Release notes for DIPY version 0.13#
GitHub stats for 2017/06/27 - 2017/10/24 (tag: 0.12.0)
These lists are automatically generated, and may be incomplete or contain duplicates.
The following 13 authors contributed 212 commits.
Ariel Rokem
Bennet Fauber
David Reagan
Eleftherios Garyfallidis
Guillaume Theaud
Jon Haitz Legarreta Gorroño
Marc-Alexandre Côté
Matthieu Dumont
Rafael Neto Henriques
Ranveer Aggarwal
Rutger Fick
Saber Sheybani
Serge Koudoro
We closed a total of 115 issues, 39 pull requests and 76 regular issues;
this is the full list (generated with the script
Pull Requests (39):
PR #1367: BF: Import Streamlines object directly from nibabel.
PR #1361: Windows instructions update + citation update
PR #1316: DOC: Add a coding style guideline.
PR #1360: [FIX] references order in workflow
PR #1348: ENH: Add support for ArraySequence in`set_number_of_points` function
PR #1357: Update rebase of #1332
PR #1239: Enable memory profiling of the examples.
PR #1356: Add picking to slicer - rebase
PR #1351: From tables to h5py
PR #1353: FIX : improve epilogue accessibility for workflow
PR #1262: VIZ: A lightweight UI for medical visualizations #6: 2D File Selector
PR #1352: use legacy float array for printing numpy array
PR #1314: DOC: Fix typos and formatting in .rst files and Python examples.
PR #1345: DOC: Format README.rst file code blocks.
PR #1330: ENH: Add Travis badge to README.rst.
PR #1315: Remove GPL from our README.
PR #1328: BUG: Address small_delta vs. big_delta flipped parameters.
PR #1329: DOC: Fix typos in workflow file docstring.
PR #1336: Test modification for windows 10 / numpy 1.14
PR #1335: Catch a more specific warning in test_csdeconv
PR #1319: Correct white-space for fwdti example.
PR #1297: Added eigh version of localpca to svd version
PR #1298: Make TextActor2D extend UI instead of object
PR #1312: Flags correction for windows
PR #1285: mapmri using cvxpy instead of cvxopt
PR #1307: PyTables Error-handling
PR #1310: Fix error message
PR #1308: Fix inversion in the dti mode doc
PR #1304: DOC: Fix typos in reconstruction file doc.
PR #1303: DOC: Add missing label to reciprocal space eq.
PR #1289: MRG: Suppress a divide-by-zero warning.
PR #1288: NF Add the parameter fa_operator in auto_response function
PR #1290: Corrected a small error condition
PR #1279: UI advanced fix
PR #1287: Fix doc errors
PR #1286: Last doc error fix on 0.12.x
PR #1284: Added missing tutorials
PR #1278: Moving ahead with 0.13 (dev version)
PR #1277: One test (decimal issue) and a fix in viz_ui tutorial.
Issues (76):
#1367: BF: Import Streamlines object directly from nibabel.
#1366: Circular imports in dipy.tracking.utils?
#1146: Installation instructions for windows need to be updated
#1084: Installation for windows developers using Anaconda needs to be updated
#1361: Windows instructions update + citation update
#1248: Windows doc installation update is needed for Python 3, Anaconda and VTK support
#1316: DOC: Add a coding style guideline.
#1360: [FIX] references order in workflow
#1359: Epilogue’s reference should be last not first
#1324: WIP: Det track workflow and other improvements in workflows
#1348: ENH: Add support for ArraySequence in`set_number_of_points` function
#1357: Update rebase of #1332
#1332: Update
#1239: Enable memory profiling of the examples.
#1356: Add picking to slicer - rebase
#1334: Add picking to slicer
#1351: From tables to h5py
#1353: FIX : improve epilogue accessibility for workflow
#1344: Check accessibility of epilogue in Workflows
#1262: VIZ: A lightweight UI for medical visualizations #6: 2D File Selector
#1352: use legacy float array for printing numpy array
#1346: Test broken in numpy 1.14
#1333: Trying QuickBundles (Python3 and vtk–> using: conda install -c clinicalgraphics vtk)
#1044: Reconstruction FOD
#1247: Interactor bug in viz_ui example
#1314: DOC: Fix typos and formatting in .rst files and Python examples.
#1345: DOC: Format README.rst file code blocks.
#1349: Doctest FIX : use legacy printing
#1330: ENH: Add Travis badge to README.rst.
#1337: Coveralls seems baggy let’s remove it
#1341: ActiveAx model fitting using MIX framework
#1315: Remove GPL from our README.
#1325: Small is Big - Big is small (mapl - mapmri)
#1328: BUG: Address small_delta vs. big_delta flipped parameters.
#1329: DOC: Fix typos in workflow file docstring.
#1336: Test modification for windows 10 / numpy 1.14
#1323: Warnings raised in csdeconv for upcoming numpy 1.14
#1335: Catch a more specific warning in test_csdeconv
#1042: RF - move direction getters to dipy/direction/
#1319: Correct white-space for fwdti example.
#1317: example figures not being rendered
#1297: Added eigh version of localpca to svd version
#1313: No module named ‘vtkCommonCore’
#1318: Mix framework with Cythonized func_mul
#1167: Potential replacement for CVXOPT?
#1180: WIP: replacing cvxopt with cvxpy.
#1298: Make TextActor2D extend UI instead of object
#375: Peak directiions test error on PPC
#1312: Flags correction for windows
#804: Wrong openmp flag on Windows
#1285: mapmri using cvxpy instead of cvxopt
#662: dipy/align/mattes.pyx doctest import error
#1307: PyTables Error-handling
#1306: Error-handling when pytables not installed
#1309: step_helpers gives a wrong error message
#1310: Fix error message
#1308: Fix inversion in the dti mode doc
#1304: DOC: Fix typos in reconstruction file doc.
#1303: DOC: Add missing label to reciprocal space eq.
#1289: MRG: Suppress a divide-by-zero warning.
#1293: Garyfallidis recobundles
#1292: Garyfallidis recobundles
#1288: NF Add the parameter fa_operator in auto_response function
#1290: Corrected a small error condition
#1279: UI advanced fix
#1287: Fix doc errors
#1286: Last doc error fix on 0.12.x
#1284: Added missing tutorials
#322: Missing content in tracking.utils’ documentation
#570: The documentation for dipy.viz is not in the API reference
#1053: WIP: Local pca and noise estimation
#881: PEP8 in reconst
#880: PEP8 in reconst
#1169: Time for a new release - scipy 0.18?
#1278: Moving ahead with 0.13 (dev version)
#1277: One test (decimal issue) and a fix in viz_ui tutorial.