Release notes for DIPY version 1.10#
GitHub stats for 2024/03/08 - 2024/12/09 (tag: 1.9.0)
These lists are automatically generated, and may be incomplete or contain duplicates.
The following 25 authors contributed 871 commits.
Alex Rockhill
Ariel Rokem
Asa Gilmore
Atharva Shah
Bramsh Qamar
Charles Poirier
Eleftherios Garyfallidis
Eric Larson
Florent Wijanto
Gabriel Girard
Jon Haitz Legarreta Gorroño
Jong Sung Park
Julio Villalon
Kaibo Tang
Kaustav Deka
Maharshi Gor
Martin Kozár
Matt Cieslak
Matthew Feickert
Michael R. Crusoe
Prajwal Reddy
Rafael Neto Henriques
Sam Coveney
Sandro Turriate
Serge Koudoro
We closed a total of 445 issues, 187 pull requests and 258 regular issues;
this is the full list (generated with the script
Pull Requests (187):
PR #3420: CI: define output path for coverage
PR #3415: tests: leave no trace behind
PR #3417: MAINT: Address changes to API with new (1.6) version of cvxpy.
PR #3414: Bump codecov/codecov-action from 4 to 5 in the actions group
PR #3412: BF: Fixing single-slice data error in Patch2Self
PR #3409: [RF] Cleanup deprecated functions and remove some old legacy scripts
PR #3407: CI: unpin cvxpy
PR #3408: RF: fix step argument in DTI NLLS model
PR #3402: DOC: Add Exporting and importing Mapping field information in recipes and registration tutorial
PR #3403: Robust split idea rebase tidy
PR #3404: RF: Improve and Simplify version management
PR #3395: RF: Refactor nn module and deprecate tensorflow module
PR #1957: niftis2pam, pam2niftis Workflow
PR #3396: DOC: Adopt sphinxcontrib-bibtex for reconst model list refs
PR #3399: STYLE: Remove empty quoted paragraph in developer guide index
PR #3398: DOC: Improve first interaction GitHub Actions config file
PR #2826: [ENH] Compute fiber density and fiber spread from ODF using Bingham distributions
PR #3303: NF: Patch2Self3
PR #3392: [WIP] NF: Adding pytorch versions
PR #3368: [NF] DAM implementation for tissue classification using DMRI signal properties.
PR #3390: DOC: Update DTI tutorial title
PR #3391: STYLE: removing pep8speaks conf file in favor of pre-commit action
PR #3393: RF: fix API generation
PR #3387: DOC: Add first interaction GHA workflow file
PR #3386: DOC: Update the CI tool to GHA in CONTRIBUTING file
PR #3384: BF: Updated non_local_means
PR #3140: NF: Adding correct_mask to median_otsu
PR #3345: DOC: Skip element in documentation generation
PR #3372: BugFix: New Atlas OMM not working with Horizon
PR #3381: RF: Add support for sequential processing in Gibbs unringing
PR #3380: ensure all calls to a python executable are to python3
PR #3376: DOC: Use placeholder for unused variable in streamline_tools
PR #3373: DOC: Consider warnings as errors in documentation CI build
PR #3379: DOC: Remove example files labels
PR #3378: doc: Link reconstruction model list to multiple pages
PR #3377: DOC: Miscellaneous improvements to PeakActor docstring
PR #3375: DOC: Reference footnote in streamline_tools
PR #3348: DOC: Address remaining some warnings
PR #3369: ci: Bump scientific-python/upload-nightly-action from 0.6.0 to 0.6.1
PR #3367: Bump scientific-python/upload-nightly-action from 0.5.0 to 0.6.0 in the actions group
PR #3366: DOC: Make rng optional parameter docstrings consistent
PR #3365: DOC: Fix some cites.
