Source code for

from copy import deepcopy
import logging
import os
import time

import nibabel as nib
from nibabel.streamlines import detect_format
from nibabel.streamlines.tractogram import Tractogram
import numpy as np
import trx.trx_file_memmap as tmm

from import Dpy
from import Origin, Space, StatefulTractogram
from import create_tractogram_header, is_header_compatible
from import load_vtk_streamlines, save_vtk_streamlines
from dipy.testing.decorators import warning_for_keywords

[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def save_tractogram(sft, filename, *, bbox_valid_check=True): """Save the stateful tractogram in any format (trk/tck/vtk/vtp/fib/dpy) Parameters ---------- sft : StatefulTractogram The stateful tractogram to save filename : string Filename with valid extension bbox_valid_check : bool Verification for negative voxel coordinates or values above the volume dimensions. Default is True, to enforce valid file. Returns ------- output : bool True if the saving operation was successful """ _, extension = os.path.splitext(filename) if extension not in [".trk", ".tck", ".trx", ".vtk", ".vtp", ".fib", ".dpy"]: raise TypeError("Output filename is not one of the supported format.") if bbox_valid_check and not sft.is_bbox_in_vox_valid(): raise ValueError( "Bounding box is not valid in voxel space, cannot " "load a valid file if some coordinates are invalid.\n" "Please set bbox_valid_check to False and then use " "the function remove_invalid_streamlines to discard " "invalid streamlines." ) old_space = deepcopy( old_origin = deepcopy(sft.origin) sft.to_rasmm() sft.to_center() timer = time.time() if extension in [".trk", ".tck"]: tractogram_type = detect_format(filename) header = create_tractogram_header(tractogram_type, *sft.space_attributes) new_tractogram = Tractogram(sft.streamlines, affine_to_rasmm=np.eye(4)) if extension == ".trk": new_tractogram.data_per_point = sft.data_per_point new_tractogram.data_per_streamline = sft.data_per_streamline fileobj = tractogram_type(new_tractogram, header=header), filename) elif extension in [".vtk", ".vtp", ".fib"]: binary = extension in [".vtk", ".fib"] save_vtk_streamlines(sft.streamlines, filename, binary=binary) elif extension in [".dpy"]: dpy_obj = Dpy(filename, mode="w") dpy_obj.write_tracks(sft.streamlines) dpy_obj.close() elif extension in [".trx"]: trx = tmm.TrxFile.from_sft(sft), filename) trx.close() logging.debug( "Save %s with %s streamlines in %s seconds.", filename, len(sft), round(time.time() - timer, 3), ) sft.to_space(old_space) sft.to_origin(old_origin) return True
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def load_tractogram( filename, reference, *, to_space=Space.RASMM, to_origin=Origin.NIFTI, bbox_valid_check=True, trk_header_check=True, ): """Load the stateful tractogram from any format (trk/tck/vtk/vtp/fib/dpy) Parameters ---------- filename : string Filename with valid extension reference : Nifti or Trk filename, Nifti1Image or TrkFile, Nifti1Header or trk.header (dict), or 'same' if the input is a trk file. Reference that provides the spatial attribute. Typically a nifti-related object from the native diffusion used for streamlines generation to_space : Enum ( Space to which the streamlines will be transformed after loading to_origin : Enum ( Origin to which the streamlines will be transformed after loading NIFTI standard, default (center of the voxel) TRACKVIS standard (corner of the voxel) bbox_valid_check : bool Verification for negative voxel coordinates or values above the volume dimensions. Default is True, to enforce valid file. trk_header_check : bool Verification that the reference has the same header as the spatial attributes as the input tractogram when a Trk is loaded Returns ------- output : StatefulTractogram The tractogram to load (must have been saved properly) """ _, extension = os.path.splitext(filename) if extension not in [".trk", ".tck", ".trx", ".vtk", ".vtp", ".fib", ".dpy"]: logging.error("Output filename is not one of the supported