Past Announcements#
DIPY 1.8.0 released December 13, 2023.
DIPY 1.7.0 released April 23, 2023.
DIPY 1.6.0 released January 16, 2023.
DIPY 1.5.0 released March 11, 2022.
DIPY 1.4.1 released May 6, 2021.
DIPY 1.4.0 released March 13, 2021.
DIPY 1.3.0 released November 3, 2020.
DIPY 1.2.0 released September 9, 2020.
DIPY 1.1.1 released January 10, 2020.
DIPY 1.0 released August 5, 2019.
DIPY 0.16 released March 10, 2019.
DIPY 0.15 released December 12, 2018.
DIPY 0.14 released May 1, 2018.
DIPY 0.13 released October 24, 2017.
DIPY 0.12 released June 26, 2017.
DIPY 0.11 released February 21, 2016.
DIPY 0.10 released December 4, 2015.
DIPY 0.9.2 released, March 18, 2015.
DIPY 0.8.0 released, January 6, 2015.
DIPY was featured in The Scientist Magazine, Nov, 2014.
DIPY paper accepted in Frontiers of Neuroinformatics, January 22nd, 2014.
- DIPY 0.7.1 is available for download with 3X
more tutorials than 0.6.0! In addition, a journal paper focusing on teaching the fundamentals of DIPY is available in Frontiers of Neuroinformatics.
A new hands on DIPY seminar to 50 neuroscientists from Canada, as part of QBIN’s “Do’s and dont’s of diffusion MRI” workshop, 8 April, 2014.
The creators of DIPY will attend both ISMRM and HBM 2015. Come and meet us!
DIPY paper accepted in Frontiers of Neuroinformatics, 22 January, 2014.
DIPY 0.7.1 Released!, 16 January, 2014.
DIPY 0.7.0 Released!, 23 December, 2013.
Spherical Deconvolution algorithms are now included in the current development version 0.7.0dev. See the examples in gallery, 24 June 2013.
A team of DIPY developers wins the IEEE ISBI HARDI challenge, 7 April, 2013.
Hands on DIPY seminar took place at the dMRI course of the CREATE-MIA summer school, 5-7 June, McGill, Montreal, 2013.
DIPY 0.6.0 Released!, 30 March, 2013.
DIPY 3rd Sprint, Berkeley, CA, 8-18 April, 2013.
IEEE ISBI HARDI challenge 2013 chooses DIPY, February, 2013.