PR #3356: BF: fix s390x compatibility
PR #3360: DOC: Remove unnecessary leading whitespace in rst doc paragraph
PR #3357: FIX: remove keyword only warning on examples (part2)
PR #3343: BF Fixing transformation function
PR #3355: FIX: missing keyword only arguments on example
PR #3221: Updating BundleWarp default value of alpha
PR #3323: BF: Allow passing kwargs in fit method, by moving parallelization kwargs elsewhere, including PEP 3102
PR #3351: DOC: Fix miscellaneous documentation build warnings (part 3)
PR #3306: NF: Update to examples
PR #3293: BF: Fix attempting to delete frame local symbol table variable
PR #3257: NF: Applying Decorators in Module (Reconst)
PR #3254: NF: Applying Decorators in Module (Direction)
PR #3317: DOC: Miscellaneous documentation improvements
PR #3350: DOC: Do not use the scale option for URL-based images
PR #3344: DOC: Fix miscellaneous documentation build warnings (part 2)
PR #3346: RF: Removal of keyword form Cython files
PR #3341: DOC: Host MNI template note references in references file
PR #3333: RF: Decorator fix
PR #3335: RF: Allow parallel processing for sphinx extension
PR #3342: RF: Doctest warnings
PR #3337: DOC: Fix miscellaneous documentation build warnings
PR #3338: DOC: Cite examples references using sphinxcontrib-bibtex
PR #3319: DOC: Use references bibliography file for DIPY citation file
PR #3321: BF: Set the superclass fit_method param value to the one provided
PR #3324: RF: Refactored for keyword arguments
PR #3340: CI: pin cvxpy to 1.4.4 until 1.5.x issues are solved
PR #3316: DOC: Cite code base references using sphinxcontrib-bibtex
PR #3332: BF: Set the Diso parameter value to the one provided
PR #3325: DOC: Fix warnings related to displayed math expressions
PR #3331: DOC: Miscellaneous documentation improvements (part 3)
PR #3329: STYLE: Use a leading underscore to name private methods
PR #3330: DOC: Do not use unfinished double backticks
PR #3320: DOC: Miscellaneous documentation improvements (part 2)
PR #3318: RF: Remove unused parameters from method signature
PR #3310: DOC: Cite nn references through sphinxcontrib-bibtex
PR #3315: RF: remove legacy numpydoc
PR #2810: [DOC] introducing sphinxcontrib-Bibtex to improve reference management
PR #3312: DOC: Use misc for other types of BibTeX entries
PR #3309: DOC: Miscellaneous doc formatting fixes (part 4)
PR #3308: DOC: Rework the BibTeX bibliography file
PR #3275: FIX: remove sagital from codespellrc ignore list .
PR #3304: DOC: Miscellaneous doc formatting fixes (part 3)
PR #3295: ENH: Add a GHA workflow file to build docs
PR #3302: DOC: Miscellaneous doc formatting fixes (part 2)
PR #3301: FIX: explicit keyword argument for Horizon
PR #3297: DOC: Miscellaneous doc formatting fixes
PR #3291: FIX: nightly wheels for macOS arm64
PR #3262: NF: Applying Decorators in Module (Visualization)
PR #3263: NF: Applying Decorators in Module (Workflow)
PR #3287: NF: Add __len__ to GradientTable
PR #3260: NF: Applying Decorators in Module (Tracking)
PR #3256: NF: Applying Decorators in Module (NeuralNetwork)
PR #3258: NF: Applying Decorators in Module (Segment)
PR #3249: NF: Applying Decorators in Module (Align)
PR #3251: NF: Applying Decorators in Module (Core)
PR #3279: FIX: Explicit type origin for long to solve the cython error during compilation
PR #3259: NF: Applying Decorators in Module (Sims)
PR #3252: NF: Applying Decorators in Module (Denoise)
PR #3261: NF: Applying Decorators in Module (Utils)
PR #3255: NF: Applying Decorators in Module (Io)
PR #3253: NF: Applying Decorators in Module (Data)
PR #3233: STYLE: Set stacklevel argument explicitly to warning messages
PR #3239: NF: Decorator for keyword-only argument
PR #2593: Embed parallelization into the multi_voxel_fit decorator.
PR #3274: RF: Update pyproject.toml for numpy 2.0
PR #3273: STYLE: Make statement dwell on a single line
PR #3237: Add support for tensor-valued spherical functions in interp_rbf
PR #3245: RF: Switch from using sparse *_matrix to *_array.
