformationMetric: computes the value and gradient of the mutual
    information metric the way `Optimizer` needs them. That is, given
    a set of transform parameters, it will use `ParzenJointHistogram`
    to compute the value and gradient of the joint intensity histogram
    evaluated at the given parameters, and evaluate the value and
    gradient of the histogram's mutual information.

AffineRegistration: it runs the multi-resolution registration, putting
    all the pieces together. It needs to create the scale space of the
    images and run the multi-resolution registration by using the Metric
    and the Optimizer at each level of the Gaussian pyramid. At each
    level, it will setup the metric to compute value and gradient of the
    metric with the input images with different levels of smoothing.

.. footbibliography::


from warnings import warn

import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as npl
import scipy.ndimage as ndimage

from dipy.align import VerbosityLevels, vector_fields as vf
from dipy.align.imwarp import ScaleSpace, get_direction_and_spacings
from dipy.align.parzenhist import (
from dipy.align.scalespace import IsotropicScaleSpace
from dipy.core.interpolation import interpolate_scalar_2d, interpolate_scalar_3d
from dipy.core.optimize import Optimizer
from dipy.testing.decorators import warning_for_keywords

_interp_options = ["nearest", "linear"]
_transform_method = {}
_transform_method[(2, "nearest")] = vf.transform_2d_affine_nn
_transform_method[(3, "nearest")] = vf.transform_3d_affine_nn
_transform_method[(2, "linear")] = vf.transform_2d_affine
_transform_method[(3, "linear")] = vf.transform_3d_affine
_number_dim_affine_matrix = 2

[docs] class AffineInversionError(Exception): pass
[docs] class AffineInvalidValuesError(Exception): pass
[docs] class AffineMap: @warning_for_keywords() def __init__( self, affine, *, domain_grid_shape=None, domain_grid2world=None, codomain_grid_shape=None, codomain_grid2world=None, ): """AffineMap. Implements an affine transformation whose domain is given by `domain_grid` and `domain_grid2world`, and whose co-domain is given by `codomain_grid` and `codomain_grid2world`. The actual transform is represented by the `affine` matrix, which operate in world coordinates. Therefore, to transform a moving image towards a static image, we first map each voxel (i,j,k) of the static image to world coordinates (x,y,z) by applying `domain_grid2world`. Then we apply the `affine` transform to (x,y,z) obtaining (x', y', z') in moving image's world coordinates. Finally, (x', y', z') is mapped to voxel coordinates (i', j', k') in the moving image by multiplying (x', y', z') by the inverse of `codomain_grid2world`. The `codomain_grid_shape` is used analogously to transform the static image towards the moving image when calling `transform_inverse`. If the domain/co-domain information is not provided (None) then the sampling information needs to be specified each time the `transform` or `transform_inverse` is called to transform images. Note that such sampling information is not necessary to transform points defined in physical space, such as streamlines. Parameters ---------- affine : array, shape (dim + 1, dim + 1) the matrix defining the affine transform, where `dim` is the dimension of the space this map operates in (2 for 2D images, 3 for 3D images). If None, then `self` represents the identity transformation. domain_grid_shape : sequence, shape (dim,), optional the shape of the default domain sampling grid. When `transform` is called to transform an image, the resulting image will have this shape, unless a different sampling information is provided. If None, then the sampling grid shape must be specified each time the `transform` method is called. domain_grid2world : array, shape (dim + 1, dim + 1), optional the grid-to-world transform associated with the domain grid. If None (the default), then the grid-to-world transform is assumed to be the identity. codomain_grid_shape : sequence of integers, shape (dim,) the shape of the default co-domain sampling grid. When `transform_inverse` is called to transform an image, the resulting image will have this shape, unless a different sampling information is provided. If None (the default), then the sampling grid shape must be specified each time the `transform_inverse` method is called. codomain_grid2world : array, shape (dim + 1, dim + 1) the grid-to-world transform associated with the co-domain grid. If None (the default), then the grid-to-world transform is assumed to be the identity. """ self.set_affine(affine) self.domain_shape = domain_grid_shape self.domain_grid2world = domain_grid2world self.codomain_shape = codomain_grid_shape self.codomain_grid2world = codomain_grid2world
[docs] def get_affine(self): """Return the value of the transformation, not a reference. Returns ------- affine : ndarray Copy of the transform, not a reference. """ # returning a copy to insulate it from changes outside object return self.affine.copy()
[docs] def set_affine(self, affine): """Set the affine transform (operating in physical space). Also sets `self.affine_inv` - the inverse of `affine`, or None if there is no inverse. Parameters ---------- affine : array, shape (dim + 1, dim + 1) the matrix representing the affine transform operating in physical space. The domain and co-domain information remains unchanged. If None, then `self` represents the identity transformation. """ if affine is None: self.affine = None self.affine_inv = None return try: affine = np.array(affine) except Exception as e: raise TypeError( "Input must be type ndarray, or be convertible" " to one." ) from e if len(affine.shape) != _number_dim_affine_matrix: raise AffineInversionError("Affine transform must be 2D") if not affine.shape[0] == affine.shape[1]: raise AffineInversionError("Affine transform must be a square matrix") if not np.all(np.isfinite(affine)): raise AffineInvalidValuesError("Affine transform contains invalid elements") # checking on proper augmentation # First n-1 columns in last row in matrix contain non-zeros if not np.all(affine[-1, :-1] == 0.0): raise AffineInvalidValuesError( f"First {affine.shape[0] - 1} columns in last row" " in matrix contain non-zeros!" ) # Last row, last column in matrix must be 1.0! if affine[-1, -1] != 1.0: raise AffineInvalidValuesError( "Last row, last column in matrix" " is not 1.0!" ) # making a copy to insulate it from changes outside object self.affine = affine.copy() try: self.affine_inv = npl.inv(affine) except npl.LinAlgError as e: raise AffineInversionError("Affine cannot be inverted") from e
