A note about the examples
Quick Start
Contextual enhancement
Fiber tracking
Fiber tracking evaluation
Streamline analysis and connectivity
File Formats
Getting started with DIPY
Introduction to Basic Tracking
Gradients and Spheres
Brain segmentation with median_otsu
SNR estimation for Diffusion-Weighted Images
Denoise images using Non-Local Means (NLMEANS)
Denoise images using Local PCA via empirical thresholds
Denoise images using the Marcenko-Pastur PCA algorithm
Suppress Gibbs oscillations
Reslice diffusion datasets
Reconstruction with Constrained Spherical Deconvolution
Crossing invariant fiber response function with FORECAST model
Continuous and analytical diffusion signal modelling with 3D-SHORE
Calculate SHORE scalar maps
Continuous and analytical diffusion signal modelling with MAPMRI
Estimating diffusion time dependent q-space indices using qt-dMRI
Reconstruction of the diffusion signal with the Tensor model
Using the RESTORE algorithm for robust tensor fitting
Using the free water elimination model to remove DTI free water contamination
Reconstruction of the diffusion signal with the kurtosis tensor model
Mean signal diffusion kurtosis imaging (MSDKI)
Reconstruction of the diffusion signal with the WMTI model
Reconstruct with Constant Solid Angle (Q-Ball)
Reconstruct with Diffusion Spectrum Imaging
Calculate DSI-based scalar maps
Reconstruct with Generalized Q-Sampling Imaging
DSI Deconvolution vs DSI
Reconstruction with the Sparse Fascicle Model
Intravoxel incoherent motion
K-fold cross-validation for model comparison
Crossing-preserving contextual enhancement
Fiber to bundle coherence measures
An introduction to the Deterministic Maximum Direction Getter
An introduction to the Probabilistic Direction Getter
Bootstrap and Closest Peak Direction Getters Example
Using Various Stopping Criterion for Tractography
Particle Filtering Tractography
Tracking with the Sparse Fascicle Model
Linear fascicle evaluation (LiFE)
Connectivity Matrices, ROI Intersections and Density Maps
Streamline length and size reduction
Calculation of Outliers with Cluster Confidence Index
Calculate Path Length Map
Extracting AFQ tract profiles from segmented bundles
Affine Registration in 3D
Symmetric Diffeomorphic Registration in 2D
Symmetric Diffeomorphic Registration in 3D
Diffeomorphic Registration with binary and fuzzy images
Direct Bundle Registration
Tractography Clustering with QuickBundles
Enhancing QuickBundles with different metrics and features
Tractography Clustering - Available Features
Tractography Clustering - Available Metrics
Tissue Classification of a T1-weighted Structural Image
Automatic Fiber Bundle Extraction with RecoBundles
MultiTensor Simulation
DKI MultiTensor Simulation
Parallel reconstruction using CSD
Parallel reconstruction using Q-Ball
Read/Write streamline files
Advanced interactive visualization
Simple volume slicing
Visualize bundles and metrics on bundles
Visualization of ROI Surface Rendered with Streamlines
Creating a new workflow.
Creating a new combined workflow