PR #3267: STYLE: Avoid deprecated NumPy types and methods for NumPy 2.0 compat
PR #3264: TEST: avoid direct comparison of floating point numbers
PR #3268: STYLE: Prefer using np.asarray to avoid copy while creating an array
PR #3271: RF: Do not use np.any for checking optional array parameters
PR #3250: DOC: Fix param order
PR #3269: STYLE: Prefer using isin over in1d
PR #3238: NF - add affine to peaks_from_position
PR #3247: STYLE: Add imported symbols to __all__ in direction module
PR #3246: STYLE: Import explicitly direction.peaks symbols
PR #3241: RF: Codespell fix for CI
PR #3228: STYLE: Fix unused loop control variable warning
PR #3235: STYLE: Do not allow running unintended modules as scripts
PR #3230: STYLE: Fix function definition loop variable binding warning
PR #3232: STYLE: Simplify implicitly concatenated strings
PR #3229: STYLE: Prefer using f-strings
PR #3224: BF: Rewrite list creation as list() instead of []
PR #3216: STYLE: Format code using ruff
PR #3178: DOC: Fixes the AFQ tract profile tutorial.
PR #3218: STYLE: Fix codespell issues
PR #3209: [CI] Move filterwarnings from pyproject to conftest
PR #3220: [RF] from os.fork to spawn for multiprocessing
PR #3214: RF - remove buffer argument in pmf_gen.get_pmf_value(.)
PR #3219: [ENH] Prefer CLARABEL over ECOS as the CVXPY solver
PR #3215: tests: correct module-level setup
PR #3211: [RF] PMF Gen: from memoryview to pointer
PR #3210: Python 3.13: Fix tests for next Python release
PR #3212: STYLE: Relocate pre-commit and ruff packages to style requirements
PR #3205: BF: Declare variables holding integers as cnp.npy_intp over double
PR #3174: NF - initial directions from seed positions
PR #3207: DOC: Fix Cython method parameter type description
PR #3206: BF: Use cnp.npy_intp instead of int as counter
PR #3204: DOC: Fix documentation typos
PR #3202: [TEST] Add flag to turn warnings into errors for pytest
PR #3158: ENH: Remove filtering UserWarning warnings in test config file
PR #3194: MAINT: fix warning
PR #3199: Bump pre-commit/action from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 in the actions group
PR #3182: [NF] Add DiSCo challenge data fetcher
PR #3197: ENH: Fix miscellaneous warnings in dki reconstruction module
PR #3198: ENH: Ensure that arccos argument is in the [-1,1] range
PR #3191: [RF] allow float and double for trilinear_interpolate4d_c
PR #3151: DKI Updates: (new radial tensor kurtosis metric, updated documentation and missing tests)
PR #3189: Update affine_registration to clarify returns and make them consistent with docstring
PR #3176: ENH: allow vol_idx in align workflow
PR #3188: ENH: Add pre-commit to project dev dependencies
PR #3183: ENH: Specify the solver for the MAP-MRI positivity constraint test
PR #3184: STYLE: Sort import statements using ruff
PR #3181: [PEP8] fix pep8 and docstring style in file
PR #3177: Loading Peaks faster with complete range and synchronization functionality.
PR #3180: BF: Fix bug in mode for isotropic tensors
PR #3172: [ENH] Enable range for dipy_median_otsu workflow
PR #3171: Clean up for tabs and tab manager
PR #3168: Feature/peaks tab revamp
PR #3128: NF: Fibonacci Hemisphere
PR #3153: ENH: add save peaks to dipy_fit_dti, dki
PR #3156: ENH: Implement NDC from Yeh2019
PR #3161: DOC: Fix tri parameter docstring in viz.projections.sph_project
PR #3163: STYLE: Make fury and matplotlib presence message in test consistent
PR #3162: ENH: Fix variable potentially being referenced before assignment
PR #3144: ROI tab revamped
PR #2982: [FIX] Force the use of pre-wheels
PR #3134: Feature/cluster revamp
PR #3146: [NF] Add 30 Bundle brain atlas fetcher
PR #3150: BUG: Fix bug with nightly wheel build
PR #3149: ENH: Miscellaneous cleanup
PR #3148: ENH: Fix HDF5 key warning when saving BUAN profile data
PR #3138: [CI] update CI’s script
PR #3126: Bugfix for ROI images updates
PR #3141: ENH: Fix miscellaneous warnings
PR #3139: BF: Removing Error/Warning from Tensorflow 2.16
PR #3132: BF: Removed allow_break
PR #3135: DOC: Fix documentation URLs
PR #3133: grg-sphinx-theme added as dependency
PR #3127: Feature/viz interface tutorials
PR #3120: DOC - Removed unnecessary line from tracking example
PR #3110: Viz cli tutorial updated
PR #3086: [RF] Fix spherical harmonic terminology swap
PR #3095: [UPCOMING] Release preparation for 1.9.0
Issues (258):
#3420: CI: define output path for coverage
#3415: tests: leave no trace behind
#3417: MAINT: Address changes to API with new (1.6) version of cvxpy.
#3414: Bump codecov/codecov-action from 4 to 5 in the actions group
#2469: Error in patch2self for single-slice data
#3412: BF: Fixing single-slice data error in Patch2Self
#1531: Test suite fails with errors regarding the ConvexHull of scipy.spatial.qhull objects
#3409: [RF] Cleanup deprecated functions and remove some old legacy scripts
#3410: radial_scale parameter of actor.odf_slicer has some issues
#3407: CI: unpin cvxpy
#3030: I do not see a way to change step as used by
#3408: RF: fix step argument in DTI NLLS model
#3361: Exporting and importing SymmetricDiffeomorphicRegistration outputs
#3402: DOC: Add Exporting and importing Mapping field information in recipes and registration tutorial
#3170: Iteratively reweighted least squares for robust fitting
#3358: robust algorithm REBASE
#3403: Robust split idea rebase tidy
#3115: Fix get_info for release package
#3404: RF: Improve and Simplify version management
#3401: Robust split idea rebase arokem
#3395: RF: Refactor nn module and deprecate tensorflow module
#1957: niftis2pam, pam2niftis Workflow
#3396: DOC: Adopt sphinxcontrib-bibtex for reconst model list refs
#3399: STYLE: Remove empty quoted paragraph in developer guide index
#3398: DOC: Improve first interaction GitHub Actions config file
#2826: [ENH] Compute fiber density and fiber spread from ODF using Bingham distributions
#3169: [RF] Add peaks generation to reconst workflows
#3303: NF: Patch2Self3
#3392: [WIP] NF: Adding pytorch versions
#3368: [NF] DAM implementation for tissue classification using DMRI signal properties.
#3389: Single tensor tutorial - hard to find
#3390: DOC: Update DTI tutorial title
#3391: STYLE: removing pep8speaks conf file in favor of pre-commit action
#3393: RF: fix API generation
#3387: DOC: Add first interaction GHA workflow file
#3386: DOC: Update the CI tool to GHA in CONTRIBUTING file
#3384: BF: Updated non_local_means
#3285: Awkward interaction of dipy.denoise.non_local_means.non_local_means and dipy.denoise.noise_estimate.estimate_sigma
#3140: NF: Adding correct_mask to median_otsu
#3345: DOC: Skip element in documentation generation
#3372: BugFix: New Atlas OMM not working with Horizon
#2757: Use for loop when num_processes=1 in gibbs_removal()
#3381: RF: Add support for sequential processing in Gibbs unringing
#3380: ensure all calls to a python executable are to python3
#3376: DOC: Use placeholder for unused variable in streamline_tools
#3373: DOC: Consider warnings as errors in documentation CI build
#3379: DOC: Remove example files labels
#3374: DOC: Remove tracking_introduction_eudx from quick start
#3347: Reconstruction model list not linked in documentation since it cannot be located
#3378: doc: Link reconstruction model list to multiple pages
#2665: DOC: Improve the CLI documentation rendering
#3377: DOC: Miscellaneous improvements to PeakActor docstring
#3375: DOC: Reference footnote in streamline_tools
#3326: Avoid Sphinx warnings from inherited third-party method documentation
#3348: DOC: Address remaining some warnings
#3349: DOC: Fix footbibliography-related errors in workflow help doc
#3370: dipy_buan_profiles CLI IndexError
#3369: ci: Bump scientific-python/upload-nightly-action from 0.6.0 to 0.6.1
#3367: Bump scientific-python/upload-nightly-action from 0.5.0 to 0.6.0 in the actions group
#3366: DOC: Make rng optional parameter docstrings consistent
#3248: [NF] Multicompartment DWI simulation technique implementation
#3365: DOC: Fix some cites.
