
Module: viz.gmem#


Module: viz.horizon#


Horizon([tractograms, images, pams, ...])

horizon([tractograms, images, pams, ...])

Interactive medical visualization - Invert the Horizon!



HorizonUIElement(visibility, selected_value, obj)

Dataclass to define properties of horizon ui elements.


Base for different tabs available in horizon.

TabManager(tabs, win_size[, synchronize_slices])

A Manager for tabs of the table panel.

build_label(text[, font_size, bold, ...])

Simple utility function to build labels.

build_slider(initial_value, max_value[, ...])

Create a horizon theme based disk-knob slider.

build_checkbox([labels, checked_labels, ...])

Create horizon theme checkboxes.

build_switcher([items, label, ...])

Create horizon theme switcher.




ClustersTab(clusters_visualizer, threshold)






SlicesTab(slices_visualizer[, slice_id, ...])

Interaction tab for slice visualization.

Module: viz.horizon.util#


Checks if the images have same shapes

Module: viz.horizon.visualizer#

Module: viz.horizon.visualizer.cluster#

ClustersVisualizer(show_manager, scene, ...)

Module: viz.horizon.visualizer.slice#

SlicesVisualizer(interactor, scene, data[, ...])

Module: viz.panel#

build_label(text[, font_size, bold])

Simple utility function to build labels

slicer_panel(scene, iren[, data, affine, ...])

Slicer panel with slicer included

Module: viz.plotting#

plotting functions

compare_maps(fits, maps[, transpose, ...])

Compare one or more scalar maps for different fits or models.

compare_qti_maps(gt, fit1, fit2, mask[, ...])

Compare one or more qti derived maps obtained with different fitting routines.

bundle_shape_profile(x, shape_profile, std)

Plot bundlewarp bundle shape profile.

Module: viz.projections#

Visualization tools for 2D projections of 3D functions on the sphere, such as ODFs.

sph_project(vertices, val[, ax, vmin, vmax, ...])

Draw a signal on a 2D projection of the sphere.

Module: viz.regtools#

simple_plot(file_name, title, x, y, xlabel, ...)

Saves the simple plot with given x and y values

overlay_images(img0, img1[, title0, ...])

Plot two images one on top of the other using red and green channels.

draw_lattice_2d(nrows, ncols, delta)

Create a regular lattice of nrows x ncols squares.

plot_2d_diffeomorphic_map(mapping[, delta, ...])

Draw the effect of warping a regular lattice by a diffeomorphic map.

plot_slices(V[, slice_indices, fname])

Plot 3 slices from the given volume: 1 sagittal, 1 coronal and 1 axial

overlay_slices(L, R[, slice_index, ...])

Plot three overlaid slices from the given volumes.

Module: viz.streamline#

show_bundles(bundles[, interactive, view, ...])

Render bundles to visualize them interactively or save them into a png.

viz_two_bundles(b1, b2, fname[, c1, c2, ...])

Render and plot two bundles to visualize them.

viz_vector_field(points_aligned, directions, ...)

Render and plot vector field.

viz_displacement_mag(bundle, offsets, fname)

Render and plot displacement magnitude over the bundle.


class dipy.viz.gmem.GlobalHorizon#

Bases: object



class, images=None, pams=None, cluster=False, rgb=False, cluster_thr=15.0, random_colors=None, length_gt=0, length_lt=1000, clusters_gt=0, clusters_lt=10000, world_coords=True, interactive=True, out_png='tmp.png', recorded_events=None, return_showm=False, bg_color=(0, 0, 0), order_transparent=True, buan=False, buan_colors=None, roi_images=False, roi_colors=(1, 0, 0))#

Bases: object

__init__(tractograms=None, images=None, pams=None, cluster=False, rgb=False, cluster_thr=15.0, random_colors=None, length_gt=0, length_lt=1000, clusters_gt=0, clusters_lt=10000, world_coords=True, interactive=True, out_png='tmp.png', recorded_events=None, return_showm=False, bg_color=(0, 0, 0), order_transparent=True, buan=False, buan_colors=None, roi_images=False, roi_colors=(1, 0, 0))#

Interactive medical visualization - Invert the Horizon!


tractogramssequence of StatefulTractograms

StatefulTractograms are used for making sure that the coordinate systems are correct

imagessequence of tuples

Each tuple contains data and affine

pamssequence of PeakAndMetrics

Contains peak directions and spherical harmonic coefficients


Enable QuickBundlesX clustering

rgbbool, optional

Enable the color image (rgb only, alpha channel will be ignored).