def __str__(self): """Printable format - relies on ndarray's implementation.""" return str(self.affine) def __repr__(self): """Reloadable representation - relies on ndarray's implementation.""" return self.affine.__repr__() def __format__(self, format_spec): """Implementation various formatting options.""" if format_spec is None or self.affine is None: return str(self.affine) elif isinstance(format_spec, str): format_spec = format_spec.lower() if format_spec in ["", " ", "f", "full"]: return str(self.affine) # rotation part only (initial 3x3) elif format_spec in ["r", "rotation"]: return str(self.affine[:-1, :-1]) # translation part only (4th col) elif format_spec in ["t", "translation"]: # notice unusual indexing to make it a column vector # i.e. rows from 0 to n-1, cols from n to n return str(self.affine[:-1, -1:]) else: allowed_formats_print_map = [ "full", "f", "rotation", "r", "translation", "t", ] raise NotImplementedError( f"Format {format_spec} not recognized or implemented.\n" f"Try one of {allowed_formats_print_map}" ) @warning_for_keywords() def _apply_transform( self, image, *, interpolation="linear", image_grid2world=None, sampling_grid_shape=None, sampling_grid2world=None, resample_only=False, apply_inverse=False, ): """Transform the input image applying this affine transform. This is a generic function to transform images using either this (direct) transform or its inverse. If applying the direct transform (`apply_inverse=False`): by default, the transformed image is sampled at a grid defined by `self.domain_shape` and `self.domain_grid2world`. If applying the inverse transform (`apply_inverse=True`): by default, the transformed image is sampled at a grid defined by `self.codomain_shape` and `self.codomain_grid2world`. If the sampling information was not provided at initialization of this transform then `sampling_grid_shape` is mandatory. Parameters ---------- image : 2D or 3D array the image to be transformed interpolation : string, either 'linear' or 'nearest' the type of interpolation to be used, either 'linear' (for k-linear interpolation) or 'nearest' for nearest neighbor image_grid2world : array, shape (dim + 1, dim + 1), optional the grid-to-world transform associated with `image`. If None (the default), then the grid-to-world transform is assumed to be the identity. sampling_grid_shape : sequence, shape (dim,), optional the shape of the grid where the transformed image must be sampled. If None (the default), then `self.domain_shape` is used instead (which must have been set at initialization, otherwise an exception will be raised). sampling_grid2world : array, shape (dim + 1, dim + 1), optional the grid-to-world transform associated with the sampling grid (specified by `sampling_grid_shape`, or by default `self.domain_shape`). If None (the default), then the grid-to-world transform is assumed to be the identity. resample_only : Boolean, optional If False (the default) the affine transform is applied normally. If True, then the affine transform is not applied, and the input image is just re-sampled on the domain grid of this transform. apply_inverse : Boolean, optional If False (the default) the image is transformed from the codomain of this transform to its domain using the (direct) affine transform. Otherwise, the image is transformed from the domain of this transform to its codomain using the (inverse) affine transform. Returns ------- transformed : array, shape `sampling_grid_shape` or `self.domain_shape` the transformed image, sampled at the requested grid """ # Verify valid interpolation requested if interpolation not in _interp_options: msg = f"Unknown interpolation method: {interpolation}" raise ValueError(msg) # Obtain sampling grid if sampling_grid_shape is None: if apply_inverse: sampling_grid_shape = self.codomain_shape else: sampling_grid_shape = self.domain_shape if sampling_grid_shape is None: msg = "Unknown sampling info. Provide a valid sampling_grid_shape" raise ValueError(msg) dim = len(sampling_grid_shape) shape = np.array(sampling_grid_shape, dtype=np.int32) # Verify valid image dimension img_dim = len(image.shape) if img_dim < 2 or img_dim > 3: raise ValueError(f"Undefined transform for dim: {img_dim}") # Obtain grid-to-world transform for sampling grid if sampling_grid2world is None: if apply_inverse: sampling_grid2world = self.codomain_grid2world else: sampling_grid2world = self.domain_grid2world if sampling_grid2world is None: sampling_grid2world = np.eye(dim + 1) # Obtain world-to-grid transform for input image if image_grid2world is None: if apply_inverse: image_grid2world = self.domain_grid2world else: image_grid2world = self.codomain_grid2world if image_grid2world is None: image_grid2world = np.eye(dim + 1) image_world2grid = npl.inv(image_grid2world) # Compute the transform from sampling grid to input image grid if apply_inverse: aff = self.affine_inv else: aff = self.affine if (aff is None) or resample_only: comp = else: comp = # Transform the input image if interpolation == "linear": image = image.astype(np.float64) transformed = _transform_method[(dim, interpolation)](image, shape, affine=comp) return transformed
