Source code for dipy.align.streamlinear

import abc
from itertools import combinations
import logging
from time import time

import numpy as np

from dipy.align.bundlemin import (
from dipy.core.geometry import compose_matrix, compose_transformations, decompose_matrix
from dipy.core.optimize import Optimizer
from dipy.segment.clustering import qbx_and_merge
from dipy.testing.decorators import warning_for_keywords
from dipy.tracking.streamline import (

    (-35, 35),
    (-35, 35),
    (-35, 35),
    (-45, 45),
    (-45, 45),
    (-45, 45),
    (0.6, 1.4),
    (0.6, 1.4),
    (0.6, 1.4),
    (-10, 10),
    (-10, 10),
    (-10, 10),

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class StreamlineDistanceMetric(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): @warning_for_keywords() def __init__(self, *, num_threads=None): """An abstract class for the metric used for streamline registration. If the two sets of streamlines match exactly then method ``distance`` of this object should be minimum. Parameters ---------- num_threads : int, optional Number of threads to be used for OpenMP parallelization. If None (default) the value of OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable is used if it is set, otherwise all available threads are used. If < 0 the maximal number of threads minus $|num_threads + 1|$ is used (enter -1 to use as many threads as possible). 0 raises an error. Only metrics using OpenMP will use this variable. """ self.static = None self.moving = None self.num_threads = num_threads
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def setup(self, static, moving): pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def distance(self, xopt): """calculate distance for current set of parameters.""" pass
[docs] class BundleMinDistanceMetric(StreamlineDistanceMetric): """Bundle-based Minimum Distance aka BMD. This is the cost function used by the StreamlineLinearRegistration. See :footcite:p:`Garyfallidis2014b` for further details about the metric. Methods ------- setup(static, moving) distance(xopt) References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """
[docs] def setup(self, static, moving): """Setup static and moving sets of streamlines. Parameters ---------- static : streamlines Fixed or reference set of streamlines. moving : streamlines Moving streamlines. Notes ----- Call this after the object is initiated and before distance. """ self._set_static(static) self._set_moving(moving)
def _set_static(self, static): static_centered_pts, st_idx = unlist_streamlines(static) self.static_centered_pts = np.ascontiguousarray( static_centered_pts, dtype=np.float64 ) self.block_size = st_idx[0] def _set_moving(self, moving): self.moving_centered_pts, _ = unlist_streamlines(moving)
[docs] def distance(self, xopt): """Distance calculated from this Metric. Parameters ---------- xopt : sequence List of affine parameters as an 1D vector, """ return bundle_min_distance_fast( xopt, self.static_centered_pts, self.moving_centered_pts, self.block_size, num_threads=self.num_threads, )
[docs] class BundleMinDistanceMatrixMetric(StreamlineDistanceMetric): """Bundle-based Minimum Distance aka BMD This is the cost function used by the StreamlineLinearRegistration Methods ------- setup(static, moving) distance(xopt) Notes ----- The difference with BundleMinDistanceMetric is that this creates the entire distance matrix and therefore requires more memory. """
[docs] def setup(self, static, moving): """Setup static and moving sets of streamlines. Parameters ---------- static : streamlines Fixed or reference set of streamlines. moving : streamlines Moving streamlines. Notes ----- Call this after the object is initiated and before distance. Num_threads is not used in this class. Use ``BundleMinDistanceMetric`` for a faster, threaded and less memory hungry metric """ self.static = static self.moving = moving
[docs] def distance(self, xopt): """Distance calculated from this Metric. Parameters ---------- xopt : sequence List of affine parameters as an 1D vector """ return bundle_min_distance(xopt, self.static, self.moving)
[docs] class BundleMinDistanceAsymmetricMetric(BundleMinDistanceMetric): """Asymmetric Bundle-based Minimum distance. This is a cost function that can be used by the StreamlineLinearRegistration class. """
[docs] def distance(self, xopt): """Distance calculated from this Metric. Parameters ---------- xopt : sequence List of affine parameters as an 1D vector """ return bundle_min_distance_asymmetric_fast( xopt, self.static_centered_pts, self.moving_centered_pts, self.block_size )
[docs] class BundleSumDistanceMatrixMetric(BundleMinDistanceMatrixMetric): """Bundle-based Sum Distance aka BMD This is a cost function that can be used by the StreamlineLinearRegistration class. Methods ------- setup(static, moving) distance(xopt) Notes ----- The difference with BundleMinDistanceMatrixMetric is that it uses uses the sum of the distance matrix and not the sum of mins. """
