
usage: dipy_horizon [-h] [–cluster] [–cluster_thr float] [–random_colors]

[–length_gt float] [–length_lt float] [–clusters_gt int] [–clusters_lt int] [–native_coords] [–stealth] [–out_dir str] [–out_stealth_png str] input_files [input_files …]

Highly interactive visualization - invert the Horizon!

Interact with any number of .trk, .tck or .dpy tractograms and anatomy files .nii or .nii.gz. Cluster streamlines on loading.

positional arguments:


optional arguments:
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

–cluster –cluster_thr float –random_colors –length_gt float –length_lt float –clusters_gt int –clusters_lt int –native_coords –stealth

output arguments(optional):

–out_dir str –out_stealth_png str

References: .. [Horizon_ISMRM19] Garyfallidis E., M-A. Cote, B.Q. Chandio, S. Fadnavis, J. Guaje, R. Aggarwal, E. St-Onge, K.S. Juneja, S. Koudoro, D. Reagan, DIPY Horizon: fast, modular, unified and adaptive visualization, Proceedings of: International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Montreal, Canada, 2019. Garyfallidis, E., M. Brett, B. Amirbekian, A. Rokem, S. Van Der Walt, M. Descoteaux, and I. Nimmo-Smith. Dipy, a library for the analysis of diffusion MRI data. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 1-18, 2014.