Release notes for DIPY version 0.11

GitHub stats for 2015/12/03 - 2016/02/21 (tag: 0.10)

The following 16 authors contributed 271 commits.

  • Ariel Rokem

  • Bago Amirbekian

  • Bishakh Ghosh

  • Eleftherios Garyfallidis

  • Gabriel Girard

  • Gregory R. Lee

  • Himanshu Mishra

  • Jean-Christophe Houde

  • Marc-Alexandre Côté

  • Matthew Brett

  • Matthieu Dumont

  • Omar Ocegueda

  • Sagun Pai

  • Samuel St-Jean

  • Stephan Meesters

  • Vatsala Swaroop

We closed a total of 144 issues, 55 pull requests and 89 regular issues; this is the full list (generated with the script tools/

Pull Requests (55):

  • PR #933: Updating release dates

  • PR #925: fix typos

  • PR #915: BF: correct handling of output paths in dipy_quickbundles.

  • PR #922: Fix PEP8 in top-level tests

  • PR #921: fix typo

  • PR #918: Fix PEP8 in test_expectmax

  • PR #917: Website 0.11 update and more devs

  • PR #916: Getting website ready for 0.11 release

  • PR #914: DOC: Update release notes for 0.11

  • PR #910: Singleton sl vals

  • PR #908: Fix pep8 errors in viz

  • PR #911: fix typo

  • PR #904: fix typo

  • PR #851: Tissue Classifier tracking example - changed seeding mask to wm only voxels

  • PR #858: Updates for upcoming numpy 1.11 release

  • PR #856: Add reference to gitter chat room in the README

  • PR #762: Contextual enhancements of ODF/FOD fields

  • PR #857: DTI memory: use the same step in prediction as you use in fitting.

  • PR #816: A few fixes to SFM.

  • PR #811: Extract values from an image based on streamline coordinates.

  • PR #853: miscellaneous Python 3 compatibility problem fixes in fvtk

  • PR #849: nlmeans use num threads option in 3d

  • PR #850: DOC: fix typo

  • PR #848: DOC: fix typo

  • PR #847: DOC: fix typo

  • PR #845: DOC: Add kurtosis example to examples_index

  • PR #846: DOC: fix typo

  • PR #826: Return numpy arrays instead of memory views from cython functions

  • PR #841: Rename CONTRIBUTING to

  • PR #839: DOC: Fix up the docstring for the CENIR data

  • PR #819: DOC: Add the DKI reconstruction example to the list of valid examples.

  • PR #843: Drop 3.2

  • PR #838: “Contributing”

  • PR #833: Doc: Typo

  • PR #817: RF: Convert nan values in bvectors to 0’s

  • PR #836: fixed typo

  • PR #695: Introducing workflows

  • PR #829: Fixes issue #813 by not checking data type explicitly.

  • PR #830: Fixed doc of SDT

  • PR #825: Updated toollib and doc tools (#802)

  • PR #760: NF - random seeds from mask

  • PR #824: Updated copyright to 2016

  • PR #815: DOC: The previous link doesn’t exist anymore.

  • PR #669: Function to reorient gradient directions according to moco parameters

  • PR #809: MRG: refactor and test

  • PR #821: BF: revert accidentally committed COMMIT_INFO.txt

  • PR #818: Round coords life

  • PR #797: Update

  • PR #806: Relax regression tests

  • PR #814: TEST: compare array shapes directly

  • PR #808: MRG: pull in discarded changes from maintenance

  • PR #745: faster version of piesno

  • PR #807: BF: fix shebang lines for scripts

  • PR #794: RF: Allow setting the verbosity of the AffineRegistration while running it

  • PR #801: TST: add Python 3.5 to travis-ci test matrix

Issues (89):

  • #933: Updating release dates

  • #925: fix typos

  • #915: BF: correct handling of output paths in dipy_quickbundles.

