Source code for

"""Utility functions for file formats"""

import logging
import numbers
import os

import nibabel as nib
from nibabel import Nifti1Image
from nibabel.streamlines import detect_format
import numpy as np
from trx import trx_file_memmap

import dipy
from dipy.testing.decorators import warning_for_keywords
from dipy.utils.optpkg import optional_package

pd, have_pd, _ = optional_package("pandas")

if have_pd:
    import pandas as pd

[docs] def nifti1_symmat(image_data, *args, **kwargs): """Returns a Nifti1Image with a symmetric matrix intent Parameters ---------- image_data : array-like should have lower triangular elements of a symmetric matrix along the last dimension *args Passed to Nifti1Image **kwargs Passed to Nifti1Image Returns ------- image : Nifti1Image 5d, extra dimensions added before the last. Has symmetric matrix intent code """ image_data = make5d(image_data) last_dim = image_data.shape[-1] n = (np.sqrt(1 + 8 * last_dim) - 1) / 2 if (n % 1) != 0: raise ValueError("input_data does not seem to have matrix elements") image = Nifti1Image(image_data, *args, **kwargs) hdr = image.header hdr.set_intent("symmetric matrix", (n,)) return image
[docs] def make5d(data): """reshapes the input to have 5 dimensions, adds extra dimensions just before the last dimension """ data = np.asarray(data) if data.ndim > 5: raise ValueError("input is already more than 5d") shape = data.shape shape = shape[:-1] + (1,) * (5 - len(shape)) + shape[-1:] return data.reshape(shape)
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def decfa(img_orig, *, scale=False): """ Create a nifti-compliant directional-encoded color FA image. Parameters ---------- img_orig : Nifti1Image class instance. Contains encoding of the DEC FA image with a 4D volume of data, where the elements on the last dimension represent R, G and B components. scale: bool. Whether to scale the incoming data from the 0-1 to the 0-255 range expected in the output. Returns ------- img : Nifti1Image class instance with dtype set to store tuples of uint8 in (R, G, B) order. Notes ----- For a description of this format, see: """ dest_dtype = np.dtype([("R", "uint8"), ("G", "uint8"), ("B", "uint8")]) out_data = np.zeros(img_orig.shape[:3], dtype=dest_dtype) data_orig = np.asanyarray(img_orig.dataobj) if scale: data_orig = (data_orig * 255).astype("uint8") for ii in np.ndindex(img_orig.shape[:3]): val = data_orig[ii] out_data[ii] = (val[0], val[1], val[2]) new_hdr = img_orig.header new_hdr["dim"][4] = 1 new_hdr.set_intent(1001, name="Color FA") new_hdr.set_data_dtype(dest_dtype) return Nifti1Image(out_data, affine=img_orig.affine, header=new_hdr)
[docs] def decfa_to_float(img_orig): """ Convert a nifti-compliant directional-encoded color FA image into a nifti image with RGB encoded in floating point resolution. Parameters ---------- img_orig : Nifti1Image class instance. Contains encoding of the DEC FA image with a 3D volume of data, where each element is a (R, G, B) tuple in uint8. Returns ------- img : Nifti1Image class instance with float dtype. Notes ----- For a description of this format, see: """ data_orig = np.asanyarray(img_orig.dataobj) out_data = np.zeros(data_orig.shape + (3,), dtype=np.uint8) for ii in np.ndindex(img_orig.shape[:3]): val = data_orig[ii] out_data[ii] = np.array([val[0], val[1], val[2]]) new_hdr = img_orig.header new_hdr["dim"][4] = 3 # Remove the original intent new_hdr.set_intent(0) new_hdr.set_data_dtype(float) return Nifti1Image(out_data, affine=img_orig.affine, header=new_hdr)
[docs] def is_reference_info_valid(affine, dimensions, voxel_sizes, voxel_order): """Validate basic data type and value of spatial attribute. Does not ensure that voxel_sizes and voxel_order are self-coherent with the affine. Only verifies the following: - affine is of the right type (float) and dimension (4,4) - affine contain values in the rotation part - dimensions is of right type (int) and length (3) - voxel_sizes is of right type (float) and length (3) - voxel_order is of right type (str) and length (3) The listed parameters are what is expected, provide something else and this function should fail (cover common mistakes). Parameters ---------- affine: ndarray (4,4) Transformation of VOX to RASMM dimensions: ndarray (3,), int16 Volume shape for each axis voxel_sizes: ndarray (3,), float32 Size of voxel for each axis voxel_order: string Typically 'RAS' or 'LPS' Returns ------- output : bool Does the input represent a valid 'state' of spatial attribute """ all_valid = True only_3d_warning = False if not affine.shape == (4, 4): all_valid = False logging.warning("Transformation matrix must be 4x4") if not affine[0:3, 0:3].any(): all_valid = False logging.warning("Rotation matrix cannot be all zeros") if not len(dimensions) >= 3: all_valid = False only_3d_warning = True for i in dimensions: if not isinstance(i, numbers.Integral): all_valid = False logging.warning("Dimensions must be int.") if i <= 0: all_valid = False logging.warning("Dimensions must be above 0.") if not len(voxel_sizes) >= 3: all_valid = False only_3d_warning = True for i in voxel_sizes: if not isinstance(i, numbers.Number): all_valid = False logging.warning("Voxel size must be int/float.") if i <= 0: all_valid = False logging.warning("Voxel size must be above 0.") if not len(voxel_order) >= 3: all_valid = False only_3d_warning = True for i in voxel_order: if not isinstance(i, str): all_valid = False logging.warning("Voxel order must be string/char.") if i not in ["R", "A", "S", "L", "P", "I"]: all_valid = False logging.warning("Voxel order does not follow convention.") if only_3d_warning: logging.warning("Only 3D (and above) reference are considered valid.") return all_valid
[docs] def split_name_with_gz(filename): """ Returns the clean basename and extension of a file. Means that this correctly manages the ".nii.gz" extensions. Parameters ---------- filename: str The filename to clean Returns ------- base, ext : tuple(str, str) Clean basename and the full extension """ base, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) if ext.lower() == ".gz": # Test if we have a .nii additional extension temp_base, add_ext = os.path.splitext(base) if add_ext.lower() == ".nii" or add_ext.lower() == ".trk": ext = add_ext + ext base = temp_base return base, ext
[docs] def get_reference_info(reference): """Will compare the spatial attribute of 2 references. Parameters ---------- reference : Nifti or Trk filename, Nifti1Image or TrkFile, Nifti1Header or trk.header (dict), TrxFile or trx.header (dict) Reference that provides the spatial attribute. Returns ------- output : tuple - affine ndarray (4,4), np.float32, transformation of VOX to RASMM - dimensions ndarray (3,), int16, volume shape for each axis - voxel_sizes ndarray (3,), float32, size of voxel for each axis - voxel_order, string, Typically 'RAS' or 'LPS' """ is_nifti = False is_trk = False is_sft = False is_trx = False if isinstance(reference, str): _, ext = split_name_with_gz(reference) ext = ext.lower() if ext in [".nii", ".nii.gz"]: header = nib.load(reference).header is_nifti = True elif ext == ".trk": header = nib.streamlines.load(reference, lazy_load=True).header is_trk = True elif ext == ".trx": header = trx_file_memmap.load(reference).header is_trx = True elif isinstance(reference, trx_file_memmap.TrxFile): header = reference.header is_trx = True elif isinstance(reference, nib.nifti1.Nifti1Image): header = reference.header is_nifti = True elif isinstance(reference, nib.streamlines.trk.TrkFile): header = reference.header is_trk = True elif isinstance(reference, nib.nifti1.Nifti1Header): header = reference is_nifti = True elif isinstance(reference, dict) and "magic_number" in reference: header = reference is_trk = True elif isinstance(reference, dict) and "NB_VERTICES" in reference: header = reference is_trx = True elif isinstance(reference, is_sft = True if is_nifti: affine = header.get_best_affine() dimensions = header["dim"][1:4] voxel_sizes = header["pixdim"][1:4] if not affine[0:3, 0:3].any(): raise ValueError( "Invalid affine, contains only zeros." "Cannot determine voxel order from transformation" ) voxel_order = "".join(nib.aff2axcodes(affine)) elif is_trk: affine = header["voxel_to_rasmm"] dimensions = header["dimensions"] voxel_sizes = header["voxel_sizes"] voxel_order = header["voxel_order"] elif is_sft: affine, dimensions, voxel_sizes, voxel_order = reference.space_attributes elif is_trx: affine = header["VOXEL_TO_RASMM"] dimensions = header["DIMENSIONS"] voxel_sizes = nib.affines.voxel_sizes(affine) voxel_order = "".join(nib.aff2axcodes(affine)) else: raise TypeError("Input reference is not one of the supported format") if isinstance(voxel_order, np.bytes_): voxel_order = voxel_order.decode("utf-8") is_reference_info_valid(affine, dimensions, voxel_sizes, voxel_order) return affine.astype(np.float32), dimensions, voxel_sizes, voxel_order