Distance threshold used for clustering. Default value 15.0 for small animal data you may need to use something smaller such as 2.0. The threshold is in mm. For this parameter to be active cluster should be enabled.

random_colorsstring, optional

Given multiple tractograms and/or ROIs then each tractogram and/or ROI will be shown with a different color. If no value is provided, both the tractograms and the ROIs will have a different random color generated from a distinguishable colormap. If the effect should only be applied to one of the 2 types, then use the options ‘tracts’ and ‘rois’ for the tractograms and the ROIs respectively.


Clusters with average length greater than length_gt amount in mm will be shown.


Clusters with average length less than length_lt amount in mm will be shown.


Clusters with size greater than clusters_gt will be shown.


Clusters with size less than clusters_lt will be shown.


Show data in their world coordinates (not native voxel coordinates) Default True.


Allow user interaction. If False then Horizon goes on stealth mode and just saves pictures.


Filename of saved picture.


File path to replay recorded events


Return ShowManager object. Used only at Python level. Can be used for extending Horizon’s cababilities externally and for testing purposes.

bg_colorndarray or list or tuple

Define the background color of the scene. Default is black (0, 0, 0)


Default True. Use depth peeling to sort transparent objects. If True also enables anti-aliasing.

buanbool, optional

Enables BUAN framework visualization. Default is False.

buan_colorslist, optional

List of colors for bundles.

roi_imagesbool, optional

Displays binary images as contours. Default is False.

roi_colorsndarray or list or tuple, optional

Define the colors of the roi images. Default is red (1, 0, 0)



Garyfallidis E., M-A. Cote, B.Q. Chandio, S. Fadnavis, J. Guaje, R. Aggarwal, E. St-Onge, K.S. Juneja, S. Koudoro, D. Reagan, DIPY Horizon: fast, modular, unified and adaptive visualization, Proceedings of: International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Montreal, Canada, 2019.


horizon#, images=None, pams=None, cluster=False, rgb=False, cluster_thr=15.0, random_colors=None, bg_color=(0, 0, 0), order_transparent=True, length_gt=0, length_lt=1000, clusters_gt=0, clusters_lt=10000, world_coords=True, interactive=True, buan=False, buan_colors=None, roi_images=False, roi_colors=(1, 0, 0), out_png='tmp.png', recorded_events=None, return_showm=False)#

Interactive medical visualization - Invert the Horizon!


tractogramssequence of StatefulTractograms

StatefulTractograms are used for making sure that the coordinate systems are correct

imagessequence of tuples

Each tuple contains data and affine

pamssequence of PeakAndMetrics

Contains peak directions and spherical harmonic coefficients


Enable QuickBundlesX clustering

rgb: bool, optional

Enable the color image.


Distance threshold used for clustering. Default value 15.0 for small animal data you may need to use something smaller such as 2.0. The threshold is in mm. For this parameter to be active cluster should be enabled.


Given multiple tractograms and/or ROIs then each tractogram and/or ROI will be shown with different color. If no value is provided both the tractograms and the ROIs will have a different random color generated from a distinguishable colormap. If the effect should only be applied to one of the 2 objects, then use the options ‘tracts’ and ‘rois’ for the tractograms and the ROIs respectively.

bg_colorndarray or list or tuple

Define the background color of the scene. Default is black (0, 0, 0)


Default True. Use depth peeling to sort transparent objects. If True also enables anti-aliasing.


Clusters with average length greater than length_gt amount in mm will be shown.


Clusters with average length less than length_lt amount in mm will be shown.