[docs] def distance(self, xopt): """Distance calculated from this Metric Parameters ---------- xopt : sequence List of affine parameters as an 1D vector """ return bundle_sum_distance(xopt, self.static, self.moving)
[docs] class JointBundleMinDistanceMetric(StreamlineDistanceMetric): """Bundle-based Minimum Distance for joint optimization. This cost function is used by the StreamlineLinearRegistration class when running halfway streamline linear registration for unbiased groupwise bundle registration and atlasing. It computes the BMD distance after moving both static and moving bundles to a halfway space in between both. Methods ------- setup(static, moving) distance(xopt) Notes ----- In this metric both static and moving bundles are treated equally (i.e., there is no static reference bundle as both are intended to move). The naming convention is kept for consistency. """
[docs] def setup(self, static, moving): """Setup static and moving sets of streamlines. Parameters ---------- static : streamlines Set of streamlines moving : streamlines Set of streamlines Notes ----- Call this after the object is initiated and before distance. Num_threads is not used in this class. """ self.static = static self.moving = moving
[docs] def distance(self, xopt): """Distance calculated from this Metric. Parameters ---------- xopt : sequence List of affine parameters as an 1D vector. These affine parameters are used to derive the corresponding halfway transformation parameters for each bundle. """ # Define halfway space transformations x_static = np.concatenate((xopt[0:6] / 2, (1 + xopt[6:9]) / 2, xopt[9:12] / 2)) x_moving = np.concatenate( (-xopt[0:6] / 2, 2 / (1 + xopt[6:9]), -xopt[9:12] / 2) ) # Move static bundle to the halfway space aff_static = compose_matrix44(x_static) static = transform_streamlines(self.static, aff_static) # Move moving bundle to halfway space and compute distance return bundle_min_distance(x_moving, static, self.moving)
[docs] class StreamlineLinearRegistration: @warning_for_keywords() def __init__( self, *, metric=None, x0="rigid", method="L-BFGS-B", bounds=None, verbose=False, options=None, evolution=False, num_threads=None, ): r"""Linear registration of 2 sets of streamlines. See :footcite:p:`Garyfallidis2015` for further details about the method. Parameters ---------- metric : StreamlineDistanceMetric, If None and fast is False then the BMD distance is used. If fast is True then a faster implementation of BMD is used. Otherwise, use the given distance metric. x0 : array or int or str Initial parametrization for the optimization. If 1D array with: a) 6 elements then only rigid registration is performed with the 3 first elements for translation and 3 for rotation. b) 7 elements also isotropic scaling is performed (similarity). c) 12 elements then translation, rotation (in degrees), scaling and shearing is performed (affine). Here is an example of x0 with 12 elements: ``x0=np.array([0, 10, 0, 40, 0, 0, 2., 1.5, 1, 0.1, -0.5, 0])`` This has translation (0, 10, 0), rotation (40, 0, 0) in degrees, scaling (2., 1.5, 1) and shearing (0.1, -0.5, 0). If int: a) 6 ``x0 = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])`` b) 7 ``x0 = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.])`` c) 12 ``x0 = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1., 1., 1, 0, 0, 0])`` If str: a) "rigid" ``x0 = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])`` b) "similarity" ``x0 = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.])`` c) "affine" ``x0 = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1., 1., 1, 0, 0, 0])`` method : str, 'L_BFGS_B' or 'Powell' optimizers can be used. bounds : list of tuples or None, If method == 'L_BFGS_B' then we can use bounded optimization. For example for the six parameters of rigid rotation we can set the bounds = [(-30, 30), (-30, 30), (-30, 30), (-45, 45), (-45, 45), (-45, 45)] That means that we have set the bounds for the three translations and three rotation axes (in degrees). verbose : bool, optional. If True, if True then information about the optimization is shown. options : None or dict, Extra options to be used with the selected method. evolution : boolean If True save the transformation for each iteration of the optimizer. Supported only with Scipy >= 0.11. num_threads : int, optional Number of threads to be used for OpenMP parallelization. If None (default) the value of OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable is used if it is set, otherwise all available threads are used. If < 0 the maximal number of threads minus $|num_threads + 1|$ is used (enter -1 to use as many threads as possible). 0 raises an error. Only metrics using OpenMP will use this variable. References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ # noqa: E501 self.x0 = self._set_x0(x0) self.metric = metric if self.metric is None: self.metric = BundleMinDistanceMetric(num_threads=num_threads) self.verbose = verbose self.method = method if self.method not in ["Powell", "L-BFGS-B"]: raise ValueError("Only Powell and L-BFGS-B can be used") self.bounds = bounds self.options = options self.evolution = evolution
