Concatenate multiple tractograms into one.
dipy_concatenate_tractograms [OPTIONS] tractogram_list
Input Parameters#
The stateful tractogram filenames to concatenate
General Options#
Reference anatomy for tck/vtk/fib/dpy file. support (.nii or .nii.gz).
Delete dpv keys that do not exist in all the provided TrxFiles
Delete dps keys that do not exist in all the provided TrxFile
Delete all the groups that currently exist in the TrxFiles
Verify that dimensions and size of data are similar between all the TrxFiles
Preallocated TrxFile has already been generated and is the first element in trx_list (Note: delete_groups must be set to True as well)
Output Options#
Output directory. (default current directory)
Extension of the resulting tractogram
Name of the resulting tractogram
Garyfallidis, E., M. Brett, B. Amirbekian, A. Rokem, S. Van Der Walt, M. Descoteaux, and I. Nimmo-Smith. Dipy, a library for the analysis of diffusion MRI data. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 1-18, 2014.