Clusters with size greater than clusters_gt will be shown.


Clusters with size less than clusters_lt will be shown.


Show data in their world coordinates (not native voxel coordinates) Default True.


Allow user interaction. If False then Horizon goes on stealth mode and just saves pictures.

buanbool, optional

Enables BUAN framework visualization. Default is False.

buan_colorslist, optional

List of colors for bundles.

roi_imagesbool, optional

Displays binary images as contours. Default is False.

roi_colorsndarray or list or tuple, optional

Define the color of the roi images. Default is red (1, 0, 0)


Filename of saved picture.


File path to replay recorded events


Return ShowManager object. Used only at Python level. Can be used for extending Horizon’s cababilities externally and for testing purposes.



Garyfallidis E., M-A. Cote, B.Q. Chandio, S. Fadnavis, J. Guaje, R. Aggarwal, E. St-Onge, K.S. Juneja, S. Koudoro, D. Reagan, DIPY Horizon: fast, modular, unified and adaptive visualization, Proceedings of: International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Montreal, Canada, 2019.


class bool, selected_value: Any, obj: Any)#

Bases: object

Dataclass to define properties of horizon ui elements.

__init__(visibility: bool, selected_value: Any, obj: Any) None#
obj: Any#
position = (0, 0)#
selected_value: Any#
visibility: bool#



Bases: ABC

Base for different tabs available in horizon.

abstract build(tab_id, tab_ui)#

Build all the elements under the tab.



Id of the tab.


FURY TabUI object for tabs panel.


tab_ui will removed once every all tabs adapt new build architecture.

property elements#

list of underlying FURY ui elements in the tab.

abstract property name#

Name of the tab.


Register elements for rendering.



Elements to be register for rendering.


class, win_size, synchronize_slices=False)#

Bases: object

A Manager for tabs of the table panel.



Underlying FURY TabUI object.

__init__(tabs, win_size, synchronize_slices=False)#

Reposition the tabs panel.

win_size(float, float)

size of the horizon window.

synchronize_slices(active_tab_id, x_value, y_value, z_value)#

Synchronize slicers for all the images

active_tab_id: int

tab_id of the action performing tab

x_value: float

x-value of the active slicer

y_value: float

y-value of the active slicer

z_value: float

z-value of the active slicer

property tab_ui#

FURY TabUI object.

build_label#, font_size=16, bold=False, is_horizon_label=False)#

Simple utility function to build labels.


text : str font_size : int, optional bold : bool, optional


label : TextBlock2D

build_slider#, max_value, min_value=0, length=450, line_width=3, radius=8, font_size=16, text_template='{value:.1f} ({ratio:.0%})', on_moving_slider=<function <lambda>>, on_value_changed=<function <lambda>>, on_change=<function <lambda>>, label='', label_font_size=16, label_style_bold=False, is_double_slider=False)#

Create a horizon theme based disk-knob slider.


initial_valuefloat, (float, float)

Initial value(s) of the slider.


Maximum value of the slider.

min_valuefloat, optional

Minimum value of the slider.

lengthint, optional

Length of the slider.

line_widthint, optional

Width of the line on which the disk will slide.

radiusint, optional

Radius of the disk handle.

font_sizeint, optional

Size of the text to display alongside the slider (pt).

text_templatestr, callable, optional

If str, text template can contain one or multiple of the replacement fields: {value:}, {ratio:}. If callable, this instance of :class:LineSlider2D will be passed as argument to the text template function.

on_moving_slidercallable, optional

When the slider is interacted by the user.

on_value_changedcallable, optional

When value of the slider changed programmatically.

on_changecallable, optional

When value of the slider changed.

labelstr, optional

Label to ui element for slider

label_font_sizeint, optional

Size of label text to display with slider

label_style_boldbool, optional

Is label should have bold style.