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def optimize(self, static, moving, *, mat=None): """Find the minimum of the provided metric. Parameters ---------- static : streamlines Reference or fixed set of streamlines. moving : streamlines Moving set of streamlines. mat : array Transformation (4, 4) matrix to start the registration. ``mat`` is applied to moving. Default value None which means that initial transformation will be generated by shifting the centers of moving and static sets of streamlines to the origin. Returns ------- map : StreamlineRegistrationMap """ msg = "need to have the same number of points. Use " msg += "set_number_of_points from dipy.tracking.streamline" if not np.all(np.array(list(map(len, static))) == static[0].shape[0]): raise ValueError(f"Static streamlines {msg}") if not np.all(np.array(list(map(len, moving))) == moving[0].shape[0]): raise ValueError(f"Moving streamlines {msg}") if not np.all(np.array(list(map(len, moving))) == static[0].shape[0]): raise ValueError(f"Static and moving streamlines {msg}") if mat is None: static_centered, static_shift = center_streamlines(static) moving_centered, moving_shift = center_streamlines(moving) static_mat = compose_matrix44( [static_shift[0], static_shift[1], static_shift[2], 0, 0, 0] ) moving_mat = compose_matrix44( [-moving_shift[0], -moving_shift[1], -moving_shift[2], 0, 0, 0] ) else: static_centered = static moving_centered = transform_streamlines(moving, mat) static_mat = np.eye(4) moving_mat = mat self.metric.setup(static_centered, moving_centered) distance = self.metric.distance if self.method == "Powell": if self.options is None: self.options = {"xtol": 1e-6, "ftol": 1e-6, "maxiter": 1e6} opt = Optimizer( distance, self.x0.tolist(), method=self.method, options=self.options, evolution=self.evolution, ) if self.method == "L-BFGS-B": if self.options is None: self.options = { "maxcor": 10, "ftol": 1e-7, "gtol": 1e-5, "eps": 1e-8, "maxiter": 100, } opt = Optimizer( distance, self.x0.tolist(), method=self.method, bounds=self.bounds, options=self.options, evolution=self.evolution, ) if self.verbose: opt.print_summary() opt_mat = compose_matrix44(opt.xopt) mat = compose_transformations(moving_mat, opt_mat, static_mat) mat_history = [] if opt.evolution is not None: for vecs in opt.evolution: mat_history.append( compose_transformations( moving_mat, compose_matrix44(vecs), static_mat ) ) # If we are running halfway streamline linear registration (for # groupwise registration or atlasing) the registration map is different if isinstance(self.metric, JointBundleMinDistanceMetric): srm = JointStreamlineRegistrationMap( opt.xopt, opt.fopt, mat_history, opt.nfev, opt.nit ) else: srm = StreamlineRegistrationMap( mat, opt.xopt, opt.fopt, mat_history, opt.nfev, opt.nit ) del opt return srm
def _set_x0(self, x0): """check if input is of correct type.""" if hasattr(x0, "ndim"): if len(x0) not in [3, 6, 7, 9, 12]: m_ = "Only 1D arrays of 3, 6, 7, 9 and 12 elements are allowed" raise ValueError(m_) if x0.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("Array should have only one dimension") return x0 if isinstance(x0, str): if x0.lower() == "translation": return np.zeros(3) if x0.lower() == "rigid": return np.zeros(6) if x0.lower() == "similarity": return np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0]) if x0.lower() == "scaling": return np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) if x0.lower() == "affine": return np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0]) if isinstance(x0, int): if x0 not in [3, 6, 7, 9, 12]: msg = "Only 3, 6, 7, 9 and 12 are accepted as integers" raise ValueError(msg) else: if x0 == 3: return np.zeros(3) if x0 == 6: return np.zeros(6) if x0 == 7: return np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0]) if x0 == 9: return np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) if x0 == 12: return np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0]) raise ValueError("Wrong input")