#3363: Avoid SyntaxWarnings due to embedded LaTeX
#2886: Little-endian buffer not supported on big-endian compiler
#3356: BF: fix s390x compatibility
#3360: DOC: Remove unnecessary leading whitespace in rst doc paragraph
#3357: FIX: remove keyword only warning on examples (part2)
#3343: BF Fixing transformation function
#3355: FIX: missing keyword only arguments on example
#2143: Build template CLI
#3221: Updating BundleWarp default value of alpha
#3286: BF: Allow passing kwargs in fit method, by moving parallelization kwargs elsewhere
#3323: BF: Allow passing kwargs in fit method, by moving parallelization kwargs elsewhere, including PEP 3102
#3351: DOC: Fix miscellaneous documentation build warnings (part 3)
#3306: NF: Update to examples
#3292: Python 3.13: TypeError: cannot remove variables from FrameLocalsProxy in tests
#3293: BF: Fix attempting to delete frame local symbol table variable
#3257: NF: Applying Decorators in Module (Reconst)
#3254: NF: Applying Decorators in Module (Direction)
#3317: DOC: Miscellaneous documentation improvements
#3350: DOC: Do not use the scale option for URL-based images
#3344: DOC: Fix miscellaneous documentation build warnings (part 2)
#3346: RF: Removal of keyword form Cython files
#2394: Documentation References - Remove (1, 2, …)
#3341: DOC: Host MNI template note references in references file
#3333: RF: Decorator fix
#3335: RF: Allow parallel processing for sphinx extension
#3342: RF: Doctest warnings
#3337: DOC: Fix miscellaneous documentation build warnings
#3338: DOC: Cite examples references using sphinxcontrib-bibtex
#3319: DOC: Use references bibliography file for DIPY citation file
#3321: BF: Set the superclass fit_method param value to the one provided
#3339: BUG: Bug with params
#3324: RF: Refactored for keyword arguments
#3340: CI: pin cvxpy to 1.4.4 until 1.5.x issues are solved
#3316: DOC: Cite code base references using sphinxcontrib-bibtex
#3332: BF: Set the Diso parameter value to the one provided
#3325: DOC: Fix warnings related to displayed math expressions
#3331: DOC: Miscellaneous documentation improvements (part 3)
#3329: STYLE: Use a leading underscore to name private methods
#3330: DOC: Do not use unfinished double backticks
#3320: DOC: Miscellaneous documentation improvements (part 2)
#3318: RF: Remove unused parameters from method signature
#3310: DOC: Cite nn references through sphinxcontrib-bibtex
#3315: RF: remove legacy numpydoc
#1026: Multprocessing the multivoxel fit
#2810: [DOC] introducing sphinxcontrib-Bibtex to improve reference management
#3312: DOC: Use misc for other types of BibTeX entries
#3309: DOC: Miscellaneous doc formatting fixes (part 4)
#3308: DOC: Rework the BibTeX bibliography file
#3223: Remove`sagital` from de codespell ignore list .
#3275: FIX: remove sagital from codespellrc ignore list .