(label: HorizonUIElement, element(slider): HorizonUIElement)

build_checkbox#, checked_labels=None, padding=1, font_size=16, on_change=<function <lambda>>)#

Create horizon theme checkboxes.


labelslist(str), optional

List of labels of each option.

checked_labels: list(str), optional

List of labels that are checked on setting up.

paddingfloat, optional

The distance between two adjacent options element

font_sizeint, optional

Size of the text font.

on_changecallback, optional

When checkbox value changed


checkbox : HorizonUIElement

build_switcher#, label='', initial_selection=0, on_prev_clicked=<function <lambda>>, on_next_clicked=<function <lambda>>, on_value_changed=<function <lambda>>)#

Create horizon theme switcher.


itemslist, optional

dictionaries with keys ‘label’ and ‘value’. Label will be used to show it to user and value will be used for selection.

labelstr, optional

label for the switcher.

initial_selectionint, optional

index of the selected item initially.

on_prev_clickedcallback, optional

method providing a callback when prev value is selected in switcher.

on_next_clickedcallback, optional

method providing a callback when next value is selected in switcher.

on_value_changedcallback, optional

method providing a callback when either prev or next value selected in switcher.



label: HorizonUIElement, element(switcher): HorizonUIElement)


switcher: consists ‘obj’ which is an array providing FURY UI elements used.




class, threshold)#

Bases: HorizonTab

__init__(clusters_visualizer, threshold)#
build(tab_id, tab_ui)#

Build all the elements under the tab.



Id of the tab.


FURY TabUI object for tabs panel.


tab_ui will removed once every all tabs adapt new build architecture.

property name#

Name of the tab.



Bases: HorizonTab

build(tab_id, tab_ui)#

Build all the elements under the tab.



Id of the tab.


FURY TabUI object for tabs panel.


tab_ui will removed once every all tabs adapt new build architecture.

property name#

Name of the tab.



Bases: HorizonTab

build(tab_id, tab_ui)#

Build all the elements under the tab.



Id of the tab.


FURY TabUI object for tabs panel.


tab_ui will removed once every all tabs adapt new build architecture.

property name#

Name of the tab.


class, slice_id=0, force_render=<function SlicesTab.<lambda>>)#

Bases: HorizonTab

Interaction tab for slice visualization.



Name of the tab.

__init__(slices_visualizer, slice_id=0, force_render=<function SlicesTab.<lambda>>)#
property actors#

visualization actors controlled by tab.

build(tab_id, _tab_ui)#

Build all the elements under the tab.


Id of the tab.


FURY TabUI object for tabs panel.


tab_ui will removed once every all tabs adapt new build architecture.

property name#

Name of the tab.

property tab_id#

Id of the tab.

update_slices(x_slice, y_slice, z_slice)#

Updates slicer positions.

x_slice: float

x-value where the slicer should be placed

y_slice: float

y-value where the slicer should be placed

z_slice: float

z-value where the slicer should be placed



Checks if the images have same shapes


class dipy.viz.horizon.visualizer.cluster.ClustersVisualizer(show_manager, scene, tractograms, enable_callbacks=True)#

Bases: object

__init__(show_manager, scene, tractograms, enable_callbacks=True)#
add_cluster_actors(tract_idx, streamlines, thr, colors)#
property centroid_actors#
property cluster_actors#
property lengths#
property sizes#
property tractogram_clusters#


class dipy.viz.horizon.visualizer.slice.SlicesVisualizer(interactor, scene, data, affine=None, world_coords=False, percentiles=[2, 98], rgb=False)#

Bases: object

__init__(interactor, scene, data, affine=None, world_coords=False, percentiles=[2, 98], rgb=False)#
change_volume(prev_idx, next_idx, intensities, visible_slices)#
property data_shape#
property intensities_range#
property rgb#
property selected_slices#
property slice_actors#
property volume_max#
property volume_min#


dipy.viz.panel.build_label(text, font_size=18, bold=False)#

Simple utility function to build labels


text : str font_size : int bold : bool


label : TextBlock2D


dipy.viz.panel.slicer_panel(scene, iren, data=None, affine=None, world_coords=False, pam=None, mask=None, mem=<dipy.viz.gmem.GlobalHorizon object>)#

Slicer panel with slicer included


scene : Scene iren : Interactor data : 3d ndarray affine : 4x4 ndarray world_coords : bool

If True then the affine is applied.


