import logging
import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as npl
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
from dipy.align import floating
from dipy.testing.decorators import warning_for_keywords
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ScaleSpace:
def __init__(
Computes the Scale Space representation of an image. The scale space is
simply a list of images produced by smoothing the input image with a
Gaussian kernel with increasing smoothing parameter. If the image's
voxels are isotropic, the smoothing will be the same along all
directions: at level L = 0, 1, ..., the sigma is given by
$s * ( 2^L - 1 )$.
If the voxel dimensions are not isotropic, then the smoothing is
weaker along low resolution directions.
image : array, shape (r,c) or (s, r, c) where s is the number of
slices, r is the number of rows and c is the number of columns of
the input image.
num_levels : int
the desired number of levels (resolutions) of the scale space
image_grid2world : array, shape (dim + 1, dim + 1), optional
the grid-to-space transform of the image grid. The default is
the identity matrix
input_spacing : array, shape (dim,), optional
the spacing (voxel size) between voxels in physical space. The
default is 1.0 along all axes
sigma_factor : float, optional
the smoothing factor to be used in the construction of the scale
space. The default is 0.2
mask0 : Boolean, optional
if True, all smoothed images will be zero at all voxels that are
zero in the input image. The default is False.
self.dim = len(image.shape)
self.num_levels = num_levels
input_size = np.array(image.shape)
if mask0:
mask = np.asarray(image > 0, dtype=np.int32)
# Normalize input image to [0,1]
img = (image - np.min(image)) / (np.max(image) - np.min(image))
if mask0:
img *= mask
# The properties are saved in separate lists. Insert input image
# properties at the first level of the scale space
self.images = [img.astype(floating)]
self.domain_shapes = [input_size.astype(np.int32)]
if input_spacing is None:
input_spacing = np.ones((self.dim,), dtype=np.int32)
self.spacings = [input_spacing]
self.scalings = [np.ones(self.dim)]
self.affines = [image_grid2world]
self.sigmas = [np.zeros(self.dim)]
if image_grid2world is not None:
self.affine_invs = [npl.inv(image_grid2world)]
self.affine_invs = [None]
# Compute the rest of the levels
min_spacing = np.min(input_spacing)
for i in range(1, num_levels):
scaling_factor = 2**i
# Note: the minimum below is present in ANTS to prevent the scaling
# from being too large (making the sub-sampled image to be too
# small) this makes the sub-sampled image at least 32 voxels at
# each direction it is risky to make this decision based on image
# size, though (we need to investigate more the effect of this)
# scaling = np.minimum(scaling_factor * min_spacing /input_spacing,
# input_size / 32)
scaling = scaling_factor * min_spacing / input_spacing
output_spacing = input_spacing * scaling
extended = np.append(scaling, [1])
if image_grid2world is not None:
affine =
affine = np.diag(extended)
output_size = input_size * (input_spacing / output_spacing) + 0.5
output_size = output_size.astype(np.int32)
sigmas = sigma_factor * (output_spacing / input_spacing - 1.0)
# Filter along each direction with the appropriate sigma
filtered = gaussian_filter(image, sigmas)
filtered = (filtered - np.min(filtered)) / (
np.max(filtered) - np.min(filtered)
if mask0:
filtered *= mask
# Add current level to the scale space
def get_expand_factors(self, from_level, to_level):
"""Ratio of voxel size from pyramid level from_level to to_level.
Given two scale space resolutions a = from_level, b = to_level,
returns the ratio of voxels size at level b to voxel size at level a
(the factor that must be used to multiply voxels at level a to
'expand' them to level b).
from_level : int, 0 <= from_level < L, (L = number of resolutions)
the resolution to expand voxels from
to_level : int, 0 <= to_level < from_level
the resolution to expand voxels to
factors : array, shape (k,), k = 2, 3
the expand factors (a scalar for each voxel dimension)
factors = np.array(self.spacings[to_level]) / np.array(
return factors
def print_level(self, level):
"""Prints properties of a pyramid level.
Prints the properties of a level of this scale space to standard output
level : int, 0 <= from_level < L, (L = number of resolutions)
the scale space level to be printed
""""Domain shape: {self.get_domain_shape(level)}")"Spacing: {self.get_spacing(level)}")"Scaling: {self.get_scaling(level)}")"Affine: {self.get_affine(level)}")"Sigmas: {self.get_sigmas(level)}")
def _get_attribute(self, attribute, level):
"""Return an attribute from the Scale Space at a given level.
Returns the level-th element of attribute if level is a valid level
of this scale space. Otherwise, returns None.
attribute : list
the attribute to retrieve the level-th element from
level : int,
the index of the required element from attribute.
attribute[level] : object
the requested attribute if level is valid, else it raises
a ValueError
if 0 <= level < self.num_levels:
return attribute[level]
raise ValueError(f"Invalid pyramid level: {level}")
def get_image(self, level):
"""Smoothed image at a given level.
Returns the smoothed image at the requested level in the Scale Space.
level : int, 0 <= from_level < L, (L = number of resolutions)
the scale space level to get the smooth image from
the smooth image at the requested resolution or None if an invalid
level was requested
return self._get_attribute(self.images, level)
def get_domain_shape(self, level):
"""Shape the sub-sampled image must have at a particular level.
Returns the shape the sub-sampled image must have at a particular
resolution of the scale space (note that this object does not
explicitly subsample the smoothed images, but only provides the
properties the sub-sampled images must have).
level : int, 0 <= from_level < L, (L = number of resolutions)
the scale space level to get the sub-sampled shape from
the sub-sampled shape at the requested resolution or None if an
invalid level was requested
return self._get_attribute(self.domain_shapes, level)
def get_spacing(self, level):
"""Spacings the sub-sampled image must have at a particular level.