[docs] def is_header_compatible(reference_1, reference_2): """Will compare the spatial attribute of 2 references Parameters ---------- reference_1 : Nifti or Trk filename, Nifti1Image or TrkFile, Nifti1Header or trk.header (dict) Reference that provides the spatial attribute. reference_2 : Nifti or Trk filename, Nifti1Image or TrkFile, Nifti1Header or trk.header (dict) Reference that provides the spatial attribute. Returns ------- output : bool Does all the spatial attribute match """ affine_1, dimensions_1, voxel_sizes_1, voxel_order_1 = get_reference_info( reference_1 ) affine_2, dimensions_2, voxel_sizes_2, voxel_order_2 = get_reference_info( reference_2 ) identical_header = True if not np.allclose(affine_1, affine_2, rtol=1e-03, atol=1e-03): logging.error("Affine not equal") identical_header = False if not np.array_equal(dimensions_1, dimensions_2): logging.error("Dimensions not equal") identical_header = False if not np.allclose(voxel_sizes_1, voxel_sizes_2, rtol=1e-03, atol=1e-03): logging.error("Voxel_size not equal") identical_header = False if voxel_order_1 != voxel_order_2: logging.error("Voxel_order not equal") identical_header = False return identical_header
[docs] def create_tractogram_header( tractogram_type, affine, dimensions, voxel_sizes, voxel_order ): """Write a standard trk/tck header from spatial attribute""" if isinstance(tractogram_type, str): tractogram_type = detect_format(tractogram_type) new_header = tractogram_type.create_empty_header() new_header[nib.streamlines.Field.VOXEL_SIZES] = tuple(voxel_sizes) new_header[nib.streamlines.Field.DIMENSIONS] = tuple(dimensions) new_header[nib.streamlines.Field.VOXEL_TO_RASMM] = affine new_header[nib.streamlines.Field.VOXEL_ORDER] = voxel_order return new_header
[docs] def create_nifti_header(affine, dimensions, voxel_sizes): """Write a standard nifti header from spatial attribute""" new_header = nib.Nifti1Header() new_header.set_sform(affine) new_header["dim"][1:4] = dimensions new_header["pixdim"][1:4] = voxel_sizes new_header.affine = new_header.get_best_affine() return new_header
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def save_buan_profiles_hdf5(fname, dt, *, key=None): """Saves the given input dataframe to .h5 file Parameters ---------- fname : string file name for saving the hdf5 file dt : Pandas DataFrame DataFrame to be saved as .h5 file key : str, optional Key to retrieve the contents in the HDF5 file. The file rootname will be used if not provided. """ df = pd.DataFrame(dt) filename_hdf5 = fname + ".h5" if key is None: base_name_parts, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fname)) key = base_name_parts.split(".")[0] store = pd.HDFStore(filename_hdf5, complevel=9) store.append(key, df, data_columns=True, complevel=9) store.close()
[docs] @warning_for_keywords() def read_img_arr_or_path(data, *, affine=None): """ Helper function that handles inputs that can be paths, nifti img or arrays Parameters ---------- data : array or nib.Nifti1Image or str. Either as a 3D/4D array or as a nifti image object, or as a string containing the full path to a nifti file. affine : 4x4 array, optional. Must be provided for `data` provided as an array. If provided together with Nifti1Image or str `data`, this input will over-ride the affine that is stored in the `data` input. Default: use the affine stored in `data`. Returns ------- data, affine : ndarray and 4x4 array """ if isinstance(data, np.ndarray) and affine is None: raise ValueError( "If data is provided as an array, an affine has ", "to be provided as well" ) if isinstance(data, str): data = nib.load(data) if isinstance(data, nib.Nifti1Image): if affine is None: affine = data.affine data = data.get_fdata() return data, affine