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def transform( self, image, *, interpolation="linear", image_grid2world=None, sampling_grid_shape=None, sampling_grid2world=None, resample_only=False, ): """Transform the input image from co-domain to domain space. By default, the transformed image is sampled at a grid defined by `self.domain_shape` and `self.domain_grid2world`. If such information was not provided then `sampling_grid_shape` is mandatory. Parameters ---------- image : 2D or 3D array the image to be transformed interpolation : string, either 'linear' or 'nearest' the type of interpolation to be used, either 'linear' (for k-linear interpolation) or 'nearest' for nearest neighbor image_grid2world : array, shape (dim + 1, dim + 1), optional the grid-to-world transform associated with `image`. If None (the default), then the grid-to-world transform is assumed to be the identity. sampling_grid_shape : sequence, shape (dim,), optional the shape of the grid where the transformed image must be sampled. If None (the default), then `self.codomain_shape` is used instead (which must have been set at initialization, otherwise an exception will be raised). sampling_grid2world : array, shape (dim + 1, dim + 1), optional the grid-to-world transform associated with the sampling grid (specified by `sampling_grid_shape`, or by default `self.codomain_shape`). If None (the default), then the grid-to-world transform is assumed to be the identity. resample_only : Boolean, optional If False (the default) the affine transform is applied normally. If True, then the affine transform is not applied, and the input image is just re-sampled on the domain grid of this transform. Returns ------- transformed : array the transformed image, sampled at the requested grid, with shape `sampling_grid_shape` or `self.codomain_shape`. """ transformed = self._apply_transform( image, interpolation=interpolation, image_grid2world=image_grid2world, sampling_grid_shape=sampling_grid_shape, sampling_grid2world=sampling_grid2world, resample_only=resample_only, apply_inverse=False, ) return np.array(transformed)
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def transform_inverse( self, image, *, interpolation="linear", image_grid2world=None, sampling_grid_shape=None, sampling_grid2world=None, resample_only=False, ): """Transform the input image from domain to co-domain space. By default, the transformed image is sampled at a grid defined by `self.codomain_shape` and `self.codomain_grid2world`. If such information was not provided then `sampling_grid_shape` is mandatory. Parameters ---------- image : 2D or 3D array the image to be transformed interpolation : string, either 'linear' or 'nearest' the type of interpolation to be used, either 'linear' (for k-linear interpolation) or 'nearest' for nearest neighbor image_grid2world : array, shape (dim + 1, dim + 1), optional the grid-to-world transform associated with `image`. If None (the default), then the grid-to-world transform is assumed to be the identity. sampling_grid_shape : sequence, shape (dim,), optional the shape of the grid where the transformed image must be sampled. If None (the default), then `self.codomain_shape` is used instead (which must have been set at initialization, otherwise an exception will be raised). sampling_grid2world : array, shape (dim + 1, dim + 1), optional the grid-to-world transform associated with the sampling grid (specified by `sampling_grid_shape`, or by default `self.codomain_shape`). If None (the default), then the grid-to-world transform is assumed to be the identity. resample_only : Boolean, optional If False (the default) the affine transform is applied normally. If True, then the affine transform is not applied, and the input image is just re-sampled on the domain grid of this transform. Returns ------- transformed : array the transformed image, sampled at the requested grid, with shape `sampling_grid_shape` or `self.codomain_shape`. """ transformed = self._apply_transform( image, interpolation=interpolation, image_grid2world=image_grid2world, sampling_grid_shape=sampling_grid_shape, sampling_grid2world=sampling_grid2world, resample_only=resample_only, apply_inverse=True, ) return np.array(transformed)
[docs] class MutualInformationMetric: @warning_for_keywords() def __init__(self, *, nbins=32, sampling_proportion=None): r"""Initialize an instance of the Mutual Information metric. This class implements the methods required by Optimizer to drive the registration process. Parameters ---------- nbins : int, optional the number of bins to be used for computing the intensity histograms. The default is 32. sampling_proportion : None or float in interval (0, 1], optional There are two types of sampling: dense and sparse. Dense sampling uses all voxels for estimating the (joint and marginal) intensity histograms, while sparse sampling uses a subset of them. If `sampling_proportion` is None, then dense sampling is used. If `sampling_proportion` is a floating point value in (0,1] then sparse sampling is used, where `sampling_proportion` specifies the proportion of voxels to be used. The default is None. Notes ----- Since we use linear interpolation, images are not, in general, differentiable at exact voxel coordinates, but they are differentiable between voxel coordinates. When using sparse sampling, selected voxels are slightly moved by adding a small random displacement within one voxel to prevent sampling points from being located exactly at voxel coordinates. When using dense sampling, this random displacement is not applied. """ self.histogram = ParzenJointHistogram(nbins) self.sampling_proportion = sampling_proportion self.metric_val = None self.metric_grad = None