[docs] class StreamlineRegistrationMap: def __init__(self, matopt, xopt, fopt, matopt_history, funcs, iterations): r"""A map holding the optimum affine matrix and some other parameters of the optimization Parameters ---------- matopt : array, 4x4 affine matrix which transforms the moving to the static streamlines xopt : array, 1d array with the parameters of the transformation after centering fopt : float, final value of the metric matopt_history : array All transformation matrices created during the optimization funcs : int, Number of function evaluations of the optimizer iterations : int Number of iterations of the optimizer """ self.matrix = matopt self.xopt = xopt self.fopt = fopt self.matrix_history = matopt_history self.funcs = funcs self.iterations = iterations
[docs] def transform(self, moving): """Transform moving streamlines to the static. Parameters ---------- moving : streamlines Returns ------- moved : streamlines Notes ----- All this does is apply ``self.matrix`` to the input streamlines. """ return transform_streamlines(moving, self.matrix)
[docs] class JointStreamlineRegistrationMap: def __init__(self, xopt, fopt, matopt_history, funcs, iterations): """A map holding the optimum affine matrices for halfway streamline linear registration and some other parameters of the optimization. xopt is optimized by StreamlineLinearRegistration using the JointBundleMinDistanceMetric. In that case the mat argument of the optimize method needs to be np.eye(4) to avoid streamline centering. This constructor derives and stores the transformations to move both static and moving bundles to the halfway space. Parameters ---------- xopt : array 1d array with the parameters of the transformation. fopt : float Final value of the metric. matopt_history : array All transformation matrices created during the optimization. funcs : int Number of function evaluations of the optimizer. iterations : int Number of iterations of the optimizer. """ trans, angles, scale, shear = xopt[:3], xopt[3:6], xopt[6:9], xopt[9:] self.x1 = np.concatenate((trans / 2, angles / 2, (1 + scale) / 2, shear / 2)) self.x2 = np.concatenate((-trans / 2, -angles / 2, 2 / (1 + scale), -shear / 2)) self.matrix1 = compose_matrix44(self.x1) self.matrix2 = compose_matrix44(self.x2) self.fopt = fopt self.matrix_history = matopt_history self.funcs = funcs self.iterations = iterations
[docs] def transform(self, static, moving): """Transform both static and moving bundles to the halfway space. All this does is apply ``self.matrix1`` and `self.matrix2`` to the static and moving bundles, respectively. Parameters ---------- static : streamlines moving : streamlines Returns ------- static : streamlines moving : streamlines """ static = transform_streamlines(static, self.matrix1) moving = transform_streamlines(moving, self.matrix2) return static, moving
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def bundle_sum_distance(t, static, moving, *, num_threads=None): """MDF distance optimization function (SUM). We minimize the distance between moving streamlines as they align with the static streamlines. Parameters ---------- t : ndarray t is a vector of affine transformation parameters with size at least 6. If the size is 6, t is interpreted as translation + rotation. If the size is 7, t is interpreted as translation + rotation + isotropic scaling. If size is 12, t is interpreted as translation + rotation + scaling + shearing. static : list Static streamlines moving : list Moving streamlines. These will be transformed to align with the static streamlines num_threads : int, optional Number of threads. If -1 then all available threads will be used. Returns ------- cost: float """ aff = compose_matrix44(t) moving = transform_streamlines(moving, aff) d01 = distance_matrix_mdf(static, moving) return np.sum(d01)
[docs] def bundle_min_distance(t, static, moving): """MDF-based pairwise distance optimization function (MIN). We minimize the distance between moving streamlines as they align with the static streamlines. Parameters ---------- t : ndarray t is a vector of affine transformation parameters with size at least 6. If size is 6, t is interpreted as translation + rotation. If size is 7, t is interpreted as translation + rotation + isotropic scaling. If size is 12, t is interpreted as translation + rotation + scaling + shearing. static : list Static streamlines moving : list Moving streamlines. Returns ------- cost: float """ aff = compose_matrix44(t) moving = transform_streamlines(moving, aff) d01 = distance_matrix_mdf(static, moving) rows, cols = d01.shape return ( 0.25 * ( np.sum(np.min(d01, axis=0)) / float(cols) + np.sum(np.min(d01, axis=1)) / float(rows) ) ** 2 )