Returns the spacings (voxel sizes) the sub-sampled image must have at a
particular resolution of the scale space (note that this object does
not explicitly subsample the smoothed images, but only provides the
properties the sub-sampled images must have).
level : int, 0 <= from_level < L, (L = number of resolutions)
the scale space level to get the sub-sampled shape from
the spacings (voxel sizes) at the requested resolution or None if an
invalid level was requested
return self._get_attribute(self.spacings, level)
def get_scaling(self, level):
"""Adjustment factor for input-spacing to reflect voxel sizes at level.
Returns the scaling factor that needs to be applied to the input
spacing (the voxel sizes of the image at level 0 of the scale space) to
transform them to voxel sizes at the requested level.
level : int, 0 <= from_level < L, (L = number of resolutions)
the scale space level to get the scalings from
the scaling factors from the original spacing to the spacings at the
requested level
return self._get_attribute(self.scalings, level)
def get_affine(self, level):
"""Voxel-to-space transformation at a given level.
Returns the voxel-to-space transformation associated with the
sub-sampled image at a particular resolution of the scale space (note
that this object does not explicitly subsample the smoothed images, but
only provides the properties the sub-sampled images must have).
level : int, 0 <= from_level < L, (L = number of resolutions)
the scale space level to get affine transform from
the affine (voxel-to-space) transform at the requested resolution
or None if an invalid level was requested
return self._get_attribute(self.affines, level)
def get_affine_inv(self, level):
"""Space-to-voxel transformation at a given level.
Returns the space-to-voxel transformation associated with the
sub-sampled image at a particular resolution of the scale space (note
that this object does not explicitly subsample the smoothed images, but
only provides the properties the sub-sampled images must have).
level : int, 0 <= from_level < L, (L = number of resolutions)
the scale space level to get the inverse transform from
the inverse (space-to-voxel) transform at the requested resolution or
None if an invalid level was requested
return self._get_attribute(self.affine_invs, level)
def get_sigmas(self, level):
"""Smoothing parameters used at a given level.
Returns the smoothing parameters (a scalar for each axis) used at the
requested level of the scale space
level : int, 0 <= from_level < L, (L = number of resolutions)
the scale space level to get the smoothing parameters from
the smoothing parameters at the requested level
return self._get_attribute(self.sigmas, level)
class IsotropicScaleSpace(ScaleSpace):
def __init__(
Computes the Scale Space representation of an image using isotropic
smoothing kernels for all scales. The scale space is simply a list
of images produced by smoothing the input image with a Gaussian
kernel with different smoothing parameters.
This specialization of ScaleSpace allows the user to provide custom
scale and smoothing factors for all scales.
image : array, shape (r,c) or (s, r, c) where s is the number of
slices, r is the number of rows and c is the number of columns of
the input image.
factors : list of floats
custom scale factors to build the scale space (one factor for each
sigmas : list of floats
custom smoothing parameter to build the scale space (one parameter
for each scale).
image_grid2world : array, shape (dim + 1, dim + 1), optional
the grid-to-space transform of the image grid. The default is
the identity matrix.
input_spacing : array, shape (dim,), optional
the spacing (voxel size) between voxels in physical space. The
default if 1.0 along all axes.
mask0 : Boolean, optional
if True, all smoothed images will be zero at all voxels that are
zero in the input image. The default is False.
self.dim = len(image.shape)
self.num_levels = len(factors)
if len(sigmas) != self.num_levels:
raise ValueError("sigmas and factors must have the same length")
input_size = np.array(image.shape)
if mask0:
mask = np.asarray(image > 0, dtype=np.int32)
# Normalize input image to [0,1]
img = (image.astype(np.float64) - np.min(image)) / (
np.max(image) - np.min(image)
if mask0:
img *= mask
# The properties are saved in separate lists. Insert input image
# properties at the first level of the scale space
self.images = [img.astype(floating)]
self.domain_shapes = [input_size.astype(np.int32)]
if input_spacing is None:
input_spacing = np.ones((self.dim,), dtype=np.int32)
self.spacings = [input_spacing]
self.scalings = [np.ones(self.dim)]
self.affines = [image_grid2world]
self.sigmas = [np.ones(self.dim) * sigmas[self.num_levels - 1]]
if image_grid2world is not None:
self.affine_invs = [npl.inv(image_grid2world)]
self.affine_invs = [None]
# Compute the rest of the levels
min_index = np.argmin(input_spacing)
for i in range(1, self.num_levels):
factor = factors[self.num_levels - 1 - i]
shrink_factors = np.zeros(self.dim)
new_spacing = np.zeros(self.dim)
shrink_factors[min_index] = factor
new_spacing[min_index] = input_spacing[min_index] * factor
for j in range(self.dim):
if j != min_index:
# Select the factor that maximizes isotropy
shrink_factors[j] = factor
new_spacing[j] = input_spacing[j] * factor
min_diff = np.abs(new_spacing[j] - new_spacing[min_index])
for f in range(1, factor):
diff = input_spacing[j] * f - new_spacing[min_index]
diff = np.abs(diff)
if diff < min_diff:
shrink_factors[j] = f
new_spacing[j] = input_spacing[j] * f
min_diff = diff
extended = np.append(shrink_factors, [1])
if image_grid2world is not None:
affine =
affine = np.diag(extended)
output_size = (input_size / shrink_factors).astype(np.int32)
new_sigmas = np.ones(self.dim) * sigmas[self.num_levels - i - 1]
# Filter along each direction with the appropriate sigma
filtered = gaussian_filter(image.astype(np.float64), new_sigmas)
filtered = (filtered.astype(np.float64) - np.min(filtered)) / (
np.max(filtered) - np.min(filtered)
if mask0:
filtered *= mask
# Add current level to the scale space