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Reconstruction of the diffusion signal with the correlation tensor model (CTI)#
Correlation Tensor MRI (CTI) is a method that uses double diffusion
encoding data to resolve sources of kurtosis. It is similar to the Q-space
Trajectory Imaging method
(see Reconstruct with Q-space Trajectory Imaging (QTI))
[1]. However, in addition to the kurtosis sources
associated with diffusion variance across compartments (K_aniso
, which are related to microscopic anisotropy and the variance of the
mean diffusivities of compartments, respectively), CTI also measures K_micro.
This quantifies non-Gaussian diffusion effects that deviate from the multiple
Gaussian component tissue representation, such as restricted diffusion,
exchange, and structural disorder in compartments like cross-sectional
variance [2], [3].
Although the CorrelationTensorModel and the DiffusionKurtosisTensorFit may
share some similarities, they have significantly different representations for
the diffusion-weighted signal. This difference leads to the necessity for a
unique design matrix
specifically for CTI.
The CorrelationTensorModel expresses the diffusion-weighted signal as:
where: \(\Delta D_{ij}\) refers to the elements of the total diffusion tensor (DT) and \(W_{ijkl}\) are the elements of the total kurtosis tensor (KT) and \(D\) is the mean diffusivity and \(Q_{ij}\) are the elements of a 2nd order correlation tensor Q. \(Z_{ijkl}\) and \(S_{ijkl}\) are the elements of the 4th order displacement correlation tensors Z and S, respectively.
However it differentiates from the DiffusionKurtosis Model by calculating the different sources of kurtosis.
In the following example we show how to fit the correlation tensor model on a real life dataset and how to estimate correlation tensor based statistics.
First, we’ll import all relevant modules.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from dipy.core.gradients import gradient_table
from import get_fnames
from import read_bvals_bvecs
from import load_nifti
import dipy.reconst.cti as cti
For CTI analysis, data must be acquired using double diffusion encoding, taking into account different pairs of b-values and gradient directions between the two diffusion epochs, as discussed by Henriques et al. in Magn Reson Med 2021 [NetoHe2021]._ To run CTI we need to have separate b-value and b-vector files for each DDE diffusion epoch. In this tutorial, a sample DDE dataset and respective b-value and b-vector files for the two epochs are fetched. If you want to process your own DDE data compatible with CTI, you will have to change the below lines of code to add the paths of your data. The users should also ensure that the data is formatted correctly for the CTI analysis they are performing.
In this example, the function load_nifti is used to load the CTI data saved
in filefdata and returns the data as a nibabel Nifti1Image object along with
the affine transformation. The b-values and b-vectors for two different
gradient tables are loaded from bvals1.bval
and bvec1.bvec
, and
and bvec2.bvec
, respectively, using the
function. For CTI reconstruction in DIPY, we need to
define the b-values and b-vectors for each diffusion epoch in separate
gradient tables, as done in the above line of code.
gtab1 = gradient_table(bvals1, bvecs=bvecs1)
gtab2 = gradient_table(bvals2, bvecs=bvecs2)
Before fitting the data, we perform some data pre-processing. We first compute a brain mask to avoid unnecessary calculations on the background of the image.
mask, mask_affine = load_nifti(fmask)
Now that we’ve loaded the data and generated the two gradient tables we can go forward with CTI fitting. For this, the CTI model is first defined for GradientTable objects gtab1 and gtab2 by instantiating the CorrelationTensorModel object in the following way:
To fit the data using the defined model object, we call the fit function of this object.
ctifit =, mask=mask)
The fit method for the CTI model produces a CorrelationTensorFit object, which contains the attributes of both the DKI and DTI models. Given that CTI is a built upon DKI, which itself extends the DTI model, the CorrelationTensorFit instance captures a comprehensive set of parameters and attributes from these underlying models.
For instance, the CTI model inherently estimates all DTI and DKI statistics, such as mean, axial, and radial diffusivities (MD, AD, RD) as well as the mean, axial, and radial kurtosis (MK, AK, RK). To better illustrate the extraction of main DTI/DKI parameters using the CTI model, consider the following lines of code:
However, in addition to these metrics, CTI also provides unique sources of information, not available in DTI and DKI. Below we draw a feature map of the 3 different sources of kurtosis which can exclusively be calculated from the CTI model.
kiso_map = ctifit.K_iso
kaniso_map = ctifit.K_aniso
kmicro_map = ctifit.K_micro
slice_idx = 0
fig, axarr = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(15, 5))
axarr[0].imshow(kiso_map[:, :, slice_idx], cmap="gray", origin="lower", vmin=0, vmax=1)
axarr[0].set_title("Kiso Map")
kaniso_map[:, :, slice_idx], cmap="gray", origin="lower", vmin=0, vmax=1
axarr[1].set_title("Kaniso Map")
kmicro_map[:, :, slice_idx], cmap="gray", origin="lower", vmin=0, vmax=1
axarr[2].set_title("Kmicro Map")
Total running time of the script: (1 minutes 21.956 seconds)