Source code for dipy.align.reslice

import multiprocessing as mp
import warnings

import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import affine_transform

from dipy.testing.decorators import warning_for_keywords
from dipy.utils.multiproc import determine_num_processes

def _affine_transform(kwargs):
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message=".*scipy.*18.*", category=UserWarning)
        return affine_transform(**kwargs)

[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def reslice( data, affine, zooms, new_zooms, *, order=1, mode="constant", cval=0, num_processes=1 ): """Reslice data with new voxel resolution defined by ``new_zooms``. Parameters ---------- data : array, shape (I,J,K) or (I,J,K,N) 3d volume or 4d volume with datasets affine : array, shape (4,4) mapping from voxel coordinates to world coordinates zooms : tuple, shape (3,) voxel size for (i,j,k) dimensions new_zooms : tuple, shape (3,) new voxel size for (i,j,k) after resampling order : int, from 0 to 5 order of interpolation for resampling/reslicing, 0 nearest interpolation, 1 trilinear etc.. if you don't want any smoothing 0 is the option you need. mode : string ('constant', 'nearest', 'reflect' or 'wrap') Points outside the boundaries of the input are filled according to the given mode. cval : float Value used for points outside the boundaries of the input if mode='constant'. num_processes : int, optional Split the calculation to a pool of children processes. This only applies to 4D `data` arrays. Default is 1. If < 0 the maximal number of cores minus ``num_processes + 1`` is used (enter -1 to use as many cores as possible). 0 raises an error. Returns ------- data2 : array, shape (I,J,K) or (I,J,K,N) datasets resampled into isotropic voxel size affine2 : array, shape (4,4) new affine for the resampled image Examples -------- >>> from import load_nifti >>> from dipy.align.reslice import reslice >>> from import get_fnames >>> f_name = get_fnames(name="aniso_vox") >>> data, affine, zooms = load_nifti(f_name, return_voxsize=True) >>> data.shape == (58, 58, 24) True >>> zooms (4.0, 4.0, 5.0) >>> new_zooms = (3.,3.,3.) >>> new_zooms (3.0, 3.0, 3.0) >>> data2, affine2 = reslice(data, affine, zooms, new_zooms) >>> data2.shape == (77, 77, 40) True """ num_processes = determine_num_processes(num_processes) # We are suppressing warnings emitted by scipy >= 0.18, # described in # These warnings are not relevant to us, as long as our offset # input to scipy's affine_transform is [0, 0, 0] with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message=".*scipy.*18.*", category=UserWarning) new_zooms = np.array(new_zooms, dtype="f8") zooms = np.array(zooms, dtype="f8") R = new_zooms / zooms new_shape = zooms / new_zooms * np.array(data.shape[:3]) new_shape = tuple(np.round(new_shape).astype("i8")) kwargs = { "matrix": R, "output_shape": new_shape, "order": order, "mode": mode, "cval": cval, } if data.ndim == 3: data2 = affine_transform(input=data, **kwargs) elif data.ndim == 4: data2 = np.zeros(new_shape + (data.shape[-1],), data.dtype) if num_processes == 1: for i in range(data.shape[-1]): affine_transform(input=data[..., i], output=data2[..., i], **kwargs) else: params = [] for i in range(data.shape[-1]): _kwargs = {"input": data[..., i]} _kwargs.update(kwargs) params.append(_kwargs) mp.set_start_method("spawn", force=True) pool = mp.Pool(num_processes) for i, res in enumerate(pool.imap(_affine_transform, params)): data2[..., i] = res pool.close() else: raise ValueError( f"dimension of data should be 3 or 4 but you provided {data.ndim}" ) Rx = np.eye(4) Rx[:3, :3] = np.diag(R) affine2 =, Rx) return (data2, affine2)