Default None

mem :


panel : Panel


dipy.viz.plotting.compare_maps(fits, maps, transpose=None, fit_labels=None, map_labels=None, fit_kwargs=None, map_kwargs=None, filename=None)#

Compare one or more scalar maps for different fits or models.



List of fits to be compared.


Names of attributes to be compared. Default: ‘rtop’.

transposebool, optional

If False, different fits are placed on different rows and different maps on different columns. If True, the order is transposed. If None, the figures are placed such that there are more columns than rows. Default: None.

fit_labelslist, optional

Labels for the different fitting routines. If None the fits are labeled by number. Default: None.

map_labelslist, optional

Labels for the different attributes. If None the attribute names are used. Default: None.

fit_kwargslist or dict, optional

A dict or list of dicts with imshow options for each fitting routine. The dicts are passed to imshow as keyword-argument pairs. Default: {}.

map_kwargslist or dict, optional

A dict or list of dicts with imshow options for each MAP-MRI scalar. The dicts are passed to imshow as keyword-argument pairs. Default: {}.

filenamestring, optional

Filename where the image will be saved. Default: None.


dipy.viz.plotting.compare_qti_maps(gt, fit1, fit2, mask, maps=('fa', 'ufa'), fitname=('QTI', 'QTI+'), xlimits=([0, 1], [0.4, 1.5]), disprange=([0, 1], [0, 1]), slice=13)#

Compare one or more qti derived maps obtained with different fitting routines.


gtqti fit object

The qti fit to be considered as ground truth

fit1qti fit object

First qti fit to be compared

fit2qti fit object

Second qti fit to be compared


Boolean array indicating which voxels to retain for comparing the values

mapsarray-like, optional

QTI invariants to be compared

fitnamearray-like, optional

Names of the used QTI fitting routines

xlimitsarray-like, optional

X-Axis limits for the histograms visualization

disprangearray-like, optional

Display range for maps

sliceint, optional

Axial brain slice to be visualized


dipy.viz.plotting.bundle_shape_profile(x, shape_profile, std)#

Plot bundlewarp bundle shape profile.



Integer array containing x-axis


Float array containing bundlewarp displacement magnitudes along the length of the bundle


Float array containing standard deviations


dipy.viz.projections.sph_project(vertices, val, ax=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, cmap=None, cbar=True, tri=False, boundary=False, **basemap_args)#

Draw a signal on a 2D projection of the sphere.


vertices(N,3) ndarray

unit vector points of the sphere

val: (N) ndarray

Function values.

axmpl axis, optional

If specified, draw onto this existing axis instead.

vmin, vmaxfloats

Values to cut the z

cmap : mpl colormap

cbar: Whether to add the color-bar to the figure

triang : Whether to display the plot triangulated as a pseudo-color plot.

boundary : Whether to draw the boundary around the projection in a black line



Matplotlib figure axis


>>> from import default_sphere
>>> verts = default_sphere.vertices
>>> ax = sph_project(verts.T, np.random.rand(len(verts.T))) 


dipy.viz.regtools.simple_plot(file_name, title, x, y, xlabel, ylabel)#

Saves the simple plot with given x and y values



file name for saving the plot


title of the plot

xinteger list

x-axis values to be plotted

yinteger list

y-axis values to be plotted


label for x-axis


label for y-axis


dipy.viz.regtools.overlay_images(img0, img1, title0='', title_mid='', title1='', fname=None, **fig_kwargs)#

Plot two images one on top of the other using red and green channels.