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def bundle_min_distance_fast(t, static, moving, block_size, *, num_threads=None): """MDF-based pairwise distance optimization function (MIN). We minimize the distance between moving streamlines as they align with the static streamlines. Parameters ---------- t : array 1D array. t is a vector of affine transformation parameters with size at least 6. If the size is 6, t is interpreted as translation + rotation. If the size is 7, t is interpreted as translation + rotation + isotropic scaling. If size is 12, t is interpreted as translation + rotation + scaling + shearing. static : array N*M x 3 array. All the points of the static streamlines. With order of streamlines intact. Where N is the number of streamlines and M is the number of points per streamline. moving : array K*M x 3 array. All the points of the moving streamlines. With order of streamlines intact. Where K is the number of streamlines and M is the number of points per streamline. block_size : int Number of points per streamline. All streamlines in static and moving should have the same number of points M. num_threads : int, optional Number of threads to be used for OpenMP parallelization. If None (default) the value of OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable is used if it is set, otherwise all available threads are used. If < 0 the maximal number of threads minus $|num_threads + 1|$ is used (enter -1 to use as many threads as possible). 0 raises an error. Returns ------- cost: float Notes ----- This is a faster implementation of ``bundle_min_distance``, which requires that all the points of each streamline are allocated into an ndarray (of shape N*M by 3, with N the number of points per streamline and M the number of streamlines). This can be done by calling `dipy.tracking.streamlines.unlist_streamlines`. """ aff = compose_matrix44(t) moving =[:3, :3], moving.T).T + aff[:3, 3] moving = np.ascontiguousarray(moving, dtype=np.float64) rows = static.shape[0] // block_size cols = moving.shape[0] // block_size return _bundle_minimum_distance( static, moving, rows, cols, block_size, num_threads=num_threads )
[docs] def bundle_min_distance_asymmetric_fast(t, static, moving, block_size): """MDF-based pairwise distance optimization function (MIN). We minimize the distance between moving streamlines as they align with the static streamlines. Parameters ---------- t : array 1D array. t is a vector of affine transformation parameters with size at least 6. If the size is 6, t is interpreted as translation + rotation. If the size is 7, t is interpreted as translation + rotation + isotropic scaling. If size is 12, t is interpreted as translation + rotation + scaling + shearing. static : array N*M x 3 array. All the points of the static streamlines. With order of streamlines intact. Where N is the number of streamlines and M is the number of points per streamline. moving : array K*M x 3 array. All the points of the moving streamlines. With order of streamlines intact. Where K is the number of streamlines and M is the number of points per streamline. block_size : int Number of points per streamline. All streamlines in static and moving should have the same number of points M. Returns ------- cost: float """ aff = compose_matrix44(t) moving =[:3, :3], moving.T).T + aff[:3, 3] moving = np.ascontiguousarray(moving, dtype=np.float64) rows = static.shape[0] // block_size cols = moving.shape[0] // block_size return _bundle_minimum_distance_asymmetric(static, moving, rows, cols, block_size)
[docs] def remove_clusters_by_size(clusters, min_size=0): ob = filter(lambda c: len(c) >= min_size, clusters) centroids = Streamlines() for cluster in ob: centroids.append(cluster.centroid) return centroids
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def progressive_slr( static, moving, metric, x0, bounds, *, method="L-BFGS-B", verbose=False, num_threads=None, ): """Progressive SLR. This is a utility function that allows for example to do affine registration using Streamline-based Linear Registration (SLR) :footcite:p:`Garyfallidis2015` by starting with translation first, then rigid, then similarity, scaling and finally affine. Similarly, if for example, you want to perform rigid then you start with translation first. This progressive strategy can help with finding the optimal parameters of the final transformation. Parameters ---------- static : Streamlines Static streamlines. moving : Streamlines Moving streamlines. metric : StreamlineDistanceMetric Distance metric for registration optimization. x0 : string Could be any of 'translation', 'rigid', 'similarity', 'scaling', 'affine' bounds : array Boundaries of registration parameters. See variable `DEFAULT_BOUNDS` for example. method : string L_BFGS_B' or 'Powell' optimizers can be used. Default is 'L_BFGS_B'. verbose : bool, optional. If True, log messages. num_threads : int, optional Number of threads to be used for OpenMP parallelization. If None (default) the value of OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable is used if it is set, otherwise all available threads are used. If < 0 the maximal number of threads minus $|num_threads + 1|$ is used (enter -1 to use as many threads as possible). 