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def setup( self, transform, static, moving, *, static_grid2world=None, moving_grid2world=None, starting_affine=None, static_mask=None, moving_mask=None, ): r"""Prepare the metric to compute intensity densities and gradients. The histograms will be setup to compute probability densities of intensities within the minimum and maximum values of `static` and `moving` Parameters ---------- transform: instance of Transform the transformation with respect to whose parameters the gradient must be computed static : array, shape (S, R, C) or (R, C) static image moving : array, shape (S', R', C') or (R', C') moving image. The dimensions of the static (S, R, C) and moving (S', R', C') images do not need to be the same. static_grid2world : array (dim+1, dim+1), optional the grid-to-space transform of the static image. The default is None, implying the transform is the identity. moving_grid2world : array (dim+1, dim+1) the grid-to-space transform of the moving image. The default is None, implying the spacing along all axes is 1. starting_affine : array, shape (dim+1, dim+1), optional the pre-aligning matrix (an affine transform) that roughly aligns the moving image towards the static image. If None, no pre-alignment is performed. If a pre-alignment matrix is available, it is recommended to provide this matrix as `starting_affine` instead of manually transforming the moving image to reduce interpolation artifacts. The default is None, implying no pre-alignment is performed. static_mask : array, shape (S, R, C) or (R, C), optional static image mask that defines which pixels in the static image are used to calculate the mutual information. moving_mask : array, shape (S', R', C') or (R', C'), optional moving image mask that defines which pixels in the moving image are used to calculate the mutual information. """ n = transform.get_number_of_parameters() self.metric_grad = np.zeros(n, dtype=np.float64) self.dim = len(static.shape) if moving_grid2world is None: moving_grid2world = np.eye(self.dim + 1) if static_grid2world is None: static_grid2world = np.eye(self.dim + 1) self.transform = transform self.static = np.array(static).astype(np.float64) self.moving = np.array(moving).astype(np.float64) self.static_grid2world = static_grid2world self.static_world2grid = npl.inv(static_grid2world) self.moving_grid2world = moving_grid2world self.moving_world2grid = npl.inv(moving_grid2world) self.static_direction, self.static_spacing = get_direction_and_spacings( static_grid2world, self.dim ) self.moving_direction, self.moving_spacing = get_direction_and_spacings( moving_grid2world, self.dim ) self.starting_affine = starting_affine P = np.eye(self.dim + 1) if self.starting_affine is not None: P = self.starting_affine self.affine_map = AffineMap( P, domain_grid_shape=static.shape, domain_grid2world=static_grid2world, codomain_grid_shape=moving.shape, codomain_grid2world=moving_grid2world, ) # Masks can only be used with dense sampling if self.sampling_proportion in [None, 1.0]: if static_mask is not None: self.static_mask = static_mask.astype(np.int32) else: self.static_mask = None if moving_mask is not None: self.moving_mask = moving_mask.astype(np.int32) else: self.moving_mask = None else: if (static_mask is not None) or (moving_mask is not None): wm = "Masking is not implemented for sampling_proportion < 1, " wm = wm + "setting static_mask = None and moving_mask = None" warn(wm, UserWarning, stacklevel=2) self.static_mask, self.moving_mask = None, None if self.dim == 2: self.interp_method = interpolate_scalar_2d else: self.interp_method = interpolate_scalar_3d if self.sampling_proportion is None: self.samples = None self.ns = 0 else: k = int(np.ceil(1.0 / self.sampling_proportion)) shape = np.array(static.shape, dtype=np.int32) self.samples = sample_domain_regular(k, shape, static_grid2world) self.samples = np.array(self.samples) self.ns = self.samples.shape[0] # Add a column of ones (homogeneous coordinates) self.samples = np.hstack((self.samples, np.ones(self.ns)[:, None])) if self.starting_affine is None: self.samples_prealigned = self.samples else: self.samples_prealigned = # Sample the static image static_p = static_p = static_p[..., : self.dim] self.static_vals, inside = self.interp_method(static, static_p) self.static_vals = np.array(self.static_vals, dtype=np.float64) self.histogram.setup( self.static, self.moving, smask=self.static_mask, mmask=self.moving_mask )
def _update_histogram(self): r"""Update the histogram according to the current affine transform. The current affine transform is given by `self.affine_map`, which must be set before calling this method. Returns ------- static_values: array, shape(n,) if sparse sampling is being used, array, shape(S, R, C) or (R, C) if dense sampling the intensity values corresponding to the static image used to update the histogram. If sparse sampling is being used, then it is simply a sequence of scalars, obtained by sampling the static image at the `n` sampling points. If dense sampling is being used, then the intensities are given directly by the static image, whose shape is (S, R, C) in the 3D case or (R, C) in the 2D case. moving_values: array, shape(n,) if sparse sampling is being used, array, shape(S, R, C) or (R, C) if dense sampling the intensity values corresponding to the moving image used to update the histogram. If sparse sampling is being used, then it is simply a sequence of scalars, obtained by sampling the moving image at the `n` sampling points (mapped to the moving space by the current affine transform). If dense sampling is being used, then the intensities are given by the moving imaged linearly transformed towards the static image by the current affine, which results in an image of the same shape as the static image. """ static_mask_values, moving_mask_values = None, None if self.sampling_proportion is None: # Dense case static_values = self.static moving_values = self.affine_map.transform(self.moving) if self.static_mask is not None: static_mask_values = self.static_mask if self.moving_mask is not None: moving_mask_values = self.affine_map.transform( self.moving_mask, interpolation="nearest" ).astype(np.int32) self.histogram.update_pdfs_dense( static_values, moving_values, smask=self.static_mask, mmask=moving_mask_values, ) else: # Sparse case sp_to_moving = pts = # Points on moving grid pts = pts[..., : self.dim] self.moving_vals, inside = self.interp_method(self.moving, pts) self.moving_vals = np.array(self.moving_vals) static_values = self.static_vals moving_values = self.moving_vals self.histogram.update_pdfs_sparse(static_values, moving_values) return static_values, moving_values, static_mask_values, moving_mask_values @warning_for_keywords() def _update_mutual_information(self, params, *, update_gradient=True): r"""Update marginal and joint distributions and the joint gradient. The distributions are updated according to the static and transformed images. The transformed image is precisely the moving image after transforming it by the transform defined by the `params` parameters. The gradient of the joint PDF is computed only if update_gradient is True. Parameters ---------- params : array, shape (n,) the parameter vector of the transform currently used by the metric (the transform name is provided when self.setup is called), n is the number of parameters of the transform update_gradient : Boolean, optional if True, the gradient of the joint PDF will also be computed, otherwise, only the marginal and joint PDFs will be computed. The default is True. """ # Get the matrix associated with the `params` parameter vector current_affine = self.transform.param_to_matrix(params) # Get the static-to-prealigned matrix (only needed for the MI gradient) static2prealigned = self.static_grid2world if self.starting_affine is not None: current_affine = static2prealigned = self.affine_map.set_affine(current_affine) # Update the histogram with the current joint intensities static_values, moving_values, static_mask_values, moving_mask_values = ( self._update_histogram() ) H = self.histogram # Shortcut to `self.histogram` grad = None # Buffer to write the MI gradient into (if needed) if update_gradient: grad = self.metric_grad # Compute the gradient of the joint PDF w.r.t. parameters if self.sampling_proportion is None: # Dense case # Compute the gradient of moving img. at physical points # associated with the >>static image's grid<< cells # The image gradient must be eval. at current moved points grid_to_world = mgrad, inside = vf.gradient( self.moving, self.moving_world2grid, self.moving_spacing, self.static.shape, grid_to_world, ) # The Jacobian must be evaluated at the pre-aligned points H.update_gradient_dense( params, self.transform, static_values, moving_values, static2prealigned, mgrad, smask=static_mask_values, mmask=moving_mask_values, ) else: # Sparse case # Compute the gradient of moving at the sampling points # which are already given in physical space coordinates pts = # Moved points mgrad, inside = vf.sparse_gradient( self.moving, self.moving_world2grid, self.moving_spacing, pts ) # The Jacobian must be evaluated at the pre-aligned points pts = self.samples_prealigned[..., : self.dim] H.update_gradient_sparse( params, self.transform, static_values, moving_values, pts, mgrad ) # Call the cythonized MI computation with self.histogram fields self.metric_val = compute_parzen_mi( H.joint, H.joint_grad, H.smarginal, H.mmarginal, grad )
[docs] def distance(self, params): r"""Numeric value of the negative Mutual Information. We need to change the sign so we can use standard minimization algorithms. Parameters ---------- params : array, shape (n,) the parameter vector of the transform currently used by the metric (the transform name is provided when self.setup is called), n is the number of parameters of the transform Returns ------- neg_mi : float the negative mutual information of the input images after transforming the moving image by the currently set transform with `params` parameters """ try: self._update_mutual_information(params, update_gradient=False) except (AffineInversionError, AffineInvalidValuesError): return np.inf return -1 * self.metric_val
[docs] def gradient(self, params): r"""Numeric value of the metric's gradient at the given parameters. Parameters ---------- params : array, shape (n,) the parameter vector of the transform currently used by the metric (the transform name is provided when self.setup is called), n is the number of parameters of the transform Returns ------- grad : array, shape (n,) the gradient of the negative Mutual Information """ try: self._update_mutual_information(params, update_gradient=True) except (AffineInversionError, AffineInvalidValuesError): return 0 * self.metric_grad return -1 * self.metric_grad
[docs] def distance_and_gradient(self, params): r"""Numeric value of the metric and its gradient at given parameters. Parameters ---------- params : array, shape (n,) the parameter vector of the transform currently used by the metric (the transform name is provided when self.setup is called), n is the number of parameters of the transform Returns ------- neg_mi : float the negative mutual information of the input images after transforming the moving image by the currently set transform with `params` parameters neg_mi_grad : array, shape (n,) the gradient of the negative Mutual Information """ try: self._update_mutual_information(params, update_gradient=True) except (AffineInversionError, AffineInvalidValuesError): return np.inf, 0 * self.metric_grad return -1 * self.metric_val, -1 * self.metric_grad
