Workflow for Particle Filtering Tracking.
This workflow uses a saved peaks and metrics (PAM) file as input. See [1] for further details about the method.
dipy_track_pft [OPTIONS] pam_files wm_files gm_files csf_files seeding_files
Input Parameters#
- Path to the peaks and metrics files. This path may contain
wildcards to use multiple masks at once.
Path to white matter partial volume estimate for tracking (CMC).
Path to grey matter partial volume estimate for tracking (CMC).
Path to cerebrospinal fluid partial volume estimate for tracking (CMC).
A binary image showing where we need to seed for tracking.
General Options#
Step size (in mm) used for tracking. (default: 0.2)
Number of seeds per dimension inside voxel. For example, seed_density of 2 means 8 regularly distributed points in the voxel. And seed density of 1 means 1 point at the center of the voxel. (default: 1)
Threshold for ODF functions. (default: 0.1)
Maximum angle between streamline segments (range [0, 90]). (default: 20.0)
The sphere used for tracking. If None, the sphere saved in the pam_files is used. For faster tracking, use a smaller sphere (e.g. ‘repulsion200’). (default: None)
Distance in mm to back track before starting the particle filtering tractography. The total particle filtering tractography distance is equal to back_tracking_dist + front_tracking_dist. (default: 2)
Distance in mm to run the particle filtering tractography after the the back track distance. The total particle filtering tractography distance is equal to back_tracking_dist + front_tracking_dist. (default: 1)
Number of particles to use in the particle filter. (default: 15)
Maximum number of trials to run the particle filtering tractography. (default: 20)
If true, save the seeds associated to their streamline in the ‘data_per_streamline’ Tractogram dictionary using ‘seeds’ as the key. (default: False)
Minimum white matter pve (1 - stopping_criterion.include_map - stopping_criterion.exclude_map) to reach before allowing the tractography to stop. (default: 0)
Number of threads to use for the processing. By default, all available threads will be used. (default: 0)
Seed for the random number generator, must be >= 0. A value of greater than 0 will all produce the same streamline trajectory for a given seed coordinate. A value of 0 may produces various streamline tracjectories for a given seed coordinate. (default: 1)
Fraction of the seed buffer to use. A value of 1.0 will use the entire seed buffer. A value of 0.5 will use half of the seed buffer then the other half. a way to reduce memory usage. (default: 1.0)
Output Options#
Output directory. (default: current directory)
Name of the tractogram file to be saved. (default: tractogram.trk)
Garyfallidis, E., M. Brett, B. Amirbekian, A. Rokem, S. Van Der Walt, M. Descoteaux, and I. Nimmo-Smith. Dipy, a library for the analysis of diffusion MRI data. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 1-18, 2014.