Creates a figure containing three images: the first image to the left plotted on the red channel of a color image, the second to the right plotted on the green channel of a color image and the two given images on top of each other using the red channel for the first image and the green channel for the second one. It is assumed that both images have the same shape. The intended use of this function is to visually assess the quality of a registration result.


img0array, shape(R, C)

the image to be plotted on the red channel, to the left of the figure

img1array, shape(R, C)

the image to be plotted on the green channel, to the right of the figure

title0string (optional)

the title to be written on top of the image to the left. By default, no title is displayed.

title_midstring (optional)

the title to be written on top of the middle image. By default, no title is displayed.

title1string (optional)

the title to be written on top of the image to the right. By default, no title is displayed.

fnamestring (optional)

the file name to write the resulting figure. If None (default), the image is not saved.

fig_kwargs: extra parameters for saving figure, e.g. dpi=300.


dipy.viz.regtools.draw_lattice_2d(nrows, ncols, delta)#

Create a regular lattice of nrows x ncols squares.

Creates an image (2D array) of a regular lattice of nrows x ncols squares. The size of each square is delta x delta pixels (not counting the separation lines). The lines are one pixel width.



the number of squares to be drawn vertically


the number of squares to be drawn horizontally


the size of each square of the grid. Each square is delta x delta pixels


latticearray, shape (R, C)

the image (2D array) of the segular lattice. The shape (R, C) of the array is given by R = 1 + (delta + 1) * nrows C = 1 + (delta + 1) * ncols


dipy.viz.regtools.plot_2d_diffeomorphic_map(mapping, delta=10, fname=None, direct_grid_shape=None, direct_grid2world=-1, inverse_grid_shape=None, inverse_grid2world=-1, show_figure=True, **fig_kwargs)#

Draw the effect of warping a regular lattice by a diffeomorphic map.

Draws a diffeomorphic map by showing the effect of the deformation on a regular grid. The resulting figure contains two images: the direct transformation is plotted to the left, and the inverse transformation is plotted to the right.


mappingDiffeomorphicMap object

the diffeomorphic map to be drawn

deltaint, optional

the size (in pixels) of the squares of the regular lattice to be used to plot the warping effects. Each square will be delta x delta pixels. By default, the size will be 10 pixels.

fnamestring, optional

the name of the file the figure will be written to. If None (default), the figure will not be saved to disk.

direct_grid_shapetuple, shape (2,), optional

the shape of the grid image after being deformed by the direct transformation. By default, the shape of the deformed grid is the same as the grid of the displacement field, which is by default equal to the shape of the fixed image. In other words, the resulting deformed grid (deformed by the direct transformation) will normally have the same shape as the fixed image.

direct_grid2worldarray, shape (3, 3), optional

the affine transformation mapping the direct grid’s coordinates to physical space. By default, this transformation will correspond to the image-to-world transformation corresponding to the default direct_grid_shape (in general, if users specify a direct_grid_shape, they should also specify direct_grid2world).

inverse_grid_shapetuple, shape (2,), optional

the shape of the grid image after being deformed by the inverse transformation. By default, the shape of the deformed grid under the inverse transform is the same as the image used as “moving” when the diffeomorphic map was generated by a registration algorithm (so it corresponds to the effect of warping the static image towards the moving).

inverse_grid2worldarray, shape (3, 3), optional

the affine transformation mapping inverse grid’s coordinates to physical space. By default, this transformation will correspond to the image-to-world transformation corresponding to the default inverse_grid_shape (in general, if users specify an inverse_grid_shape, they should also specify inverse_grid2world).

show_figurebool, optional

if True (default), the deformed grids will be plotted using matplotlib, else the grids are just returned

fig_kwargs: extra parameters for saving figure, e.g. dpi=300.



Image with the grid showing the effect of transforming the moving image to the static image. The shape will be direct_grid_shape if specified, otherwise the shape of the static image.


Image with the grid showing the effect of transforming the static image to the moving image. Shape will be inverse_grid_shape if specified, otherwise the shape of the moving image.


The default value for the affine transformation is “-1” to handle the case in which the user provides “None” as input meaning “identity”. If we used None as default, we wouldn’t know if the user specifically wants to use the identity (specifically passing None) or if it was left unspecified, meaning to use the appropriate default matrix.


dipy.viz.regtools.plot_slices(V, slice_indices=None, fname=None, **fig_kwargs)#

Plot 3 slices from the given volume: 1 sagittal, 1 coronal and 1 axial

Creates a figure showing the axial, coronal and sagittal slices at the requested positions of the given volume. The requested slices are specified by slice_indices.