  • #922: Fix PEP8 in top-level tests

  • #886: PEP8 in top-level tests

  • #921: fix typo

  • #918: Fix PEP8 in test_expectmax

  • #863: PEP8 in test_expectmax

  • #919: STYLE:PEP8 workflows

  • #896: STYLE: PEP8 for workflows folder

  • #917: Website 0.11 update and more devs

  • #900: SLR example needs updating

  • #906: Compiling the website needs too much memory

  • #916: Getting website ready for 0.11 release

  • #914: DOC: Update release notes for 0.11

  • #910: Singleton sl vals

  • #908: Fix pep8 errors in viz

  • #890: PEP8 in viz

  • #911: fix typo

  • #905: math is broken in doc

  • #904: fix typo

  • #851: Tissue Classifier tracking example - changed seeding mask to wm only voxels

  • #858: Updates for upcoming numpy 1.11 release

  • #856: Add reference to gitter chat room in the README

  • #762: Contextual enhancements of ODF/FOD fields

  • #857: DTI memory: use the same step in prediction as you use in fitting.

  • #816: A few fixes to SFM.

  • #898: Pep8 #891

  • #811: Extract values from an image based on streamline coordinates.

  • #892: PEP8 workflows

  • #894: PEP8 utils

  • #895: PEP8 Tracking

  • #893: PEP8 Viz

  • #860: Added Travis-CI badge

  • #692: Refactor

  • #742: LinAlgError on tracking quickstart, with python 3.4

  • #822: Could you help me ? “URLError:<urlopen error [Errno 10060]>”

  • #840: Make dti reconst less memory hungry

  • #855: 0.9.3rc

  • #853: miscellaneous Python 3 compatibility problem fixes in fvtk

  • #849: nlmeans use num threads option in 3d

  • #850: DOC: fix typo

  • #848: DOC: fix typo

  • #153: DiffusionSpectrumModel assumes 1 b0 and fails with data with more than 1 b0

  • #93: GradientTable mask does not account for nan’s in b-values

  • #665: Online tutorial of quickbundles does not work for released version on macosx

  • #758: One viz test still failing on mac os

  • #847: DOC: fix typo

  • #845: DOC: Add kurtosis example to examples_index

  • #846: DOC: fix typo

  • #826: Return numpy arrays instead of memory views from cython functions

  • #841: Rename CONTRIBUTING to

  • #839: DOC: Fix up the docstring for the CENIR data

  • #842: New pip fails on 3.2

  • #819: DOC: Add the DKI reconstruction example to the list of valid examples.

  • #843: Drop 3.2

  • #838: “Contributing”

  • #833: Doc: Typo

  • #817: RF: Convert nan values in bvectors to 0’s

  • #836: fixed typo

  • #695: Introducing workflows

  • #829: Fixes issue #813 by not checking data type explicitly.

  • #805: Multiple failures on Windows Python 3.5 build

  • #802: toollib and doc tools need update to 3.5

  • #812: Python 2.7 doctest failures on 64-bit Windows

  • #685: (WIP) DKI PR5 - NF: DKI-ODF estimation

  • #830: Fixed doc of SDT

  • #825: Updated toollib and doc tools (#802)

  • #760: NF - random seeds from mask

  • #824: Updated copyright to 2016

  • #666: Parallelized local tracking branch so now you can actually look at my code :)

  • #815: DOC: The previous link doesn’t exist anymore.

  • #747: TEST: make test faster

  • #631: NF - multiprocessing multi voxel fit

  • #669: Function to reorient gradient directions according to moco parameters

  • #809: MRG: refactor and test

  • #820: dipy.get_info() returns wrong commit hash

  • #821: BF: revert accidentally committed COMMIT_INFO.txt

  • #818: Round coords life

  • #810: Wrong input type for _voxel2stream on 64-bit Windows

  • #803: Windows 7 Pro VM Python 2.7 gives 5 test errors with latest release 0.10.1

  • #797: Update

  • #806: Relax regression tests

  • #814: TEST: compare array shapes directly

  • #808: MRG: pull in discarded changes from maintenance

  • #745: faster version of piesno

  • #807: BF: fix shebang lines for scripts

  • #794: RF: Allow setting the verbosity of the AffineRegistration while running it

  • #801: TST: add Python 3.5 to travis-ci test matrix