#3298: Inaccurate docstring in omp.pyx::determine_num_threads
#3304: DOC: Miscellaneous doc formatting fixes (part 3)
#3305: How to apply NODDI sequence in dipy
#3295: ENH: Add a GHA workflow file to build docs
#3056: [WIP][RF] Use lazy loading
#3302: DOC: Miscellaneous doc formatting fixes (part 2)
#3301: FIX: explicit keyword argument for Horizon
#3231: Coverage build failing on and off in to a numpy-related statement
#3297: DOC: Miscellaneous doc formatting fixes
#3300: BF: Title Fix
#3299: Numpy compatibility issue
#3291: FIX: nightly wheels for macOS arm64
#3262: NF: Applying Decorators in Module (Visualization)
#3263: NF: Applying Decorators in Module (Workflow)
#3283: BUG: Gradient table requires at least 2 orientations
#3287: NF: Add __len__ to GradientTable
#3282: Define
?#3260: NF: Applying Decorators in Module (Tracking)
#3256: NF: Applying Decorators in Module (NeuralNetwork)
#3258: NF: Applying Decorators in Module (Segment)
#3249: NF: Applying Decorators in Module (Align)
#3251: NF: Applying Decorators in Module (Core)
#3279: FIX: Explicit type origin for long to solve the cython error during compilation
#3242: Broken source installation
#3259: NF: Applying Decorators in Module (Sims)
#3252: NF: Applying Decorators in Module (Denoise)
#3280: numpy.core.multiarray failed when importing (dipy.tracking.streamlinespeed)
#3261: NF: Applying Decorators in Module (Utils)
#3255: NF: Applying Decorators in Module (Io)
#3253: NF: Applying Decorators in Module (Data)
#3233: STYLE: Set stacklevel argument explicitly to warning messages
#3277: can’t find dipy_buan_profiles!!!
#3029: Migrating to Keyword Only arguments (PEP 3102)
#3239: NF: Decorator for keyword-only argument
#2593: Embed parallelization into the multi_voxel_fit decorator.
#3274: RF: Update pyproject.toml for numpy 2.0
#3265: NumPy 2.0 incompatibility
#3266: NF: Call cnp.import_array() explicitly to use the NumPy C API
#3273: STYLE: Make statement dwell on a single line
#3236: Allow interp_rbf to accept tensor-valued spherical functions
#3237: Add support for tensor-valued spherical functions in interp_rbf
#3245: RF: Switch from using sparse *_matrix to *_array.
#3267: STYLE: Avoid deprecated NumPy types and methods for NumPy 2.0 compat
#3264: TEST: avoid direct comparison of floating point numbers
#3268: STYLE: Prefer using np.asarray to avoid copy while creating an array
#3271: RF: Do not use np.any for checking optional array parameters
#3243: Create DiffeomorphicMap object with saved nifti forward warp data
#3250: DOC: Fix param order
#3269: STYLE: Prefer using isin over in1d
#3238: NF - add affine to peaks_from_position
#3247: STYLE: Add imported symbols to __all__ in direction module
#3246: STYLE: Import explicitly direction.peaks symbols
#3241: RF: Codespell fix for CI
#3228: STYLE: Fix unused loop control variable warning
#3235: STYLE: Do not allow running unintended modules as scripts
#3230: STYLE: Fix function definition loop variable binding warning
#3232: STYLE: Simplify implicitly concatenated strings
#3229: STYLE: Prefer using f-strings
#3224: BF: Rewrite list creation as list() instead of []
#3216: STYLE: Format code using ruff
#3175: Tract profiles in afq example look all wrong
#3178: DOC: Fixes the AFQ tract profile tutorial.
#3218: STYLE: Fix codespell issues
#3209: [CI] Move filterwarnings from pyproject to conftest
#3220: [RF] from os.fork to spawn for multiprocessing
#3214: RF - remove buffer argument in pmf_gen.get_pmf_value(.)