format.") return False if to_space not in Space: logging.error("Space MUST be one of the 3 choices (Enum).") return False if reference == "same": if extension in [".trk", ".trx"]: reference = filename else: logging.error( 'Reference must be provided, "same" is only ' "available for Trk file." ) return False if trk_header_check and extension == ".trk": if not is_header_compatible(filename, reference): logging.error("Trk file header does not match the provided reference.") return False timer = time.time() data_per_point = None data_per_streamline = None if extension in [".trk", ".tck"]: tractogram_obj = nib.streamlines.load(filename).tractogram streamlines = tractogram_obj.streamlines if extension == ".trk": data_per_point = tractogram_obj.data_per_point data_per_streamline = tractogram_obj.data_per_streamline elif extension in [".vtk", ".vtp", ".fib"]: streamlines = load_vtk_streamlines(filename) elif extension in [".dpy"]: dpy_obj = Dpy(filename, mode="r") streamlines = list(dpy_obj.read_tracks()) dpy_obj.close() if extension in [".trx"]: trx_obj = tmm.load(filename) sft = trx_obj.to_sft() trx_obj.close() else: sft = StatefulTractogram( streamlines, reference, Space.RASMM, origin=Origin.NIFTI, data_per_point=data_per_point, data_per_streamline=data_per_streamline, ) logging.debug( "Load %s with %s streamlines in %s seconds.", filename, len(sft), round(time.time() - timer, 3), ) if bbox_valid_check and not sft.is_bbox_in_vox_valid(): raise ValueError( "Bounding box is not valid in voxel space, cannot " "load a valid file if some coordinates are invalid.\n" "Please set bbox_valid_check to False and then use " "the function remove_invalid_streamlines to discard " "invalid streamlines." ) sft.to_space(to_space) sft.to_origin(to_origin) return sft
[docs] def load_generator(ttype): """Generate a loading function that performs a file extension check to restrict the user to a single file format. Parameters ---------- ttype : string Extension of the file format that requires a loader Returns ------- output : function Function (load_tractogram) that handle only one file format """ @warning_for_keywords() def f_gen( filename, reference, *, to_space=Space.RASMM, to_origin=Origin.NIFTI, bbox_valid_check=True, trk_header_check=True, ): _, extension = os.path.splitext(filename) if not extension == ttype: msg = f"This function can only load {ttype} files, " msg += "for a more general purpose, use load_tractogram instead." raise ValueError(msg) sft = load_tractogram( filename, reference, to_space=Space.RASMM, to_origin=to_origin, bbox_valid_check=bbox_valid_check, trk_header_check=trk_header_check, ) return sft f_gen.__doc__ = load_tractogram.__doc__.replace( "from any format (trk/tck/vtk/vtp/fib/dpy)", f"of the {ttype} format" ) return f_gen
[docs] def save_generator(ttype): """Generate a saving function that performs a file extension check to restrict the user to a single file format. Parameters ---------- ttype : string Extension of the file format that requires a saver Returns ------- output : function Function (save_tractogram) that handle only one file format """ def f_gen(sft, filename, bbox_valid_check=True): _, extension = os.path.splitext(filename) if not extension == ttype: msg = f"This function can only save {ttype} file, " msg += "for more general cases, use save_tractogram instead." raise ValueError(msg) save_tractogram(sft, filename, bbox_valid_check=bbox_valid_check) f_gen.__doc__ = save_tractogram.__doc__.replace( "in any format (trk/tck/vtk/vtp/fib/dpy)", f"of the {ttype} format" ) return f_gen
load_trk = load_generator(".trk") load_tck = load_generator(".tck") load_trx = load_generator(".trx") load_vtk = load_generator(".vtk") load_vtp = load_generator(".vtp") load_fib = load_generator(".fib") load_dpy = load_generator(".dpy") save_trk = save_generator(".trk") save_tck = save_generator(".tck") save_trx = save_generator(".trx") save_vtk = save_generator(".vtk") save_vtp = save_generator(".vtp") save_fib = save_generator(".fib") save_dpy = save_generator(".dpy")