Varray, shape (S, R, C)

the 3D volume to extract the slices from

slice_indicesarray, shape (3,) (optional)

the indices of the sagittal (slice_indices[0]), coronal (slice_indices[1]) and axial (slice_indices[2]) slices to be displayed. If None, the middle slices along each direction are displayed.

fnamestring (optional)

the name of the file to save the figure to. If None (default), the figure is not saved to disk.

fig_kwargs: extra parameters for saving figure, e.g. dpi=300.


dipy.viz.regtools.overlay_slices(L, R, slice_index=None, slice_type=1, ltitle='Left', rtitle='Right', fname=None, **fig_kwargs)#

Plot three overlaid slices from the given volumes.

Creates a figure containing three images: the gray scale k-th slice of the first volume (L) to the left, where k=slice_index, the k-th slice of the second volume (R) to the right and the k-th slices of the two given images on top of each other using the red channel for the first volume and the green channel for the second one. It is assumed that both volumes have the same shape. The intended use of this function is to visually assess the quality of a registration result.


Larray, shape (S, R, C)

the first volume to extract the slice from plotted to the left

Rarray, shape (S, R, C)

the second volume to extract the slice from, plotted to the right

slice_indexint (optional)

the index of the slices (along the axis given by slice_type) to be overlaid. If None, the slice along the specified axis is used

slice_typeint (optional)

the type of slice to be extracted: 0=sagittal, 1=coronal (default), 2=axial.

ltitlestring (optional)

the string to be written as the title of the left image. By default, no title is displayed.

rtitlestring (optional)

the string to be written as the title of the right image. By default, no title is displayed.

fnamestring (optional)

the name of the file to write the image to. If None (default), the figure is not saved to disk.

fig_kwargs: extra parameters for saving figure, e.g. dpi=300.


dipy.viz.streamline.show_bundles(bundles, interactive=True, view='sagital', colors=None, linewidth=0.3, save_as=None)#

Render bundles to visualize them interactively or save them into a png.

The function allows to just render the bundles in an interactive plot or to export them into a png file.



Bundles to be rendered.

interactiveboolean, optional

If True a 3D interactive rendering is created. Default is True.

viewstr, optional

Viewing angle. Supported options: ‘sagital’,’axial’ and ‘coronal’. Default is ‘sagital’.

colorslist, optional

Colors to be used for each bundle. If None default colors are used.

linewidthfloat, optional

Width of each rendered streamline. Default is 0.3.

save_asstr, optional

If not None rendered scene is stored in a png file with that name. Default is None.


dipy.viz.streamline.viz_two_bundles(b1, b2, fname, c1=(1, 0, 0), c2=(0, 1, 0), interactive=False)#

Render and plot two bundles to visualize them.



Bundle one to be rendered.


Bundle two to be rendered.

fname: str

Rendered scene is stored in a png file with that name.

C1tuple, optional

Color to be used for first bundle. Default red.

C2tuple, optional

Color to be used for second bundle. Default green.

interactiveboolean, optional

If True a 3D interactive rendering is created. Default is True.


dipy.viz.streamline.viz_vector_field(points_aligned, directions, colors, offsets, fname, bundle=None, interactive=False)#

Render and plot vector field.



List containing starting positions of vectors.


List containing unitary directions of vectors.


List containing colors for each vector.


List containing vector field modules.

fname: str

Rendered scene is stored in a png file with that name.

bundleStreamlines, optional

Bundle to be rendered with vector field (Default None).

interactiveboolean, optional

If True a 3D interactive rendering is created. Default is True.


dipy.viz.streamline.viz_displacement_mag(bundle, offsets, fname, interactive=False)#

Render and plot displacement magnitude over the bundle.



Bundle to be rendered.


List containing displacement magnitdues per point on the bundle.

fname: str

Rendered scene is stored in a png file with that name.

interactiveboolean, optional

If True a 3D interactive rendering is created. Default is True.