[docs] class AffineRegistration: @warning_for_keywords() def __init__( self, *, metric=None, level_iters=None, sigmas=None, factors=None, method="L-BFGS-B", ss_sigma_factor=None, options=None, verbosity=VerbosityLevels.STATUS, ): """Initialize an instance of the AffineRegistration class. Parameters ---------- metric : None or object, optional an instance of a metric. The default is None, implying the Mutual Information metric with default settings. level_iters : sequence, optional the number of iterations at each scale of the scale space. `level_iters[0]` corresponds to the coarsest scale, `level_iters[-1]` the finest, where n is the length of the sequence. By default, a 3-level scale space with iterations sequence equal to [10000, 1000, 100] will be used. sigmas : sequence of floats, optional custom smoothing parameter to build the scale space (one parameter for each scale). By default, the sequence of sigmas will be [3, 1, 0]. factors : sequence of floats, optional custom scale factors to build the scale space (one factor for each scale). By default, the sequence of factors will be [4, 2, 1]. method : string, optional optimization method to be used. If Scipy version < 0.12, then only L-BFGS-B is available. Otherwise, `method` can be any gradient-based method available in `dipy.core.Optimize`: CG, BFGS, Newton-CG, dogleg or trust-ncg. The default is 'L-BFGS-B'. ss_sigma_factor : float, optional If None, this parameter is not used and an isotropic scale space with the given `factors` and `sigmas` will be built. If not None, an anisotropic scale space will be used by automatically selecting the smoothing sigmas along each axis according to the voxel dimensions of the given image. The `ss_sigma_factor` is used to scale the automatically computed sigmas. For example, in the isotropic case, the sigma of the kernel will be $factor * (2 ^ i)$ where $i = 1, 2, ..., n_{scales} - 1$ is the scale (the finest resolution image $i=0$ is never smoothed). The default is None. options : dict, optional extra optimization options. The default is None, implying no extra options are passed to the optimizer. """ self.metric = metric if self.metric is None: self.metric = MutualInformationMetric() if level_iters is None: level_iters = [10000, 1000, 100] self.level_iters = level_iters self.levels = len(level_iters) if self.levels == 0: raise ValueError("The iterations sequence cannot be empty") self.options = options self.method = method if ss_sigma_factor is not None: self.use_isotropic = False self.ss_sigma_factor = ss_sigma_factor else: self.use_isotropic = True if factors is None: factors = [4, 2, 1] if sigmas is None: sigmas = [3, 1, 0] self.factors = factors self.sigmas = sigmas self.verbosity = verbosity # Separately add a string that tells about the verbosity kwarg. This needs # to be separate, because it is set as a module-wide option in __init__: docstring_addendum = ( """verbosity : int (one of {0, 1, 2, 3}), optional Set the verbosity level of the algorithm: - 0 : do not print anything - 1 : print information about the current status of the algorithm - 2 : print high level information of the components involved in the registration that can be used to detect a failing component. - 3 : print as much information as possible to isolate the cause of a bug. Default: % s """ % VerbosityLevels.STATUS ) __init__.__doc__ = __init__.__doc__ + docstring_addendum def _init_optimizer( self, static, moving, transform, params0, static_grid2world, moving_grid2world, starting_affine, static_mask, moving_mask, ): r"""Initialize the registration optimizer. Initializes the optimizer by computing the scale space of the input images Parameters ---------- static : array, shape (S, R, C) or (R, C) the image to be used as reference during optimization. moving : array, shape (S', R', C') or (R', C') the image to be used as "moving" during optimization. The dimensions of the static (S, R, C) and moving (S', R', C') images do not need to be the same. transform : instance of Transform the transformation with respect to whose parameters the gradient must be computed params0 : array, shape (n,) parameters from which to start the optimization. If None, the optimization will start at the identity transform. n is the number of parameters of the specified transformation. static_grid2world : array, shape (dim+1, dim+1) the voxel-to-space transformation associated with the static image moving_grid2world : array, shape (dim+1, dim+1) the voxel-to-space transformation associated with the moving image starting_affine : string, or matrix, or None If string: 'mass': align centers of gravity 'voxel-origin': align physical coordinates of voxel (0,0,0) 'centers': align physical coordinates of central voxels If matrix: array, shape (dim+1, dim+1) If None: Start from identity static_mask : array, shape (S, R, C) or (R, C), optional static image mask that defines which pixels in the static image are used to calculate the mutual information. moving_mask : array, shape (S', R', C') or (R', C'), optional moving image mask that defines which pixels in the moving image are used to calculate the mutual information. """ self.dim = len(static.shape) self.transform = transform n = transform.get_number_of_parameters() self.nparams = n # ensure that masks are not all zeros if np.all(static_mask == 0): warn( "static_mask is all zeros, setting to None (which means \ the entire volume will be used)", UserWarning, stacklevel=2, ) static_mask = None if np.all(moving_mask == 0): warn("moving_mask is all zeros, setting to None", UserWarning, stacklevel=2) moving_mask = None # save masks for use elsewhere self.static_mask, self.moving_mask = static_mask, moving_mask # multiply images by masks for transform_centers_of_mass static_masked, moving_masked = static, moving if static_mask is not None: static_masked = static * static_mask if moving_mask is not None: moving_masked = moving * moving_mask if params0 is None: params0 = self.transform.get_identity_parameters() self.params0 = params0 if starting_affine is None: self.starting_affine = np.eye(self.dim + 1) elif isinstance(starting_affine, str): if starting_affine == "mass": affine_map = transform_centers_of_mass( static_masked, static_grid2world, moving_masked, moving_grid2world ) self.starting_affine = affine_map.affine print("starting_affine in imaffine:", self.starting_affine) elif starting_affine == "voxel-origin": affine_map = transform_origins( static, static_grid2world, moving, moving_grid2world ) self.starting_affine = affine_map.affine elif starting_affine == "centers": affine_map = transform_geometric_centers( static, static_grid2world, moving, moving_grid2world ) self.starting_affine = affine_map.affine else: raise ValueError("Invalid starting_affine strategy") elif isinstance(starting_affine, np.ndarray) and starting_affine.shape >= ( self.dim, self.dim + 1, ): self.starting_affine = starting_affine else: raise ValueError("Invalid starting_affine matrix") # Extract information from affine matrices to create the scale space static_direction, static_spacing = get_direction_and_spacings( static_grid2world, self.dim ) moving_direction, moving_spacing = get_direction_and_spacings( moving_grid2world, self.dim ) # Scale the images by min and max values (where mask == 1) if static_mask is not None: smin = np.min(static[static_mask == 1]) smax = np.max(static[static_mask == 1]) else: smin, smax = np.min(static), np.max(static) static = (static.astype(np.float64) - smin) / (smax - smin) if moving_mask is not None: mmin = np.min(moving[moving_mask == 1]) mmax = np.max(moving[moving_mask == 1]) else: mmin, mmax = np.min(moving), np.max(moving) moving = (moving.astype(np.float64) - mmin) / (mmax - mmin) # Build the scale space of the input images if self.use_isotropic: self.moving_ss = IsotropicScaleSpace( moving, self.factors, self.sigmas, image_grid2world=moving_grid2world, input_spacing=moving_spacing, mask0=False, ) self.static_ss = IsotropicScaleSpace( static, self.factors, self.sigmas, image_grid2world=static_grid2world, input_spacing=static_spacing, mask0=False, ) else: self.moving_ss = ScaleSpace( moving, self.levels, image_grid2world=moving_grid2world, input_spacing=moving_spacing, sigma_factor=self.ss_sigma_factor, mask0=False, ) self.static_ss = ScaleSpace( static, self.levels, image_grid2world=static_grid2world, input_spacing=static_spacing, sigma_factor=self.ss_sigma_factor, mask0=False, )
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def optimize( self, static, moving, transform, params0, *, static_grid2world=None, moving_grid2world=None, starting_affine=None, ret_metric=False, static_mask=None, moving_mask=None, ): r"""Start the optimization process. Parameters ---------- static : 2D or 3D array the image to be used as reference during optimization. moving : 2D or 3D array the image to be used as "moving" during optimization. It is necessary to pre-align the moving image to ensure its domain lies inside the domain of the deformation fields. This is assumed to be accomplished by "pre-aligning" the moving image towards the static using an affine transformation given by the 'starting_affine' matrix transform : instance of Transform the transformation with respect to whose parameters the gradient must be computed params0 : array, shape (n,) parameters from which to start the optimization. If None, the optimization will start at the identity transform. n is the number of parameters of the specified transformation. static_grid2world : array, shape (dim+1, dim+1), optional the voxel-to-space transformation associated with the static image. The default is None, implying the transform is the identity. moving_grid2world : array, shape (dim+1, dim+1), optional the voxel-to-space transformation associated with the moving image. The default is None, implying the transform is the identity. starting_affine : string, or matrix, or None, optional If string: 'mass': align centers of gravity 'voxel-origin': align physical coordinates of voxel (0,0,0) 'centers': align physical coordinates of central voxels If matrix: array, shape (dim+1, dim+1). If None: Start from identity. ret_metric : boolean, optional if True, it returns the parameters for measuring the similarity between the images (default 'False'). The metric containing optimal parameters and the distance between the images. static_mask : array, shape (S, R, C) or (R, C), optional static image mask that defines which pixels in the static image are used to calculate the mutual information. moving_mask : array, shape (S', R', C') or (R', C'), optional moving image mask that defines which pixels in the moving image are used to calculate the mutual information. Returns ------- affine_map : instance of AffineMap the affine resulting affine transformation xopt : optimal parameters the optimal parameters (translation, rotation shear etc.) fopt : Similarity metric the value of the function at the optimal parameters. """ self._init_optimizer( static, moving, transform, params0, static_grid2world, moving_grid2world, starting_affine, static_mask, moving_mask, ) del starting_affine # Now we must refer to self.starting_affine del static_mask # Now we must refer to self.static_mask del moving_mask # Now we must refer to self.moving_mask # Multi-resolution iterations original_static_shape = self.static_ss.get_image(0).shape original_static_grid2world = self.static_ss.get_affine(0) original_moving_shape = self.moving_ss.get_image(0).shape original_moving_grid2world = self.moving_ss.get_affine(0) affine_map = AffineMap( None, domain_grid_shape=original_static_shape, domain_grid2world=original_static_grid2world, codomain_grid_shape=original_moving_shape, codomain_grid2world=original_moving_grid2world, ) for level in range(self.levels - 1, -1, -1): self.current_level = level max_iter = self.level_iters[-1 - level] if self.verbosity >= VerbosityLevels.STATUS: print(f"Optimizing level {level} [max iter: {max_iter}]") # Resample the smooth static image to the shape of this level smooth_static = self.static_ss.get_image(level) current_static_shape = self.static_ss.get_domain_shape(level) current_static_grid2world = self.static_ss.get_affine(level) current_affine_map = AffineMap( None, domain_grid_shape=current_static_shape, domain_grid2world=current_static_grid2world, codomain_grid_shape=original_static_shape, codomain_grid2world=original_static_grid2world, ) current_static = current_affine_map.transform(smooth_static) current_static_mask = None if self.static_mask is not None: current_static_mask = current_affine_map.transform( self.static_mask, interpolation="nearest" ).astype(np.int32) # The moving image is full resolution current_moving_grid2world = original_moving_grid2world current_moving = self.moving_ss.get_image(level) # Prepare the metric for iterations at this resolution self.metric.setup( transform, current_static, current_moving, static_grid2world=current_static_grid2world, moving_grid2world=current_moving_grid2world, starting_affine=self.starting_affine, static_mask=current_static_mask, moving_mask=self.moving_mask, ) # Optimize this level if self.options is None: self.options = {"gtol": 1e-4, "disp": False} if self.method == "L-BFGS-B": self.options["maxfun"] = max_iter else: self.options["maxiter"] = max_iter opt = Optimizer( self.metric.distance_and_gradient, self.params0, method=self.method, jac=True, options=self.options, ) params = opt.xopt # Update starting_affine matrix with optimal parameters T = self.transform.param_to_matrix(params) self.starting_affine = # Start next iteration at identity self.params0 = self.transform.get_identity_parameters() affine_map.set_affine(self.starting_affine) if ret_metric: return affine_map, opt.xopt, opt.fopt return affine_map
[docs] def transform_centers_of_mass(static, static_grid2world, moving, moving_grid2world): r"""Transformation to align the center of mass of the input images. Parameters ---------- static : array, shape (S, R, C) static image static_grid2world : array, shape (dim+1, dim+1) the voxel-to-space transformation of the static image moving : array, shape (S, R, C) moving image moving_grid2world : array, shape (dim+1, dim+1) the voxel-to-space transformation of the moving image Returns ------- affine_map : instance of AffineMap the affine transformation (translation only, in this case) aligning the center of mass of the moving image towards the one of the static image """ dim = len(static.shape) if static_grid2world is None: static_grid2world = np.eye(dim + 1) if moving_grid2world is None: moving_grid2world = np.eye(dim + 1) c_static = ndimage.center_of_mass(np.array(static)) c_static = + (1,)) c_moving = ndimage.center_of_mass(np.array(moving)) c_moving = + (1,)) transform = np.eye(dim + 1) transform[:dim, dim] = (c_moving - c_static)[:dim] affine_map = AffineMap( transform, domain_grid_shape=static.shape, domain_grid2world=static_grid2world, codomain_grid_shape=moving.shape, codomain_grid2world=moving_grid2world, ) return affine_map
[docs] def transform_geometric_centers(static, static_grid2world, moving, moving_grid2world): r"""Transformation to align the geometric center of the input images. With "geometric center" of a volume we mean the physical coordinates of its central voxel Parameters ---------- static : array, shape (S, R, C) static image static_grid2world : array, shape (dim+1, dim+1) the voxel-to-space transformation of the static image moving : array, shape (S, R, C) moving image moving_grid2world : array, shape (dim+1, dim+1) the voxel-to-space transformation of the moving image Returns ------- affine_map : instance of AffineMap the affine transformation (translation only, in this case) aligning the geometric center of the moving image towards the one of the static image """ dim = len(static.shape) if static_grid2world is None: static_grid2world = np.eye(dim + 1) if moving_grid2world is None: moving_grid2world = np.eye(dim + 1) c_static = tuple((np.array(static.shape, dtype=np.float64)) * 0.5) c_static = + (1,)) c_moving = tuple((np.array(moving.shape, dtype=np.float64)) * 0.5) c_moving = + (1,)) transform = np.eye(dim + 1) transform[:dim, dim] = (c_moving - c_static)[:dim] affine_map = AffineMap( transform, domain_grid_shape=static.shape, domain_grid2world=static_grid2world, codomain_grid_shape=moving.shape, codomain_grid2world=moving_grid2world, ) return affine_map
[docs] def transform_origins(static, static_grid2world, moving, moving_grid2world): r"""Transformation to align the origins of the input images. With "origin" of a volume we mean the physical coordinates of voxel (0,0,0) Parameters ---------- static : array, shape (S, R, C) static image static_grid2world : array, shape (dim+1, dim+1) the voxel-to-space transformation of the static image moving : array, shape (S, R, C) moving image moving_grid2world : array, shape (dim+1, dim+1) the voxel-to-space transformation of the moving image Returns ------- affine_map : instance of AffineMap the affine transformation (translation only, in this case) aligning the origin of the moving image towards the one of the static image """ dim = len(static.shape) if static_grid2world is None: static_grid2world = np.eye(dim + 1) if moving_grid2world is None: moving_grid2world = np.eye(dim + 1) c_static = static_grid2world[:dim, dim] c_moving = moving_grid2world[:dim, dim] transform = np.eye(dim + 1) transform[:dim, dim] = (c_moving - c_static)[:dim] affine_map = AffineMap( transform, domain_grid_shape=static.shape, domain_grid2world=static_grid2world, codomain_grid_shape=moving.shape, codomain_grid2world=moving_grid2world, ) return affine_map