

dipy_align_affine [OPTIONS] static_image_files moving_image_files

Input Parameters#

  • static_image_files

    Path to the static image file.

  • moving_image_files

    Path to the moving image file.

General Options#

  • --transform

    'com': center of mass; 'trans': translation; 'rigid': rigid body; 'rigid_isoscaling': rigid body + isotropic scaling, 'rigid_scaling': rigid body + scaling; 'affine': full affine including translation, rotation, shearing and scaling. (default: affine)

  • --nbins

    Number of bins to discretize the joint and marginal PDF. (default: 32)

  • --sampling_prop

    Number ([0-100]) of voxels for calculating the PDF. None implies all voxels. (default: None)

  • --metric

    Similarity metric for gathering mutual information. (default: mi)

  • --level_iters

    The number of iterations at each scale of the scale space. level_iters[0] corresponds to the coarsest scale, level_iters[-1] the finest, where n is the length of the sequence. (default: (10000, 1000, 100))

  • --sigmas

    Custom smoothing parameter to build the scale space (one parameter for each scale). (default: (3.0, 1.0, 0.0))

  • --factors

    Custom scale factors to build the scale space (one factor for each scale). (default: (4, 2, 1))

  • --progressive

    Enable/Disable the progressive registration. (default: True)

  • --save_metric

    If true, quality assessment metric are saved in ‘quality_metric.txt’. (default: False)

  • --static_vol_idx

    1D array representing indices of axis=-1 of a 4D static input volume. From the command line use something like 3 4 5 6. From script use something like [3, 4, 5, 6]. This input is required for 4D volumes. (default: None)

  • --moving_vol_idx

    1D array representing indices of axis=-1 of a 4D moving input volume. From the command line use something like 3 4 5 6. From script use something like [3, 4, 5, 6]. This input is required for 4D volumes. (default: None)

Output Options#

  • --out_dir

    Directory to save the transformed image and the affine matrix (default: current directory)

  • --out_moved

    Name for the saved transformed image. (default: moved.nii.gz)

  • --out_affine

    Name for the saved affine matrix. (default: affine.txt)

  • --out_quality

    Name of the file containing the saved quality metric. (default: quality_metric.txt)


Garyfallidis, E., M. Brett, B. Amirbekian, A. Rokem, S. Van Der Walt, M. Descoteaux, and I. Nimmo-Smith. Dipy, a library for the analysis of diffusion MRI data. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 1-18, 2014.