Source code for

import nibabel as nib
import numpy as np
from packaging.version import Version

from dipy.testing.decorators import warning_for_keywords

[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def load_nifti_data(fname, *, as_ndarray=True): """Load only the data array from a nifti file. Parameters ---------- fname : str Full path to the file. as_ndarray: bool, optional convert nibabel ArrayProxy to a numpy.ndarray. If you want to save memory and delay this casting, just turn this option to False. Returns ------- data: np.ndarray or nib.ArrayProxy See Also -------- load_nifti """ img = nib.load(fname) return np.asanyarray(img.dataobj) if as_ndarray else img.dataobj
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def load_nifti( fname, *, return_img=False, return_voxsize=False, return_coords=False, as_ndarray=True, ): """Load data and other information from a nifti file. Parameters ---------- fname : str Full path to a nifti file. return_img : bool, optional Whether to return the nibabel nifti img object. return_voxsize: bool, optional Whether to return the nifti header zooms. return_coords : bool, optional Whether to return the nifti header aff2axcodes. as_ndarray: bool, optional convert nibabel ArrayProxy to a numpy.ndarray. If you want to save memory and delay this casting, just turn this option to False. Returns ------- A tuple, with (at the most, if all keyword args are set to True): (data, img.affine, img, vox_size, nib.aff2axcodes(img.affine)) See Also -------- load_nifti_data """ img = nib.load(fname) data = np.asanyarray(img.dataobj) if as_ndarray else img.dataobj vox_size = img.header.get_zooms()[:3] ret_val = [data, img.affine] if return_img: ret_val.append(img) if return_voxsize: ret_val.append(vox_size) if return_coords: ret_val.append(nib.aff2axcodes(img.affine)) return tuple(ret_val)
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def save_nifti(fname, data, affine, *, hdr=None, dtype=None): """Save a data array into a nifti file. Parameters ---------- fname : str The full path to the file to be saved. data : ndarray The array with the data to save. affine : 4x4 array The affine transform associated with the file. hdr : nifti header, optional May contain additional information to store in the file header. Returns ------- None """ NIBABEL_4_0_0_PLUS = Version(nib.__version__) >= Version("4.0.0") # See GitHub issues # * # * # This only applies to NIfTI because the parent Analyze formats did # not support 64-bit integer data, so `set_data_dtype(int64)` would # already fail. danger_dts = (np.dtype("int64"), np.dtype("uint64")) if ( hdr is None and dtype is None and data.dtype in danger_dts and NIBABEL_4_0_0_PLUS ): msg = f"Image data has type {data.dtype}, which may cause " msg += "incompatibilities with other tools. Indeed, Analyze formats " msg += "did not support 64-bit integer data.\n\n" msg += "To silent this, please specify the `header` or `dtype` " msg += "You could also use `np.asarray(data, dtype=np.int32)`. " msg += "This cast will make sure that you data is compatible with " msg += "other software." raise ValueError(msg) kwargs = {"dtype": dtype} if NIBABEL_4_0_0_PLUS else {} result_img = nib.Nifti1Image(data, affine, header=hdr, **kwargs) result_img.to_filename(fname)
[docs] def save_qa_metric(fname, xopt, fopt): """Save Quality Assurance metrics. Parameters ---------- fname: string File name to save the metric values. xopt: numpy array The metric containing the optimal parameters for image registration. fopt: int The distance between the registered images. """ np.savetxt(fname, xopt, header="Optimal Parameter metric") with open(fname, "a") as f: f.write("# Distance after registration\n") f.write(str(fopt))