0 raises an error. Only metrics using OpenMP will use this variable. References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ if verbose:"Progressive Registration is Enabled") if x0 in ("translation", "rigid", "similarity", "scaling", "affine"): if verbose:" Translation (3 parameters)...") slr_t = StreamlineLinearRegistration( metric=metric, x0="translation", bounds=bounds[:3], method=method ) slm_t = slr_t.optimize(static, moving) if x0 in ("rigid", "similarity", "scaling", "affine"): x_translation = slm_t.xopt x = np.zeros(6) x[:3] = x_translation if verbose:" Rigid (6 parameters) ...") slr_r = StreamlineLinearRegistration( metric=metric, x0=x, bounds=bounds[:6], method=method ) slm_r = slr_r.optimize(static, moving) if x0 in ("similarity", "scaling", "affine"): x_rigid = slm_r.xopt x = np.zeros(7) x[:6] = x_rigid x[6] = 1.0 if verbose:" Similarity (7 parameters) ...") slr_s = StreamlineLinearRegistration( metric=metric, x0=x, bounds=bounds[:7], method=method ) slm_s = slr_s.optimize(static, moving) if x0 in ("scaling", "affine"): x_similarity = slm_s.xopt x = np.zeros(9) x[:6] = x_similarity[:6] x[6:] = np.array((x_similarity[6],) * 3) if verbose:" Scaling (9 parameters) ...") slr_c = StreamlineLinearRegistration( metric=metric, x0=x, bounds=bounds[:9], method=method ) slm_c = slr_c.optimize(static, moving) if x0 == "affine": x_scaling = slm_c.xopt x = np.zeros(12) x[:9] = x_scaling[:9] x[9:] = np.zeros(3) if verbose:" Affine (12 parameters) ...") slr_a = StreamlineLinearRegistration( metric=metric, x0=x, bounds=bounds[:12], method=method ) slm_a = slr_a.optimize(static, moving) if x0 == "translation": slm = slm_t elif x0 == "rigid": slm = slm_r elif x0 == "similarity": slm = slm_s elif x0 == "scaling": slm = slm_c elif x0 == "affine": slm = slm_a else: raise ValueError("Incorrect SLR transform") return slm
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def slr_with_qbx( static, moving, *, x0="affine", rm_small_clusters=50, maxiter=100, select_random=None, verbose=False, greater_than=50, less_than=250, qbx_thr=(40, 30, 20, 15), nb_pts=20, progressive=True, rng=None, num_threads=None, ): """Utility function for registering large tractograms. For efficiency, we apply the registration on cluster centroids and remove small clusters. See :footcite:p:`Garyfallidis2014b`, :footcite:p:`Garyfallidis2015` and :footcite:p:`Garyfallidis2018` for details about the methods involved. Parameters ---------- static : Streamlines Fixed or reference set of streamlines. moving : streamlines Moving streamlines. x0 : str, optional. rigid, similarity or affine transformation model rm_small_clusters : int, optional Remove clusters that have less than `rm_small_clusters` maxiter : int, optional Maximum number of iterations to perform. select_random : int, optional. If not, None selects a random number of streamlines to apply clustering verbose : bool, optional If True, logs information about optimization. greater_than : int, optional Keep streamlines that have length greater than this value. less_than : int, optional Keep streamlines have length less than this value. qbx_thr : variable int Thresholds for QuickBundlesX. nb_pts : int, optional Number of points for discretizing each streamline. progressive : boolean, optional True to enable progressive registration. rng : np.random.Generator If None creates random generator in function. num_threads : int, optional Number of threads to be used for OpenMP parallelization. If None (default) the value of OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable is used if it is set, otherwise all available threads are used. If < 0 the maximal number of threads minus $|num_threads + 1|$ is used (enter -1 to use as many threads as possible). 0 raises an error. Only metrics using OpenMP will use this variable. Notes ----- The order of operations is the following. First short or long streamlines are removed. Second, the tractogram or a random selection of the tractogram is clustered with QuickBundles. Then SLR :footcite:p:`Garyfallidis2015` is applied. References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ if rng is None: rng = np.random.default_rng() if verbose:"Static streamlines size {len(static)}")"Moving streamlines size {len(moving)}") def check_range(streamline, gt=greater_than, lt=less_than): if (length(streamline) > gt) & (length(streamline) < lt): return True else: return False streamlines1 = Streamlines(static[np.array([check_range(s) for s in static])]) streamlines2 = Streamlines(moving[np.array([check_range(s) for s in moving])]) if verbose:"Static streamlines after length reduction {len(streamlines1)}")"Moving streamlines after length reduction {len(streamlines2)}") if select_random is not None: rstreamlines1 = select_random_set_of_streamlines( streamlines1, select_random, rng=rng ) else: rstreamlines1 = streamlines1 rstreamlines1 = set_number_of_points(rstreamlines1, nb_points=nb_pts) rstreamlines1._data.astype("f4") cluster_map1 = qbx_and_merge(rstreamlines1, thresholds=qbx_thr, rng=rng) qb_centroids1 = remove_clusters_by_size(cluster_map1, rm_small_clusters) if select_random is not None: rstreamlines2 = select_random_set_of_streamlines( streamlines2, select_random, rng=rng ) else: rstreamlines2 = streamlines2 rstreamlines2 = set_number_of_points(rstreamlines2, nb_points=nb_pts) rstreamlines2._data.astype("f4") cluster_map2 = qbx_and_merge(rstreamlines2, thresholds=qbx_thr, rng=rng) qb_centroids2 = remove_clusters_by_size(cluster_map2, rm_small_clusters) if verbose: t = time() if not len(qb_centroids1): msg = "No cluster centroids found in Static Streamlines. Please " msg += "decrease the value of rm_small_clusters." raise ValueError(msg) if not len(qb_centroids2): msg = "No cluster centroids found in Moving Streamlines. Please " msg += "decrease the value of rm_small_clusters." raise ValueError(msg) if not progressive: slr = StreamlineLinearRegistration( x0=x0, options={"maxiter": maxiter}, num_threads=num_threads ) slm = slr.optimize(qb_centroids1, qb_centroids2) else: bounds = DEFAULT_BOUNDS slm = progressive_slr( qb_centroids1, qb_centroids2, x0=x0, metric=None, bounds=bounds, num_threads=num_threads, ) if verbose:"QB static centroids size {len(qb_centroids1)}")"QB moving centroids size {len(qb_centroids2)}") duration = time() - t"SLR finished in {duration:0.3f} seconds.") if slm.iterations is not None:"SLR iterations: {slm.iterations}") moved = slm.transform(moving) return moved, slm.matrix, qb_centroids1, qb_centroids2
# In essence whole_brain_slr can be thought as a combination of # SLR on QuickBundles centroids and some thresholding see # Garyfallidis et al. Recognition of white matter # bundles using local and global streamline-based registration and # clustering, NeuroImage, 2017. whole_brain_slr = slr_with_qbx
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def groupwise_slr( bundles, *, x0="affine", tol=0, max_iter=20, qbx_thr=(4,), nb_pts=20, select_random=10000, verbose=False, rng=None, ): """Function to perform unbiased groupwise bundle registration All bundles are moved to the same space by iteratively applying halfway streamline linear registration in pairs. With each iteration, bundles get closer to each other until the procedure converges and there is no more improvement. See :footcite:p:`Garyfallidis2014b`, :footcite:p:`Garyfallidis2015` and :footcite:p:`Garyfallidis2018`. Parameters ---------- bundles : list List with streamlines of the bundles to be registered. x0 : str, optional rigid, similarity or affine transformation model. tol : float, optional Tolerance value to be used to assume convergence. max_iter : int, optional Maximum number of iterations. Depending on the number of bundles to be registered this may need to be larger. qbx_thr : variable int, optional Thresholds for Quickbundles used for clustering streamlines and reduce computational time. If None, no clustering is performed. Higher values cluster streamlines into a smaller number of centroids. nb_pts : int, optional Number of points for discretizing each streamline. select_random : int, optional Maximum number of streamlines for each bundle. If None, all the streamlines are used. verbose : bool, optional If True, logs information. rng : np.random.Generator If None, creates random generator in function. References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ def group_distance(bundles, n_bundle): all_pairs = list(combinations(np.arange(n_bundle), 2)) d = np.zeros(len(all_pairs)) for i, ind in enumerate(all_pairs): mdf = distance_matrix_mdf(bundles[ind[0]], bundles[ind[1]]) rows, cols = mdf.shape d[i] = ( 0.25 * ( np.sum(np.min(mdf, axis=0)) / float(cols) + np.sum(np.min(mdf, axis=1)) / float(rows) ) ** 2 ) return d if rng is None: rng = np.random.default_rng() metric = JointBundleMinDistanceMetric() bundles = bundles.copy() n_bundle = len(bundles) if verbose:"Groupwise bundle registration running.")"Number of bundles found: {n_bundle}.") # Preprocess bundles: streamline selection, centering and clustering centroids = [] aff_list = [] for i in range(n_bundle): if verbose: f"Preprocessing: bundle {i}/{n_bundle}: " + f"{len(bundles[i])} streamlines found." ) if select_random is not None: bundles[i] = select_random_set_of_streamlines( bundles[i], select_random, rng=rng ) bundles[i] = set_number_of_points(bundles[i], nb_points=nb_pts) bundle, shift = center_streamlines(bundles[i]) aff_list.append(compose_matrix44(-shift)) if qbx_thr is not None: cluster_map = qbx_and_merge(bundle, thresholds=qbx_thr, rng=rng) bundle = remove_clusters_by_size(cluster_map, 1) centroids.append(bundle) # Compute initial group distance (mean distance between all bundle pairs) d = group_distance(centroids, n_bundle) if verbose:"Initial group distance: {np.mean(d)}.") # Make pairs and start iterating pairs, excluded = get_unique_pairs(n_bundle) n_pair = n_bundle // 2 for i_iter in range(1, max_iter + 1): for i_pair, pair in enumerate(pairs): ind1 = pair[0] ind2 = pair[1] centroids1 = centroids[ind1] centroids2 = centroids[ind2] hslr = StreamlineLinearRegistration(x0=x0, metric=metric) hsrm = hslr.optimize(static=centroids1, moving=centroids2, mat=np.eye(4)) # Update transformation matrices aff_list[ind1] =, aff_list[ind1]) aff_list[ind2] =, aff_list[ind2]) centroids1, centroids2 = hsrm.transform(centroids1, centroids2) centroids[ind1] = centroids1 centroids[ind2] = centroids2 if verbose:"Iteration: {i_iter} pair: {i_pair+1}/{n_pair}.") d = np.vstack((d, group_distance(centroids, n_bundle))) # Use as reference the distance 3 iterations ago prev_iter = np.max([0, i_iter - 3]) d_improve = np.mean(d[prev_iter, :]) - np.mean(d[i_iter, :]) if verbose:"Iteration {i_iter} group distance: {np.mean(d[i_iter, :])}")"Iteration {i_iter} improvement previous 3: {d_improve}") if d_improve < tol: if verbose:"Registration converged {d_improve} < {tol}") break pairs, excluded = get_unique_pairs(n_bundle, pairs=pairs) # Move bundles just once at the end for i, aff in enumerate(aff_list): bundles[i] = transform_streamlines(bundles[i], aff) return bundles, aff_list, d
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def get_unique_pairs(n_bundle, *, pairs=None): """Make unique pairs from n_bundle bundles. The function allows to input a previous pairs assignment so that the new pairs are different. Parameters ---------- n_bundle : int Number of bundles to be matched in pairs. pairs : array, optional array containing the indexes of previous pairs. """ if not isinstance(n_bundle, int): raise TypeError(f"n_bundle must be an int but is a {type(n_bundle)}") if n_bundle <= 1: raise ValueError(f"n_bundle must be > 1 but is {n_bundle}") # Generate indexes index = np.arange(n_bundle) n_pair = n_bundle // 2 # If n_bundle is odd, we exclude one ensuring it wasn't previously excluded excluded = None if np.mod(n_bundle, 2) == 1: if pairs is None: excluded = np.random.choice(index) else: excluded = np.random.choice(np.unique(pairs)) index = index[index != excluded] # Shuffle indexes index = np.random.permutation(index) new_pairs = index.reshape((n_pair, 2)) if pairs is None or n_bundle <= 3: return new_pairs, excluded # Repeat the shuffle process until we find new unique pairs all_pairs = np.vstack((new_pairs, new_pairs[:, ::-1], pairs, pairs[:, ::-1])) while len(np.unique(all_pairs, axis=0)) < 4 * n_pair: index = np.random.permutation(index) new_pairs = index.reshape((n_pair, 2)) all_pairs = np.vstack((new_pairs, new_pairs[:, ::-1], pairs, pairs[:, ::-1])) return new_pairs, excluded
def _threshold(x, th): return np.maximum(np.minimum(x, th), -th)
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def compose_matrix44(t, *, dtype=np.double): """Compose a 4x4 transformation matrix. Parameters ---------- t : ndarray This is a 1D vector of affine transformation parameters with size at least 3. If the size is 3, t is interpreted as translation. If the size is 6, t is interpreted as translation + rotation. If the size is 7, t is interpreted as translation + rotation + isotropic scaling. If the size is 9, t is interpreted as translation + rotation + anisotropic scaling. If size is 12, t is interpreted as translation + rotation + scaling + shearing. Returns ------- T : ndarray Homogeneous transformation matrix of size 4x4. """ if isinstance(t, list): t = np.array(t) size = t.size if size not in [3, 6, 7, 9, 12]: raise ValueError("Accepted number of parameters is 3, 6, 7, 9 and 12") MAX_DIST = 1e10 scale, shear, angles, translate = (None,) * 4 translate = _threshold(t[0:3], MAX_DIST) if size in [6, 7, 9, 12]: angles = np.deg2rad(t[3:6]) if size == 7: scale = np.array((t[6],) * 3) if size in [9, 12]: scale = t[6:9] if size == 12: shear = t[9:12] return compose_matrix(scale=scale, shear=shear, angles=angles, translate=translate)
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def decompose_matrix44(mat, *, size=12): """Given a 4x4 homogeneous matrix return the parameter vector. Parameters ---------- mat : array Homogeneous 4x4 transformation matrix size : int Size of the output vector. 3, for translation, 6 for rigid, 7 for similarity, 9 for scaling and 12 for affine. Default is 12. Returns ------- t : ndarray One dimensional ndarray of 3, 6, 7, 9 or 12 affine parameters. """ scale, shear, angles, translate, _ = decompose_matrix(mat) t = np.zeros(12) t[:3] = translate if size == 3: return t[:3] t[3:6] = np.rad2deg(angles) if size == 6: return t[:6] if size == 7: t[6] = np.mean(scale) return t[:7] if size == 9: t[6:9] = scale return t[:9] if size == 12: t[6:9] = scale t[9:12] = shear return t raise ValueError("Size can be 3, 6, 7, 9 or 12")