MultiTensor Simulation#

In this example we show how someone can simulate the signal and the ODF of a single voxel using a MultiTensor.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from dipy.core.gradients import gradient_table
from dipy.core.sphere import HemiSphere, disperse_charges
from import get_sphere
from dipy.sims.voxel import multi_tensor, multi_tensor_odf
from dipy.viz import actor, window

For the simulation we will need a GradientTable with the b-values and b-vectors. To create one, we can first create some random points on a HemiSphere using spherical polar coordinates.

rng = np.random.default_rng()

n_pts = 64
theta = np.pi * rng.random(size=n_pts)
phi = 2 * np.pi * rng.random(size=n_pts)
hsph_initial = HemiSphere(theta=theta, phi=phi)

Next, we call disperse_charges which will iteratively move the points so that the electrostatic potential energy is minimized.

We need two stacks of vertices, one for every shell, and we need two sets of b-values, one at 1000 \(s/mm^2\), and one at 2500 \(s/mm^2\), as we discussed previously.

vertices = hsph_updated.vertices
values = np.ones(vertices.shape[0])

bvecs = np.vstack((vertices, vertices))
bvals = np.hstack((1000 * values, 2500 * values))

We can also add some b0s. Let’s add one at the beginning and one at the end.

bvecs = np.insert(bvecs, (0, bvecs.shape[0]), np.array([0, 0, 0]), axis=0)
bvals = np.insert(bvals, (0, bvals.shape[0]), 0)

Let’s now create the GradientTable.

gtab = gradient_table(bvals, bvecs=bvecs)

In mevals we save the eigenvalues of each tensor.

mevals = np.array([[0.0015, 0.0003, 0.0003], [0.0015, 0.0003, 0.0003]])

In angles we save in polar coordinates (\(\theta, \phi\)) the principal axis of each tensor.

angles = [(0, 0), (60, 0)]

In fractions we save the percentage of the contribution of each tensor.

fractions = [50, 50]

The function multi_tensor will return the simulated signal and an array with the principal axes of the tensors in cartesian coordinates.

signal, sticks = multi_tensor(
    gtab, mevals, S0=100, angles=angles, fractions=fractions, snr=None

We can also add Rician noise with a specific SNR.

signal_noisy, sticks = multi_tensor(
    gtab, mevals, S0=100, angles=angles, fractions=fractions, snr=20

plt.plot(signal, label="noiseless")

plt.plot(signal_noisy, label="with noise")
plt.savefig("simulated_signal.png", bbox_inches="tight")
simulate multi tensor

Simulated MultiTensor signal

For the ODF simulation we will need a sphere. Because we are interested in a simulation of only a single voxel, we can use a sphere with very high resolution. We generate that by subdividing the triangles of one of DIPY’s cached spheres, which we can read in the following way.

sphere = get_sphere(name="repulsion724")
sphere = sphere.subdivide(n=2)

odf = multi_tensor_odf(sphere.vertices, mevals, angles, fractions)

# Enables/disables interactive visualization
interactive = False

scene = window.Scene()

odf_actor = actor.odf_slicer(odf[None, None, None, :], sphere=sphere, colormap="plasma")


print("Saving illustration as multi_tensor_simulation")
window.record(scene=scene, out_path="multi_tensor_simulation.png", size=(300, 300))
if interactive:
simulate multi tensor
Saving illustration as multi_tensor_simulation

Simulating a MultiTensor ODF.

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 1.572 seconds)

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery