Diffusion Imaging in Python#
For more information, please visit https://dipy.org
align -- Registration, streamline alignment, volume resampling
boots -- Bootstrapping algorithms
core -- Spheres, gradient tables
core.geometry -- Spherical geometry, coordinate and vector manipulation
core.meshes -- Point distributions on the sphere
data -- Small testing datasets
denoise -- Denoising algorithms
direction -- Manage peaks and tracking
io -- Loading/saving of dpy datasets
nn -- Neural networks algorithms
reconst -- Signal reconstruction modules (tensor, spherical harmonics,
diffusion spectrum, etc.)
segment -- Tractography segmentation
sims -- MRI phantom signal simulation
stats -- Tractometry
tracking -- Tractography, metrics for streamlines
viz -- Visualization and GUIs
workflows -- Predefined Command line for common tasks
test -- Run unittests
__version__ -- Dipy version
- dipy.get_info()#