#3196: Enhancing Gradient Approximation in DTI Tests #3155
#3203: [WIP][CI] warning as error at compilation level
#3219: [ENH] Prefer CLARABEL over ECOS as the CVXPY solver
#3165: 1.9.0 system test failures
#3215: tests: correct module-level setup
#3217: ENH: Prefer CLARABEL over ECOS as the CVXPY solver
#3211: [RF] PMF Gen: from memoryview to pointer
#3210: Python 3.13: Fix tests for next Python release
#3212: STYLE: Relocate pre-commit and ruff packages to style requirements
#3205: BF: Declare variables holding integers as cnp.npy_intp over double
#3174: NF - initial directions from seed positions
#3207: DOC: Fix Cython method parameter type description
#3206: BF: Use cnp.npy_intp instead of int as counter
#3204: DOC: Fix documentation typos
#3208: BF: Cast operation explicitly to cnp.npy_intp in denoising Cython
#3202: [TEST] Add flag to turn warnings into errors for pytest
#3201: TEST: Turn warnings into errors when calling pytest in CI testing
#3158: ENH: Remove filtering UserWarning warnings in test config file
#3200: Check relevant warnings raised (DO NOT MERGE)
#2299: NF: Add array parsing capabilities to the CLIs
#2880: improve test_io_fetch_fetcher_datanames
#3194: MAINT: fix warning
#3199: Bump pre-commit/action from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 in the actions group
#3182: [NF] Add DiSCo challenge data fetcher
#3197: ENH: Fix miscellaneous warnings in dki reconstruction module
#3198: ENH: Ensure that arccos argument is in the [-1,1] range
#3186: Update trilinear_interpolate4d to accept float and double
#3191: [RF] allow float and double for trilinear_interpolate4d_c
#3151: DKI Updates: (new radial tensor kurtosis metric, updated documentation and missing tests)
#3185: Improve consistency of affine_registration docstring
#3189: Update affine_registration to clarify returns and make them consistent with docstring
#3187: Setting Legacy=True SH basis is not possible for SH models
#3176: ENH: allow vol_idx in align workflow
#3188: ENH: Add pre-commit to project dev dependencies
#3183: ENH: Specify the solver for the MAP-MRI positivity constraint test
#3184: STYLE: Sort import statements using ruff
#3181: [PEP8] fix pep8 and docstring style in file
#3177: Loading Peaks faster with complete range and synchronization functionality.
#3145: dki_fit errors from divide by zero
#3180: BF: Fix bug in mode for isotropic tensors
#3172: [ENH] Enable range for dipy_median_otsu workflow
#3171: Clean up for tabs and tab manager
#2796: Tract profiles in the afq_profile example look terrible
#1985: Something is wonky with the AFQ tracts profile example
#3168: Feature/peaks tab revamp
#2036: [WIP] NF - Add Closest Peak direction getter from peaks array
#3128: NF: Fibonacci Hemisphere
#3122: Add peaks_from_model to dipy_fit_dti CLI
#3153: ENH: add save peaks to dipy_fit_dti, dki
#3113: [FIX] Nlmeans Algorithm Enhancement #2950
#3111: Add support for sequential processing in Gibbs unringing #2757
#3154: ENH: Add neighboring DWI correlation QC metric
#3156: ENH: Implement NDC from Yeh2019
#3161: DOC: Fix tri parameter docstring in viz.projections.sph_project
#3163: STYLE: Make fury and matplotlib presence message in test consistent
#3162: ENH: Fix variable potentially being referenced before assignment
#3144: ROI tab revamped
#2982: [FIX] Force the use of pre-wheels
#3134: Feature/cluster revamp
#3146: [NF] Add 30 Bundle brain atlas fetcher
#3150: BUG: Fix bug with nightly wheel build
#3149: ENH: Miscellaneous cleanup
#3148: ENH: Fix HDF5 key warning when saving BUAN profile data
#3138: [CI] update CI’s script
#3142: Horizon slider does not show proper 0-1 range images such as FA
#3126: Bugfix for ROI images updates
#3141: ENH: Fix miscellaneous warnings
#3139: BF: Removing Error/Warning from Tensorflow 2.16
#3096: TissueClassifierHMRF has some argument logic error
#3132: BF: Removed allow_break
#3136: conversion of cudipy.align.imwarp.DiffeomorphicMap to dipy.align.imwarp.DiffeomorphicMap
#3135: DOC: Fix documentation URLs
#3133: grg-sphinx-theme added as dependency
#3127: Feature/viz interface tutorials
#3120: DOC - Removed unnecessary line from tracking example
#3116: diffusion gradient nonlinearity correction
#3110: Viz cli tutorial updated
#2970: spherical harmonic degree/order terminology swapped
#3086: [RF] Fix spherical harmonic terminology swap
#3095: [UPCOMING] Release preparation for 1.9.0